Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Slow Dance ( Chapter 48 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Forty-Eight: Slow Dance:
Kyosuke didn't party. But he loved April all the same. His
girlfriend finished her drink.
“I love it here!” she shouted.
“Yes,” Kyosuke said, nodding. This was her idea. He wanted to
impress her. April tilted her head.
“You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah!” he lied. His girlfriend didn't buy it. Kyosuke saw the look
on her face.
“What?” he asked. She smiled and shrugged.
“Nothing,” April said. The music changed to a sexy upbeat song in
the air. Her lips curved into a catlike smile.
“Care to dance?” she asked. He had a dumb struck look on his face.
April giggled. She took him by the hand and led him to the dance
floor. Kyosuke looked around frantic.
“What… What are you doing?” he asked.
“Relax,” she said. “Just follow me.” The English shinigami began to
dance. She kept her eyes on him. Her moves were calculated in their
seduction. Kyosuke's face turned bright red. His eyes stayed fixed
on her curves. The lights danced around in the darkness. He
swallowed back his drool.
April twirled under lavender lights. She held out her arm. Kyosuke
looked down.
“Oh,” he said. His girlfriend pulled him close. She started to
dance up against him. She never broke eye contact.
“Whoa…” Kyosuke murmured. April didn't speak. She didn't need to.
Her boyfriend gulped.
He started to try and dance himself. The poor man looked like he
was getting electrocuted. She nuzzled him on the cheek. Kyosuke
gulped again. Damn she wa so close.
Her eye contact stayed on him. The Japanese shinigami felt so small
in her gaze.
“Oh…” he muttered. She smiled the whole time. The wheels turned in
her brain. Kyosuke caught on too late.
“Oh…” he murmured. Her perfume teased his nose. He tried to loosen
up but it got too much for him. The shinigami bolted out the
He made it to the bathroom. Kyosuke turned on the faucet and ran
the cold water. He splashed his face and took a breath.
“What was that?” he asked himself. The shinigami shivered and shook
his head.
“Get it together, man,” he said, slapping himself. Kyosuke took a
deep breath. Why was he acting like this? He should be used to her
antics by now. But she still managed to shock him. Once he calmed
down, Ryosuke walked out of the bathroom. To his surprise, April
stood in the hallway staring up at him. Kyosuke leapt back with a
yelp. His girlfriend tilted her head.
“Kyosuke? Are you alright?” she asked. He blinked for a moment.
Then he quickly nodded.
“Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah,” the shinigami said. “Sure. I'm fine.” April
rested her head on his chest.
“Take me home,” she said. Her boyfriend blushed again.
“Sure, I guess,” he said. Once again, April was close.