Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kyu wa murasaki des. (Today is purple) ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter three of Kio wa murasaki des.

~ By Sweetdeily.


The driver opened the door without a sound for the gang leader. A collection of students had gathered around the drop-off point to find out who was coming out of the stretch limo. What they saw, however, was confusing. Yami stepped out, a pair of sunglasses shielding his nocturnal eyes from the early morning sun. He'd donned his new pants and shirt, re-painted his nails, gelled his hair and added a fresh layer of mascara and lipstick. He looked like what he was, a bad-ass.

He pulled his book-bag out and glared at the gathered teens, all of them which were boys. Frowning under over his glasses he glanced around. The school's name was printed above the main entrance, so he knew they were in the right place, but… he couldn't see ANY girls.

A growing suspicion took hold but he shrugged it off for the moment and pushed through the line of bodies blocking his path.

"Hey dude, do you like own that car?" Someone wearing a football jacket asked him.

"No." Yami pushed a smaller kid out of his way, simply walking under someone else's linked arms - a pathetic attempt to get his attention. Yami was not the tallest of teenagers.

"Heeey! Wait up, new kid! What's your name? Heeey! We're talking to you!" Several angry cries followed him but Yami's reply was a non-verbal hand signal. You know the one.

The limo was already pulling away by the time Yami had flung open the doors and walked into the school foyer. A security guard was leaning against the front desk. The man eyed Yami as the teen entered. Yami slowly took off his glasses and glanced around. There was a lot of noise outside, and the sound seemed to be magnified now that he was inside, or, at least, there were more people inside to make noise.

"Ahem! Yami Mousy I presume?" A pompous voice asked him.

Yami turned to look at the speaker. An ancient-looking man who had not gained the look gracefully. His head was mostly bald with the exception a few patches of random hairs that sprung up in total disregard for gravity. He had heavy bags under his eyes and pock marks marred just about every spare patch of skin. The geezer was wearing a pinstripe suit and brown loafers.

"Me' name's Yami, not Mousy or fuck." Yami replied.

The man sniffed. "Your foster father said Mousy was your last name."

"Yes but if the fucker said the sky was purple it wouldn't make it true."

"I think I've had enough of that foul language young man. You'd do well not to step out of line here; you are on probation in my school-"

"Look, dickhead," Yami cut in, "I don't really care. The only reason I'm here is to get laid, so, ease off, butch."

The principal opened and closed his mouth like a fish choking on water, he spluttered and would have said something if his mobile hadn't went off at that moment. He glanced at the number and obviously thought it was important because he pressed the answer button and raised it to his ear.

Yami crossed his arms over his chest and dropped his school bag, a few kids passing the hallway behind them paused to give them strange looks, and the gang leader just returned those glances with a glare. He had yet to see a single woman other than the receptionist who was boring a hole in the back of the teen's neck. Yami's suspicions rose again.

"Yessir," Pause. "No sir," Pause. "Well he- sir!" Pause. "No sir." Pause. "Yessir. Bu- sir!" Pause. "Yessir, but- no, certainly not sir." Pause. "Oh… sir." Pause. "Yes… of course." Pause. "Yes, yes, I know sir." Pause. "Very well sir." The principal wiped his hands on his pants legs, face stricken from what the person on the other end of the phone was saying.

Yami watched as the principal opened his mouth for a last comment and in a flash reached forward and grabbed the phone. "Dark! You son of a bitch! This is an all boys school isn't it?" He screeched into the phone.

Dark laughed on the other end. "Oh, I figured you'd realize eventually, Yami-kun."

"I'm so going to fucking kill you, old man!"

"Yami-kun, you're not there to fuckin' have sex. Just try it for the day; I'm sure you'll find something to come back for."

"And what's to stop me from just fucking splitting from here?"

"If you come back tonight we're having pizza."

"That's one fuckin' hard bargain you drive there old man."

Yami could practically see Dark's grin. "I know."

The teen hung up and gave the phone back to the flapping principal. "All right. Give me my fuckin' class schedule, butch."

The principal growled. "The name, delinquent, is Mr. Appleburry. And we haven't been able to arrange a class schedule just yet. Since you got here early I was going to take care of it now."

Yami rolled his eyes. Dark must fund the school or something, Mr. Appleburry was putting up with a lot of unnecessary crap; Yami had no respect for people that couldn't stand up for themselves.

"Um, Mr. Appleburry? Sir I was after a-" A small voice interrupted their 'discussion' and Yami shifted his attention to the small form behind the teacher. The kid must have been the smallest thing that the teen had ever seen. He was half Yami's own height, which put him well under the five foot mark. The term dwarf almost fit, but the kid was perfectly sized. He was petit, VERY petit. The kid's eyes shifted to Yami and it was like fire down the teen's spine. Soft mauve eyes met his own red grape colored eyes. The kid's words faltered and he cocked his head to one side, soft blonde bangs sliding in the same direction. The kid's hair was the same style as Yami's, bar the fact that it was naturally spiked. A loose school uniform draped the kid's form and Yami suddenly understood the reason for the stare. He wasn't exactly wearing anything near school-like.

"Hi." Yami waved two fingers in a soft salute.

The boy blushed and stepped around the confused principal. "Hi, I'm Yugi Motouh. Are you new?" Yugi was a cutie.

"I'm Yami, Yugi. Yes, is it that fuckin' obvious?" Yami stepped closer and didn't insult the kid by kneeling to his level.

Yugi brought a hand to his mouth, as if hiding his smile. He had to crane his neck up to see Yami's face. "Um, I don't think you're wearing a school uniform."

"I noticed that."

"Yugi, I'm sorry to interrupt you, child, but I am in the middle of getting Yami's classes organized." The principal finally intervened, virginity endanger sensors going off in his head a little too late.

"Yeah, that shit… Hey, don't be a fuckin' stranger, Yugi…" Yami wet his black lips and glanced at the principal. There was definitely something hot about the small boy in front of him.

"What year are you in, Yami?" Yugi asked in a quick burst. He was blushing again. That blush was very cute, Yami decided.

"Eleven. You?"

Yugi blush deepened. "Maybe you could go into the same classes as me… I'm in year eleven too. If that's okay with you, Mr. Appleburry. I mean, that way Yami can see some classes and what ones he'd like to do… unless you'd rather go with someone else?"

Yami shook his head. "No, that's fuckin' fine. Mr. Appleburry will organize it all, I'm fuckin' sure."

"I… I suppose, that will take care of things…" The principal seemed stunned by the strange intervention.

"Oh, okay. Well, would you like to meet my friends, Yami? You can tell us where you transferred from and where you lived previously."

"I lived in fuckin' Neweana before I came here."


Yami picked up his book-bag as he talked and followed the shrimp into the school hallways. He'd already found something he wouldn't mind coming back for. The day was looking good. All he needed was a cigarette and everything would be fucking peachy.

~ To be continued…

Sweet notes: Goddess I love this story. Reviews? Thank you Lili-sama for beta'ing!!!!