Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Stalker Pervert ❯ The Window Of Escape ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Operation Stalker Pervert

By Menchi


Tatsumi was very exhausted from worrying about both Hisoka and Tsuzukiall day. Hisoka had still not moved from the cherry blossom tree and no one had heard from Tsuzuki. There was also a lot of paper work that needed to be done after their so-called meeting. He started working on it right away but it seemed there was no effect on the enormous pile of papers and it was already dark outside.

His lead pencil slipped from his fingers and he leaned back in his chair. He let out a yawn he had been holding back for some time now and heard a soft knock from outside the door. He looked towards the door. "Come in."

Wakaba threw open the door and entered his office looking energetic and asked, "How is the paperwork going Tatsumi?"

"I've done so much but it'll be a while before I have it all finished."

"Oh, but you look so tired! Would you like some coffee?" she said as she came closer to his desk. "I made a fresh pot," she added.

"Thanks, but not right now Wakaba." After what happened to the earlier coffee he wasn't sure when he would be able to drink it again. "It's getting late so I think we should bring Hisoka inside even if we must forcefully drag him in."

"All right," she replied.


Muraki was enjoying a cigarette outside on his bedroom's balcony. He noticed that the full moon was without a doubt the most beautiful thing in the sky. Not one of the many millions of stars could even compare to the moon with their dull shine. He believed that the only way it could possibly look better was if it was blood red.

The cool night breeze came upon his face and he closed his eyes for a second. He felt so…unusually content. He turned his head and glanced up at the room Tsuzuki was isolating himself in. 'Is it because my beloved is here now?' he wondered with a delighted grin.

He quickly put out the glowing end of his cigarette in an ashtray. He then looked up at the silver disk surrounded by darkness one more time before going back inside. He could have stayed on the balcony like that all night but he had other things to do. The first task at hand was to get Tsuzuki to willingly come out of his room.

That was easy enough because he knew Tsuzuki must be starved since he had nothing to eat all day. He was sure he could get Tsuzuki to be submissive by offering him a delicious meal. But first he wanted to freshen up a bit so he'd be ready to seduce Tsuzuki in style.


Tsuzuki's body was stretched out across the satin comforter on the bed inside the dark unlit room. He had been lying there on his stomach all day except when he occasionally got up to use the bathroom. A few times he looked outside of the room's window to confirm that he was where he thought he was, at Muraki's home.

"So…hungry and thirsty," he whined. Tsuzuki wanted to leave and go get something to eat but he didn't know where he would exactly go to after that. He told himself that he needed a plan before leaving since his earlier gay bar plan was not sufficient. Unfortunately, he couldn't decide what to do and was getting more perplexed as every minute quickly passed by.

The most obvious thing to do was to go back and face the wrath of Hisoka. This meant facing what he also did to him and all of the consequences such as Hisoka's hatred. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. He really hurt Hisoka and if he did go back, he'd possibly hurt him even more.

'Could I even look Hisoka straight in the eye? No, I could never look into those beautiful green eyes again without feeling so overwhelmed with guilt and shame that I could vanish right then and there. That's the real reason I ran from him and everyone else as well. I really am a cowardly man. But this is the best for Hisoka. Yes, the best thing for him is to never see me again. That way it's harder for him to relive what I did.' He buried his face in a pillow.

'There's something dark about me. Something that stays with me and causes everyone I care about pain entirely against my will. It's always there and it will never disappear until it's satisfied. It's just like Muraki said before isn't it? I have the blood of a demon. I hate it. I hate myelf.' he thought as he uncontrollably soaked the pillow with his hot wet tears.

Then he heard a light knock on the door. 'Muraki. Maybe if I don't answer he'll just go away.' So Tsuzuki stayed still in the bed and tried to calm himself down.

(5 minutes later)

'He's still knocking dammit! Maybe a little bit longer and…'

(3 min later)

"Mr. Tsuzuki, I've come to get you. You shall be mine tonight. So won't you be good and open the door?" said Muraki outside the door.

