Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ MST of...To Tell Of Your Love ❯ Chapter One - Meet the MSTers ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
<b><u>MST of "To Tell of Your Love"</b></u>

BOF: Hi everyone! Welcome to my first published MST (besides my Writer's block look-alike one). Hope you enjoy your stay! Rochi, be a dear and do the disclaimer for me please?

Rochi: *yawns* Not now I'm resting.

BOF: *glares* ROCHETZU!

Rochi: *falls off couch* FINE! ahem. Bird of Fire doesn't own the original characters of Daisuke and Ken from Digimon, but she does own her twisted, yaoi, corkscrew versions of them which, unfortunately, will be doing the MST with us...

Ken and Dai: HEY!

Rochi: ....but she does own me and herself (yeah right, like she could ever own me). There.

BOF: *pokes Rochi* Go on.

Rochi: Huh? Oh and all comments made in here aren't to be taken seriously. None of us mean anything rude or vicious by them, it's just supposed to be a good natured MST of reactions and comments. It is NOT intended to bash the fic at all; although, we may get a bit carried away from time to time with some of the craziness. ^_^;

BOF: I'll do my best to keep them in check.

Ken: Like you could!

BOF: One more thing, I don't own the original fic: "To Tell of Your Love". DarkDragonMistress is the authoress of that fic. Go read it on Mediaminer.org when you get a chance! It's actually a pretty good fic! I just couldn't help putting my 2 cents in and letting my muses run wild in this one though. ^_^ Anyway I think that's it.

Ken: You're forgetting something.

BOF: I am?

Ken: Yeah...

BOF: *clueless*

Ken: Oh for the love of Kami, BOF is also posting this just for a tester here and she hasn't actually contacted the authoress yet for permission.

BOF: *looks embarrassed* Oh yeah! But I will be contacting her as soon as I find out how to contact her. I just needed to post this up so she could see it too, read it, then tell me if she wants me to take it down or not. Hopefully not though because I don't mean any harm by it. -_- So DDM, if you read this before I contact you, could you tell me in a review or email what you think and if you want me to take it down? Thanks!

Dai: Are ya all done?

BOF: Think so!

Ken: Ok then let's get started!


Rochi: *rubs hands together* Mwah hahahahahahahahaha!
Ken: *bored* Is that the BEST you can do?
Dai: I've heard better cackles from my grandmother!
BOF: Give him a break guys! It's not like everyone's had Kaiser experience.
Rochi: Yeah!
Ken: .... ANYWAY... tell me why we're doing this again?
BOF: Because you guys wouldn't leave me alone when I was reading it so I thought I'd give you the chance to express yourselves. And since you three happen to be my favourite muses out of the bunch, I thought you'd like to star.
Dai: But....It's a Yu-Gi-Oh fic. What are we--digimon characters--doing here in a Yu-Gi-Oh fic?
BOF: Broadening your horizons?
Dai: ....I'll buy that.
Rochi: And how about me? I don't even belong to an anime show.
BOF: That's what makes you special. You can fit in anywhere. ^_^
Rochi: Oh ok! ^_^
Ken: Ok, so where's this fic we're going to MST?
BOF: One fic coming up!

DDP: Hiya! I'm taking yet another short break from The Green Mile to write this. For those who read The Green Mile, I am working on chapter 4, so don't worry.

BOF: Well considering that it's been months now and chapter 4 STILL isn't up, I'm a bit worried. *glares at DDM* I like that fic too.

From now on, I will be swiching back and forth between The Green Mile and this story for updates. Me and Midnight will be taking care of this story because my muses are on vacation...

Rochi: *pouts* You never let US go on vacation Birdy.
BOF: You guys haven't earned one yet.
Ken: What! We're ALWAYS here helping, even muses need a break sometimes.
BOF: Oh yeah? Where were you when I had that writer's block for 3 months straight?
*Ken, Dai and Rochi sweat drop*
BOF: Exactly.

Midnight: Yeah, and I didn't want to go, and besides, my hikari would be pretty lonely...

DDP:^.^ I feel so loved... anywho, this is my first attemp at a yaoi story, so please be kind. Midnight, could you do the warnings please?

Midnight: oh alright, since you asked nicely...

BOF: Geez, why aren't any of you ever that nice. Lazy muses.
Rochi: *sticks tongue out*


Ken: I'm confused already.
BOF: By....?
Ken: The whole warning. Who are those people? I know Yugi and Yami, but who's Honda and Anzu? I don't remember them from the show.
Rochi: *clears throat* Anzu is the annoying brunette female that the English dubs have named Tea in the series. Nothing like the name, I know, but since when do English names ever match the Japanese ones? Anyway, Honda would be Tristen I believe. The pointy-haired brunette that hangs with Yugi, Joey (Jounouchi), and Mai in the series. I could be wrong on that one though.
Ken: Ooooooh.

