Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kyu wa murasaki des. (Today is purple) ❯ Chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Four of Kio wa murasaki des. (Today is purple).


By Sweetdeily.



Murasaki elite High School, as Yami duly noted, was a well populated all boys' school. His miniature tour-guide explained some of the 'rules' to Yami, rules which Yami knew were simply impossible for him to abide by.


No smoking? Why did someone have asthma? Who? He'd make *sure* they weren't around.


No piercings. Why, was someone stupid enough to put a magnet to their ear?


No phones. So if your mother died in a car accident, it wouldn't interrupt your study- he was sure the students would thank them for that.


No running in the halls. The school was like two freaking miles squared, like hell he wouldn't run.


No eating in class. What if he was hungry and further deterioration of his blood-sugar would result in unconsciousness?


No Discmans, walkmans or other forms of electronics including games. Why, in case someone actually had fun?


"Any more fucked-up rules I should know 'bout?" Yami asked his little Yugi. Mm, that had a nice ring to it. HIS little Yugi.


Yugi paused, cocking his head to one side to think. "Oh yeah, no sex."


"Why, in case someone gets knocked up?"


That got a laugh out of Yugi. "Of course. Who'd want a school full of pregnant boys running around refusing to get abortions and being shipped off to scientific laboratories?"


Yami quirked his lip. Lame, but cute. "So where the fuck are your friends?"


"I'm not quite sure… it's Monday so they should be here… oh! I know; it's the Astronomy excursion! All my friends are in astronomy class and so they're all away on the trip. I did it last year and you can't repeat classes here."


Yami wondered why any other day would warrant Yugi's friends not being at school but let it rest. "So, when do we start class?"


"First we have our home room for ten minutes, and then you can come with me to Math."


Yami shuddered at the thought of going along with this, there wouldn't be any food until lunch time, and that was four hours away, after than, there was another two hours of school before he could run off.


"So what was school like in Neweana?"


"How would I fuckin' know? This is the first fuckin' time I've been since I was ten fuckin' years old."


Yugi blinked, leading them down a long hallway that was virtually deserted. "But, how come? I mean, you're parents… by law, have to send you…"


Yami shrugged. "I didn't want to fuckin' go so I didn't."


"So, um, why did you come here and come to school?"


"No choice in the fuckin' matter."




"Look, it's a bit embarrassing Yugi, mostly for me; so I don't really want to talk about it."


Stupid weirdo judge.


Yugi smiled softly and reached up to pat Yami's shoulder. "That's the first sentence I've heard you make without swearing."


"I don't fuckin' notice most of the time."


"It's okay, but you might not want to do it to the teachers."


Yami smirked behind his hand.




"The theorem suggests that it has to be squared twice to get such an answer!"


"What are you, fuckin' retarded? Its basic fuckin' logic, you only fuckin' times it by point zero five and then fuckin' divide it over three. It's a fuckin' easy thing to do, I don't get why you can't fuckin' follow it."


"It's not a logical pattern; you can't do that to get the right answer! The textbook says nothing about it!"


"So what? If you fuckin' put into effect the fuckin' older theorems you might find that it's fuckin' quicker. Look; C is the equal is X, so if X is fuckin' determined by the ratio at which 21 is put into practice, using the theory you've fuckin' drawn on the board the method is irrelevant because that IS the answer."


"I think I would know mathematics better than you, young man!"


"Well obviously you fuckin' don't! This is fuckin' basics, I've only had a few years education and everyone in this room can tell who's using a more logical theorem!"


Yugi paused in his calculations and looked up. "Umm, sir…"


"What?" The teacher snapped.


"Yami is right..."




"He… um… just solved your theorem." Yugi broke it gently, considering the teacher had been working on said theorem for the past twenty years.


"That's it! I've had enough of this attitude. Take your smart-ass friend and go to the principal, Moutouh!"


"Hey, ya' fuckin' dickhead, no need to go off at Yugi!" Yami leaned back in he seat, nearly snapping his pencil between his fingers in his annoyance.


"You shut up and get out of my classroom!" The teacher's voice rose to something a little below that of a scream and the man pointed at the door.


"Fine, fine. We'll go, eh Yugi? No need to get your g-string in a knot!"


"I'm going to tell the principal about this incident, young man! Be sure he'll know all about it!"


Yugi winced and hurriedly put his stuff into his bag, making a run for the door and grabbing Yami's hand, trying to make the mouth-off move faster. "Don't pack, just grab it, we'll put your stuff away in the hall." The smaller of the two murmured.


Yami shrugged and just grabbed his bag, book, pencil case and pens and followed Yugi out the door leisurely. The door slammed behind them and the teacher screamed at the class to get back to work.


"Oh man…" Yugi leaned against the wall. Yami could see the kid's hands shaking. Obviously not used to being chucked out of class.


"What a fuckin' dickhead. 'Ohh, my theorem is impossible to solve but you can have a look at it.' Fuckin' show-off. Well, I suppose it must really fuckin' bite it to be outsmarted by someone who's never taken High School fuckin' Maths."






"I think…I mean… you're a little…"


Yami grinned and covered Yugi's shaking hands with his own. "I know, I know, I'm incredibly smart, charming and popular. You don't have to rub it in."


Yugi blushed and dropped his hands away, pushing up to a standing position. He glanced at Yami's stuff. "Alright, we should pack your stuff away."


"Sure, whatever." The smart-ass shoved his book back into his bag and stashed his pencil. "What class do we have next?"


Yugi swallowed. "English…"


"Alright, we'll wait around here until that fuckin' starts. I couldn't be fuckin' bothered fisting that slob of a fuckin' principal."


"Um, Yami… you… I mean, when you…"




Yugi covered his mouth to hide a smile. "You might get along with people better if you didn't swear so much."


