Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers in the Dark ❯ Rain Drops Falling ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Duo fiddled with his laptop case, pushing it away from his coat and he tried to find his keys in his pocket. The building was kept fairly warm which helped his two guests regain a bit of their natural color. The doorman had been quite perplexed when Duo approached with the unrecognizable guests. The old man was used to seeing the same faces, and knew their regular guests names. He knew “Mr. Yuy” didn't approve of bringing just anyone into the house, but he smiled and greeted Tsuzuki and Hisoka warmly as he was suppose to. Duo found the key with an `Aha!' and promptly unlocked the door and threw it open in his usual manner, exclaiming to the whole house that he was home.
“Honey, I'm home! And I've brought guests!”
Heero leaned into the hallway, a chocolate brown raised and a hand towel thrown over his shoulder. There was spicy aroma coming from the kitchen and the condo was quite toasty compared to the rest of the building.
“Guests, ne? I'm sure I made enough, for guests. Did Sally throw Wufei out again?” Heero spoke before he caught sight of Tsuzuki and Hisoka. He blinked, glancing at Duo with a questioning look.
“This is Tsuzuki and Hisoka. I tripped over Tsuzuki here in the park on my way back from the office. They looked positively freezing, and felt bad just leaving them there. What do you say we give them a little something to eat and get them set up in a hotel?” Duo smiled, hoping Heero would be all right with strangers in the house. Heero sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head lightly.
“You know, you need to stop this path to sainthood,” Heero started, but he was met with that glitter in Duo's eyes, that look that made his heart crumble. He sighed, giving in, “But I suppose it is much too cold out to leave them. There might even be enough food to go around if you cut back on the piles of food you cover your plate with.”
That last statement was ended with a poke to Duo's ribs, a smirk on Heero's face as his lover yelped and huffed, feigning offense to the remark. Hisoka and Tsuzuki both smiled, but Tsuzuki's happiness was over getting a meal and a warm placed to hang out and nice people to help get them settled somewhere. Hisoka's smile was a warm one, reflecting the emotions that passed between the two men. They had obviously been through a great deal of pain and suffering together, only to come out with a strong, loving relationship. He could also tell that Heero was nervous about being his usual self around strangers. He had a feeling Heero acted quite differently at home as opposed to work.
The meal had passed with endless bouts of chit chat and laughter, most of the chatting brought on by Duo and Tsuzuki who, aside from their similar hair and eye colors, also seemed to have drastically similar personalities. Tsuzuki was left silently wondering, during his mindless and automatic chatter, whether Duo had also felt the same pain he had through out his life. The boy's mask, and a boy he was to someone of Tsuzuki's 97 years, was rock solid and seemed very natural, but he could tell there was something else lying under it, something only his dearest, closest of friends and family knew of. Little did Tsuzuki know, Duo had no family. No blood family, at any rate. Tsuzuki, though pretending to be ignorant, saw and felt a pang in his heart at every touch the two lovers across from him shared. They naturally held hands, but as Duo talked with his in action around him, they resorted to brushing hands and bumping shoulders, and no doubt playing footsie under the table. He had been compelled to survive for Hisoka, by Hisoka, but even though Tsuzuki knew how he felt about the younger shinigami, he knew Hisoka was still confused about his feelings. He let it pass, hoping he'd come around soon.
Hisoka was lost in his own thoughts, though they were very similar to Tsuzuki's. His just had an added element - emotions. Though he felt both Duo and Heero holding back on certain emotional memories, out of habit, he was surrounded with emotion. He spoke sparingly, partly because he was generally quiet and partly because random flashes of memory and strong emotion distracted him. Every time Duo and Heero made contact Hisoka would receive a heated flash of a moment of passion, which colored his cheeks often, but the others mentioned nothing, and he was grateful for it. After those flashes his mind would wander to his violet-eyed partner, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red as he thought of possibly sharing what he was seeing with his partner. Was it right to think of him that way? Did Tsuzuki ever think of him that way?
Hisoka's ears picked up a part of the conversion, mentioning jobs and he was suddenly struck with a question.
“I wanted to ask earlier… where do you work that you have to wear such a military looking uniform?” The question was directed at Duo, mainly because Heero had already showered and changed into jeans and a T-shirt before the others had shown up.
“I'm a Preventer, and Heero is as well. It's a pretty common uniform to see, being as there are Preventer offices all over the earth, and in the colonies as well.”
“Colonies?,” was the confused reply given in unison by the shinigamis.
Heero and Duo exchanged a look, a decision was made silently between the two to make sure to get as much information out of their guests as they could before sending them off to a hotel.
“You mean to tell me you've never heard of the colonies?” Heero started off the round of questions, concerned.
“Ah, well… no,” Tsuzuki answered, “You see… we aren't exactly from around here…”
“Where are you from that you wouldn't know about the colonies? Or the wars, for that matter? Jupiter?” Duo had added the last statement jokingly.
“Well, you may not be too far off,” Hisoka continued, “We were brought here by accident, through… how do I describe it… a portal?”
“Brought here from where?” Heero pushed on. Duo was too busy flapping his mouth open and closed at the mention of portals.
“Well, earth, but just not one like this. I guess you could say we're from a different dimension, or maybe even a different time.”
“Okay…” Duo began, regaining his composure a bit, “What do you two do? For jobs, I mean?” He was expecting an answer common to those crazy people on the streets, more than ready to place them in their “hotel” right across the park in a lovely holding cell until they could figure out who these two really were.
Tsuzuki answered again, “We're Shinigami. Agents of death, and all that jazz, I guess you could say, but we're really just paranormal investigators. With a few extra powers and perks.”
