Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
don’t own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters, they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^V.

This is a spin off from the alternate ending of a chase and jack fic ^_^ this takes place a month and a half later and oh boy is Jack mad.

Hate and pride flashes from his golden gaze as a cold smirk graces his mask of evil, which hides his saddened past and lonely present. A beast instead of a soul dwells within him…what could warm the cold hearted Dragon and bring peace to the man.
Born weak of body, but strong of mind, his sad scarlet eyes searches but all he finds is pity, hate, and pain…who could care for a broken child and make him feel wanted.
___________________________________________________ _______________

.~. Deep Persuasion .~.

From whence comes forth the melody whispering love to piercing eyes dreams sprinkled with stardust are hidden in her sighs.

He yearns to hear the winsome song amidst the bittersweet refrain but furrowed scorn upon his brow recalls ashes in the rain.

Come closer, bids persuasion turn not from tender woes these anguished depths of yearning will move the tempered soul.

Magnificent the union of hearts in deep embrace the bonding of two souls which time cannot ease.

.~. linda Ware .~.


The day was bright despite the cool grey horizon hiding the sun from view, the unseen sunlight giving the snow that covered the Spicer estate an eerie heavenly glow.

The manor was calm say for a few Jack-bots floating about putting up lights and decorations while inside Jack Spicer went about hanging holly over every doorway and archway. Red and green lights twinkling away like little fairies playing tag all over the place giving the Spicer home a warm Christmas feel.

Jack balanced carefully on the wooden stool as he stretched his arms high above his head to place the gold and sliver star on top of the pine tree. Jack stepped closer to the tree trying not to knock the ornaments off while settling the star carefully on the full pine.

Slowly the long hem of his red and gold Christmas cheongsam, which he had tucked into the waistband of his black silk pants before climbing on to the stool slipped unnoticed and fluttered down about his feet.

The silk was like ice beneath him as he stepped on it causing himself to teeter on the already unsteady seat. Jack instinctively began flailing his arms to balance himself, but it was no use he felt himself tilt backwards his lasts thoughts were he hoped he fall on something soft. But the pain of the fall never came Jack slowly cracked open one of his eyes only to snap them both open in shock as Chase Young lowered him on to his feet.

“What are you doing here.” demanded Jack, crossing his silk clad arms over his chest as he tried not to blush. Chase said not a word noticeable letting his golden gaze follow the flow of the silk liking how the material hugged the teen’s body when the goth moved away from his admiring eyes a bright red coloring the young man‘s pale face.

“Get out, Chase.” snarled Jack as he picked up an empty ornament box and tossed it into a clear plastic tote labeled ‘X-mass stuff’ on his way out of the room. “I don‘t want you here.” he shouted from the hallway.

Chase lingered in the parlor a moment longer before following after the angry teenager.

Jack climbed the winding staircase angrily when he felt something watching him, turning slightly Jack saw the Warlord strutting down the hall. Jack’s eyes instantly began following the cat like sway of the ancient warrior’s body as Chase made his way toward him. Spicer quickly looked away in a false ‘feh’ as a bright blush burned across his cheeks when the immortal caught him staring and began climbing the steps as well.

“I told you to leave. And quit following me.” he declared as he stomped the rest of the way up.

The Dragon did not heed its chosen’s words and continued to stalk its wayward mate.

Young’s eyes hungrily watched the teasing sway of the youth’s firm backside wanting nothing more then to squeeze those pale mounds in his hands. Suddenly the object of his desire disappeared into a near by room.

* * *

Jack knew Chase was still behind him when he dashed into this room and hoping the Warlord did not follow.

The light from the hall plunged the room into semi-darkness as he made his way toward a small lamp and clicked it on, the little lamp-shade began to rotate throwing moons and stars along the walls as it moved. The scent of baby powder and desitin filled his nose as he silently made his way toward the crib and looked inside to see his little ones curled snuggly together, a smile tugging at his lips as the sleeping twins unknowingly made a ying-yang sign.

It felt like only yesterday he was giving birth to them. Jack’s smile fell as the memory of his own death flashed before his minds eye. The last thing he remembered was the pain, the thick smell of blood in the air, and the sound of his baby crying as the darkness swallowed him.

The pitch blackness pressed all around him like a vise not letting him draw a single breath. Jack heard stories of people dying and coming back saying they saw a white light…he neither saw the light nor heard the angels sing not even the devil appeared or his hellish domain.

Jack just flooded in the crushing darkness as the fear of not knowing his twins ate at him like a hundred starved rats gnawing at his insides. He’ll never see their first smile, hear their first laugh, and kiss their first booboos better, the list went on and on. The things he wanted to do with them that his own parent’s never had time for.

