Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Puppies and Owls! ❯ Wrong turn ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Puppies and Owls!
Chapter twelve: Wrong turn
“It's really cold outside tonight” Watari said and hopped closer to the pup that lay in the corner of the ally.
After they had managed to escape it started to rain and the four had to seek shelter in an old ally. Tsuzuki had found an old box that stood on its' side in one of the ally's corners and curled up in it. He shook slightly from the cold but his fur held in some warmth. He lifted his head and looked at the small feather ball. “Come over and hold yourself close to me. It may give you some warmth and I'll protect you from the rain”
Watari nodded in gratitude and hopped over to Tsuzuki's head and buried himself under one of his ears. “Thanks, Tsuzuki” he sighed as he started to get warm.
Tatsumi sat on the box and looked around. “Shouldn't one of us keep watch?” he asked.
Hisoka who lay between Tsuzuki's front paws. He yawned and nuzzled into Tsuzuki's fur. “We are all tired, Tatsumi-san. Get some rest, I don't think Muraki would go out in this weather at this time. Besides, he has to clean that scabby cat of his”
Tatsumi sighed and jumped down to the ground and shook himself of. He the hopped up on the pup's back and rested his head in his feathers. “You are probably right, Hisoka. If anyone knows Muraki, it's you two”
The four sleep peacefully that night, warm and dry as the rain fell.
“I m really start to wonder if we have taken a wrong turn somewhere” Watari said and pushed up his glasses.
The four animals now found themselves in the middle of a market. People were shouting and trying to force themselves into different stands. Tatsumi and Watari had flown up to one of the stands to have a good look around.
Tatsumi nodded. “We should have taken a left turn instead of a right because this is definitely not the park” he said and looked around. “Where is Tsuzuki and Kurosaki-kun?”
Watari looked for the two and spotted them in the middle of the market. “Over there!”
Tsuzuki panted as he was petted by a little girl. He noted the bag of pastries she was carrying and sat on his hunches and begged with wide amethyst eyes.
Hisoka sighed as he watched his partner make a fool of himself. He had taken cover under one of the stands since there were a lot of people that almost stamped on him or tried to pick him up. “We don't have time, Tsuzuki! Muraki might be after us!” he called.
Tsuzuki whined and lowered his head. “Gomen, Hisoka, but I can't help it! I haven't eaten in a while” he said and walked over to where the blond bunny was hiding. He sat down only to jerk back on his paws and yelp as Watari landed on his back. “Claws! Watch the claws, Watari!!” he yelped and forced down the urge to shake the small owl of him.
Tatsumi laded on the ground beside the two and ruffled his feathers. “There are too much people around for us to even try to teleport back to Meifu. We got to get to the central park”
Tsuzuki sighed in relief when Watari finally let him go to jump to the ground. “Why the park,
Tatsumi? I mean, there are people there to” he said and looked at his back to see if there was any damage there from Watari's claws.
Tatsumi raised his crest and spread his wings to shoo away a child that was getting to close. He humped and looked at the three before him. “Well, you are right, Tsuzuki, but there are less there and the park is big. We are bound to find a place where we can be alone there”
Watari pushed his classes back up. “You are right! You and I can fly and give directions from there”
Hisoka sighed and shook his head. “That is not a very good idea, Watari. I mean, isn't it better that we stick together if we ether gets separated or Muraki shows up?” he asked.
Tsuzuki scratched one ear. “You have a point and I agree. We can't risk being separated”
Tatsumi looked at the two. “You two really think alike sometimes” he noted.
Hisoka sat straight and stamped his hind leg. “I nothing like that poor excuse of a shingami!” he snapped. He immediately regretted his words as Tsuzuki whimpered and started to back away.
Tsuzuki felt hurt. That was so cruel of Hisoka. Turning he ran away from the small group. `Hisoka is so cruel! We have been partners and we are almost a little more than that and he says such a thing!'
“TSUZUKI! We got to catch him! What if he ends up in trouble?” Watari cried and took of after the pup. His small wings flapped madly as he waved through the crowd, his sight locked on the fleeing pup.
Hisoka watched them go before looking at Tatsumi with guilt shining in his emerald eyes. “I shouldn't have said that, right?” he asked. He hated to be antisocial and he truly liked the amethyst eyed shingami, but when he opened his mouth he always said things he didn't mean to say.
Tatsumi nodded. “You shouldn't but Tsuzuki also should know not to take everything you say so hard by now. He overreacted” he said and patted Hisoka's back with a white wing. “Let's go after them so you can apologize to him”
Hisoka nodded and wrinkled his small pink nose. “Which way did they go?”
Watari almost smacked into a building as the pup took a sharp left turn. “Tsuzuki should really stop eat so much sweets! He has to much energy for his own good!” he panted. He noted after a few minutes of chasing that the pup had slowed down and almost hooted in joy when he finally stopped. He landed on Tsuzuki's head and bent over so he could look the pup into the eyes. “Why did you run?” he asked.
Tsuzuki sighed. “I was hurt by what Hisoka said back there… I know I m stupid but it still hurts to hear it come from him”
Watari shook his small head. “You aren't stupid, Tsuzuki. Sometimes you act like you are, but you are a smart ma… pup. You can't help being the one you are and besides, never take Hisoka seriously. You know that he has a problem socialising with others” he said.
Tsuzuki smiled. “I know. It was hard to make him open up to me”
Watari nodded and was about to say something when a big net fell over them. “What the?!” the owl exclaimed.
Tsuzuki yelped in surprise and tried to dash away but a large hand grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and he was lifter from the ground.
Hisoka stopped when the path he was following split in two. He looked up and spotted Tatsumi who landed on a streetlight. “You see them?” the bunny called up to the cockatoo.
Tatsumi looked left and right. “No… wait a sec I see them! They went right! Follow me!” Tatsumi called when he saw a cream coloured pup vanish into a shop.
Hisoka followed the white bird but stopped short when he saw wich shop the cockatoo had
seen the pup enter.