Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / D. N. Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Kyu wa murasaki des. (Today is purple) ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
~~~Chapter One of Kyu wa murasaki des. (Kyu is purple).By Sweetdeily.~~~

Soundless and deadly. The two simple concepts of his profession. There were other philosophies that his peers and colleagues adhered to; never get caught, never kill an innocent, always finish the job. But these two were the most important for his clients.

Government employed assassins were few and far between- the professionals of the professional world; they were rarely discovered, but often wiped off if their employers thought they might have been jeopardized.

But, it was the intrigue and danger of his job that held all of its attraction. Long ago, Dark Mousy had become an assassin and a thief. He didn’t recount to anyone the kind of training he undertook or why he did what he did- but one truth was certain- he was very good at his job. He had grown tired or working for dirty mobsters and angry housewives and moved to the most dangerous level of a dangerous career. On record. Who knew where his kills were now being recorded and what each file said- but they were now ordained and cleared by the government.

The pay was good. Really, really good.

Sometimes- when the trip-alarm Big Brother had ‘forgotten’ to tell him about was noisily going off in the background- the money was the only thing that kept him going… and the knowledge that if he was caught he had a ‘get out of jail free’ card in his back pocket.

He thought a lot about the job when he was doing it. Not the job he was doing at the time, but the whole profession itself. There he was, a man of almost thirty, pretending to still be twenty, smoking and drinking himself to an early grave, hanging upside down over a glass case that was six times the size of the little velvet cushion it was protecting.

The little velvet cushion had a ring that on the normal ring market would probably be worth five dollars; it’s only redeeming feature that made it worth anything more was the sixty billion dollar microchip it had for a diamond.

The cable that he had locked between his knees was given just a little slack, and Dark inched his way downward, hands crossed over his stomach, night-vision goggles showing him the mass of detectors that wished to persuade him not to touch the glass.

Carefully, ever so carefully, he removed something from the black utility belt around his waist. A small, circular disk. Then, carefully, ever so very carefully, he squeezed his leg muscles and moved up an inch back on the rope. He shifted his weight, very slightly, and swung, very faintly. Then, with a precision that was born of the finest-honed muscles, he threw the little disk at the laser trip-wires on one side of the room.


The gentle tap of metal on metal, the disk hit the trip-wire emitters, turning them off, bounced out to another case, bounced across the room to a second case and connected with the second set of trip-wires.

The red lines in Dark’s vision went down. Smiling, he lazily descended a few more meters and pulled out the small vial he was carrying from another pocket. A quick application of the substance to the glass melted it away at the top.

Then it was just a matter of fooling the pressure senses. Child’s play for Dark Mousy. Moving quick enough to fool the senses was easy and the fake ring was quickly resting in pillow.

The thief smirked as he pocketed the ring. If his employers didn’t start sending him harder work he’d have to remind them how very good he was.

He was halfway back up through the air-vent when he saw the flicker of movement through the glass. A dash of red in the darkness of the night.

Pausing, because curiosity was the name of Dark Mousy’s game the thief watched as a form literally walked through the glass doors. Twin green beams of night-vision goggles scanned the room, not checking the ceiling. The small figure was dressing in the same attire that Dark wore, a black body-suit and a utility belt wrapped around his waist. The figure was obviously male, or a very, very flat chested female. A little short, as if maybe this wasn’t a fully grown man.

Dark watched, completely bemused as the boy stalked toward the jewelry case and examined it. The would-be thief cursed.

Dark knew he should have gone then, but he was amazed by the walking through the glass. How had the kid done that?

The boy glanced around, still not having the sense to look up. He pulled a walkie-talkie from his belt and hit the button. “This is Dai, the ring has already been lifted.”

The radio crackled silently for a moment. “Any idea who?” Came a male voice from the other end.

Dark mentally cursed himself, he’d forgotten to leave his calling card. With a devious smirk the thief pulled one of his business cards from his belt and let it flutter down into the room, vanishing into the airduct before the red-head could catch a glimpse of him.

“Congratulations you have been visited by the ever so sexy Phantom Thief.”


Sweet notes: Yay! Dark/Dai goodness! I’m terribly lazy. >.< It took me forever to get to this story. I’ve been busy finishing the others off before doing this one. Neway. Reviews? Shock and horror- a chapter without swearing! Ye gads!