Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and Owls! ❯ Zzzz… what? ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks for all the lovely reviews! I can't believe that I was considering not posting this fic when I started it a year ago!




Eh, I forgot: Thanks for the sympathy. I hope so to!


Digiavalon: Well at least you reviewed now right? I m glad that you like the story!


DarkSapphireDragon: You found the chapter amusing? When I wrote it I had to think a lot to get it a bit funny… but thanks for thinking so!


yaminokaitou: I know… it was ether that or a dirty old racoon.


panatlantic: I read your story and I LOVED it! I wanted to review but my computer thought otherwise… I m going to read the story again and the rest of your fics when I get the time!


Sakura Blossom-Cilla-85:P: I haven't forgotten about it, but i haven't figured out how to mix them in yet…


Robin Rainyday: Well if you are a small owl the stress can get to you easily. Death to the cat?! My poor Kurosaki-chan! Maybe I should let him eat Watari…


Nancy: Well I have been playing with the thought, but I don't really know how Terazuma acts since he is only in the manga… okay he shows three times in the anime but still…


Shinigami_Tsuzuki: I m so touched by your review I just wanna blush!




Chapter eleven: Zzzz… what?




Tsuzuki yawned silently as he was awoken by a strange feeling down his spine. He stretched and rubbed his left eye. He stopped in mid movement. `How can I rub my eyes when I have paws?!' he thought and opened his eyes. The bedroom was dark but some light from the window slipped into the dark room. Tsuzuki lifted one hand and brought it before his face. He had to hold back a gasp as he noted that he was staring at his human hand instead of a paw. `I m back to normal again!' he looked over his shoulder and sighed. `This is really a bad time to change back. Muraki have a shirt and boxers on and what do I have? A freaking dog collar! I got to get out from here with the rest!'


Taking a deep breath Tsuzuki lifted the arm that was holding him down and as quietly as possible he slipped out from the bed. He looked around and spotted Muraki's white trench coat. The amethyst shingami lifted the coat and stuck his tongue out. `It reeks of Muraki! Ew ewe ew ew…' he shivered as he slipped it on. He buttoned the coat and walked to the door. `Well, better this then being naked…'




Watari opened his eyes as he lay on his back in the cage. `What happened?' he wondered when he saw that the room was dark. He flipped himself over and fumbled for his glasses. He gasped as they landed before him.


"Looking for these?" Tatsumi asked. He noted that Watari looked like he would faint again so he acted quickly. "Watari its me, Tatsumi!" he said, hoping that the scared owl would listen to him.


Watari put on his glasses and turned around. He gasped when he saw a huge white bird. "Tatsumi? What have you turned into? A chicken?" he asked. Since Watari was so small Tatsumi looked like a giant to him.


Tatsumi shook his head. "No, I m a cockatoo" he said and sighed. "I m sorry for not bringing you back when I realised that you were you" he said and lowered his head. He closed his eyes as he sighed.


Watari turned his head so that he was looking at Tatsumi upside down. "It's ok, Tatsumi-san. No one blames you for anything"


Tatsumi was about to say something when he saw the door to the bedroom open slowly. "Hush, Watari! I think Muraki is coming"


Watari turned his head back and looked at the white cockatoo. "How do you know it's not Tsuzuki? He might have turned back you know" he asked.


Tatsumi shook his head. "I can see his coat, it's Muraki alright"


"Good then maybe he has decided to let me out from this stupid box!!" Hisoka's faint voice was heard from the hat shelf. "He said there was air holes in it but I haven't seen any so far!"




Tsuzuki tensed as the door squeaked. `Please, old squeaking door, be quiet!' he thought as he looked back to the bed. He saw Muraki frown before turning over. He let out a sight in relief and resumed pushing open the door.




"He's moving again! Do something, Tatsumi!" Watari piped and hopped up on his small metal stick.


Tatsumi looked at the owl with a frown. "And what am I supposed to do? Speak until he gives up?"


"I don't care what you do but do something!" Hisoka snapped.


Watari and Tatsumi saw the box shake as the bunny jumped around in it. "Ok, Tatsumi, I have an idea! I'll open the cage and you'll fly at him. While you distract him, I'll try to get bon down from there and get Tsuzuki and then we get out from here"


Tatsumi looked at the owl and scratched his head with one of his legs. "I think I'll try to take Hisoka down from the shelf while you distract Muraki. I m larger then you" he said as the owl picked the lock. He blinked as the small lock fell to the floor with a thud. "Where did you learn to pick locks?"


Watari pushed his glasses back up on his beak. "While I tried to get into your saf…. I mean ROOM! I wanted to borrow a book! Yeah, a book… I got to go!" he said and dashed out from the cage.


Tatsumi made his way through the small door. `Did he just say that he was trying to get into my safe? I have to talk to him later…' he muttered to himself. Waiting until Watari reached the door, he flapped his wings. `I have absolutely no idea how birds fly!' he panicked inside his mind as he hopped of the table. He watched as the floor got closer and closer. `I m going to get smashed against the floor! It's a good thing that am already dead!' Just as he was abut to slam into the floor he felt his wings tilt and he was suddenly travelling against the ceiling. `Correction, I m going to be smashed against the ceiling!'


Watari watched the secretary. As he neared the ceiling he called out. "Flap your wings and stop!"


