Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Path ❯ Enter The Shadow Realm ( Chapter 12 )
aIt's that time again kids! It's time for the next installment of "A New Path!" Sadly, there's probably about up to four more chapters left in this story. But not to worry, there will be a sequel to this. Now let's get to the story. But first…
Lady D 10290() - Yes it seems that Kaiba and Rikku are having it bad right now, but expect things to get better for one of them, and expect things to get worse for the other. As for Logos and Ormi, expect them to be punished…
Magicman/Smokegirl- Just because they didn't show up, doesn't mean that they won't later. If not in this story, they will be in the sequel as they'll have a big role in the plot I'm working on…
PROTOTYPE Uber Rei Model 00 - Expect Logos and Ormi to get punished. Will it be painful? You find out.
Chapter 12: Enter The Shadow Realm
"Well, what do we have here?" Logos grinned at the trapped Kaiba, Joey, and Tristan. "It appears that Mr. Kaiba's trying to steal our Transphere from us, don't you say Ormi?"
"Your Transphere?" Kaiba snapped. "For your information you're the ones who stole it from me, as well as kidnapping me and Mokuba!"
"Hmm…I must admit that you are very persistent. Much better than that last stunt you pulled."
Joey blinked, "What last stunt?"
"Yeah Kaiba, you tried this before?" Tristan asked as Kaiba growled. Knowing that his secret was being revealed.
"He tried throwing his cards at us as if it were a sharp knife when trying to rescue his brother." Ormi explained. "But Logos shot it down. Kaiba then dropped down to his knees and started crying. Then went off about something about Blue Eyes or…"
"Kaiba…" Joey narrowed his eyes at him in annoyance. "You threw your Blue Eyes White Dragon Card at them? And you say that I'm an idiot…"
"WELL IT SAVED TEA FROM HAVING A CRATE DROP ON HER, DID IT NOT, WHEELER!?" Kaiba snapped, reminding him of the Battle City incident at the warehouse.
"Alright, Kaibs, calm down…" Joey muttered, covering his ear. "Sheesh…"
"Well anyways Kaiba, things change and now that Transphere belongs to the Boss!" Ormi stated. "So hand it over!"
"Not on yer life, pal!" Joey stated, holding the Transphere protectively.
"The only way you're getting this is over our dead bodies!" Tristan added.
"It looks like we don't have any other choice…" Logos sighed. "Parting is such sweet sorrow…" He grabbed his pistols from his belt as Ormi got into a fighting stance with his shield. "Get them!"
Just as the Syndicate was about to open fire, a few gunshots were heard from behind them, much to the shock of everyone. Joey, Kaiba, and Tristan looked up as they saw a familiar brown-haired girl with two pistols in her hands shooting at the Syndicate.
"Yuna!" The boys shouted.
"What are you guys standing there for?" She scolded, "Now's your chance to run!"
"I don't need your help to get out of here, much less a woman's." Kaiba retorted.
"Shut up and go!" Joey tugged Kaiba's arm as the four of them ran out the door, reuniting with Yugi, Tea, and Serenity.
"JOEY!" Serenity sprinted as she then glomp her brother.
"Easy sis, I'm alright!" Joey assured, wincing at her sister's air-tight hug.
"What about me? Do I get some-" Tristan complaining was interrupted as a familiar scream was heard all the way from the Farplane.
"Rikku!" Tea and Yuna exclaimed. As Joey then blinked.
"Wait a minute, wasn't Bakura with you?" He asked. "You don't mean…"
"Wheeler, if you even mention-" Kaiba's threat was interrupted as the very angry members of the LeBlanc Syndicate ran after them.
"You guys check up on Rikku and Bakura. I'll handle them." Yugi insisted, as he had already formed a plan to keep them away.
Kaiba gave him a skeptical look. "You're kidding right?"
"We don't have time to argue! My cousin's in trouble!" Yuna scolded as she grabbed Kaiba by the arm, pulling him towards the Farplane, followed by Joey, Serenity, Tea, and Tristan as the LeBlanc Syndicate moved closer to them.
"You're not going anywhere!" Logos shouted, but Yugi stopped in front of them. "Move out of the way or you'll be dealt with in the most violent manner."
"How about we play a little game…" Yugi smiled as he took out his deck. "You, your friend, and I will each draw one card from the deck. Whoever draws the card with the highest attack points without going over 3000 wins! You win and you'll do whatever you please with Kaiba and his friends. Lose, and I'll decide your fate…"
"Hmph…" Logos retorted. "We don't have time for childish games…"
"But if that's the only way…" Ormi added.
"Splendid." Yugi shuffled the cards. "Now we each draw one card…"
The two second-in-commands each drew a card. Ormi has smile on his face. "Get a load of this!" He showed his card. It was Dark Magician [2500]. "This card appears to be very strong."
"Hmph…the card I hold is much more powerful…" Logos showed his card. It was Buster Blader [2600].
Yugi looked at his card as he smiled. The Shadow Game he started was going exactly the way he planned. "Those are very powerful monsters you have drawn. But they fail in comparison to this!" He then showed the card he had drawn: Dark Paladin, the Supreme Magician Knight [2900]!