"..." = speech '...' = thoughts /.../ = yugi to yami
//...// = yami to yugi (AN...) = my notes

Ken: Thanks for the clarification!

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~

Dai: *gasps!*
BOF: What?
Dai: *points* Oooh!
Rochi: Huh?
Ken: He's pointing to the divider.
BOF: .... why?
Dai: It's PWETTY!! OH OH OH!!! I want one of those!! @.@
Rochi: Um Ken, how much sugar did you give him today?
Ken: o.O.......^^;;
BOF and Rochi: -_-;;

Yuugi Mutou, an average sixteen year old boy with wild tri-coloured blond, black and red hair was running as fast as his legs would allow him. He ran down the street and into the Domino Park. He stopped at a bench to catch his breath, and immediately began to cry.

Ken: That was a quick run.
BOF: Already we have angst! Poor Yugi! ;_;

'why?' Yuugi thought to himself. 'Why did she do this to me me? How could she do this to me? After all i've done for her. And with HIM! I thought he was my friend. Yami was right. Why didn't I just listen to him?!

Dai: Uh oh, that don't sound vewy nice!



*Yuugi's POV*

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Yami. Actually, we were watching a movie. I'm scared half to death right now, I HATE horror movies.

Dai and Ken: WIMP!
BOF: Hey! He is not! I don't like horror movies either.
Rochi: But you still watch them.
BOF: ...true.

We're watching Final Destination 2...

All: ......
BOF: THAT'S what's scaring him so badly?? That wasn't scary! It was freaky and gory, but so not scary.
Ken: Change your mind yet?
BOF: Heck yeah! WIMP!

oh god! oh that was gross. Some guy just brutally died, and for some reason, Yami's almost laughing at it. Damn, he can be such a sadist sometimes!

Ken: Damn sadists, always laughing at the meek and tortured.
Dai: (as "Ken") Kettle, this is Pot. Over
Ken: Oh shut up.

"Well, that should teach him to leave something cooking unattended and not to stuff his hand down a drainpipe." Yami mused.

BOF: Bwah hahahaha! I have to agree with Yami on this one, that guy was an idiot!
Rochi: That's not how he died though, I could've sworn he died differently.
Ken: He did, freak ladder accident.
Rochi: That was it!
BOF: THAT part had Yugi scared? Geez.

"Sadist" I say under my breath. Yami caught what I said though.

Dai: (as Yami on TV doing a commercial) You too could catch anything you want with the right lure! Try my 'Pharaoh stuck in body' lure! Guaranteed to charm and use the power of Ra and the Millennium icons to guide you! Now available in spiked tri-colour fringes!

"Be thankful i'm not the Tomb-Robber, Yuugi." he says.

Dai: That's a great PS game! Laura Croft is the (wo)MAN!
Ken: Not a bad movie either! Angelina Jolie was a perfect look-alike.
BOF and Rochi: ........
Dai: What's wrong now?
BOF: He said Tomb-Robber, not Tomb Raider...
Ken and Dai: Oops. *sweat drop*

He's got a good point though. Ryou's yami has got to be the most sadistic person I ever met.

Ken: Bet he's fun at parties though.
BOF: Got that right!

The phone rings. Saved! The movie was at another scary part.

All: WIMP!

I get up to answer the phone, to find out that Grandpa already got it. Dammit!

All: *gasp* YUGI!
Ken: Damn, Grandpa's quick in his old age.
Dai: Or Yugi's getting slower...
Rochi: It's Yami's fat ass I tell ya! Him being trapped in Yugi so long has landed Yugi with a few extra pounds.
BOF: Yami so does NOT have a fat ass. (imitates Yami) MIND CRUSH!
Rochi: *looks at BOF like she's grown 5 heads*
BOF: Aw damn, didn't work.
Ken: What was your first clue?

"Yuugi! It's Anzu!" Grandpa shouts. I pick up the cordless.


"Hi honey! it's Anzu!"

BOF: Hissssssssssss! Hisssssssssssss! The evil bitch queen herself!
Ken: Why did she say who it was anyway? It's not like grandpa didn't just tell Yugi who it was...

"Hey Anzu, what's up?"

"Do you think you could come over to my house? I have a surprise for you."

Dai: *perks up* Surprise?
Ken: Relax Dai-kun, most likely it's not anything good.

"Sure. Anything to get out of watching this movie."