Jack wanted to cry, scream, and hit something all at once, he hated the injustice of it all cursing the fates with every fiber of his soul. His babies, his poor beautiful ones will grow up alone the one thing he did not want for them.

Jack thoughts wandered to his idol, the father of his children. Phantom tears spilled down his cheeks Chase did not care when they had first met nor did he care when Jack was pregnant nor will he as they grow.

“That bastard used me and tossed aside like everyone else has. And my babies will be alone.”

Jack closed his eyes and waited for the darkness to consume his soul when he felt a light touch on his lips, but it left as quickly as it came. Jack thought nothing of it when he felt it again suddenly his airless lungs filled so shocked at the feel he gasped and felt liquid fill his mouth and slide down his dry throat.

Jack snapped his eyes open and was almost blinded by sunlight as he dragged much needed oxygen into his starved lungs. He heard Omi’s voice but it was muffled like someone had stuffed cotton in his ears, his head throbbed as he tried to focus his eyes, instinctively his hand fell upon his lower belly and stiffened.

Where were his babies? Are they okay? Did the monks do something to them?


God was that his voice, he cleared his throat as best he could ignoring the tell tale taste of blood and Chase’s out stretched hand, but Young refused to be ignored and guided the youth down anyway even when Jack tried to weakly pull away from him.

“My babies? Where are they?” he forced his voice to be clear and almost wept at the sound of his little ones crying. Jack twisted his arm away from Chase’s grip and forced all his strength into walking to his babies, he saw no one but his little ones as he made his way to them.

Jack paid no mind to his mother as she hugged him all his attention was focused on his first born. Tears filled his eyes and he felt himself being lowered and his other child placed in his left arm, Jack was so happy he didn’t care about Shen Gong Wu or taking over the world all he wanted now was to stay right here forever.

Jack knew Chase was beside him and as much as he hated the warrior, Chase Young was their father. Jack turned his head and gave Chase a false smile and carefully handed the Warlord his child. Jack feared Young would drop the infant, but his mother helped right the Overlord’s hold. They were like that a for awhile simply holding them and letting them do what babies do.

After a moment or so Jack gathered his child from Chase and was helped up by the Texan.

“Thank you Clay and I‘m sorry for yelling at you, you were only trying to help.”

“It’s alright,” tipping his hat up slightly with his thumb “glad you’re back though. It wouldn’ be right for the babes to grow without their mama.” he smiled his big Texas grin causing Jack to blush. There was a low growl coming from Chase, but Jack paid no mind to it and thanked the monks for all their help and began walking out of the temple with his mother close beside him.

“And where do you think your going, Spicer.” drawled Chase just when Jack’s hand was a breath away from the car handle of his mother’s BMW.

“Home,” said Jack calmly his voice holding no emotion, but before Chase could say another word Jack continued. “Why the concern, Young. It’s not like you care, right.” opening the car door with barely contained anger. “You said it yourself, you don’t care about them.” ~ and you don’t care about me either. ~ he added mentally “but I do.” slamming the door shut and refusing to look at the ancient warrior as his mother started the car and turned it down the small dirt path.

Jack shook his head banishing the memory. He had better things to think about like placing his children’s Christmas gifts under the tree. Jack wanted to give them their best first Christmas ever.

“May I see them?” asked Chase as he stepped into the room. He had waited outside in the hall for some time letting Jack’s temper cool down.

“Why? You don’t care about them remember.” he hissed keeping his voice low so not to wake the twins. “And I told you to leave.” whispered Jack as he ran his fingertips through their hair and over their chubby cheeks, neither stirred from his touch.

After a moment Jack looked up from the crib to see Chase still standing in the doorway “Why are you still here?” growled Jack as he stormed up to the Warlord and shoved him back.

“Get out,” growled Jack through clenched teeth. “You don’t deserve to see them,” snarled the young parent as he pushed and shoved his former idol away from the nursery. Surprisingly, Chase let himself be pushed back by the angry teen letting the boy release his frustration upon the immortal‘s person.

Jack poured all his sorrow and rage out on Chase until the Warlord was pressed against a nearby wall. Tears welling up in his scarlet eyes and spilling forth while his bruising fists beat against Chase’s breast-plate.

“You,” he sobbed, his weak hits stilling as Chase looked on in indifference “don’t give a…” his raging words were silenced by Young’s lips on his.

