Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kyu wa murasaki des. (Today is purple) ❯ Chapter two. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two of Kio wa murasaki des. (Today is purple).

By Sweetdeily.


"So, how'd the fuck they'd catch ya'?" Dark asked once they were on opposite sides of the limo.

"Fuckers caught us up on a fuckin' run-through of the high school." Yami muttered.

"Shit to that." Dark nodded. He'd lit his cigarette and was blowing blissful tar-air into the room. He caught Yami's hungry look and wagged a finger. "None of this shit for you, Yami, it'll fuckin' kill you."

"That's the fuckin' idea, idiot."

"No it ain't. You've got a fuckin' bad idea then." Dark wound the window down a bit and blew the smoke out of the car.

Yami mourned the loss and reclined, glaring at the man hatefully. "What the fuck's your story anyway?" He grumbled rudely.

Neither were wearing seatbelts.

"My fuckin' story? I'm fuckin' bored, that's what. Figure you've got enough piss in you to fuck around for a while."

"Fuckin' more than you know it."

The limo slowed.

"We're there." Dark stated, the door was opened by the driver and they climbed out.

'There' was a men's clothing store on the corner of a posh looking street. The pair attracted quite a few confused looks as they hoped out of the car. The pavement had that white look about it that said it was new and it had never been vandalized. The street poles lacked dints and the shops were all clean and businessy. It was the kind of place that begged for the Dark's tender touches.

Yami groaned. "You not gonna' fuckin' try and put me in some fuckin' retards' suit?"

"Not unless that's what you fuckin' wear." Dark retorted, motioning the kid to follow him.

"Hnm." He could just run away now, make a quick break for it…

"You thinking about splitting?"

"Hnm." Noncommittal sounds, always dead giveaways.

"You're not gonna try it, you're smarter than that."

Yami shrugged, the truth was, no one knew how smart he was except him, he'd only been to primary school, and he'd left when he'd discovered high school was boring. But Dark was right, he wouldn't split on a neighborhood like this, nine out of ten of the people here would try and stop him just out of paranoia and their sense of being a good citizen. That sucked about this kind of place.

"Get your lazy ass in the shop, the clothing doesn't fuckin' bite."


"You ever seen clothing maul someone?"

Yami shook his head.


You couldn't argue with that logic, so Yami conceded and followed the weirdo into the clothing store. The driver walked them to the door and opened it for them but didn't enter. Interesting.

The door gave a jingling sound as it closed behind them and a small Asian women glanced up from behind the blue counter, she smiled came out from behind the counter, bowing low to Dark. The shop had nondescript suits on the walls, and also casual menswear, there was 'clearance' over one of the racks, but Yami bet that nothing on that rack was below a few hundred.

"Ohayou gozaimas, Dark-sama, iiotenki deska?" (Good morning, Dark, the weather is good isn't it?) She spoke in polite tones, turning and bowing in kind to Yami as if it were just something you did to anyone associated with the man before them. It was unnerving for the gang leader to have any store clerk respect him for simply being there.

"Mada mada, eeto…" (sort of, umm…) Dark replied in Japanese. He motioned to Yami with his left hand. "Yami-chan here needs some clothing, a few different sets, for the time being."

Yami frowned. "Call me chan again and I'll fuckin' hit you." it was very disrespectful for a boy to be called chan unless by a girl, a very friendly girl at that.

Dark raised an eyebrow impressed that the boy knew what he'd implied when referring to him. "Yami-kun then."

The clerk smiled politely and motioned them deeper into the shop she was obviously paid enough to not care. She helped Yami up onto a small platform and gave him a once over, tapping her foot thoughtfully as she had him do a little turn for her.

"We have a new stock in? I will get some good shirts to see." She said in English.

Dark nodded and proceeded over to some of the racks, leaving the teen to wait on the little platform. He didn't have to wait long, within the space of 20 seconds the clerk was back with a handful of black shirts.

"Go try these on; tell me if they are right size." She pointed to the changing rooms and Yami took the shirts from her.

As he locked the little cubicle behind him he heard the woman start up a conversation in Japanese, but he didn't speak Japanese so he didn't know what the hell they were saying, one of his gang members was from Japan and that was the only way he'd learnt about the name suffixes.