"Great! What movie is it?"

Rochi: A porno.
Dai: With you as the main attraction.
BOF: You hentais!

"Final Destination 2."

"Oh. I don't want to see that movie, it's too scary!

Ken: They're all a bunch of wimps!

I'll see you soon sweetheart!" (AN: *Is in the background, gagging*)

*Rochi gulps and turns green to match his hair, Ken pales and runs to the bathroom, Dai instantly faints, and BOF covers her mouth to keep from gagging.*
All: We feel your pain SISTA DDM!

"Okay, bye!"

I hung up the phone, to see that Yami must have heard the conversation. He didn't look too happy.

Ken: *slowly coming out of the bathroom* Can't look worse than the rest of us.

"What's wrong, Yami?" I ask.

//You are going to Anzu's house? For a 'surprise'?// He asks me through our mind link.

Dai: *recovered* Oooh! I want to do the Vulcan mind meld thing too! Come on Ken let's do it!
Ken: Ummm....wrong show Daisuke.

I hear emphasis on the word 'surprise'.

Ken: See, Yami gets the idea!

/Yes, why?/

//You know how I feel about her, aibou. I do not trust anything that comes out of that lying bitch's mouth.//

All: O.O Go Yami!
Rochi: He's my new hero! If I were gay and not seeing Notashi then I'd jump him right then and there!
Dai: But...you're NOT seeing Notashi...
BOF: Yeah, she only thinks of you as a friend Rochi.
Rochi: -_- *sighs* Yeah...well, I'm not gay at least.
Ken: Yet...
Rochi: Never!
Dai: We'll convert you soon enough!

/Yami! She is my girlfriend, and I would appreciate you NOT bad-mouthing her! You may not trust her, but I do!/

BOF: *sobs* Yugi is just askin' for it isn't he?
Ken: So...how would you good-mouth someone then?
*Dai and Rochi smirk evilly at the question and BOF claps a hand over their mouths to keep them from speaking.*
BOF: -_-;; Ken, you know not to ask a question like that with those two in the room!
Ken. ^^;;;

//She's only using you, Yuugi. Why can't you see that?//

*band comes along holding up a sign saying "Anzu is using you Yugi!" while playing "Heartbreak Hotel"*
Dai: (as Yugi) See what?

/That's it! I'm going to Anzu's house, and there's nothing you can do to stop me! First you insult her, now you're accusing her of using me?! Buzz off, Yami! What I do with my life is MY buisness!/

BOF: Not only that, it's his business too...
Rochi: What the hell is 'buisness'?
Ken: Posh spelling of 'business'?
Dai: Could be, could be.
Ken: "Buzz off, Yami" how 80's is that!
Rochi: You weren't around then, how would you know?
Ken: I have parents too ya know.
Dai: Yeah, weird freaky ones anyway.
Ken: -_-;

Well, I must say that I left Yami a little shocked at my outburst. Oh well.

Rochi: (as Yami) Can't....breath.....heart attack!
BOF: Oh no! Must resort to shock therapy!
*Takes out paddles and fries Rochi, who glares at BOF*
Rochi: (all crispy) Was that really necessary?
BOF: ^^;;

"Grandpa, I'm going to Anzu's house!" I shout.

"Okay Yuugi!" he shouts back.

//Just be careful, aibou.// Yami says via mind link. I just roll my eyes and put up a block.

Dai: I wanna play with blocks...


*loud screams come from the sky as 4 figures are thrown towards the earth.*
BOF: What a nice vieeeeeeeeew!
Rochi: How the hell did I get up heeeeeeeeeere!
Ken: Where's Stingmon when you need hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim!
Dai: I'm flyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiing!!!
BOF: *rubs head* Ow, those time jumps can be a killer!
Rochi: *sees stars* You can say that again.
BOF: Ow, those time jumps can be a killer!
Rochi: -_-;

It doesn't take very long to get here. About a twenty minute walk. No biggie.

Ken: So says the person who WALKED there and wasn't thrown into some crazy teleportation! *fumes*

I knock on the door, and Anzu answers.

"Hi Yuugi! come in!" She says.

BOF: No Yugi! RUN! Save yourself!

I walk in the door, and I see my friend, Honda there. I sit on a chair opposite to him.

"So, Yuugi. Ready for your surprise?" Anzu asks. I nod.

Rochi: (as Anzu) I actually have four heads and all of them don't like you anymore.
Ken: (as Anzu) I'm the product of an alien science experiment done to my parents and I'm having your baby. *everyone shudders* Sorry!
Dai: (as Anzu) I'm really a transsexual and Honda here is my boytoy and we want you to join in our threesome!
BOF: ..... you people are disturbing.

