Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers in the Dark ❯ Lightning Flashes ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~*~AN~*~ (March 9th) I'm sorry, I'm sorry! ::hides:: I know I haven't been backing a while, but I just updated this chapter (I had a lot of little typos and grammar mistakes). I will also have the fourth chapter up by the end of the day ^^. Sorry, I'll try to update more often now that my computer is back in order.
Duo sighed as he shucked off his boots, dropping them to the soft carpet with a muffled `thunk.' The bed shifted behind him as Heero sat down, his warm hand snaking out to slip around Duo's waist. Duo smiled, laying his hand over Heero's, entwining their fingers together. Heero's other hand fiddled with the end of the long, silky rope of a braid, resting his chin on Duo's shoulder.
“Daijobu, Koi?”
“Hai, just lost in thought is all.”
“Well, I can't have that, now can I?”
Heero smirked as the hand that had been occupied with the braid slid over Duo's hip, down his thigh, and then back up again. He shifted his hand to the side, lightly brushing over the front of Duo's pants, which were currently becoming a little too tight for comfort. Duo moaned softly, dropping his head back onto Heero's shoulder. He shifted behind Duo on the bed, kneeling with his legs spread. He grabbed Duo's hips and pulled him back against his body. Duo smiled, loving how bold his beautiful lover had become over the two and a half years they had been together.
Duo clutched Heero's thighs, now on either side of him, and used it as leverage to shift back against his koibito's now tented jeans. Heero moaned and dropped his face into the juncture of Duo's neck and shoulder, nuzzling lightly before he began to nip and suck. Duo shivered and his eyelids drooped in passion, as is neck was a wonderfully sensitive patch of skin. His lover worked his hot kisses up Duo's neck to his jaw line, kissing along his jaw and moving up to suck lightly on an earlobe, all the while causing Duo's heart to race and breathing to grow fast and heavy. Suddenly, Heero pulled away.
“Maybe we shouldn't do this with Tsuzuki and Hisoka here still. You can be so loud…”
Duo had let out a sexy noise if ever Heero had heard one. It was a mixture between a groan and a growl. Before Heero could continue his taunt, as the smirk on his faced confirmed it to be just that, Duo had whipped around, straddling Heero's waist and pushed him back onto the bed. He chuckled lightly, the sound turning into a moan as Duo ground their hips together just before latching his lips firmly to Heero's. Heero's hands were instantly attached to Duo's hair, as Duo's were busy steadying himself over Heero. Their tongues dueled as their bodies rubbed deliciously against one another.
Heero grew frustrated at Duo's now teasing pace, grabbing Duo's wrist and pitching him over onto his back as he rolled on top of him, settling between his legs. He began immediately ridding Duo of his uniform shirt, throwing it somewhere in the room once he had it clear of Duo's arms. His t-shirt was pulled up over his head by his lovers hands, also tossed haphazardly to the floor. They quickly rid each other of their clothes, their noises growing louder as their action became more urgent.
Hisoka was buried under the soft covers of the guest bed, his cheeks burning a deep crimson red. Though the walls were thick enough to keep the sounds of the couple's activities from being heard by their guests, the intense emotions had caught up with the poor empath, their passion heating his blood. It would be impossible to sleep until they were finished, unable to block it out completely. Instead, his mind began supplying it's own imagery, showing flashes of Tsuzuki above Hisoka, face flushed and skin slick with sweat. He could tell these were his emotions now, able to surface through the only form of loving passion he had felt - Duo and Heero's love.
He felt his body begin to react to the images of Tsuzuki and him together, confirming that the feelings were now his own. This had been the strongest he had felt this way and Hisoka knew he'd never be able to get to sleep without seeing this through, or taking a painfully cold shower. He was still a teenager after all. He sighed, the time being too late to get a shower without alarming the others. His hand slipped below the waistband of the borrowed sweatpants as he closed his eyes, a soft moan escaping his lips.
Tsuzuki was oblivious to the actions going on in the house, deep in dreams as he lightly snored on. He rolled over onto his side as drool started to drip from his lips. The disgusting sight would have led any onlooker to believe he was dreaming about the favorite subject of his wakeful hours - sweets. They would be wrong, of course. His dreams were sweet, but they were of his emerald-eyed partner.
Heero sighed inwardly as he passed through the lobby doors of the Preventer building. He walked a step behind Duo and off to his right, watching his lover as he put on his usually cheery attitude. The braided man walked with a hop in his step as he waved to his fellow Preventers, also giving a wink and his usual flirtatious morning comment to the woman at the front desk on their way to the elevators. To everyone else, nothing had changed with the energetic man, but Heero knew he was only holding this up until they reached their spacious shared office.
Tsuzuki and Hisoka had stayed back at the house, deciding to see if they could contact anyone in their dimension or world, wherever they had come from. They had also expressed an interest to explore the surrounding blocks and acquaint themselves with the neighborhood. Neither Heero nor Duo thought it was a good idea to bring them to the office. They didn't always see Muraki, who usually opted to stay down in the second floor medical wing, but there was always a chance he'd wander again like he had the day before and spot the two shinigami. They wanted to keep the element of surprise for the moment, not knowing that it had already been ruined, of course.
