Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My All ❯ Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: After Gensou Kai and Kamakura Arc. Hisoka was to undergo Kurikara's test. At the same time, Muraki wanted to kidnap Hisoka for some purpose. What is EnMa's true intention? Will Tsuzuki and Hisoka's force overcome everything? Warning for spoilers.
AN: I own nothing in Yami no Matsuei, they all belong to Matsushita Yoko sensei. I'm just borrowing the characters and plots for my fanfic, so please don't sue me, I've no money for that. For those not familiar with the later developments of Yami no Matsuei, you can go to Theria.net's Yami no Matsuei translation section.
Please read and review! *Puppy eyes*
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A hand lifted within the eye-level as the silver hair owner stared. He angrily pulled out his hand and threw across the room he was now resting in. It was a mechanical hand used to replace his broken ones. His legs were also of similar condition.
The room was bright as daylight, but his emotions were as dark as night.
During the Kyoto incident, an agent from the demon world rescued him. Ever since, Muraki had to survive using mechanical limbs that professor Satomi had left behind after his death. He could not even visit Orlya for fear that the Shinigamis would be able to find him and kill him before he could see Ukyou again.
He remembered someone with healing power. An evil smirk gleamed in his silver eyes.
Kurosaki Hisoka
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Kagome, kagome
When does the bird inside the cage come out?
At dawns and evenings
Who is behind
The crane and turtle that slipped?
In the little village of Kanagawa Province, a little boy was piling stones on top of one another in his backyard. He was alone for everyone around him feared him.
“A demonic child…”
Through no one spoke aloud, he could hear it through their emotions.
Hurt…. It hurts…..
“Hisoka, are you alone again?” a little girlish grin startled him: “Shall we play together?”
Little Hisoka nodded.
Kagome, kagome
When does the bird inside the cage come out………
Why was there so much loneliness…… so much melancholy?
And, who is that faceless little girl who did not fail to look for him whenever no one was around?
A wistful voice drifted in the air…
“Bon, Bon, are you alright?” The voice was strangely familiar, but Hisoka couldn't place whose was this.
“Bon, wake up, you have been unconscious for one full day!”
Emerald eyes forced themselves opened. A blurry face of a blond man in white robe hovered above him.
“Oi, Bon, wake up!”
Kurosaki Hisoka blinked his eyes in the semi-darkness of the room. The vision of the man became clearer.
“Oh, Watari-san.” Hisoka sighed weakly. Something brought his senses back. The last thing he remembered was following Tsuzuki to prevent the war between Kurikara and Kijin. Then, Kurikara tossed him into a tunnel, claiming it to be a test for his suitability as his owner.
“That Kurikara! How could he dump me back to MEIFU!” Hisoka jerked up and screamed in Watari's face.
“Meifu? Bon, we're in your old home! It's a long story, but Tatsumi and Miya-chan found you just outside your Kanagawa home main entrance…”
“Oh…..” Hisoka nodded and suddenly shrieked: “WHAT! Kanagawa!”
“How is the young mister going on?” Miya's voice was heard approaching the door.
Hisoka pulled Watari by his collar and shook hard: “Did she know EVERYTHING about us here?”
“Shh, Bon. Tatsumi and I tried to convince her and your father that you are just a passing-by resembling the late young master Hisoka.” Watari whispered: “And lied that you were my younger brother. “
Just then, Miya entered the room with a bow: “Tatsumi-san and Old master were having dinner in the hall, would you mind to join?”
“YES!” Watari exclaimed.
“NO!” Hisoka growled.
Watari stared at Hisoka and made puppy eyes: “Please, Bon, it'll be soooo much fun having dinner together….”
“Don't you dare imitate Tsuzuki's puppy mode!” Hisoka stared, bored: “I won't give in to that look.”
In the end, a happy looking Watari and a sullen Hisoka sat with Tatsumi, just opposite Kurosaki Negare in the main hall for their meals.
