Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Emeralds ❯ You Can't Even Save Yourself ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Shattered Emeralds

By: Vain 11.2001

I don't own Yami no Matsuei, nor can I claim Hisoka, Tsuzuki, Watari, Muraki, nor Tatsumi-Yoko Matsushita does. Please don't sue me; I'm poor and I'm not bright enough to try and profit from this. Read and review, please!! ^_~

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Okay, here's the deal:

This is slight AU. Tsuzuki was sent on an extended vacation for a year, so when Hisoka came to the department, he ended up getting paired with Watari instead. Unfortunately, a certain platinum-haired pedophile was waiting in the wings and decided that it was time to "re-acquire" his former plaything. Now, six months later, Tsuzuki has returned to JuOhCho to find everything turned upside down. Worst of all, no one will tell him what's going on. And, moreover, why is Tsuzuki dreaming about a mysterious boy with emerald eyes whom he's never met, and just what does he have to do with this new case?

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Hisoka's hands clutched impotently at the chains that bound him to the headboard. Red moonlight streamed through the closed glass balcony doors, casting weird shadows around the fancy hotel room and painting the figures on the bed a livid red color. The youth's head was tossed to the side and his lips were slightly parted as he panted and made soft whimpering noises. The boy tightened his legs convulsively around Muraki's waist as the two rocked back and forth. The mattress creaked slightly.

A grunt left Muraki's lips as he pushed forward with a particularly hard thrust. He ignored the faint cry that it forced from Hisoka's lips. "Ma-Master . . .!"

Muraki closed his eyes and listened with a growing sense of satisfaction as the boy's climax drew near. He wrapped a hand around Hisoka's erection and began to stroke him roughly. The effect was immediate.

The boy squeezed his eyes shut, clenched his hands tightly around the chains of the handcuffs, and arched his back with a strangled groan. His penis pulsed once, a white froth running from its tip to Muraki's hand even as the shinigami shuddered and gasped.

The doctor's own orgasm followed shortly thereafter and his eyes fluttered shut in temporary ecstasy as he slammed into the child one final time. Hisoka let lose a strangled sob when he felt Muraki shiver slightly and tensed up painfully in a futile attempt to deny what had already occurred.

The two lay still for a moment, shivering in the faint afterglow of their actions. Muraki was the first to recover, straining up to gently kiss his pet's soft lips. He smiled when Hisoka tried to cringe away from contact. The silver-haired man growled and pushed forward, still encased in the boy's warm body. He watched with cruel satisfaction as the small face contorted in an odd mixture of pleasure and pain.

He sighed and smirked, thrusting forward again even as he spoke in a smooth casual voice. "Mmmm . . . Well, poppet . . . Well . . ."

Hisoka let out a sharp scream as Muraki pushed into him again. His master laughed and trailed a hand down to his obvious arousal. He didn't make any attempt to escape Muraki's kiss this time.

"What a little slut you are," the doctor marveled with sadistic amusement. He gradually began to build a new tempo. "Aren't you?" He was much more aggressive now, moving deeper inside of Hisoka than the teen was prepared for.

Pain shot up and down the boy's spine, interlaced with a potent amount of pleasure. He couldn't stop himself from crying out as the fingers stroking his penis tightened.

"Beautiful," Muraki murmured. He closed his eyes and pushed himself deeper into his doll's velvet heat. He sighed. "So beautiful . . . Scream for me, boy . . . I want to hear you . . ."

Hisoka moaned as his body tried to keep pace with his master's. It hurt. It burned. It felt like he was being split in two. But it felt so damn good, too . . . His treacherous body tried to push itself down further, wanting to take in more of his master's body. He wasn't sure which hurt more: having Muraki thrust into him or feeling the hollowness that followed when he pulled out again.

A hand wrapped around his waist, pulling painfully at the sensitive flesh there.

"Scream for me, Hisoka . . ." He reared back, pulling himself almost entirely out of the fragile body beneath him. "Scream . . ."

A bright light exploded behind Hisoka's eyes and he tossed his head back and screamed.

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"That cheapskate!!!"

Tsuzuki's loud squawk carried easily to Watari's sensitive ears and the blond sighed and pushed his glasses up on his nose. He was not in the mood to deal with the amethyst-eyed Sugar Glutton of Hades. On his shoulder 003 cooed soothingly and he absently reached up to ruffles the little owl's feathers. He sighed heavily again and peered down into the black water that flowed underneath the bridge.

"Watari!!! You have got to come see this! This place is a slum! Do you always stay in places like this?"

Watari turned around and glared pointedly at the little house Tatsumi had obtained for them. He looked back down at the water. How long had it been since he'd really paid that much attention to where he'd slept? Watari could make anywhere home and Bon had never really seemed to care where they laid their heads so long as they got the case solved as quickly and efficiently as possible. Bon . . .

A gentle hand touched his shoulder, startling him and making 003 coo in greeting. "Watari?"

He turned and found himself staring into a pair of violet eyes, small lines of concern wrinkling the smooth skin around them. "Watari . . .? What going on here?"

A shaky smile forced its way onto his lips. "Oi . . . Tsuzuki . . . I told you . . . people have been disappearing and then turning up again dead. But they stink of strong magic when they're found and their souls have tried to stay in their bodies."

Tsuzuki's normally cheerful mask slipped for a moment and his violet eyes suddenly turned to a depthless, bruised shade. Watari held his piercing gaze for an instant before turning to stare down at the water once again.