As they reached the fourth floor and exited the elevator Duo kept an eye out for both Muraki, to avoid, and Wufei. They had spoken to their guests about involving their friends if it was needed, and they had agreed. Duo and Heero had come to the decision to just include Wufei for the time being, leaving their other two friends to their lives, and each other. If their help were needed later Duo would contact them. He hadn't spotted either Muraki or Wufei by the time they reached their office, entering silently. As soon as the door was closed Duo's cheerful mask fell with a heavy sigh. He squeezed the bridge of his nose lightly between his thumb and forefinger, willing away the headache that had begun to form.
Heero's brow furrowed in worry as he continued to watch his lover. Duo caught his worried stare and gave a weak smile, though a real one. It was meant to reassure his koibito and let them go about their work, but it instead brought Heero straight to his side, and arm sliding around his back as another was placed on his cheek.
“Hai, I'm fine, really. Just a little headache.”
Heero raised a brow, obviously not believing him. Duo sighed, rolling his eyes, turning fully to face those cobalt blue eyes. He rested his forehead against Heero's.
“I'm just stressed. I don't see how I'll be able to focus on our case after learning what we did about Muraki last night. I just... I want to march down to his office a put a bullet square between his eyes!”
Heero smiled softly, accompanied by a `hn' as he laid a chaste kiss on Duo's lips, having thought the exact same thing that morning. They glanced toward the door as a knock shook them out of their thoughts. They parted slightly, still standing closer than just working partners would, but Lady Une had waived the Preventer fraternization rules for them, as well as Wufei and Sally, feeling they deserved it.
“Come in,” Heero spoke firmly, both ex-pilots having their masks back in place in an instant. Wufei opened the door, which was a surprise. He usually just walked right in, but he had sensed the two were in the midst of something, and opted to politely knock first instead.
“'Fei! Just the man we were hoping to see,” Duo announced with a smile, “What brings to by this morning?”
“I was going over information collected for my current case, and found something you two might be interested in.”
“Oh,” Heero asked, a brow rose, “You're working on a human trafficking case, right?”
“Shi,” Wufei replied, naturally in Chinese. The guys were used to it, all five of them being multi-lingual, they understood each other's native languages. “One of the names I came across in the files is one of the men involved in your case - David Johansen.”
“The pharmacist suspected in the drug ring? What in high hell would he have to do with human trafficking?”
“Unless that's how they're moving the drugs,” Heero added.
“Starting a human trafficking ring just to move drugs? I don't know.” Duo shrugged. “Well, shit. Looks like we're together on this one for a bit. I'll get a report together to sum up the info we've got so far. I'll send it over to you a.s.a.p.”
“Xie xie. I will do the same,” Wufei spoke as he turned to leave, beginning to close the door.”
“Matte, Wufei,” Heero called, wishing to catch him before he stalked back to his office. The raven-haired Preventer paused and turned in the doorway, a spark of curiosity lighting his eyes.
“We have to speak with you privately about something. Would you be able to stop by the house after work today?”
“Is it something strictly for my ears, or can Sally hear it as well?”
Heero and Duo exchanged a glance silently thinking it over before Duo replied, “Bring Sally. We can talk over the case reports while we're at it. We'll cook dinner!”
“You mean I'll cook dinner, and dinner for six at that.”
“Six?” Wufei was obviously curious now.
“Eh heh… our other two guests are part of what we need to talk to you about… tonight.” Duo stressed that last word, giving a silent warning not to ask more on the subject in the office. Wufei caught the warning and nodded as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
Hisoka sighed as he was dragged into a local coffee shop with a large sign that let the whole world know it was known for its sweets. They had been left money for lunch seeing as neither Heero nor Duo knew how well the shinigami were in a kitchen. Hisoka felt bad for taking their money, but it was better to eat out then try and stomach anything he or Tsuzuki made. Though Hisoka was much better with cooking, he only knew how to cook a select few meals.
Tsuzuki dragged the poor boy up to the hostess and smiled brightly as he greeted her. The hostess blushed at seeing such a handsome man, seating them in a nice booth at the window, exclaiming they were getting the coffee shop's best waitress. He caught Hisoka glancing over the menu, no doubt checking on the prices to make sure they could afford lunch there. Though they had been given credits, they had no idea how much it was truly worth in comparison to what you paid for. Hisoka found they had much more than enough to pay for a nice lunch, but he warned Tsuzuki to take it easy on the sweets anyway, not wanting to take advantage of the hospitality they were being shown.
They finished with their lunch fairly quick, Tsuzuki practically inhaling his due to his hunger. Hisoka, as usual only ordered a small amount, his stomach not used to eating large amounts of food at once. They took the rest of that afternoon to wander through Neo Tokyo, staying within five or six blocks of the house they were staying at. The neighborhood was very clean and all the buildings, houses, and shops in the area were kept nicely and all seemed to fit together. As if they were part of a puzzle, each piece relating to the others to create a picture of a seemingly quaint cityscape.