"No way! You're going to have to kick down this damn door!" he threatened and ran to the window. "I guess I'll have to take my chance in the gay bar," he said to himself as he tried to push open the stubborn window. He got it open just enough for him to finally stick his left leg out. "Wait, did I even lock the door?" he asked and turned to look.

The doorknob began to turn. "Shit!" he yelled as the window finally decided to let him push it open more.

Muraki walked into the room and was stunned by the sight of Tsuzuki desperately trying to escape through the tiny window. He chuckled and came up from behind him. He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled on his body. They both ended up falling onto the floor with Muraki beneath Tsuzuki. However, Muraki wasn't fond of that position so he moved Tsuzuki so he could get up. Tsuzuki tried to get up as well but was stopped by Muraki's foot pressing on his chest.

Muraki smirked down at him. He was pleased that he got to him in time so he didn't have to track him down outside. "How rude of you to try and leave me like that in my own home Tsuzuki."

Tsuzuki didn't respond with words. He only looked up at him and then turned his head away from his unpleasant gaze.

"Hmm…you look so wonderful bathed in the moonlight," he said as he bent down and brought himself on top of Tsuzuki. He made sure to secure Tsuzuki's legs to the floor with his own so he couldn't kick him. He steadied himself with one arm down on the lush carpet and then lightly pressed himself against Tsuzuki's body.

Tsuzuki blushed and found himself unable to move. He only kept his head turned to the side away from Muraki. He was seriously trying to ignore the fact that Muraki looked sexy dressed in his white attire without his trench coat on and that he also smelled too good. 'Too hot in here…'

Muraki gently cupped the side of Tsuzuki's face and turned his head until their faces were no more than an inch apart. He stared down into his sparkling amethyst eyes. "Mr. Tsuzuki, you've been crying haven't you?"

"Get off," he commanded in a low voice.

"Do you really want me to?" he asked as he ever so softly pressed his lips on Tsuzuki's neck. "I wonder, do you not like your room? If that's bothering you I can offer you another room. Perhaps my room?" he whispered against Tsuzuki's bare skin. He slowly pulled back to gaze at him. The expression on his face told him that was a definite "no".

"Muraki, I won't let you have my body without a fight!" he suddenly yelled as he tried to move his body around. That didn't help matters because the only thing he was really doing was making more body contact between the two of them. Muraki was enjoying it so he let him continue.

Tsuzuki struggled until he was tired and couldn't do it anymore. He was completely out of energy and his stomach started growling.

Muraki finally pushed himself off of him and said, "I knew you would be hungry so I've come to get you so we may go eat together. There is a small restaurant not too far from here that I thought you would enjoy. You will come with me, right Mr. Tsuzuki?" he asked as he got up and offered his hand to him.

Tsuzuki's eyes lit up at the thought of food and he turned into his cute puppy form. "You mean you didn't come to…"

"Of course not," he replied as though it were an insult to accuse him. 'So cute…' he thought as he looked at his furry ears.

Puppy Tsuzuki sighed with relief. He really wanted some food but could he really trust him? Maybe he was planning to "make him his" afterwards. He ignored Muraki's hand and got up by himself. He also did have many questions that he wanted Muraki to answer. "Okay,

I'll go as long as you agree to answer a few questions I have and not try anything perverted afterwards."

'Questions are bad,' thought Muraki. But he had expected him to say something like that. "Fine. Now let's go," he said as he walked up to the window.

His tail wagged back and forth as he asked, "What are you doing?"

"I thought maybe you would prefer to leave this way," he said with a playful smile.

Puppy Tsuzuki blushed with embarrassment. His tail stopped wagging and he turned around. "Well, I guess the door is good too."

Muraki walked past him and his fingers lightly touched the top of Puppy Tsuzuki's tail.

The sensation he got from the simple touch was really weird. "Hey!"

Muraki paused and said, "You didn't say I couldn't do anything now." He then walked out the door still smiling.