Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Lullaby ❯ Nightmares and Expectations ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Lacus Klein

Disclaimer: No characters mine (I'm a broken record)

Notes: Okay, so we're skipping ahead a little. I honestly can't keep going just on the first stage of this. It would get boring of going to work everyday and doing the same thing, don't ya think? Besides, don't we want this baby in the next chapter or two? It's not the end of this fic when it's born you know. And if you didn't, you're in luck now! Also, I know this question is coming: How exactly is Watari going to have this baby? You'll see soon!

Chapter Four

Nightmares and Expectations

The heat was unbearable. Standing there, Watari felt it all around him. It climbed up him, devouring him from the outside in. He tried to scream, but his voice was gone. Nothing would come out. His body wouldn't move, as though he'd been turned to stone. He wanted to run, or at least shield the bulge of his stomach. But his arms wouldn't budge. Please, he thought. Someone, help me!

The fire spread faster and faster, and Watari felt himself burning away. Burning until there was nothing left but the tiny life that had been growing within him. It floated there, the fire surrounding it. And Watari could only hear himself screaming....


Watari awoke with a start, sitting up and breathing hard. He'd never had such a vivid dream before, and it absolutely terrified him. Beside him, Tatsumi quickly sat up. "Yutaka!" he said, holding his shoulders in an effort to calm him down.

After a few minutes, Watari gathered himself back together. He took and deep breath and made himself say that he was home, and safe. There was no fire, no intense heat. By him, Tatsumi rubbed his shoulders gently. "Are you all right Yutaka?" he asked, clearly concerned.

"I think so. Just a vivid dream." Watari admitted, though he still sounded shaken.

"What was it about? Did you think something happened to the baby?" Tatsumi said. He figured it may have been, given Watari's way of usually being able to calm down after such things. He was too shaken from this for it to be normal.

Watari shook his head. "Not really. It was just a strange dream. I was surrounded by fire, and it burned me away until only the baby was left. I guess I really got upset because I thought the same thing was going to happen to it." he explained.

Tatsumi gave him a gentle smile. "Everything's fine now. It was only a bad dream. Besides, didn't Akiko say that the baby was doing very well?" he said, trying to reassure him.

"Yes. I suppose." Watari said, managing a weak smile. He gently petted his stomach, feeling a light kick against his hand. He had to laugh. "Well, I guess I woke her up too."

"Perhaps. But maybe she felt your nightmare and wanted to let you know she's all right." Tatsumi told him.

At that, Watari had to smile. Tatsumi had really warmed up to the fact that they were having a child now. He seemed to be more and more open to it. For a time, he had worried that perhaps Tatsumi didn't want this baby. But after the naming incident, Watari began noticing the change in his attitude. Tatsumi was still very reserved, but he would now keep an open, warm smile whenever the baby was mentioned. He'd even surprised him when he went out and bought several big things for the baby's room. The usually tight secretary seemed to have a weak spot when it came to his child.

Sighing, Watari laid back down and the two began to drift back off to sleep. Tatsumi laid a hand with his on his belly. Watari smiled at him. "You think you're finally ready for it?" he asked softly.

"I may as well be. We only have a month or so left." Tatsumi admitted.

Watari sighed again. "I know. But I think I'm ready."


"Good morning Watari!"

Tsuzuki smiled as he watched Watari come into the break room. He'd just gotten there himself, but couldn't help himself for trying to sneak a snack.

Watari had to smile back. "Good morning Tsuzuki. Running late again?" he asked.

"I just overslept. At least Tatsumi didn't notice yet." Tsuzuki admitted rather sheepishly.

"He's in a good mood, so I doubt he'll really bother anyways." Watari told him.

"Really? Did something happen last night?" Tsuzuki asked. He really didn't bother with the phrasing. Watari was so open about everything that it didn't matter anyways.

Watari smiled. "Not really. I think he's just happy about the baby coming." he said.

Tsuzuki gave him a soft smile. "Oh yeah, it is getting close, isn't it?"

