Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My All ❯ Puppets ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Summary: After Gensou Kai and Kamakura Arc. Hisoka was to undergo Kurikara's test. At the same time, Muraki wanted to kidnap Hisoka for some purpose. What is EnMa's true intention? Will Tsuzuki and Hisoka's force overcome everything? Warning for spoilers.
AN: I own nothing in Yami no Matsuei, they all belong to Matsushita Yoko sensei. I'm just borrowing the characters and plots for my fanfic, so please don't sue me, I've no money for that. For those not familiar with the later developments of Yami no Matsuei, you can go to Theria.net's Yami no Matsuei translation section.
Please read and review! *Puppy eyes*
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Tatsumi watched on in concern at the shivering Hisoka.
“No, I'm alright…. Please… leave me… alone…” Hisoka hugged himself tight and curled under his blanket.
“NAGARE! COME ON OUT!” Tatsumi could hear Kurosaki Iwao yelled. Tatsumi knew Iwao was not a simple person to deal with. At least, he almost poisoned Nagare once even though the latter was his flesh and blood brother.
He sighed and turned to Hisoka and then Watari.
“Don't worry, I'll look after Bon!” Watari grinned in glee.
“No, just leave me alone.” Hisoka muttered weakly. Watari petted Hisoka on his head gently: “Sorry, Bon, but we just cannot leave you alone under this circumstance.”
Tatsumi shook his head. Hisoka was not in his normal-self; his frightened form resembled even more like Nagare. What had the boy encountered that scared him so much?
Did the boy meet Kurosaki Kasane?
The next moment he turned to look at Hisoka, the boy was already sound asleep on the bed, though he shifted feverishly in his sleep.
“Don't worry about him, I'll watch over Bon to make sure no one can hurt him.” Watari smiled, sitting besides the mattress.
Tatsumi nodded in acknowledgement and proceeded to the hall.
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The hall was crowded with many people, mainly Iwao's men, Nagare's servants and some important heads of the village.
“Nagare-sama, is it true that Hisoka-sama is still alive?” A village head asked hesitantly.
“Nonsense! There's nothing of that sort.” Nagare said calmly.
“LIAR! My men witnessed my nephew walking around your house and you still want to deny!” Iwao exclaimed angrily: “If not, let us open up Hisoka-kun's grave for all to see! To prove that Hisoka-kun did not arise from the world of dead under your sorcery!”
“You are being ridiculous!” Nagare snapped crossly.
“Oh, so, are you feeling guilty because you were hiding Hisoka-kun somewhere?” Iwao sneered unkindly.
Nagare glared at Iwao in shock as the older man waved his hand impatiently, his men storming out into the yard where Hisoka's grave laid.
“WAIT! Ni-san! You can't disturb my son's grave! You've taken my daughter's corpse! What more do you want!” Nagare pulled Iwao by his collar. Iwao snickered.
“STOP THOSE PEOPLE FROM RUINING MY SON'S GRAVE!” Nagare yelled at his servants who ran after the leaving men into the yard. The villagers followed.
“What happen, Master?” Tatsumi asked in concern as he ran into the hall.
Without waiting for Iwao's reply, he ran after the mass of people. Iwao smiled and followed.
Tatsumi ran after the people into Hisoka's graveyard.
He heard many people gashed in shock. He looked on.
The two Hisoka's graves rose within his viewing range. Beside the girl Hisoka's empty grave was the boy Hisoka's grave… it was an empty grave.
“WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN THE BOY'S CORPSE!” Tatsumi roared at the fearful men.
“We… we do not know! It was already dug out the time we reached here!” some men echoed.
Nagare was staring at the grave in silent shock. First, it was the girl, now was the boy. Where had both of them gone?
Besides him, Iwao smirked: “Admit it, Nagare, you made use of that monster to revive your dead son. Men! Search the house for that monstrous child! He has to be destroyed before he destroys the whole village.”
“You are not fit to be the head of Kurosaki clan, Nagare.”
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The figure of Kurosaki Kasane rose from the stream. Her black, loose hair swayed in the wind, covering part of her face. In her arms was a bony figure of her baby girl, Kurosaki Hisoka.
“Look.. look at our be…loved… Hisoka-chan, she is sleeeppppping….. in my arms……”
“Our Hisoka-chan…..”
Hisoka stared in fear as the figure struggled out of the water. Something long and shinny dragged under her.
Kurosaki Kasane reached out a hand towards Hisoka.
“Come…. Come and look at our Hisoka-chan….”
“Our Hisoka-chan…”
Hisoka screamed. He could feel strong evil like aura and Kasane's feeling of insane-like emotions flowing into him. The demon-like Kasane dragged him down the stream by his arm.
“LET ME GO!” Hisoka screamed and swept his arm at her.
A force radiated from him, forcing the woman to release him. Hisoka continued to struggle, pushing the distance between him and the woman who resembled so much like his own mother.
“Don't you want to see our Hisoka-chan? Our Hisoka-chan…”
“BON! Wake up!” Watari shook Hisoka awaked: “Are you having a nightmare again?”
`This family.. this family of mine… is insane….' Hisoka panted heavily.
He wanted to get out, get out of this cursed place he used to call home. Anywhere, even Kurikara's cave was one hundred, no, one million better than this hell.
“Bon! Are you alright?” Watari pulled Hisoka into his arms: “You look very pale, Bon.”
“NO! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT!” Nagare yelled in anger.
“Wh… what happen?” Hisoka asked weakly, grabbing onto the blond shinigami's coat like a kitten to a plank in the sea.
Watari looked down at the shivering boy in his arms. Hisoka was not behaving in his strong self. He had to find a way to get Hisoka back to Meifu before Hisoka reached his limit.
Suddenly, the door was pulled open to reveal an excited figure of Kurosaki Iwao. He stared down at the frightened figure of Hisoka in Watari's arms.
“Now, look what we have got. The little monster child from the world of dead.”
“HEY! Watch your filthy mouth, you stupid fat old man!” Watari yelled angrily at Iwao, hugging Hisoka even tighter: “He is my younger brother, Watari Asato! Don't you dare to lay a little finger on him!”
“Nagare-sama, so it's true after all, you've accepted the bribe from the evil god- Yatonogami, so that he could come back to this world!” a village head exclaimed in shock.
“Maybe this child is even the revived Yatonogami himself!” Another village head gasped in fear.
“People!” Iwao raised his hand: “Now you've seen how my disgraceful younger brother collaborated with the demon. Is he still fit to be the head of this clan?”
“Definitely not!” Some men cried out.
“This demonic child must be destroyed!” Some villagers exclaimed fearfully.
“No, no, NO!” Hisoka shook his head and clutched onto Watari tighter: “Watari-san, please, please tell me this is only a nightmare! GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!”
Watari clutched his teeth and lifted Hisoka in his arms. He stared at Tatsumi amidst the crowd. Tatsumi nodded.
Swirls of shadows suddenly rose, pulling floor partitions from the ground. People screamed and went into panic. Watari carried Hisoka and flew out of the house.
“Don't worry, Bon, I'll take you back to Meifu.” Watari whispered to the still shaken Hisoka.
Ahead, a white figure stood under the moonlight.
Muraki Kazutaka
“That man..” Watari grinded: “Isn't he dead yet?”
“Ho, we've met again. I'm afraid this boy cannot leave this place yet.” Muraki smiled.
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