Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Dimension Tournament ❯ The Alternate Dimension Card ( Chapter 1 )
Chapter 1:The Alternate Universe Card
It was a perfect sunny morning. On a perfect Sunday morning. And there was a not so perfect somebody mourning. You see, today, 5 friends(Well, 4 friends and a mortal enemy) were taking a well deserved trip to the Egyptian God Card Store. `Egyption God Card Store?', you ask? Yes, it's a card store carrying the most powerful cards ever, holding its grand opening sale! The 5, erm, 4 friends and other guy were strolling down the street to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Of course, the cards were very expensive…
Joey: So, we're clear on the deal Kaiba?
Kaiba:Grmm…No.It wasn't a deal,it was a rip-off.
Yugi:What do you mean by that?
Kaiba:If I win, you have to give me your Kuribo card. If you win, I have to use every penny of my vast and expansive fortune to buy each of you losers which ever rare and valuable card you want from the Egyption God card store!
Tristen:Expansive?Are you southern are something?
Kaiba:Idiot!Expansive means very large!Expensive means it costs a lot of money.
Tristen:You don't have to get all angry just because I insult you and force you to buy me a brand new God card.
Kaiba(thinking):Mwuhaha!Once I get to the card store,I shall buy every card in the whole shop before they can!Then,I-
Tea:That won't work.
Kaiba:Why not?!And how did you read my mind?
Tea:First of all,we already took the money at the end of the duel.Secondly,I found this nifty Millenium Gift Store,and they had the Millenium Eye,Rod,and Puzzle on special sale!
Kaiba(thinking):Foolish girl,she can't read my mind!What an idiot!What a bafoon!What a-
Joey:You're right.
Joey(franticly):No,no!I meant that you can't read his mind!He's just thinking out loud!
Tristen:Yeah,eveyone knows Millenium items are just fashion accessories!
(everyone glares at Tristen)
Tristen:Hehe,aren't they?
Yugi:No,they do much more.They unlock your heart,and connect it to the Heart of the cards.Blahblahblahblahblahblah…..
(Everyone pretends to listen to Yugi except Kaiba.)
Kaiba:You don't get it,do you little Yugi?You see-
Yami Yugi:I'm not little Yugi!
Kaiba:I mean,Yami Yugi-
Kaiba:Yami!Little!Yami!Little!Stop the Mind Shuffling!
Kaiba:Well,here we are!Rob me blind using my own fortune,so that you may later smack me stupid in a battle with a card that I bought you.
Tea:Hey,who's that over there?
Tristen:Oh,that's just Bakura.
Tea:No,the guy behind the counter!
Tristen:Oh.How do you expect me to know?
Tea:I didn't.
Tristen:Good.You're supposed to be the smart one.
Tea:No,Yami's the smart one.
Tristen:That guy?He get's his duelin strategies out of a magazine.
Tea:No he doesn't!Only a loser wouldn't make up his own strategy!
Joey(putting away dueling magazine):Yeah!What she said,except less complicated and working in my favor.
Kaiba:If you are all done chatting,I would enjoy it if I could get on with my life.
Joey:What life?
(Everyone is quiet.)
Tea:Listen,does anyone know that guy behind the counter?Surely you know him Kaiba?
Kaiba:Hmmm….No,I don't.He must be small time.I know every major buisness man, duelist,and shoesalesman in this city.
Kaiba:Shoes are my hobby.
Yugi:No they aren't!Dueling is!I read it on your ICQ profile!
Kaiba:Speaking of which,could you get off of my buddy list already!?
Yugi:Why don't you just click `block user'?
(Kaiba grins widely.)
Yugi:Just kidding,of course!
The crew walks up to the counter.A man in a cloak awaits,behind a case displaying bizarre cards.
Joey:Hey buddy,we'd like to buy some cards-
Tea:We don't want to buy cards,we want to ask him who he is!
Joey:Oh yeah.Do you know who you are?
Tristen:I sure don't.
Mysterious:Of course I do.But I shall be anonymous for now.
