Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Walking on Glass ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Twenty-Three: Walking on Glass:

-Two Hours Earlier-

Tsuzuki looked at his phone. So he could get reception in this place. But the spots were flighty at best. He decided not to call until necessary. Seven stones left too. Tsuzuki held his breath. How was Anna holding up? Was she getting through this? Did she need help? How long had they been in this maze?

Tsuzuki paused when he heard rustling behind him. His ears perked up. This again? What would it be this time? The shinigami pulled out another fuda. The trump card still wasn't ready either. With that, another thought crossed his mind.

“How will they get it in this place?” Tsuzuki asked. Watari promised that he would pull it off.

“It will be fine,” he said. “Just go do what you have to do.” Easier said than done.

Another rustle came from behind. Tsuzuki whipped around. They had to be circling him now. How many were there? The shinigami strained for a listen. Two… No, one. Wait, it is two. Or was it three?

Wait, this had to be another trick of some kind.

Tsuzuki closed his eyes. Feet around in the darkness. First they went to the left. Then to the right. The footsteps started to run to the left. They paused for a moment before picking up the pace. Only they weren't left or right this time.

Tsuzuki reached behind him in time just as a pair of hands reached his back. The shinigami spun around. He held an ash grey fox like creature by the wrist. It had no face. Tsuzuki gave it a curious look. It felt like he was holding ash itself.

“What… are you?” he asked. Giggling filled the darkness. Tsuzuki about jumped.

“I am me,” the ash creature said. The shinigami's jaw about dropped.

“How are you talking?” he asked. “You have no mouth.”

“Don't need one,” it said. “I just speak at will.” Tsuzuki tried to gather his thoughts. Suddenly, his hand had a burning sensation from holding the creature's wrist. The shinigami clenched his teeth.

“You sure you want to do that?” the creature asked. “Could be dangerous.” Tsuzuki ignored him.

“What are you doing to me?” he asked. The creature giggled.

“Tell me!” Tsuzuki shouted. The creature faced him.

“Oh, you don't need to worry at me,” it said. “But her…” The faceless creature whistled. “Oh boy.” Tsuzuki narrowed his eyes.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “Where's Anna? What did you do to her?” The creature laughed and vanished into thin air. Tsuzuki's hand was bright red.


Tsuzuki wandered the darkness. It's been quiet. Too quiet. He glanced around. That creature's words bounded around in his head.

“Oh, you don't need to worry about me. But her…”

Tsuzuki shook his head. No. This was a trap. It had to be. There was no way. Tsuzuki smacked his cheek.

“Get it together!” he told himself. “Usagi will be fine. She's stronger that that. No way she would be taken down that easily. The shinigami dropped his shoulders. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to make a call.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

“Hello?” Tsuzuki asked. A soft whisper came over the other line.

“Hello?” the shinigami asked. “Hello? Are you still here? Hello? Hello?”

“Asato-kun?” a voice whimpered on the other line. The shinigami froze.

“Anna-chan?” he asked. “Anna-chan, is that you? Hello? Hello?”