Negare took a blank look at Hisoka: “So, you are the doctor's younger brother. How did you managed to find him here?”
“Oh, my cute little brother must be worried for me, neh?” Watari grinned and looked at Hisoka, sweat-dropped. Hisoka was not looking at his father at all. Instead, Watari could feel anger radiating from the boy.
`That Kurikara, how could he just abandon me in this hateful place with an excuse of training my suitability? How can he dump me in the place with that man, that father whom I hate most? I… I'll never forgive him! '
Un der the moonlight in the city of Kyoto, Oriya looked up into the cloudless night sky.
“Muraki, where are you now?”
__________________________________________________________&am p; lt; br>
Cold wind blew across the night skies of Kanagawa…
Hate, continue to consume my hatred for this bloodline. For no descendent of Kurosaki Ren shall escape from my tortments… kukukuku… For your ancestor's act to me, the great Yatonogami-sama!!
“Negare!! Save meeeee…..SAVE me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rui screamed from the basement. Stretches of tentacles cased web like shadows onto the messy hair bloated woman clawing desperately on the floor.
Hisoka was glad that Negare did not ask him anymore questions. Once he finished his meal, he made his escape to the backyard before Tatsumi and Watari could stop him.
“Matte, Watari-kun!” Hisoka heard Miya running behind him. He continued to walk while she called out a few more times.
It finally dawned down that the girl was actually calling him. Hisoka remembered her vaguely as he seldom to meet her while he was alive due to the fact that he was locked up in the basement most of the time. Eventually until he died, he only met her less than 5 times without much talks.
`Damnit, what name did Watari make up for me?' Hisoka thought. Aloud, Hisoka said: “It's alright, you can call me by my name.”
“Then, is it ok for me to call you Asato-kun?” Miya smiled.
Hisoka sighed in resignation. Watari and Tatsumi must have address him using Tsuzuki's name and Watari's surname to avoid suspicious. What more could he say?
“Gomen, old master did not talk much with you. He is still over-grieved by his missing daughter's corpse.”
“Daughter??!” Hisoka echoed. He did not remember having any sister in his life before. “Miya-san….”
“Eh? Have I mentioned my name to you before?” Miya asked. She covered her mouth in fear, realizing that she mentioned something unspeakable in front of a stranger.
“Never mind about that, can you tell me more about the…” Hisoka pursued on, noticing that the girl was frightened and was trying to find an excuse to run off.
“BON!!!” Watari waved from the door of the main house: “So you are there!”
“Excuse me, I got to go.” Miya bowed and hurried back into the house.
“Watari, I have something to ask you.” Hisoka grabbed onto the scientist shinigami's shoulder.
“Heh?” Watari blurted: “What do you want to know?”
“About my sister. Do I have any sister?” Hisoka's glare was sharp.
Watari sighed: “I guess I can't hide this matter from you. No matter what, you were the rightful owner of this house.. It begins with your family clan tradition…..”
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The sound of footsteps was heard as a man's shadow cast across the sprawled figure of the broken Rui.
“Madam Rui… Forgive me for my rudeness, but I have to solve this mysterious relation of you and your sister, Kasane to Kurosaki clan.”
A lit light shone to show the face of Tatsumi Seiichirou.
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Meanwhile, in the elder Kurosaki's household, a servant hurriedly rushed to Kurosaki Iwao.
“What is it?” Iwao frowned.
“A sensei, a tall man in white wishes to see you. He said his name is Muraki Kazutaka and.. and he said he can assist you to claim your rightful status..”
Iwao smirked in silence.
“Invite him in. I need to have a long chat with him.”
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In the land of GenSouKai……
Tsuzuki, knowing that he could not stop the battle, was dragged back to Tenkuu palace by Touda.
`Will Hisoka be alright?' Tsuzuki worried.
