Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
do not own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters; they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^V.

This is a one-shot of how Chase and Jack’s daughter Jade was born ^_^ hope u like.
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The Xiaolin Temple’s serene beauty may have been man-made, but it blended peacefully with the surrounding nature. Its weather worn walls, which have been through countless battles before it was even fully erect stood proudly and strong to protect those within its womb. Like many seemlier shrines in China this one was a school to train the mind, body, and soul. Founded by the first Xiaolin Dragon Warriors to train future Dragons to fight the dark evil of the Heylin and has been so for the last 1500 years.

The little black jeep drove up the twisting dirt path, bouncing every once in awhile until the temple loomed into view as the path grew smoother. The dust covered jeep pulled up before the temple stone steps, which lead into an rounded-arch-entrance. No sooner had the vehicle slowed to a stop an elderly monk stepped into the archway from the temple garden.

A moment or so past before the diver-side door opened to reveal a young man in his early twenties. He wore a black-short-sleeve T-shirt with yellow words across the chest saying


Dark sunglasses shielded his eyes from the noon day sun, his long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and tied off at the nape as he bend slightly to help someone out of the backseat.

A minute later the young man and two little boy’s no older than six stood before the monk.

“Boy’s.” Said Jack as he placed his hands gently in the middle of their backs. “This is Master Fung, he and the others monks will be watching you two while daddy is a way.”

“Hello Master Fung, it is an honor to meet you.” the boy’s said in unions as if they practice the greeting before coming to the temple. Jack gave them a little nudge and whispered “bow,” which they did.

Master Fung chuckled softly while he bowed in return “it is an honor as well young ones.”

Master Fung showed the twins where they will be sleeping, eating, and training with the other monks. The twins didn‘t venture more than a arm’s length from Jack’s side as they toured the grounds.

The tour ended an hour or later,

They were headed back to the main shrine when a small monk flipped into their path.

“Jack Spicer.”


Both young men glared at each other until Jia-Li stepped in between them.

“You must be, Omi, Xiaolin Dragon of Water.” he said softly as he bowed “my father spoke much of you and it is an honor to finally meet you.” remaining in his bow for several more minutes before returning to Jack’s side.

Omi was shocked, but recovered quickly from it.

“These can not be the same children that were born here?” he said with a slight smile “they are far to big to be the babies I held.” he watched as the twins eyes grew big while a huge grin grew across Jaxith’s face.

“Daddy,” said Jaxith as he pulled on Jack’s pant-leg “were we really born here?”

Jack smiled down at his son and nodded. Quick as a flash the twins surrounded Omi and began talking his ear off…well Jaxith did most of the talking while Jia-Li tried to play-fight him.

Soon all the monks gathered around the twins as Jack watched from the sidelines his hands resting gently on his swollen belly.

“So, when are you do?”

Startled Jack almost screamed but held it back when he saw it was only Kimiko, who he noticed was very pregnant, much like himself.

“Soon, I’m going for a cesarean.” he lowered his head and rubbed his belly lovingly “that’s why I brought the twins here before I go to the Hospital.”

“Why here? And why not with Chase or your parents?”

“The temple is the only the place I know that’s save for them and my parents are away this week and well, you know how Chase is.”

* * *

Later that night in St. Suoh Hospital.

It felt like an eternity of just laying there numb from the stomach down, but thank God the nurses pumped him with so much pain killer that all he felt was annoying pressure from the doctor messing around with his insides. Jack couldn’t see what was going on beyond the pale green sheet wall they put up above his chest.

Jack shook from the cold air entering his body from the cesarean section as tears streamed down his cheeks. He was all lone like last time and it broke his heart that Chase wasn’t here to help him through it.

“Everything’s going to be alright.” said a near by nurse as she wiped his tears away, suddenly there was a crash outside the deliver room doors followed by muffled voices of people arguing.

“Please sir you can’t go in there like that.”

“I do what I please insect.” said Chase as he burst opened the doors and made his way to Jack’s side. The nurse quickly moved out of the Warlord’s way as he cradled Jack’s tube-riddled hand in his.

“Chase,” he wept “you came.”

Chase’s face remained emotionless, but his golden eyes softened.

A moment later a cry pierced the tense silence.

“It’s a healthy baby girl.” cheered the Doctor as he cleared her nose and mouth to help her breath better.

“Can I see her?” asked Jack. A small group of nurses cleaned and wrapped the baby before placing her in Jack’s arms. “She’s beautiful,” wept Jack as his fingertips glided over the wisp of dark hair “oh so beautiful, isn’t she Chase?” looking up at him to see Chase’s eyes water slightly.

Suddenly Jack’s smile fell and the machines around him began beeping like crazy.

“He’s hemerging!” yelled the doctor and everything went black.

* * *

Jack awoke in a haze of dulled pain throbbing throughout his body, the world surrounding him was a blurry, warped cream color. Jack blinked several times until his vision cleared to see the ceiling of the St. Suoh Hospital came into focus.

Jack noticed a pitcher and tried to reach for it when it was suddenly taken from his reach. Looking up Jack blinked dumbly as he watched Chase silently pour the water into a cup, and place the pitcher down. Spicer blinked several more times trying to figure out whether this was a dream or not as Chase gently lifted his head and held the rim of the cup to his dry lips. When he had his fill Young placed the cup back beside the pitcher and laid his head back down on the pillow.

“Thanks,” His voice was slightly raspy as the Warlord took a seat beside the bed when it dawned on him. “Where‘s the baby?” on cue a nurse rolled a bassinet into the room followed by his doctor.

“Your awake,” he smiled “that’s good.” pulling out his stethoscope while the nurse rolled the clear bassinet near bed and left.

“How long have I been out?” asked Jack while the doctor checked his heart and the heart-monitor, his iv, and scar tissue on his lower belly.

“You’ve been in a coma for half a month.” he said nonchalantly as he scribbled something in Jack’s chart. Jack’s eyes widen and his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

“W-what happened?”

“You were hemerging very badly we almost lost you,” he said calmly placing the chart back “we found the course of it as quickly as we could.” the doctor paused and took a deep breath before continuing “Mr. Spicer, in order to save your life we had to remove what was left of your uterus and your ovary had died from the stress so that was removed as well.” the doctor placed his hand gently on Jack’s shoulder “I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to carry or bare any more children…you‘re completely male now.”

Jack was so shocked he didn’t notice the doctor leave, after a short moment it finally sank in. Jack’s scarlet eyes filled with tears as his heart shattered. Suddenly something soft and warm was placed in his arms Spicer watched as Chase silently placed Jack’s hands about the baby his tears spilled forth as he held their daughter knowing painfully he won’t have anymore.

Young ran his fingers through Jack’s hair combing it back and kissing his forehead sweetly.

“You’ve done well, Spicer.”

A.N. I know sad T~T but chase was being nice ^_^ the saying on Jack’s shirt is from Mythbusters