"…I fuckin' might. But the kind of fuckin' people who care about fuckin' language aren't worth getting along with."


"I don't think that's true."


"Too bad. I do."


Yugi scratched the back of his head with a nervous little laugh. Yami had seen Ryou with the same expression on his face; then again, Ryou had been corrupted in the end, so Yugi wouldn't be such a big hurdle.


Yami licked his lipstick and checked his watch.


"How fuckin' long till English starts?" Yami asked.


"About twenty minutes."


Great, Yami thought. He could brush up on his people skills.


"So, what's your favourite fuckin' subject, Yugi?"


"Umm… Japanese."


"This school fuckin' does Japanese? Oh…," A decidedly dark grin graced Yami's face. "I can learn how to fuckin' insult Dark in his own language… I see a fuckin' great time of fuckin' prosperity ahead."


Yugi shrank into the wall. "Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be helping a mass murderer plot his next victims out?"


"Come on, Yugi! Think of it, that fuckin' bastard has the upper fuckin' hand right now, but I'm going to give him a run for his fuckin' money now. Know thy fuckin' enemy."


"Who is this Dark person you're picking a fight with?"


"My fuckin' foster father."


Yugi hung his head. "You have no people skills."




"…Shakespeare was the greatest play-writer of his time, you know."


Mrs. Perkins smiled with dazzling wonder as she informed Yami that the class was studying Shakespeare's Tempest. The teacher handed the delinquent a copy of the play and ushered him toward a seat.


Yami stood staring at her.


"What's wrong?"


"I'm not fuckin' going anywhere until you fuckin' take that back." Yami growled out.


Yugi hit his head with his book. "Yami, please just let it be, please?"


"Take what back? Don't you need a copy of the book? Please watch your mouth." Mrs. Perkins left eye twitched in response to the teen's abruptness.


"Yami, just leave it… please? Please?" Yugi pulled at Yami's arm, trying to get the teen to move away from the possible source of more shouting.


"Take back what you fuckin' said about Shakespeare being the greatest fuckin' play-write of his time. Oh, and I've fuckin' read it, so no I don't need a fuckin' copy of it. Would you like me to take my eyes out and fuckin' hold them to my fuckin' cheeks?"


"Young man!" Mrs. Perkins' hand flew to her mouth in shock. "How can you not like Shakespeare?"


"Shakespeare deals in only the fuckin' simplest concepts, his writing has no fuckin' originality in it and its a few fuckin' centuries out of fashion. The only fuckin' reason it was so fuckin' popular at the time was because the queen fuckin' favored him- as if that weren't fuckin' obvious from crap like this standing the fuckin' test of time-  sure, some of it is fuckin' funny. But so is a fuckin' train wreck and you don't fuckin' see people going out of their fuckin' way to cause them do you?"


Yugi let go of Yami's sleeve and looked toward the door. Great, just great, only the second class of the day and they were probably going to be sent out again. "I'm sure he doesn't mean it, Miss. Please just ignore him and let's go to the back of the room, Yami…"


"Young man! Never before have I heard such disrespect! Shakespeare wrote dozens of popular plays that are still preformed today! His works are brilliant!"


"Just because it's popular doesn't mean its fuckin' cool. God, and here I thought I was the uneducated person. I can't stand much more of this. I'm ditching."


"You can't just leave in the middle of the day! Hey! Get back here! You'll be put down for truancy! Hey!!!"


It was too late, Yami was already out the door.


Yugi swore and ran after the other teen. "Hey! Where are you going?"


Yami turned, already half-way down the hall. Boy he moved fast. "I'm going. I'm not putting up with any more of this crap. I was willing to give it a shot since you were being so nice, but I'm not Mr. Patience." Yami gave the finger in the general direction of the classroom and kept walking.


"But…" Yugi hurried after him, bag slapping against his back.


"Seeya." Yami's voice was a cool growl.


"Yami… wait!"


"What for?" The taller half-turned as he walked, Yugi had almost caught up.


"Won't you get in trouble?" Yugi was such a cutie.


"Kid, I am trouble."


Yugi stopped. "… Don't… don't…"


Yami stopped and half-turned. "Huh?"


Yugi's small hands were balled into fists. "…Well I guess you are just like they said you were. And here I thought you were a decent person inside!"


Yami realized what he'd done. Yugi was the same age as him, and he'd called Yugi a kid. It was the gravest of insults to a small-fry. Yami should know, he wasn't all that tall himself. "… Sorry."


Yugi looked up; there was moisture at the corners of his eyes. "What did you say?"


"Sorry. I… know what it's like when people talk down to you…"




They were silent for the longest time before Yami spoke.


"So you already knew why I was here?"


Yugi looked away with a nod. "Some people do watch the news, you know."




"…where are you going to go?" Yugi asked after a pause.


"I dunno. Around."


"…You don't know, do you?"


"Not really."


"…I… maybe… maybe I'll… come with you." Yugi stepped closer.


"Suit yourself. But you're going to fuckin' get in trouble. It's not like I'm fuckin' kidnapping you."


Yugi laughed nervously.


Yami, after all, did have some nasty reputations to uphold.



~ To Be Continued…



Sweet notes: Wah! Reviews minna-san!


Dark: So um… where's You Know Who?


Sweets: Around.


Dark: Where?


Sweets: In the story.


Dark: Where in the story?


Sweets: In one of the chapters.


Dark: I'm not going to play twenty questions with you bitch.


Sweets: Yes, the weather is nice, isn't it? *to the wall*


Dark: *violent twitching*


Yugi: methinks I detect a hint of lemon soon.


Yami: Mm, my favourite flavour.


Sweets: I thought your favourite flavour would be Yugi-ness.


Yami: Well, you know… they do go hand in hand.


Sweets: Heh, cute, real cute.