Duo's eyes had widened, his hand clutching Heero's tightly, as Hisoka grabbed his head. A searing, dark, and mournful pain shot through his body as his mind supplied him with rapid-fire memories, suddenly unlocked from behind Duo's own unconscious mental shields at the word “shinigami.”
They had stayed up until around 1am, asking questions and giving explanations. Duo had managed to calm down as Heero aided him with quiet words of comfort, knowing of the pain and loss Duo had gone through. Once Duo had been calm enough Hisoka was able relax and lower his shields again, having immediately forced them up to block out the pain. The two shinigami had explained as much of their earth as they could, and they explained Meifu, and their jobs. Duo and Heero had explained the earlier wars, followed by the Eve Wars, which they had been a part of. They had even gone into their pasts a bit, explaining the shock behind hearing shinigamis were real, and that there was more than one.
“So, we've covered how you got here, but why are you here?”
“Well, I don't know the cosmic reason we're here, but we were investigating a doctor in our time, and found the portal in one of his labs.”
“A doctor? Like a medical doctor?,” Heero asked.
“Hai, but he also runs biological experiments. He's been a nuisance in my and Hisoka's sides. Dr. Muraki is a little unstable…”
“Muraki?! Did you say Muraki? See! I knew something was weird about that guy,” Duo had suddenly become animated, head flicking quickly between the two shinigami and Heero. Heero just looked back at his lover, an eyebrow naturally raised, as if it was common to make such an expression. Hisoka blinked, leaning forward in a rush throwing his hands out, palm up.
“Take my hands,” noticing the skeptical look on Duo's face, he hurried to explain himself a little further, “Each shinigami has a special gift; Tsuzuki's is his ability to call Gods and use powerful fudo, mine is my empathic ability. I can see your memories through touch…”
“But Hisoka! The last time you did that we almost lost you!”
“I was new to such feelings before, Tsuzuki, I know what to expect now…”
“But I'm still not sure if I'll be able to get you, or even Duo out of it if I need to!”
Heero's eyes had flicked from one to the other as they spoke, as did Duo's, but as worry was slowly growing on Duo's features, Heero's faced showed a hardened determination.
“Eh… Heero?” Duo spoke hesitantly.
“I won't let you look into Duo's mind if you're not sure you can get back out. He's gone through enough. No.”
“There's always a possibility of never coming back out, I won't lie about that, but I'm not going in far enough to warrant such a worry. I just need him to think about his last encounter with Muraki. I'll be able to see it to make sure we're talking about the same man, than I'm out. I promise.”
“Heero… it would be nice to know whether or not Muraki was an evil bastard, ne? If you can't trust Hisoka, trust me, okay?”
Heero sighed, closing his eyes. He muttered a `hai' as he leaned closer to Duo, placing a hand on his thigh with the idea of being a sort of weight to pull him back to consciousness if need be. Hisoka smiled at the act, having been about to ask him to do such a thing, thinking it would help him feel better even he didn't think it was needed. He reached his hands back out towards Duo who placed his hands on Hisoka's.
“Now, close your eyes and concentrate.”
Duo and Hisoka were shaken awake by their perspective partners almost violently. Hisoka's eyes snapped open as he drew in a deep gasp, and Duo awoke with a jolt and a yelp. Tsuzuki merely let out the breath he had been holding, closing his eyes in relief when he saw his partner was okay. Heero, on the other hand, was wrought with worry, which seemed so out of character for him. He wrapped Duo in a warm embrace before pulling back kissing him with urgency. Duo blinked in mild surprise. It was quite unusual for Heero to be so open with others around, even the other guys, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to take advantage of it. He kissed Heero back, but broke it off gracefully when he heard the quiet `ahem' from Tsuzuki.
Hisoka's cheeks were flushed a deep red at the sight, and he flushed an even deeper shade when he heard Tsuzuki chuckle at his expense.
“What happened?” Heero gave the question.
“It was strange… I've never had such a simple reading go like that…”
“I…I saw… Muraki hurt you. He killed you…” Heero's eyes widened and locked onto Hisoka's now rigid frame.
“Ha… hai. He placed a curse on me after he… The curse killed me slowly. It took three years to die.”
“Gomen nasai,” was Duo's whispered reply.
“So,” Tsuzuki began, “It is definitely Muraki then. We'll have to deal with this. He has to be brought in. Dead or alive.” There was a silence over the room for a moment, before Heero spoke up.
“It's settled then,” effectively catching everyone's attention, “You will stay here. We have two guest rooms and this building, let alone this condo, is more secure than the actual Preventer's Office across the park.”
“Thank you, really. We are very grateful, not only for a place to stay, but for believing us. I know it is a hard thing to wrap your mind around.”
Duo smiled, his perk begin to return, “Don't worry about it, Hisoka! To tell the truth, I was gonna try and talk Heero into letting you stay anyway when I first saw you.”
Muraki's eyes narrowed as he glanced over his underground lab. He had gone back to retrieve a few of his notes and to check on things and he arrived to find that there had been people in his hideout. There were two sets of footprints that lead throughout the abandoned apartment building and the trap door had been left wide open. He kicked it shut with a growl, blinking as he noticed the suit jacket. It looked oddly familiar… His eyes widened as he suddenly realized where he'd seen it before. It was Tsuzuki's jacket. He smirked as he thought through what must have happened. There were no prints leading out of the house, and the two shinigami would have shut the trap door when they left, so they must have gotten pulled through his portal.
“Now I can play with my Tsuzuki and Duo and not have to worry about which reality I'm in. It seems I'm in for a bit of fun…”
~*Author's Note*~ Sorry if this seems a bit short... and I know I'm moving slow, but don't fret! I had come to find my muse has been murdered, but I have found another! The next chapter will be where the action (both supernatural and naughty ~wink~) picks up.