Tristen:Stay away!Cloaked guys are always trouble!
Joey:Yeah,especially ones who stand behind cases of bizare cards,have a name,and are named `Anonomys'.What a weird name!
Joey:Wait a minute!I'm the only guy with a normal name!
Kaiba:Yeah right.
Tea:Get real.
Yugi:They're right Joey.
Yugi:Oh yes.May we look at some of your Egyptian God cards?
Anonomys:Certainly.Why do you think they're in a see-through glass box?
Tristen:To keep em fresh?
Anonomys:Perhaps you'd like to see this card?
Yugi:Hmm…. `Alternate Dimension Portal':Send 5 unwitting monsters to the Alternate Dimension.Do not pass go,do not collect 200.
Joey:I could really use a good 200 right now!
Kaiba:So could I!
Joey:Why?You're rich!
Kaiba:Not anymore!
Joey:Oh.Tough luck.
Yugi:Is `Alternate Dimension' another way of saying Graveyard?
Anonomys:It is for you 5,friends!
Kaiba:I'm not their friend-
(Everyone is sucked into card.Man throughs off cloak to reveal blue crab carapace.)
Blue Crabman:Good ridance!Those guys are annoying!
Everyone topples to the ground of a solid black room.
Joey:Blech!Kaiba,your breath stinks!
Kaiba:Funny,by the way you were talking,I'd say you were on top of me.
Tristen:I got hair in my mouth!Blech!Must be Yugi!
Yugi:QUIET!Stop making fun of my hair and focus!
Yugi:Everyone up.
(Everyone gets up.)
Tristen:I think I know where we are.
Yugi: Really?
Kaiba:We've been sucked inside the card by a freakish blue crabman.
Tea:How'd you know that?
Kaiba:I read over the story before we began the fanfic.
Joey:Hey,that isn't fair!
Kaiba:I never do anything fair,idiot.
Joey:Oh,I forgot.
(5 characters enter the room wearing purple cloaks.)
Joey:Who are you freaks?Don't you know cloaks are out of style?
Run into blackness and step back out in new uniform.One is a genie with a large head and a gold ring in one of his horns.One is a rabbit with a large black pirate hat,an eyepatch,and a hook.The other eye is sewn shut,supposidly disabling sight.Another is a man in a red western style suit with a large cowboy hat and enourmous shades.4 long curving daggers protrude from a pocket in the back of his shirt.The 4th is a woman with a red and yellow jester suit on,complete with a gigantic jester hat.She holds a large club like 3 pronged crystal in one gloved hand.The final is a man in a purple suit with a large skull like helmet with horns coming out of the sides.
5:And we are-
Joey:You guys!
Tristen:Look at you! "Argh,shiver me timbers and blow me down!Want an Easter egg?".
Bunny:Argh,me name is Cap'n McFluffy,mates,
(Hook launches from hand and smacks Tristen on the nose)
Man with skull:I'm Death Raven.
Lady:I am Kemin the Merciless!
Man with daggers:The name's Dagger.
Genie:Yes,and I'm Puma-Kuna.
5:We are the villains of Leviathon_Squid's comic,Permanite Laughter!And we challenge you to a tournament style duel!
Tristen:I don't duel.
Dagger:Than I'll sit it out.
Kemin:Alright,here's the match ups.
1st:Yugi vs. Captain McFluffy.
2nd:Joey vs. Kemin
3rd:Tea vs. Death Raven
4th:Kaiba vs. Puma-Kuna
Kemin:I hope you're happy.I'm not redoing them.This will be a ladder style tournament. Now we will set the stakes.If you win,each of you may have one of our cards of your choice.If we win,then we shall absorb your energy to use against our enemies.Now,get ready,set,duel!
This story is product of Leviathon_Squid.Reviews welcome.To learn more about Pemanite Laughter…well,you can't.I don't have anything on the internet about it.Sorry!
If any past fanfics have been sent by me and say they were Kabuteriman,that was my old name.Those are my old fics.