Tatsumi heard the scientist and flapped his wings. He felt himself slowdown until he finally stopped just as his beak touched the ceiling. "T-that was close…" he said and then shook his head. "Let's get down to business" He used his wings to glide over to the shelf where Hisoka was held inside the box. His tail helped him move left and right and soon he touched down on the shelf. "Watari attack now!"


Watari frowned. `How the heck can he do so well for his first try… it's so unfair" he muttered and ruffled his feathers. Flapping his small wings with all his might he rushed forwards. "CHARGE!!"




Tsuzuki sighed as he finally managed to open the door. He closed it as silently as he had opened it and looked into the kitchen. He heard something and a second later something feathery landed on his face. "What the?!" he gasped and lifted a hand to pluck whatever he had gotten in his face of. He blincked as he saw that it was Watari who had landed on him.


The little owl was clawing the air with his small claws and his eyes were tightly closed as he hung by some feathers in Tsuzuki's grasp. "Take this! And This!" he snapped and clawed harder.


Tsuzuki quickly pinched the small beak shut. "Shhh… its me, Watari!" he whispered close to the owl.


Watari struggled for as few minutes before running out of breath. He opened his eyes and stared into big amethyst pools. "Tmmsmm" he muffled out from his shut beak.


Tsuzuki let him go and placed him in his now free palm. "What were you doing?" he asked.


"I thought you were Muraki. Tatsumi talked me into this!" he whispered to the human.


"I heard that!" Tatsumi snapped from the shelf before digging his beak into the box to rip it open. He tried to change grip but soon he was stuck. He backed and dragged the box with him. "Le go, le go" he told himself but didn't see where he was going. He suddenly felt the ground disappear beneath him and found himself hanging over the edge. "Tsuusi a wittle heep heer" he tried to say with his beak stuck in the box.


Tsuzuki placed Watari on his shoulder and went over to the cockatoo. He picked up the box and placed it on the floor before pulling Tatsumi free. "Hang in there, Soka. I'll get you out" he said and opened the box.


Hisoka pocked his head over the edge of the box before hopping out. "'Some air holes' yeah right…" he muttered. He looked up and spotted Tsuzuki. "You turned back!"


Tsuzuki nodded and smiled. "Yes, but I don't think it permanent. We got to get out from here. Let's go now" he said and moved to pick Tatsumi and Hisoka up


"So the little pup turned into a big pup… not much of a surprise really. I should tell master about this"


Tsuzuki frowned and looked over his shoulder and spotted the person he hated next to Muraki. "Kurosaki" he said, his voice dripping with hate.


Hisoka looked up at Tsuzuki. "Please don't say my last name with so much hatred. I feel like its me you are talking about…"


Tsuzuki stood up and walked over to the cat. "I m so glad that I m back to human, because now I can do this!" he said and grabbed the cat that tried to flee by the scruff of his neck. He lifted the now growling cat to meet his eye. "Don't tell me you are scared, Kurosaki. After all, I m a big puppy as you said..."


"That is true, pup, but there is also one more thing I know. Yu can't kill a defenceless, innocent creature like me" he said and looked at Tsuzuki with big emerald eyes.


Tsuzuki smirked and walked over to the corner of the kitchen. He spotted a rubbish bin and dumped the kitten in it and placed a heavy box with books in it over the opening. He left a small hole on one end so that the cat could get some air. "I know I can't kill anyone even if they are as rotten as you, but I still can throw them into the garbage bin" he said and dusted of his hands. He walked over to the two on the floor and picked them up. "Lets go"


Watari looked back to the corner and heard the cat spit and growl from inside the bin. "That was cruel, Tsuzuki. I mean, did you know what Muraki threw in there yesterday?" he asked.


Tsuzuki unlocked the door and headed out in the hallway. "No honestly, Watari I don't know"


"Yeah, and why should he worry about that?" Hisoka asked.


Watari fumbled with his wings. "Well, Muraki threw a box of rotten egg in there as well as Kurosaki's… hmmm… `nature calls'…"

Tatsumi looked down at the owl from Tsuzuki's other shoulder. "You mean his… ehhh… dropping?" he asked. `Poor cat…'


Watari nodded. "That's correct. Just image Muraki's face when he sees Kurosaki in the bin"


Tsuzuki giggled and walked over to the elevator. Inside he put all the animals on the floor. He pressed the button on the wall and felt the tingling feeling before returning into a puppy. He shook himself and panted. "I would like to be there to see his face when he discovers the little present I left him before going to bed… he he…"


Hisoka frowned at the pup. "What did you do now, baka?"




Muraki mumbled as he woke up. He looked around for the pup but didn't see him or his coat. `So, he turned back without me noticing it? I must have been more tired then I thought… aww well. I'll just get up and get them back' he thought and moved from the bed. He walked over to the bathroom and turned on the light. He fetched his glasses that rested on the sink. He started to run a brush through his hair and was hit by a awful smell. `I thought I cleaned Kurosaki's litter box…' he stopped as he looked over his shoulder. The brush dropped from his hand and his jaw hit the floor.


In the corner stood the litter box and in it was a huge stinking pile. Muraki pinched his nose and frowned, his eyes never leaving the awful sight. "Dear heavens, ether Kurosaki has a huge problem or I over fed him last night…"




Gomen for the late update but I have been busy. I just got a baby bunny and she is only nine weeks old! That and I got a new part time job…