"I hope so. I feel like I'm toting a ball around my waist." Watari laughed, fixing himself some coffee.

"So they really think it's a girl?" Tsuzuki said, leaning against the wall.

Watari nodded. "Akiko seems to think so. And from what I could see, I'd say the same. But that's what I thought in the first place." he told him.

He then turned to go back to the lab. Tsuzuki walked out with him. "You'll have to invite us over to see when she's born. I can't wait!" he said happily.

Watari smiled as he watched him go to his office. He heard the muffled sound of Hisoka fussing with him for being late, which made him laugh. Some things never seemed to change. I can tell who's the wife in that relationship, he thought.

Walking into the office, Watari picked up some notes and sat down at the computer to work on some formulas. Nearby, 003 peeked up from where she'd been napping. "Good morning." Watari said when he noticed her looking.

The little owl flew over and landed on the computer. She hooted happily at him. Watari smiled back at her and brought up his files. "It certainly is quiet this morning. But I think it's actually helping my nerves after that nightmare. I wonder what brought that on?" he mused.

003 flew down and gestured his beak at his stomach. Watari looked at her for a moment, then caught on. "Oh, I see. Maybe because it's so close to me having this baby. That's what Tatsumi thought too." he admitted.

He knew that both of them were probably right. He was getting a little nervous over the prospect of having this baby. There were just so many things that could go wrong. Though he'd made it so that he could have the baby natural, like a woman, it was still frightening at the same time. Sitting back, he had to sigh. I really need to get over this silly fear, he thought. Everything will be fine. It will be a new natural process.

Suddenly, 003 began hooting and jumping up and down. Watari looked over at her, a bit startled by the sudden outburst. "What's wrong with you?" he asked, not understanding why she was acting so out of character.

003 just hooted some more at him, jumping up on the computer. Watari began to ask her again what was wrong, but a suddenly sharp pain went through his belly. He stood up, doubling over. 003 flew up and out of the room. Watari fell to his knees, praying that she was going to get help. Something was definately wrong. The pain kept coming. Am I getting ready to have the baby now? he thought desperately. What do I do?

Meanwhile, Tatsumi was sitting at his desk, working through some of the figures that had just come in. He'd been thinking about the nightmare Watari had had the night before, and it was somewhat distracting him. Sitting back, he rubbed the top of his nose to keep the headache that was threatening to come at bay. Maybe we'll go out tonight to take his mind off of things, he thought.

A loud noise made him look up. The partially closed door banged open as 003 flew inside like a bat out of hell. He didn't think he'd ever seen her fly so fast. She immediately flew around him, hooting as loud as she could. Tatsumi felt his concern rising. "Where's Watari? Is something wrong?" he asked her, quickly getting up.

003 quickly flew out, and Tatsumi followed her. In their office, Tsuzuki and Hisoka looked up. "What's going on?" Tsuzuki said, getting up. Hisoka followed him out.

In the lab, Watari knelt on the floor and tried to make himself stay calm. The pain was still coming, and he was fairly sure that it was finally time. He wasn't sure of what to do. He knew he couldn't make it anywhere in this state. Where was 003?


Tatsumi gasped when he opened the door and found Watari kneeling there. Watari smiled, realizing that he'd never been so happy to see anyone in his life. Tatsumi hurried over to him. "Are you all right? What happened?" he asked.

"I think it's time." Watari admitted, cringing a little at the pain.

By then, Tsuzuki and Hisoka had come in too. "Is there anything we can do?" Tsuzuki asked.

"Call Akiko, Kurosaki. Tsuzuki, help me get him to the medical ward." Tatsumi told them. Hisoka quickly left to do as he was told. Tsuzuki came over and together he and Tatsumi managed to get Watari up.

Well, Watari thought. Now the fun begins.


Notes: I'm sorry. I'm bad, aren't I? But I just couldn't have him have the baby at the end of this chapter. So why the nightmare? You'll see in the next chapter and later in the fic. But for now, she's coming!