Instead the red-grape eyed boy sorted through the shirts the woman had brought him, two he liked, sleeveless velvet. He pulled his own shirt off and slipped into the store's. It was too snug, but, upon examination in the mirror, it looked good. He pulled it off and startled when something black folded over the top of the door with a thunk.

"Try those on." Dark told him.

Yami threw the top over the door and grinned when he heard a curse. "I need a bigger size in that, Dark-chan."

Dark muttered something under his breath and moved away.

He pulled the pants the rest of the way over and examined them, they were some sort of black plastic, latex he'd bet, everything was latex now. Tight looking. But the thing that did it for the pants were the little plastic spikes around the bottom hem and the top loops, they weren't sharp, but they looked cool.

He sat in the little chair that the store provided and pulled off his boots, wrinkling his nose at the smell, his socks needed a wash. After removing his own pants he started the feat of getting into the latex pair.

He got them up to his thigh by the time the bigger top slapped against his head. His sight shut off he banged into the chair. "Fuck."

"You alright in there?"

"The pants are too fuckin' small, I'm not a fuckin' Barbie doll. I think… two fuckin' sizes bigger." He gave up trying to get them any higher. Even if he did get them on, he wanted to be able to breathe; something not possible in that size. He pulled them off and threw them over.

"Hey, hey! Quit it! I have to pay for all the fuckin' clothing stands I knock down in my blind stumbling." Dark growled.

Yami smirked and tried a polo-shirt on. He shook his head, it wasn't him. Tossing that on the chair he went through two more shirts before the right-sized pants slapped up against the door.

He moved up to the door and held the three shirts over. "Any more fuckin' shirts?"

"We'll see."

The red-grape eyed boy pulled the two acceptable items over the door and began to slide into them.

Whoever said girls were picky with what they wore never saw Yami shopping.


It was about two hours later that the pair emerged from the clothing store with two bags apiece, all four of which were given to the driver to stow away while they got some footwear and makeup.

Like the clothing store, the women in the makeup shop bowed to Dark upon his entering, they didn't ask any questions about Yami when the teen went through three different brands of mascara, in fact, they just stood and waited while Dark riffled through the men's perfume section. The store was the fundamental point of ladies makeup, most of it was over the $20 mark.

"How can you be so fuckin' picky about the kind of mascara you choose?" Dark asked when he noticed the teen was still cross examining the bottles.

"First of all, the kind of fuckin' mascara I choose is very fuckin' important; this fuckin' brand, for instance has good brushes that give great effects, but wear the makeup for a few hours and it'll fuckin' smudge, it also takes for fuckin' ever to dry." He showed the adult a packet with some fancy frilly writing on it. "Whereas I find L'Oreal has a nice fuckin' brand, it takes too many layers to make anything stand out because they're a bit too fuckin' weak. Maybeline, on the other had…" He selected one of the unopened packets and went on. "Is usually a good fuckin' one for me."

Dark went to the counter and leaned against the glass top, watching the teen select a nice black lipstick and read the label. "You need any moisturizers or any shit?"

"Nope, that shit's for girls. Hey, can you ask one of those chicks if they have any fuckin' decent, dark black lipsticks, or if all the Goths who shop here ever get is this piss-weak over-the-top stuff?"

Dark glanced back at the shop handlers. "You have any nice dark stuff for him?"

One of the ladies gingerly approached the teen and pointed at a new brand on the shelf, selecting one of the black testers. "This should be a one application, non-stick black." She handed the tester to him.

Yami grunted something unprintable and checked it on his hand. "Mm, it'll do."

He shuffled between the isles and bent over the nail-polish, expertly scanning for the brand and color he wanted before selecting it. As he approached the counter Dark tossed something at him. It took a moment to register the catching of the item because Yami's hand had grabbed it without thinking. After blinking his sleep deprived mind off, he glanced at it; perfume.

"No offense, but you'll want that."

The adult paid for the purchases without even blinking, which must have been hard because it added up to almost twice that of the teen's clothing.

"Shoes now."

