Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ High Life ( Chapter 24 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty-Four: High Life:
Five girls hit Tokyo on Halloween night. They got dressed up for a
good time. Vivian shoved her hands into her pockets. She certainly
stood out in their little group. She tried to ignore the stares
locked on her.
I stand out too much. She felt a nudge on her arm. Vivian
turned her head. Yuuko smiled at her. The wolf demon began to
relax. The leader stretched out her arms.
“Okay, girls! This is our night!” she shouted.
“Let's live it up like queens!”
“Yeah!” the other girls cheered. Vivian half-heartedly
pumped her fist in the air.
“Just don't get into too much trouble,” she mumbled to
herself. Yuuko nudged her on the arm.
“Come on,” she said. “Live a little.”
Vivian tried to smile. Maybe this could work out.
The girls made it to local Starbucks. The patrons were all in
costume. Cats, zombies, angels, demons, schoolkids, clowns, and
monsters acted like normal people. Vivian tried not to look at the
“You okay?” her round-faced roommate asked. Vivian
clenched her teeth.
“Clowns,” she whispered. Her roommate looked
“Oh…” she said. “Okay, uh… well just
don't look at them. Here.” She pulled Vivian close.
“Stay by me, okay?” she said. Vivian nodded. The five
girls walked up to the counter. The barista perked up.
“Welcome to Starbucks! How can I help you tonight?” she
asked. The girls made their orders. Vivian began to relax. The
leader paid for the drinks. The wolf demon took out her wallet.
“Nah, babe,” the leader said. “I got this.”
Vivian looked at the eyes resting on her.
“Are you sure?” she asked.
“Yeah,” the leader said. “It's fine.”
Vivian looked at her friends staring as she put her wallet
“Please take your seat,” the barista said. “Your
drinks will be ready.”
“Thank you,” the leader said. They bowed at the
“Next, please!” the barista shouted. The five young
ladies took their seat at a table near the window. One of the other
roommates looked around the crowded shop.
“You think I'll see Nakamura tonight?” she asked. The
leader threw back her head and groaned.
“Shiori !” she said. “I said no boys tonight.
This is just us girls.” Shiori turned, pouting.
“Aw come on, Megumi,” she complained. “We can
still look, can't we?”
“No,” Megumi said. “No men!”
“You're so mean!” Shiori wailed. Yuuko laughed,
throwing back her head.
“It's not funny!” Shiori wailed. The girls broke down
laughing. Even Vivian started to smile.
“Kamiya!” the barista shouted. Megumi smiled.
“That's us, girls,” she said. Shiori sat frowning with
her arms across her chest. Megumi got up and walked over the
counter. She came back with their drinks.
“Here you are,” Megumi said. She gave a cup of coffee
to each girl.
“Thanks,” Vivian said as she took hers. She took a sip
of her coffee.
“Mmm,” the wolf demon said. “This is good!”
She noticed everyone staring at her. Vivian's face turned bright
red as she lowered her head. Yuuko patted her on the shoulder.
“That good, huh?” she asked.
“Yes,” Vivian mumbled. She took another sip of her
“Where are we going after this?” Vivian asked. Megumi
smiled with her drink in her hand.
“Just hanging around for a bit,” she said. “Maybe
join the others on the street.” The other girls looked
“But we're not in costume,” the round-faced girl
“Sure we are,” the leader said. “We're just five
college girls looking for a good night out on Halloween.” The
girls rolled their eyes.
“Sure we are,” Shiori said. She took another sip of her
“We sure are,” Megumi said. She took a drink herself.
Vivian only shook her head. Her coffee was that good though.