He understood how tough the test was. He had gone through Kurikara's test before when he first went to GenSouKai with his then senior. During that time, Kurikara transported him back to the time when all the unforgettable murders took place. Unable to face the fears and guilt of his life, he failed the tests horrifically.
Noting his past experience, Tsuzuki sighed inwardly. `Hopefully Hisoka is not sent back to his old home where he was tortured since young..'
A dark figure of Konton watched in secrecy as the battle between Kijin and Kurikara wore on. Kijin, like his father-SohRyu, refused to believe that the Celestial Emperor was making use of them as hostages.
`Fufufufu.. Once both parties fell into great damage, my master's aim will come true.' Thought Konton.
Under the moonlight, Hisoka walked in deep thoughts as Watari explained his and Tatsumi's finding in his household. To the blond scientist's surprise, Hisoka did not appear stunned by the findings.
“I had a dream about a faceless little girl. Maybe from the start, I should have suspected her for my elder sister…” Hisoka whispered softly. He suddenly looked up. He sensed someone nearby and there were more than four people.
Hisoka pulled Watari and started walking briskly away from that area.
“What happen, Bon?” Watari asked.
Suddenly, the men sprang from around the greenery and surrounded Hisoka and Watari.
Watari blinked, recognizing them as Kurosaki Iwao (Negare's elder brother)'s men who had attacked he and Tatsumi before: “Why is it I meet with you people again? What is it again this time?”
“Sorry, we are here to invite you as guests to our master's home.” A man said, his eyes staring at Hisoka in surprise.
“Nope, he's my younger brother, Asato!” Watari shook his head, pulling Hisoka behind his back: “Seems like these guys are going to hold us hostages. I'll hold them up and you run back to your house.”
“But..” Hisoka protested. Suddenly, a strange dizziness swam in his head. He clutched his chest. “URGH!”
“Bon, are you alright?”
`Why, why did I feel his presence so strongly? Is he hiding here?' Hisoka grinded his teeth in pain. He swayed to look around, but that figure was nowhere to be seen.
Of course, my puppet, but I'll be watching you….
“Muraki.” Hisoka hissed to himself.
Watari suddenly yelled: “HEY, WHAT'S OVER THERE?” Pointing behind the men: “UFO!”
The men only sneered, charging at them.
“How can they not believe me?” Watari sniffed and pushed the nearest man down, opening a space for Hisoka to run through: “Hurry, Bon!”
Arms abruptly threw over Hisoka's body. A ball of fist kneaded into the boy's abdomen.
Darkness descended around Hisoka.
“We've got this kid, let's go!” One man kicked Watari away and the men retreated with Hisoka over a man's shoulder as they made their way back to Kurosaki Iwao's house.
“Danmit, they have not met wrath of the great Watari Yukata sama!” Watari growled and pulled out a hand-held equipment, tracking the location of the men.
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Tatsumi Seiichirou lifted up the oil lamp and knelt down besides the ragged figure of Kurosaki Rui. Her hands suddenly shot up and pulled Tatsumi by his sleeve.
“Help…p. me, Nagare, Helppp me… Onni-nee san .. she.. she's coming for me!”
“What are you doing here in the middle of the night, sensei?” It was Nagare's voice.
“I am here to examine her condition. May I know how did she discover her pregnancy? Was she in her sane self then?”
“You do not have to know so much, sensei.” Nagare said: “Tell me, what is the main motive for your coming here? How did you get my son from the world of dead back into this house?”
Lightning suddenly flashed in the faraway skies, bringing a short glimpse of light across the dark basement through the opening from above. In a second, the light brightened the room, showing Nagare's ghastly white eyes.
“Who exactly are you people?”
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Lightning flashed.
The constant jerking on his front slowly aroused Hisoka. Pretending to be still unconscious, Hisoka opened an eye squinting to see where the men were taking him.
They were on a mud road along the village river. Bright lamps held by some of the men shone the dark path. Hisoka could hear some muttering among the men who kidnapped him.
