Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Only in Words ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 4 )
Title: Dreams
Part: IV of Only in Words
Series: Yami no Matsuei
Category: Poem, shounen-ai/ yaoi, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Tsuzuki x Hisoka
Author: Requiem Duindain
E-mail: r_duindain@hotmail.com
Homepage: requiemharmony.cjb.net
Author's notes: Oh my god! It's part IV! I hope you people like it!
Disclaimers: Yami no Matsuei belongs to Matsushita Yoko.
There is pain
Echoing and great
Much like childhood ghosts,
Remaining in the mind
Reveling in the cries
Such memories invoke
Teary glassy eyes
Reflecting what's inside
Soul too haughty to confess
Hypocritical mannerisms
Unloving, depreciating
Searching for release
Hold you in these arms
Keep you warm and out of harm
Afraid to bring you more pain
Whisper unfamiliar things
Pray they bring you peace
And wish to share this love
Knowing all to well the hurt
Though we were surely two different people…
I clutch you close to me
Still your shaking form
And dream to kiss those pretty lips.
Good night.
--The Dreamer