Anzu smirks, almost evilly. She walks up to Honda, sits on his lap, wraps her arms around his neck, and pulls him into a fierce kiss.

All: SLUT!

I'm sitting there in total shock. My girfriend is cheating on me?

Ken: No shit Sherlock, now you figure that out?
Rochi: So she's his girlfriend and girfriend? The biotch is too privileged.

"A-Anzu? What are you doing?" I ask. I can feel tears stinging my eyes.

BOF: Kissing him hon, what's it look like? Poor dear. *pats Yugi's back*
Rochi: (as tears) Buzzzzzzzzzz

"Oh, Yuugi! You are such a hopeless case! Put two and two together, you idiot! I'm breaking up with you!" She says breaking away from her lip-lock with Honda.

"Why?" I asked, my voice slightly trembling.

Rochi: Because he's ready to punch her out hopefully.

"Why? Because you are nothing but a big baby! I need a man who's strong and doesn't cry when every little thing in the world goes wrong! I was only using you to get to Yami, but I gave up on him, because I found Honda!

BOF: And may I say that that wasn't a big find at all. Yami is WAY better than Honda.
Ken: (as Anzu) Olly olly oxen free!
Dai: (as Honda) Hehe Here I am! *pops up from behind the couch.*
Ken: (as Anzu) Yay! Found you!
Rochi: ...... Now that was just...stupid...

Nobody likes you Yuugi. Everyone is only your friend because they feel sorry for you. Even Yami. Yami doesn't care about a little shit like you. You're just a burden to him. So you know what? Take your stupid little self, and jump off a bridge. You will be doing the world a whole lot of good. Now get the fuck out of my house!" She practically screams.

BOF: *furious* That BITCH! When I get my hands on her I'm gonna strangle her 'till she's crying out for mercy, then skin her alive and feed it to the piranhas!
Rochi and Dai: O.O
Ken: *sniggers*

Tears are now pouring down my face as I try my best to fight back whimpers. I'm still sitting on the chair, too shocked to move. Honda stands up and says,

"Holy shit, Yuugi. Anzu said get the fuck out, so go!" With that, he punches me in the face. I cry out in pain, and I slowly make my way to the door.

BOF: Oh HELL no. THAT'S IT! *BOF jumps up from seat and starts stalking murderously towards Honda and Anzu, Ken and Rochi keep a firm hold on her arms to prevent her from moving* Let me GO!
Ken: No way! They'll get what's coming to them! You just sit here and MST the fic.
Dai: *with wide eyes* Whoa...
BOF: *calms a bit* Fine.

When I get out the door, I start running as fast as I can.

Ken: -_- Should have done that in the beginning.


All: *with sunglasses on*
Rochi: Haha sucker! Can't get us that time!

*Still in Yuugi's POV*

I sit down on the bench, and wipe the tears away from my amethyst eyes. I start to nurse the bruise forming on my cheek from where Honda punched me. Then I start to think. Is what Anzu said, true? Am I really just a burden to everyone?

Dai: No way, she's just a scheming wench.
BOF: Besides, Dai would know about burdens. Most of Season 2 he is one. At least in the English dubs.
Dai: ;_; *sniffles* They were so mean to me dammit!
Ken: *pats back* There there.
Rochi: *takes out bowl of popcorn and starts eating*


Rochi: *with popcorn bucket on his head* We really need to find a different mode of transportation in this fic.
Dai: *looks around at unconscious people* ....yeah...

*Yami's POV*

Why was he angry with me? I know I insulted his girlfriend, if anyone in their right minds would want HER as a girlfriend,

BOF: *cheers!*
Dai: You recovered quick!
BOF: Yami has that power over me. ^^;

but I was honest with him. My aibou does not like it when I am not honest, so, I told him the truth. I know in my mind that Anzu is not being faithful to my aibou.

Rochi: As we all do.
Ken: Still, Yami, there's a thing called 'tact' and a thing called 'blurting'. One of which is most likely to get someone mad.

My little hikari does not deserve that. He deserves someone who will love him, be faithful to him and treat him like royalty.

BOF and Dai: *_* Awwwww!
Rochi: This has the makings of a sappy romance now.
BOF: I think it's cute!
Dai: Yeah Ken, why don't you ever say that to me?
Ken: I have!
Dai: ....oh yeah!
All (except Dai): *fall over anime style*

Okay, okay, i'll admit it. He needs me to love him. And I already do.

Rochi: Well it's not like we twisted your arm off to admit it now did we?
Dai: *hold's Yami's arm behind his back* No never!

