Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Monster Mayhem! ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )
Monster Mayhem!
By: DJ Rodriguez
(Author's Notes: Thanks to all who have read and reviewed. Those reviews you sent really meant a lot to me. So, thanks to all!
Yugi: More surprises and twists await you readers, plus two special cameo appearances by some of our friends!
Darien: It doesn't get any better then this! Who knows? Maybe someone might take this fanfic up as a movie of some sort!
DJ: Any of you think this fanfic has the potential to become an animated movie?
Now, on with the fanfic!)
Chapter 6
Keiko's grandfather led Yugi behind the shrine and house, going into the wilderness to begin his training. Because of his endurance to bullies in the past, roaming all over Duelist Kingdom, and battling at Battle City Tournament, Yugi was in fit physical condition. This even surprised the little teenager.
"Well, what can we do until Yugi comes back from his training?", Téa asked.
Keiko answered, "How about a walk on the beach?".
The girls agreed, seeing that it would make for a good change of scenery. So, without further delay, they all headed down towards the beautiful seashore.
When they arrived, they all walked on the sandy beach together. They inhaled the scent of the sea, and felt a refreshing breeze hit them gently.
"So, any of you want to talk about anything?", Serenity asked.
Ishizu quickly brought up, "Yes, I do.". She turned to Keiko and asked, "Why did you give me that angry look earlier on?".
Keiko sighed a little and answered, "Forgive me for that action earlier on, but I was just angry on how Egyptian problems in the past made their way here to Japan. And also for involving a sweet man like Yugi.".
The Twin Fairies, perched on Serenity's head, said in unison, "I see. You are upset at foreign problems coming here to Japan.".
Ishizu was a bit annoyed at this and retorted, "Look, Keiko. I'm sorry that this problem is here now, I really am. But, it is not my choice to bring the past back! It is Destiny and Fates decision to bring it back, and also involve Yugi!".
The High Priestess gave Ishizu a glare and answered back icily, "Ah, I see now. You follow destiny and fate blindly, thinking that you have no control whatsoever.".
The six girls (Téa, Serenity, the Twin Fairies, Megaumi, and Saeko) just kept quiet, listening and trying to understand the two people arguing.
Keiko continued onward, "Ishizu, you must understand that some people do not follow your way of thinking on Fate and Destiny. To us, those two things, and our choices, go hand-in-hand.".
Ishizu calmly stated, "Explain.".
The priestess explained, "Alright then, how about this? Fate and Destiny are like a road, there are many paths to take and some show us the way to go. However, we make the choice to follow the path chosen for us or not."
Téa's eyes widen as she realized on what Keiko was saying. 'Fate and Destiny set the road up for us, but it's our choice to follow it or not.', she said to herself.
Ishizu shook her head and said, "Perhaps that is your belief, but not mine.".
The Japanese woman sadly shook her head. She started to leave the group in another direction, back to her home, when she glanced back at Ishizu.
"Then, how can you explain Yugi coming this far?", she asked her before leaving.
~In the woods~
Yugi was now bare without his shirt, standing in the middle of a clearing with the forest surrounding him. The old priest was beside him, giving him instructions on what to do.
"Focus, Yugi. Clear your mind of anything and everything.", he instructed.
Yugi obeyed, closing his eyes, standing tall and straight, and concentrating with all his might.
The priest stated, "To unlock the immense power and potential within you, you must be clear of all distractions. Concentrate on your soul deep within you, and let nature help you as well.".
A breeze came by, rustling of the tree leaves and also swaying the grass beneath their feet. Yugi did as he was told, searching the depths of his soul and using nature to help him out.
Suddenly, a vision flashed in his head:
A sea of flames sprung out from a desolate and destroyed land, people fleeing for their lives. Some he knew, others he did not know. Three terrible monsters of darkness appeared before him, and their roars caused the earth to tremble in fear.
Yugi snapped out of his trance, sweating profusely and also breathing hard. The old priest was beside him, concerned etched on his face.
"Yugi! Are you all right?", he asked the young man.
Yugi nodded his head slightly and answered, "I'm alright. I… just had a vision.".
The old man looked rather shocked, yet pleased at the same time. 'He's now having visions! Since this is his first time and has no previous training, it is something extraordinary.', he thought.
"Yugi, this shows that you will go far in your training. But come, we must do more before the sun sets."., he told his student.
Yugi agreed and followed the old man, knowing that things were going to be interesting from now on.
'I've had visions before, but that was when I had the Puzzle on. Now, this is my first one on my own.', he thought as they followed a rushing river.
~Back in Domino City~
The Egyptian God monsters were making their way towards Downtown Domino, tearing everything in their path. People fled from the city, scared out of their minds.
"Hahaha! This is just too good to be true!", Slifer roared out to her comrade as she leveled a building to rubble with her slender snake-like body.
Obelisk smashed two apartment complexes with his fists and replied, "I know! This is just what we did back in Egypt long ago! I missed this!".
Ra was about to use his energy beam once more, when a lighting bolt hit him square in the chest! The monster roared in pain and was sent sprawling to the ground.
The two Egyptian God monsters saw the sight in awe, then turned to see bolts hitting them as well. They were sent back to Ra, and the three looked down to see strange vehicles coming their way.
"That is what hit us?!", Ra exclaimed in total shock and confusion.
The tanks were specially modified, compliments of Seto Kaiba and Kaiba Corp. The top looked like a large satellite dish, with a lens at the tip. It created an intense stream of electricity, similar to the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's attack technique.