"The ones I've got are fine."

"Yeah, but you're gonna need some socks and some ugg-boots."

Yami shrugged. It was this guy's money. "So… what exactly do you fuckin' do?"

"I'm a business man."

"No fuck. I don't fuckin' think so, I never seen no business man who didn't hold his fuckin' money closer to his chest than his family."

"Well now you fuckin' have."

They gave the makeup bag to the driver where he patiently waited for them outside the store.

"What kind of business man?" Yami asked as the pair moved on to the shoe store up the road.

"The kind that does business."

"You're real fuckin' descriptive there."

"I know." Dark touched his index finger to his lips and smiled.

"Dickhead." Yami injected.

"Sticks and stones kid. Sticks and fuckin' stones."

Yami had the decency to drop it. When it came down to it, that's all he had up his sleeve, sticks and stones. He was too tired for any good tussles either.

They finished shopping on a somewhat melancholy tone, Dark was less responsive after the questioning as to his job and Yami wasn't sure he even cared, at that point he was ready to fall asleep in a car, something he just didn't do, he didn't trust cars, not as easy to get off as bikes.


It must have been something like seven o'clock when 'the light' entered his brain and toyed with his brain cells. It was a time those brain cells had long forgotten.

"Time to wake the fuck up, you've got school." A voice murmured.

"Wuh? Stop fucking around Ryou and leave me in peace. Stupid Brit." Yami grumbled and rolled over.

"Who's Ryou?"

"Huh?" That was an unusual question.

"Who is Ryou?"

"Mrrrm." Yami growled and rolled back over, he peeled his eyes dramatically to stare up at the man who leaned over his bed. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" The biker gang leader asked poetically, it was Dark.

"Waking you up. You'll never have time to gel your hair and eat breakfast if you don't get up now. Not to fuckin' mention that you've got to meet the principal before you go to classes. He said to me, 'sure, we'll take the fuckin' retard, but he steps one fuckin' foot out of line and I'll fuckin' expel him right off! I've seen his fuckin' trail in court' so I said, no fuckin' problem just give him a visit to the councilor each day until he settles in." Dark explained.

"Wuh?" Yami was confused; he was up at seven to… go to school? "I'm up at whatever time it is to get ready for school? Day time school at that?"

"Well, High School, you're about 17 I think, so I signed you up for year 11, if not tell them what year you're in, they'll manage." The point seemed to escape Dark.

"Wuh?" Yami intoned again.

"Hurry up, you lazy ass, think of all the hot High-school chicks you could pick up."

That was the right bait. Yami groaned and rolled out of the huge king-sized bed. His hair fell around his face and neck in a wavy ocean, soft delicate after a long shower the night before, the teen actually looked a lot less evil without makeup or spiky hair. He had that kind of handsome handyman look about him. it was very deceiving.

Yami groaned and swayed. "Fuckin' seven o'clock. I better be getting laid for this."

Dark was still chuckling when he left the room.

What Yami didn't know was that he'd signed the red-grape eyed boy up for an all boys school.

~ To be continued…

Sweets: Wah! I told everyone it is actually possible for me to write a chapter a day. Heh, aren't they just the cutest lil' mouth offs? I swear I kept forgetting to insert the f-word, I had to keep going back and putting it in. Reviews???? This story is so much fun, dude, I didn't think I'd like it this much!

Yami: *home from school* Uhn.

Dark: *comes out of kitchen* come in here and have some fuckin' cookies.

Yami: No. I had a bad fuckin' day.

Dark: What happened?

Yami: Don't want to fuckin' talk about it. *goes off to his room*

Dark: *following* something to do with the fuckin' teachers?

Yami: trying to push Dark out* no, now piss off, you old fucker.

Dark: Not until you've had some cookies and fuckin' milk!

Yami: Don't want any fuckin' cookies and milk!

Dark: Eat them!

Yami: Fuckit no!

Dark: Fuckit yes!

Yami:… do they have fuckin' chocolate chips?

Dark: Uhuh. And we have real milk, not that soy shit.

Yami: ^.^ yay!

Sweets: Heh, potty mouths.

Reviews??????? *sends round review plate*