“Now I understand why Iwao-sama wants this brat. It's so scary holding someone who resembles so much like the late Hisoka-sama.” The man carrying Hisoka over his shoulder suddenly broke the silence.
“Stop whining, it's not a very difficult task.” A man in front said.
“Of course, since you are not the one carrying this brat. It's so eerie carrying someone who resembles like the dead. Say, do you know who's that white doctor with Iwao-sama?”
“Shut up, you are talking too much.” Another man snapped and everyone fell silent.
It was then Hisoka noticed a soft bubbling water sound from the stream they were passing by.
“Di…did you hear.. anything?”
“Can we hurry up? This is the place where Kasane-sama drowned herself.”
More bubbling sound.
“Nagare-san…. Have you come…… for me? Do you want to see…. our sweet Hisoka….-chan? Look, she is sleeping soundly in my arms…….in my arms…. Come…..”
“Did you hear that? RUN!” A man screamed and ran hysterically. Suddenly, something tagged onto his leg and he was pulled into the water.
“H..HEL…HELP.. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE….” His voice was immediately drowned amidst the balls of bubbles in the stream.
“G..GHOST OF KASANE-SAMA!” The man holding Hisoka screamed: “We are going to be killed!!!” He hurled Hisoka down and ran for his dear life. Other men screamed and ran out of sight.
Hisoka rubbed his head and stared at the bubbling water.
“Look.. look at our be…loved… Hisoka-chan, she is sleeeppppping….. in my arms……”
“Our Hisoka-chan…..”
White almost overwhelmed in Hisoka's widening eyes. In the middle of the stream, a woman with messy hair, almost covering her face, slowly emerged from the surface.
There was a scream.
Hisoka's scream.
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“Who exactly are you people?” Nagare's glare became sharper.
Tatsumi was about to reply when he heard Miya and other servants gasping in surprise, followed by Watari's anxious call.
“Someone come and help me with Bon!” Watari cried out.
“Why is Asato-kun so wet?” An older servant called out and was helping Watari carrying Hisoka to the restroom.
Nagare stare at Tatsumi and both men hurried out of the room to see what had happened.
The boy was totally drenched to the skin; his fringe partially covered his pale face. His chest was rising up and down, breathing unevenly, yet steadily.
“Watari, what happened?” Tatsumi asked when they were in the room.
“The boy needs to change into something dry.” A manservant said and pried Hisoka's top jacket and t-shirt from his body. Fiery red marks burnt on his flesh.
All servants in the room gasped in shock.
“It's alright, I'll take care of him.” Tatsumi said quickly.
“All of you can leave this room.” Nagare commanded the servants. He turned to leave. Tatsumi quickly followed behind him.
Nagare put up a hand: “Say no more. My son, Hisoka died with these mysterious marks on his body…. And… thank you for taking good care of him over these past few years.” Nagare quickly turned away and hurried out of the room.
Tatsumi stood at the door for a long time until Watari called him in.
“What are you two talking about?” Watari asked.
“What happen first?” Tatsumi raised his eyebrow. Hisoka was sleeping uneasily on the mattress in his kimono.
“Iwao's servants went to attack us and took Bon away. I gave chase and found him by the streamside in this condition. You know, the stream where Kasane threw herself in.”
“N…No…. Let me go!” Hisoka cried out feverishly in his dreams: “LET ME GO!”
“Kurosaki-kun!” Tatsumi shook Hisoka: “It's alright now, you are safe here!”
Hisoka opened his eyes and shivered uncontrollably, hugging himself tightly.
“What happen?” Tatsumi asked the boy gently.
“N..no, nothing happens…” Hisoka shivered violently.
They heard someone shouting loudly in the main hall.
It was Kurosaki Iwao, Hisoka's uncle, Nagare's elder brother.
Amidst the darkness, Muraki was holding a doll with emerald eyes in his large armchair.
“How is it feeling like, my doll? I have more excitements in store for you. Fu, fu, fu, fu…”
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