"Hahaha! Try that on for size, you overgrown vulture!", Seto Kaiba declared from the cockpit of the tank.
Three more tanks rolled up beside Kaiba, and some familiar faces piloted them! Joey and Tristen controlled the tank on the far left, Duke and Keisuke on Kaiba's left, and two new recruits from the Japanese army were on his right. The new recruits were R.G. Wolfblade and Jeff S. Master.
Back on a high hill, overlooking the city, the Army set their headquarters there. The generals, commanders, soldiers, Mokuba, the two Professors, and Interpol were overlooking the action and also planning on some kind of battle strategy to combat the new threat before them.
"Hey, Kaiba! These new toys are totally awesome!", Joey exclaimed through a com-link built inside the cockpit.
"Kaiba, these modified tanks of yours are very effective!", Wolfblade commented.
Mokuba, via headphone, said, "The tanks are called Laser Shooters, developed six months ago. They're still experimental, but it seems they run just fine.".
Jeff replied, "I should say so, Mokuba!".
Kaiba called out, "Alright, enough chit chat! We got a job to do!".
The crew straightened out and got their act together. They saw the three large monsters get back up, and boy were they pissed off big time!
"We may not stop them, but at least we can slow them down a bit!", Seto exclaimed firmly over the com-link.
Tristen then declared at the three monsters, "You may have no problems destroying towns in the past, you freaks! But this is the future, and you got some major roadblocks this time!".
After that last comment, the four tanks fired again and the bolts of lighting hit the monsters yet again. They did stumble back some, but regained their footing.
"This is absurd! Now the humans fight back! This is inconceivable!", Ra roared out as he, Slifer, and Obelisk went on the offensive. Things were going to get ugly.
~Back at the Azumi Shrine~
Ishizu was with Téa on the shrine steps, looking out on to the ocean. Serenity and the Twin Fairies left to explore the caves of the Azumi Royal Family, while Saeko and Megaumi left to go get something to eat.
"Téa… I have been meaning to ask you something.", Ishizu started off.
The buxom brunette looked at her and inquired, "Yes?".
The Egyptian woman sighed and asked, "What was Yugi like… before he got the puzzle?"
Téa, as well as Yami (still inside the Puzzle, which Téa is still holding), were surprised by this question. She asked, "Why do you want to know, Ishizu?".
The Egyptian woman looked down slightly at the ground and answered, "Its just that… what Keiko said earlier. I… really want to know more about Yugi, that's all.".
The brunette dancer thought about it for a moment, then decided to tell her all she knew about her best friend.
"Well, when we were both toddlers, Yugi and I were good friends. He looked out for me, as well as did anything to cheer me up. When bullies came along to push us around, he protected me. He always got beat up, but I was there to lend him a hand back up. He's a lot stronger then he gives himself credit for.", she started out.
Ishizu was really amazed at this, then asked, "Did he actually choose to help you out all those times?".
Téa looked offended and remarked, "Yes, he did! He chose to protect me! He could have left me alone to those bullies, but he didn't!".
Ishizu was now having a new, profound respect for the little warrior now.
Téa continued on, "As the years went by, we still stuck together. He kept me on track with some of my schoolwork, and actually encouraged me to follow my dreams of a dancer. Bullies still picked on him, but he took the attacks without fighting back. In his eyes, it wasn't worth it to fight back at all.".
"At one point, Joey and Tristen were part of the group of bullies picking on Yugi, and they were among the worst in the school. However, when Yugi's old nemesis Naraku, started to bully them, guess who came to their rescue?", the brunette asked.
Ishizu answered softly, "Yugi?".
Téa smiled proudly and said, "Yes, Yugi! After all Tristen and Joey did to them, he defended them against Naraku. He beat Yugi up good, but he was soon caught by the teachers and expelled. After that, Joey and Tristen became Yugi's best friends.".
Ishizu was now in deep thought, her feelings for Yugi now rising to a new height.
"Ishizu, just know this. Yugi chose to not fight back when he was picked on, but he stood up for his friends and what was right. He also chose to help out when need be, and I'm more then betting on that he also chose to follow the path Destiny and Fate laid out for him.", Téa finished.
Inside the puzzle, Yami was proud of Téa's declaration and also of his hikari. Before and after solving the puzzle and releasing him, Yugi was already a good man. The seeds of greatness were already planted in his heart and soul, and were beginning to take root and showing quite well in his actions.
'I've checked the memories and actions of his past in his Soul Room, and it seems that he is indeed a good being.', he said to himself.
Ishizu didn't know what to say. Her respect for Yugi had grown, and also her feelings towards him were slowly, but steadily rising as well.
'Maybe… my chances of being with him is present. But, I want to know more about him, if the chances are to be higher.', she told herself.
(Author's Notes: How was this? On the 25th of August, I go back to school, so I hope you all enjoy this one!
Yugi: R.G. Wolfblade and Jeff S. Master are reviewers from my story, Wolfblade and Dragon and Sword Master! Guys, I hope you like the positions you're in right now.
Darien: Now, for the questions for everyone!
1.) Think Ishizu is wrong or right about Destiny and Fate? Think choices really matter?
2.) Will Kaiba and the others hold the God monsters long enough for Yugi to complete his training?
3.) How do you feel about all the things Téa said about Yugi? Are they true to you?
4.) Finally, how high is your respect towards Yugi?
R&R, no flames, enjoy, and leave long reviews!)