Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Boar and Rat ❯ Dawning Era ( Chapter 49 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Forty-Nine: Dawning Era:
Tsuzuki spotted Anna lying on the ground. The color drained from
his face.
“Usagi-chan!” he shouted. Tsuzuki flew down to her as fast he
could. He shook her on the shoulder.
“Hey! Are you okay?” the shinigami asked, shaking her. “Anna-chan!
Hey! Hey!” His wife's eyes fluttered open. Tsuzuki breathed
“Oh good!” he said.
. “Asato-kun?” Anna asked. He grabbed her hand.
“I'm right here,” he said.
“My foot,” she said.
“Huh?” he asked, looking down. Her whole foot looked swollen in her
sneaker. The shinigami took off her sneaker. Her foot looked puffed
up and black.
“Ooh!” he said. “What happened there?”
“She got me,” Anna said. “I tried to dodge it but she still got
“Shh, don't talk,” he whispered. “I've got the weapon.”
“You did?” Anna asked.
“Yes,” Tsuzuki said. He clutched her hand tightly.
“The only way this will work if you say the word to end this
“The word?” Anna asked.
“Yes,” Tsuzuki said. “Try to remember what it is. We have to
hurry.” At first, she looked confused. Tsuzuki looked
“Come on,” he said. “You have to say it. I'll say it with you. You
just have to say it.” His wife didn't answer.
“Just say it,” Tsuzuki whispered. Airi came behind her vessel.
You can do this. I will give it to you. The answer
came wordlessly into her ear. Anna in turn whispered it into
Tsuzuki's ear. Her husband nodded.
“I understand,” he said.
Haruka could see everything. Having no body gave her more power.
Aki became apart of her as well.
“This is great!” she shouted. The old lady paused.
“Oh?” she asked. Her eyes scanned through the cracking darkness.
Her lips curved into a hungry smile.
“Yes,” she said. Her targets were here together. Time to end this.
Haruka flew down to the bottom of her tower. Tsuzuki held up Anna
in his arms. They held out a device made of two long gold rods held
together with wire.
“Oh?” Haruka asked. “And what is this?” The couple smirked at
“Bonto!” Tsuzuki and Anna shouted. The wire began to light up.
“What the…?!” Haruka shouted. The light fanned out swallowing
everything in sight.
“What is this?!” the old lady asked. “No… No!” The cracks spread
faster all over the tower. Holes grew at rapid rate in the walls
and sky.
“No!” Haruka yelled. “I will not lose to you!” She stuck her hand
in the air. Everything went silent.
Anna opened her eyes. Quiet.
Huh? Where… Where am I?
Thought you could get rid of me that
easily, huh?
Anna whipped her head around. Haruka floated before her. Only her
face remained.
“You!” her granddaughter yelled. The old lady laughed.
“I had to admit,” she said. “You had me with that spell of yours.
You broke my body.” Anna gritted her teeth.
“This has to stop!” she yelled. “I won't let this clan take another
life!” Haruka smirked at her.
“Funny,” she said. “You take the high ground but you will be no
better than us.”
“What do you mean?” Anna asked. She wished that she could strangle
her. Haruka smirked and waved her invisible hand. A small clicking
noise ripped through the air. Anna turned her head.
Daisuke's voice the room.
October 31st, 1999.
My name is Kimoto Daisuke. I'm thirty-four years old and a single
“Where did you get this?” Anna asked.
This will be my last entry. -Sigh- I have no choice but to admit
it. The curse will claim Anna-chan too. The Mother chose her. I
tried to seal her away. But it's not enough. The curse has won. I
couldn't stop it.
I'm so sorry, Anna-chan.
“See?” Haruka asked. “You're doom to keep our legacy going. You
will shed blood like us!” Anna had no emotion on her face.
“Is that all?” she asked.
“What?” Haruka asked.
But I know it won't end this way.
“What?!” the old lady shouted. She started to tremble.
Anna will be the one to turn our fate around. She can save our
future. She and the Mother will be the strongest out of all of us.
The clan's redemption is in her hands. Her power with bring the
downfall of our toxic clan. She will save us all!
Haruka wanted to scream.
“No… No… No! No! No! No! No!” she screamed. “Turn it off! Turn it
off!” Daisuke's voice still floated through the air. The cracks
deepened in the darkness and finally broke.
The bright light replaced the emptiness. The winner had been