I swear, I love that boy to pieces, but I know that my feelings for him will never be returned. ugh, was it always this stuffy in here? I need air.

Ken: What?
BOF: That whole couple of sentences up there was so OOC for Yami. When would he EVER say "love (something) to pieces"? O.O
Rochi: Yeah! Maybe "Love him enough to bring he back from the shadow realm" or "love him enough to condemn both our souls to the millennium puzzle" but NEVER "to pieces"...
All: -_-;;;;
Rochi: What?
BOF: *sarcastic* Boy Rochi, you sure are a romantic!

"Grandfather Mutou, I am just going to go take a walk."I say

"Alright, Yami. Be careful." He answers.

Rochi: (as grandpa) Yeah that Anzu can be one tough nugget to deal with. Mind Crush her slowly would ya?

Those are the same words I said to Yuugi before he left.*sigh* oh well.

Ken: Come on Yami, snap out of that funk you're in!
Dai: ....funk?
Rochi: NOW who's 80's?
BOF: Might just be 50's or 60's too!

I grab my leather coat and put my faveorite pair of boots on, (AN: You know the ones he wears in the show? those ones.) and head out the door.

BOF: *drooooooools*
Rochi: Next time we MST we're leaving you home.
BOF: ^^;


Dai: Shit man, I feel like a ping pong ball!

*Reader's POV*

Yuugi is still sitting on the bench thinking.

Rochi: (as Yugi thinking) Do I go left to go home or right? I knew staring at that hooker would get me lost! What's that smell?

'how long has she been fucking Honda behind my back?' he wonders.

All (except Rochi): *gasp* YUGI!
Rochi: Or that!

Yuugi stands up and starts walking. He decides to go home, so he starts walking towards home. Halfway their,

Ken: "their" what? Who's?
Rochi: Methinks it's supposed to be "there".

he doesn't notice Yami walking right across the street from him. He mindlessly starts to cross the street, but doesn't notice a car speeding down the street. Yami looks up and notices Yugi crossing the street. He also notices the car, about ten seconds away from hitting Yuugi. He looks at Yuugi and notices that he is not paying attention.

Ken: Quick one that Yami! Now while he's noticing all this stuff Yugi gets run over. The End!

"YUUGI!" He yells. Yuugi looks up, just as the car is about to hit him...

Rochi: Screeeeech! SQUASH
Ken: The End.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~


DDP: And i'm gonna end it there. Damn i'm evil.

Ken: Damn right. *puts arm around DDM's shoulder and starts walking with her* Ever thought about becoming the Kaiser's sidekick and ruling the Digiworld with me? We could make magic!
Dai: What!! *picks up an apple just lying on the floor and tosses it at Ken's head*
Rochi: I want to join in! *tosses an orange*
BOF: Hey Ken, what are you telling her? *walks in front and gets smacked by both fruits* Owww! DAISUKE! ROCHETZU! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!!
Rochi and Dai: O.O!!!!!! We didn't mean to!! *takes off running with BOF not far behind.*
Ken: *looks on* -_-;

DDP: Anywho...I have a poll going on. Just drop a review with your answer. WOULD YOU GUYS LIKE A LEMON IN LATER CHAPTERS? IF YOU SAY 'YES' IT WILL BE YUUGI AND YAMI.

Ken: Huh? *is puzzled* How the heck is a lemon between Yami and Yugi even possible? I thought Yami was a spirit inside Yugi? And how does he even have a separate body in this?
Dai and Rochi: *run from one room, past Ken, and into the next* AHHHHHH!!!!!
BOF: *is following but stops briefly* It's Yu-Gi-Oh Ken! Authors like to give Yami his own body and that's how it would be possible. Besides, they're a cute couple. *continues running* I'm going to GET YOU GUYS!
Ken: But wait, that doesn't explain....anything...oh forget it.

Midnight: Read and review. No flames. Ciao!

Ken: Well, I don't think this would be considered a flame right? If you like it that is. ^_^

Ken: Anyway, since the rest of the MSTers are...busy...at the moment, I'll take time to let you know that yes there are other chapters but out of courtesy, BOF will not post them until she gets permission from the authoress, DarkDragonMistress since it's her fic originally that we are commenting to. If you like it so far, leave a review or two! No sense doing this if no one wants to read it right? So let us know! Oh and DDM, let us know if you want BOF to take it down or not ok?? *crosses fingers for no* ^_^

*hears screaming in the background and a door slamming shut followed by pounding*

Ken: O.O; Well, hopefully see all of you next time! If none of us are decapitated by then anyway. *runs off to find MSTers*