Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ My Purgatory ❯ Returning Anew ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yami No Matsuei or any of its characters, though I do own this plot of the fic!

Warnings: Strong Sexual Content, Violence, Language, and Angst

My Purgatory

Chapter One
Returning Anew

"You expect it to be this easy. Even if you managed to kill me, I will only come back with more fury than before. I dare you to end my life, but I swear it will not be last you hear of me. Tsuzuki will be mine once again."

I woke up suddenly and completely. Muraki's deceptive voice still repeated itself in my mind. It has been another week since me and Tsuzuki have made up, and not a nights gone by without Muraki's revolting voice taunting me in my sleep. I groggily turned in the empty darkness of the night, and face the adorable brunet sleeping beside me. Ever since last week, Tsuzuki has slept in my bed for fear I will leave him again. I've reassured him nothing of the sort will ever happen, but he refuses to believe. A soft grimace, played cheerfully on his sleepy expression. It still baffled me; how can anyone smile so carelessly after everything he's been through. Even in his sleep he continues to hide his sorrow, his fear, and his suffering. I know behind that pleasant smile and gleaming violet eyes, there's an emotional storm raging. If not for Tsuzuki's mastered ability to camouflage his pain, everyone would know what I already knew. Tsuzuki is hurting inside, and the longer he hides it, the more fearsome it'll become when it finally slips through.

I linger in his beauty for another hour because I can't get back to sleep. My thoughts still recreated the horrible incident with Muraki. It was my fear of the truth his words held, that kept me from sleep. I only hope it was a highly exaggerated bluff. I don't know what I'd do if he came back for Tsuzuki. His return would only mean he was truly undefeatable, immoral, and invincible. What chance would I stand against that?

"Tsuzuki..." I murmur, trying to take in as much of this moment as I could. I gently caressed his soft cheek with my index finger. I can hardly believe he's here. Or that I'm here. Just weeks ago, I was lost and another person was comforting my brunet. "I don't want to lose you..." I whisper soothingly, smiling sadly. I turned back around and stared at the blank wall.

There was peace...at least for now.

As if careful planned, my paradise came to a steady halt as I was brought from my thoughts by a irritating ring. I sat up indignantly, making sure not to wake Tsuzuki, and roughly grabbed the buzzing phone. Trying to contain what frustration that had manifested when the call came, I took a deep breath before speaking.

"Hello?" I said rather haughtily, a frown still held furiously on my face.

"Morning, Hisoka!" A perky energized voice cheered from the other line. I automatically new it was Watari here to aggravate me early in the morning. "I didn't think you'd be up, but I'm certainly happy you did."

"What is it you want Watari?" I ask quickly getting to the point.

It seemed to upset him that I ignored his pleasant greeting and didn't respond. "Oh, Hisoka. You could at least say good morning."

"It was until you called." I growled impatiently.

"I can see you got no sleep." He laughed, which annoyed me more. Finally he got to the point of importance. "Well since you're not going to cheer up, I might as well drop the bomb now." I listened in anticipation. "EnMaDaiOh has requested an audience with you, Hisoka." He announce remorsefully, his tone completely different from his once cheerful mood.

"But why?" I stammered back. Why did I need to see the Lord of the Shinigami? I haven't done anything wrong or broken any rules, have I? "Watari, why-" I hesitated suddenly. Something warm had pressed deeply into my back and a grasp around my waist tightened. I turned my head slightly and stared at the longer asleep Tsuzuki. His head was burried shamefully into my back and his arms kept a thigh grip around my. It was obvious he had woken up when I got the call, only now had he decided to make his presence know.

"Hisoka?" Watari questioned my sudden silence. "Hisoka?" He repeated again.

"I have to go Watari..." I explained, finally finding my voice. I hung up the phone and sighed loudly. I gently placed my hands over Tsuzuki. "What's wrong?"

"Are you going out?" He countered my question with a question of his own. I could feel his head push deeper into my back and his shivering was relentless.

"I'll be right back, I just have to talk with someone." I laughed nervously, not wanting him to sense my uneasiness.