"I lived here when I was alive, did you know that?" he started off in the upbeat voice that was on of his many trademarks. "I know everything about Kyoto, so-"

"Quit fucking around with me," Tsuzuki whispered softly. The scientists shivered at the sound; Tsuzuki very, very, very rarely ever got angry or irritated, but when he did . . . He came closer to Watari and stared at the blonde's profile intensely. "Just what exactly is going on with you? Why am I here with you? I thought that you had a different partner. And why exactly do you look like you're dying a second time?"

"Are you my friend, Tsuzuki?"

The brunette Shinigami pulled back, startled. "W-what?"

Watari looked up at him and tears shone in his eyes, giving them a shimmering quality. His voice was strained by repressed panic and fear. "Tsuzuki-san . . . we've known each other a long time . . . you're my friend, right?"

" . . . Y-yes . . ."

"Then please don't ask!"

Tsuzuki stared at his new partner without comprehension. He stepped forward, one hand extended to grip Watari's shoulder as though touching the man could prove to him that he was real-could make him understand the pain swimming in those golden eyes. Watari jerked back as though he'd been burnt.

" . . . Watari . . ."

They stared at one another for a moment and Tsuzuki felt his yearlong absence keenly, a sudden, deep, almost physical, pain. The most famous scientist in JuOhCho turned away.

"It's late, Tsuzuki, and we have a lot of work to do tomorrow." The blond headed back towards the shack.

Tsuzuki stared after him, a pained and sorrowful expression contorting his finely chiseled face. "I'm going to figure this out, Watari," he murmured to the velvet black night. "I'm going to find out what you're hiding . . ."

The wind blew faintly in response. It smelled of sakura.

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"Oi!!! What's this, Bon? Why are you crying?" Watari knelt down next to his partner's bed and wrapped the shaking teen in his arms.

"Watari," the boy stuttered between gasps. "Watari, promise me, promise me you won't let me go."

The blond frowned, wondering what nightmare could have reduced his cool and aloof friend to tears so easily. "Hiso-"

"Promise me, damnit!! Promise me you won't leave me alone! Promise me you won't, you won't-" The rest of the boy's demand was lost as he buried his head into the older man's shirt and sobbed hysterically.

"I promise, Bon. I promise." His gentle hands soothed back the youth's hair and he rocked him back and forth. "We're partners. It's my job to keep you safe. I promise that I'll never let anything hurt you."

The child in his arms shook and clung to him as though he were the empath's only grounding element-which he was-and Watari held his young partner in his arms until the boy fell into a deep and uneasy sleep.

Watari opened his eyes and stared up at the dilapidated ceiling. "I'll find you, Bon," he breathed. "I'll keep my promise. I swear it!"

Unbeknownst to the blond scientist, the form across the room exhaled lightly, a pair of violet eyes opened briefly before closing again, and Tsuzuki frowned in the darkness.

* ~ ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ *

Muraki held the crystal wine glass up to the morning light for inspection. The light caught on the crimson fluid within and cast a bloody shadow over his bone-pale features. "I grow bored, poppet." His cold blue eyes turned to the boy who sat silently across from him.

When Hisoka made no reply, Muraki set the glass down and leaned across the table to cup the youth's face in his hand and smile cruelly. "You are beginning to bore me, my dear. You should be grateful that Tsuzuki-san has returned. After all, if you should cease to be of use to me . . ." he let the sentence trail off ominously as he settled back in his seat.

Hisoka glared, suddenly finding his voice. "Monster."

The older man's mouth tightened a bit and his eyes narrowed before his features relaxed again and signaled for the check. "So there is some fire you, yet, poppet."

The slim boy made no reply this time and mentally kicked himself for not holding his tongue. It wasn't time for that yet! Soon . . . But for now he had to remain patient. It wouldn't do any good if he weren't as broken as Muraki thought and decided that he needed more "conditioning." He repressed a shudder. He didn't think his mind or body could ever withstand that again.

A black and white garbed waiter handed Muraki the large leather wallet that held the check before vanishing as unobtrusively as he had come. Hisoka's eyes followed his as his master perused the bill. A non-person. That's what the waiter was-a person who didn't exist. Even looking at him, the boy found it hard to focus on him. He wasn't really real.

Am I like that now? His eyes followed the man as he vanished behind a pair of swinging doors at the back of the restaurant. Look at me, he willed. Look at me! I'm here! I'm real! He wasn't sure if he was speaking for himself or the waiter.

The thought seemed irrational-of course he wasn't. He knew who he was, even when he had been locked in that damn hole his parents shoved him in, he had never lost that. Even when he had lost his very life, he hadn't lost that. He refused to lose it.

"Today," Muraki said as he stood up and put on his coat. Hisoka did the same; it hadn't been an order, merely an automatic response. Sometimes he wondered where the mind control stopped and the conditioning began.

"Today is the first engagement, poppet," the doctor told him as he carelessly threw some money on the table.

Hisoka nearly jumped when Muraki stepped forward and gripped his shoulders hard. For a brief moment, he was afraid that he was going to be kissed, but his master merely dropped his face closer and whispered gently to his pet, "I certainly hope that you remember your place and nothing unexpected occurs . . ."

Muraki was above saying "or else," but he had no problem implying it. Hisoka shivered in his master's grip and forced himself to look up into the taller man's eyes. "I'll see to it that everything goes according to plan."

For an instant, Muraki looked surprised, but then he smiled and released his toy. Hisoka followed him out the door, feeling oddly relieved. For the first time in months, he wasn't lying.

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