Jack‘s lips opened beneath his to tell him off, but Chase’s cool sleek tongue immediately slid between his parted lips spreading icy fire with a mere sweep of it. When the Dragon lord’s tongue touched and toyed with his, the heat of the kiss spread far beyond his mouth. At once Jack became aware of the strong arms wrapping tightly around his waist, pressing him close against Chase’s armor covered chest. Spicer couldn’t help himself as he lifted his hand and tangle his fingers into the dark silken emerald locks and sighed.

Chase drew the youth closer urging the teen’s arm up and around his neck. All the while turning them so that Jack’s back rested against the wall and his body blanketing the youth’s shivering form. Wounding his hand into the goth ’s hair to cradle the base of the young man’s skull and slanting his mouth to deepen the kiss.

Jack ripped his abused lips away gasping for breath as the Heylin master went to work leaving open mouthed kisses down the teen’s slender neck.

“S-stop.” panted Jack, hating how his body betrayed him as his flesh burned for the immortal’s touch. “Ben ren yan wu ni (I loath you).”

Chase pulled back earning a barely hidden groan of protest from the youth’s throat. Young’s eyes glowed like freshly minted gold coins as he removed his hands from Jack’s waist and hair. Jack stiffen at the intense gaze as Chase curled his long leather clad fingers into the fine silk of Spicer’s cheongsam.

“Than hate me,” his voice a deep whisper as he yanked the fabric tearing it down the middle. “Despise me all you want.” he rasped his voice barely human rumbling from his throat.

Jack gasp as Chase roughly jerked the ruined cheongsam from his shoulders. The cool air hitting his heated skin sending shivers up and down his body. The Warlord breathed deeply taking in Spicer’s scent. The Dragon leaned in burying his nose into the cradle of flesh that met neck and shoulder. Shuddering in dread, the scar he made when they first coupled wasn‘t there. “As long that I know you’re here… ” he voice trailing in a whisper, his tone carrying a hint of lost.

After a short moment Jack raised his hands noticing how Chase tensed and tightened his hold about the young man’s waist as if Jack would push him away, but Spicer merely curled his hands about the Warlord’s neck and rested his cheek beside Chase’s.

“You do care.” whispered Jack, fearing it was a dream he braved a move he only did once with Chase. He uncurled his hands from his idol’s neck and slid them up cupping the sides of Chase’s youthful face and raised it so that their eyes were leveled with each other. Jack bit his lower lip seeing Chase’s mask of differences firmly in place as he began to move back leaving the youth cold and empty.

Before Jack could lose his nerve he quickly pulled the immortal’s head down placing a light kiss, barely a brush of their lips and shut his eyes tightly hoping it was not a dream and that Chase truly cared. A deep growl vibrated against his lips before they were taken in a bruising kiss.

* * *

Everything happened so fast from sharing a passionate kiss in the hall and the next they were in his room tearing each others clothes off like war torn lovers who finally get to be together after so long. Their impatient hands roaming over each others bodies removing the boundaries keeping their heated flesh from touching.

Jack gripped Chase’s hair and attacked Young’s lips with bruising force and biting nips greedily drawing Chase’s cool tongue into his warm mouth.

Chase slid his hand down the youth’s trembling stomach only to have it grabbed by the panting teen.

“W-we can go slow later.” pulling the Warlord’s hand away and wrapping his long legs about the older man’s waist and tugged at the Warlord’s tanned shoulders. Chase shuddered as the Dragon within him surged forward demanding to be free to claim its chosen. With a growl he roughly thrust into Jack’s waiting core causing the youth beneath him to cry out as he drove himself in as far as he could go, desperate to quench the icy fire in his blood.

Jack gasped and arched his back, squeezing his legs more tightly around Chase causing his inner walls to ripple and press around the Dragon lord’s thick member. Chase growled at the tight heat and began to thrust unmercifully into the delicate creature beneath him. Snarling when Jack raked his nails down Young’s back to grip the warrior’s backside urging the beast more with each hard thrust, rocking the teen’s body as he drove powerfully down, relentless plunging deep inside.

Jack arched his back and neck as he came in blissful pleasure, his arms and legs tightening around his idol’s body as the Overlord panted above him. The fire in Chase’s blood thicken and burned like lava in his veins, before he could stop himself he lunged forward, burying his fangs into the cradle of flesh so willing offered by the young man. Jack gasped in pain and sank his own fangs as hard as he could into Chase’s neck.

Young hissed at the slight pain as he collapsed his strength suddenly gone as his body hardily emptied his seed into the warm depths of Jack’s body. For a moment there was a slight peace that washed over Chase warming him from the inside out. Jack shuddered as warmth flooded his body it felt like a long lost part of him was finally coming together.

“Wo de (mine).”

“Yong (forever; always).”

The end

A.N. hope it wasn’t to cheesy ^_^