"But talking with EnMaDaiOh is never good." He mumbled softly. "What if he's mad at you for killing Muraki?" He asked worriedly. I assured him there was nothing to be afraid of. But I wasn't exactly thinking the same thing when I arrived at Shinigami's headcounters, awaiting my visit with EnMaDaiOh.

An overwhelmingly terrifying feeling rose in me, causing me to shiver relentlessly. I didn't like being here, it foretold so much danger. I sighed, trying to overcome the sudden fear and reluctantly stroll before the Shinigami Lord and others among him. Surprisingly Tatsumi and Watari were included in this little meeting.

I bowed loyally before him and anticipated his reason for calling me. Finally his booming voice broke the silence. "Are you aware of your possible situation?" He asked, seriously, his eyes staring coldly at me. I was too fearful to answer, but there was no need. "I have been informed that you killed Muraki." My breath quickly caught half way up my throat, as I realized that I may be punished for seeking revenge against the one who was responsible for my own death. "We believe that Muraki...is still alive." My eyes widened, this couldn't be. I made sure myself that he remained in the hell he deserved. It is impossible for him to come back...but it wouldn't be the first time he's played dead before.


"We believe that you are is life resource at this moment." He interrupted loudly. "Being the only one around during his death, you are the only person he could use to stay alive. But we have yet to figure out how he is using you and his where about. So it is Watari and Tatsumi's responsibly to keep a close eye on you, until we figure out this mystery." He demanded. I looked desperately at the two that were to watch me. It still confused me. Who could this have happened? How could I have been so stupid to allow Muraki to use me like that? So he was once again right. It was not the last I will hear of him.

They eventually let me go home after Watari preformed a number of test on me so they could keep me monitored. I was relieved to have come home to where I had hoped Tsuzuki was patiently waiting for me. Knowing him, there would be an affectionate hug the moment I walked through the door and a chorus of 'I so glad you are back'. But when I opened the door, the empty silence greeted me instead. I closed the door behind me and thoroughly searched the living room. Tsuzuki wasn't even in the kitchen cooking deserts or lord knows what for my arrival. I removed my coat and shoes before searching the rest of the house. It wasn't until I came to our room when I heard running water. It sounded like the shower in the bathroom connected to my room. I sighed in relief. Though there wasn't much to worry about Tsuzuki, it was still important to be cautious when the mention of Muraki's resurrection floated about the place.

A devilish thought seeped into my train of thought. And I quickly undressed before walking into the bathroom. I got a clear silhouette of Tsuzuki from behind the shower curtain as I entered the foggy yet pleasantly scented bathroom. I looked at the mirror, he had no doubly been in there long since the glass was thoroughly misty and impermeable. He was also in no cheerful mood, as he was standing still in the silence. Only the sound of pitter patter from hot droplets cascading down his slender figure filled the room. Normally he would sing, not my idea of good quality though, or at least put on the impression that he was savoring the relaxing shower.

Quietly, I slipped in from the back and wrapped my arms around his slick back. "You seem down lately. Care to tell me what's troubling you?" I remarked, laying my head comfortably on his wet shoulder. He shuddered at my sudden contact and then shyly looked at my eyes. I could see worry and secrecy imbedded in his beautiful amethyst orbs. Once warm and loving were now contaminated with fear and depression. It hurt more to see him this way but also to know that I was the one to have caused this sudden change in mood. He sighed, turning his gaze back to the titled floor where the water spiraled beneath his feet and made its way down the drain. "Tsuzuki?"

"It's nothing...nothing at all. I'm fine." He retorted softly, almost in a whisper. He knew better than that, such an answer would not be sufficient in this situation. Rather than urge him to answer me properly, I kissed the shiny, tone skin at his neck. Softly, I rubbed my bottom lip against his slick flesh, making him shiver at my touch. I closed my eyes and slowly began a trail of elegant butterfly kisses along his back and neck. I ignored his constant squirming as I held him in place, both hands at his hips. It had been quit some time since we were last intimated. Not to mention this was not the time nor the place to engage in such activities such as these. But what was one mere unspoken rule to be broken.