The pair wandered through Sakura Park around five o'clock, hugging their borrowed jackets close as the wind picked up as the sun already began it's decent towards the horizon. Hisoka was wearing one of Duo's jackets since he was slighter in the shoulder, but it still looked as though he was drowning in it. Both Duo and Heero were just two inches shorter than Tsuzuki, which caused the sleeves of the jacket to cover his hands completely, and the usually waist long jacket fell almost mid-thigh on Hisoka. Tsuzuki had borrowed one of Heero's long trench coats, though it fit a little snug around the shoulders, it was barely noticeable to the average onlooker. The coat was a navy blue, which wasn't really his preferred color, but he didn't argue. It was a coat after all.
The winds suddenly picked up, quite forcefully throwing the tree branches about. The clouds rolled through the sky as it darkened much quicker than normal. A flash of lightning crackled through the air followed almost immediately by a deafening boom of thunder. Rain started to speed toward the ground as Tsuzuki and Hisoka made a dash for the Preventer office doorway. They found you needed ID to be able to actually enter the building, but the doorway itself provided a good amount of cover for the two. They glanced about in confusion, watching as the people on the streets also ran for the nearest cover.
“What the hell…” Tsuzuki looked up at the sky, watching the storm throw it's tantrum.
As they looked on they saw a streak of lightning crash into a tree in front of the building. A high branch was shot towards the building and out of instinct both Tsuzuki and Hisoka disappeared, reappearing as spirits on the third floor.
Duo and Heero had been called into Lady Une's office to talk about possibly setting up a mission. They didn't have enough information to base an undercover mission on, but they informed the Lady of what Wufei had found, letting her know that they would be pooling their knowledge to hopefully shed some light on one, if not both, of their cases.
The meeting had been quick and as they stepped out into hall Duo noticed it had grown dark rather fast. Before he could turn to ask Heero if there was mention of a coming storm he had spotted Muraki, who had been heading directly toward him. As they made eye contact Dr. Muraki gave a smile, and Duo smiled back, a growl echoing through his mind. Heero had noticed Duo wasn't following him after he had made it a few feet down the hall. He turned to find him just as Muraki got to Duo, striking up a conversation.
A scream came from the female agent walking by the window, which caught everyone's attention. Heero's eyes widened as he saw the branch coming for the window, and the soldier in him reminded him that the windows were not made out of safety glass on this floor, meaning the thing would break apart in sheets and come flying inward. He moved to run for Duo, but before he could he heard the shatter of glass and saw a blur before he was roughly down to his knees and falling backward.
Duo hissed as pain shot through his skull, light flashing in front of his eyes as he blinked them open. He was sprawled on his stomach on the floor, shattered glass littered around him and a heavy weight on his back. He moves his arms, careful of the sharp slivers of glass all over the floor. He looked up to see a shadowy figure, but as his vision cleared he saw it was a translucent looking Tsuzuki smiling down on him. At first he was gripped with fear, thinking he had died, but Tsuzuki placed a see-through yet solid hand on his cheek, placing his finger on his lips. Duo got the message. He was alive, but he was to keep quiet, not make a scene at seeing him, because to everyone else, he wasn't there.
Heero was busy being in shock. He was staring a huge sheet of glass in the face as it wobbled after embedding itself in the wall beside him. If he had been standing that glass would have pinned him to the wall by his abdomen, he no doubt would have bled to death. His mind was swimming. He felt a hand rest on his shoulder, his hands still partially raised. He looked back, greeted with Hisoka's warm smile, but something was off… he was see through. Heero's eyes widened and he was about to speak when a hand placed over his mouth and a soft `shh' whispered into his ear silenced him.
As the two Shinigami disappeared Duo and Heero caught sight of each other. Duo had blood running over his side and Heero hurried to rush to his side as the other agents were getting their wits about them. Wufei had been about to enter the hall, but was able to duck back as he heard the glass shatter. He had managed to keep an eye on Heero, who was standing closest to him at the time. In fact, Wufei had been walking towards him to ask him what time they had wanted Sally and him to show up that night. He saw Heero look back at no one, the look of fear on his face, and then the calm before fear passed over his features again, this time for Duo.
Duo smiled weakly up at Heero, “Hey… can you help me up? I don't feel hurt, but I can't move below my shoulders… but I have feeling. Heero?”
Heero's eyes had moved to the weight on Duo's back. It was Muraki. Duo attempted to look behind him, but couldn't at that angle.
“Heero! Help me up!”
Heero snapped out of it, putting Duo's arms around his neck, he hauled him up by his shoulders, pulling him out from under Muraki and instantly checking him over for wounds. Once Duo was cleared he was hugged close to Heero, who kissed him on the forehead. He took the risk to glance back, wanting to know what he had been stuck under. His eyes widened at he saw Muraki laying face down on the ground. He had obviously shielded Duo, taking a large piece of glass deep into his back. Another agent close by came over, asking Heero if they were all right as Duo zoned out, staring blindly at Muraki. The torturous murderer he had heard so many horrifying stories about had just saved his life… the other agent checked for Muraki's pulse and as he looked up they all knew what had happened.
Muraki was dead…