He moaned faintly as the delicate kisses became pleasurable nips and bits. I have a sudden thirst for his irresistible scent and taste. His skin was sweet and smooth like silk. His addictive aroma was more than pleasing but sensual and had an unusual erotic lure to it. It was as if I was feeling him for the first time, or if I was seeing it in the eyes of another. The sudden quench of lust I had accumulated so quickly could not be satisfied by simple caressing and fondling. I needed so much more...

"H-Hisoka...." He gasped huskily as he felt my tongue run along his spinal cord and playfully circle his neck. "What are you doing?" He asked shyly, his face turning hot with embarrassment as well as excitement. I smirked seductively and bite more forcefully at the nape of his neck, rewarded by another pleasing moan.

"I'm making up for my absence, love." I whispered into his ear, later biting it and pulling gently on his lobe. A small tremor engrossed his body at hearing the familiar nick name. I didn't know what possessed me to repeat such a demeaning title for the one I adore when I know who much pain it causes him. The words had so easily rolled off my tongue and in such a lusting voice as well. It was all enough to draw back more than enough painful memories to Tsuzuki, that had cause him to resist my loving ministrations.

"S-stop...Hisoka...please" he begged, his eyes rolling into his head as I groped his firm backside. I couldn't deny the fact that his pleading only fueled my need more. My nimble fingers traced the outline of his curves and danced at his hips and thighs. It was then Tsuzuki realize I had no intention of stopping until I had my fill of his addict appearance. "Hisoka." He urged louder in an almost demanding tone. I knew he was irked by my persistence, but I could not help but continue. It was when my hand had slipped from groping his behind to fondling the limp flesh at the joint of his thighs, that he managed to find his voice. "Hisoka, stop!" He yelled, rushing forward and out of my grasp. He panted heavily, using the shower walls as support while he caught his breath. "What the hell are you doing?!" He questioned, turning to me sharply and glaring at me.

"I...I..." Speechless and yet turned on by his sudden spunkiness, I tried to find my reasons. There was none, unless 'you are just so drop dead gorgeous' is considered a reasonable explanation. "I'm sorry, Tsuzuki." I replied remorsefully, looking at him with guilt in my emerald eyes.

Tsuzuki seemed to be too furious with my behavior that he ignored my apology and strutted out of the bathroom, not bothering to grab a towel as he left. I sighed, maybe this Muraki stuff was seriously getting to my head. I sadly crawled out of the shower in shame, drying off with a towel Tsuzuki had most likely pulled out for himself and reentered the bedroom. Tsuzuki had already pulled on his pajamas and was now climbing into the unkempt bed. He grunted, noticing my glance and smugly pulled the covers close to his chin.

"Night." He replied bluntly, not even looking to see if I would respond.

I sighed once more, getting dressed into black pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt before joining him in bed. I instinctively scooted over toward his side of the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist, beneath the blanket. "Look Tsuzuki, I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to offend you, and you know that. I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you." I explained whole heartedly. "I just got carried away." I received only silence from him. sadly, I laid my chin on his shoulder and kissed his tender cheek. "Forgive me, please?" I nearly pouted childishly, which probably wasn't as affective as it would be for him to do it. But it seemed to have softened him up, since the once tensed shoulders relaxed at my request.

"You know I do." He mumbled reluctantly. I could tell he was unwilling to let it pass so easily, but Tsuzuki was never the one to hold a grudge. I smiled accepting that self-explanatory answer and peacefully dropped my lids. It hadn't taken long for sleep to consume me, but for Tsuzuki it was another story.


"Hisoka?" Tsuzuki whispered softly when the warmth around him quickly vanished. He sat up and looked through the dark room, the sleeping boy beside him had disappeared. Naturally Tsuzuki had suspected it was a quick trip to the bathroom, but when he laid back down, no one returned as soon as he'd expect. Hisoka had disappeared...

A/N: HI, everyone, long time no see. I know its seems like it has been forever since I updated last for most of my fics, but I'm slowly getting them done^_^and I finally finished the first chapter of "My Sanctuary" s sequel. So I hope you enjoyed because I had to go through allot of planning to figure out how I would do the sequel! Look forward to reviews, see you all soon!