"It can't be!" Logos and Ormi shouted.
"Oh but it is! You lose!" The fused Yugi and Yami informed.
"Like one lousy game is going to decided what we're going to do!" Ormi sneered as he got out his shield.
"Now it's time for you to see the consequences of messing with the LeBlanc Syndicate." Logos drew out his pistols.
"I don't think so…" Yugi said, annoyed as the Eye of Horus appeared on his head...
At their arrival at the Farplane, Yuna and co. were shocked at what they saw: Rikku lying lifeless on the floor as Yami Bakura gave a vicious smirk.
"Rikku!" Yuna cried as she ran toward he fallen cousin, then gave a murderous glare towards the spirit of the Millennium Ring. "How could you, Bakura?"
"That's not Bakura, Yuna…" Tristan informed. He was still couldn't believe that the Ring had made its way back to Bakura, as he was sure that he threw away it as far as he could back in Duelist Kingdom when he tried to take the then-soulless Mokuba's body for his own. "That spirit of the Millennium Ring's taken over Bakura…again…"
"You still believe this nonsense about these fairytales…" Kaiba muttered disgustedly.
Yami Bakura laughed, "After all you've experienced Kaiba, and you still don't believe what's happening? And as for you Lady Yuna, no need to worry about your fallen kin. As soon you'll be joining her, as well as the rest of you, in the Shadow Realm!"
"Hey you jerk, get a life…" Joey shouted, letting his bravado getting the best of them again. "You wouldn't dare…"
"Don't push him, Joey…" Serenity mewed. Ever since Battle City, she has been terrified of Bakura's darker half.
"Have it your way, Pathetic Mortal!" Yami Bakura grinned as the Spirit of the Millennium Ring flashed…
Logos opened his eyes as he then noticed a small sphere on the ground. "Hmm…a perfect sphere…" Logos went to grab it, but much to his horror, it instantly vanished. "What?"
Ormi was having the same problem as he tried to grab the spheres on his belt, but they too vanished. "My spheres!"
Yugi smirked at the two Syndicate Members just realizing their game penalty. "From here on out, every sphere you happen to find will vanish before your eyes for one week."
He then heard various screams from the Farplane as Yugi blinked. "Oh no…the others!" Braking out in a sprint, he left the punished Syndicate Members as he quickly rushed towards the Farplane, worried about what was going on with his friends and what threat could they be dealing with.
After he reached the Farplane, his eyes were wide. All of his friends were on the ground unconscious. "Who could've done this…" He asked, but then found the answer to his own question when he found one body was missing…
"So…we meet again, Pharaoh…"
"You!" Yugi's eyes narrowed. "But I thought I banished you to the Shadow Realm."
"Stupid Pharaoh, when will you learn that I am the darkness and you'll never be rid of me?" Yami Bakura smirked. "And now, I shall finally obtain the Millennium Puzzle from you, Yugi…"
"Not on your life, Tomb Robber!"
"We'll see about that, Yugi."
Yugi sighed. Even though the Millennium Puzzle was in his pocket in pieces, Bakura could still somehow figure out how to put the pieces together. Even though Yugi inherited the its power as a result of the fusion, the Puzzle still was powerful, and if it fell into the wrong hands such as Yami Bakura's, the results would be disastrous. "I swear as long as air breathes into my lungs, as long as blood flows through my veins, you will never get your hands on the Millennium Puzzle."
"Okay then…" Yami Bakura grinned. "How about we play a little game, just like back in Duelist Kingdom."
"A duel?"
"Yes, but it's going to be much different than last time. We'll each start with 8000 life points, but that's not all. Let's say that the stakes are going to be much higher."
"What do you mean…" Yugi glared.
"If you win Pharaoh, the souls of your friends will be restored to their bodies. But when I win…" The Spirit grinned evilly. "Your soul will join your friends and I'll get the Puzzle, as well as the other Millennium Items in your possession. Don't think that I do not know about you obtaining the Millennium Rod and the Millennium Necklace."
Yugi sighed, remembering obtaining those items from the Ishtars, but at different time periods.
"So…do you accept my challenge? Just remember: With the exception of the 8000 life points, Duelist Kingdom Rules Apply."
"I accept."
Yami Bakura laugh manically as a dark fog appeared, covering the entire plane as a playing field then formed from the lost souls of the shadow. Afterwards, a row of cards appeared before him. "Before we begin, our cards will be randomly selected so whatever deck you have planned on using is now considered non-valid. Just something to spice things up…"
"Fine…" Yugi sighed as his cards were randomly being selected. Aside from his deck was being chosen randomly for him, it was Noah's virtual world all over again. And the worse part of it all: He couldn't do anything about it, unless he didn't want to rescue the souls of his friends.
"Let's duel!" They both shouted as they drew 5 cards.
"I start off by playing one monster face down!" Yami Bakura placed one card on the field. "I end my turn."
"My turn…" Yugi looked at his hand, all he had was either spell or trap cards except for two: The Forgiving Maiden and Dar Magician Girl. Knowing the stakes, his decision was obvious.
"I summon Dark Magician Girl [2000/1700] in Attack Mode!" As Yugi placed a card on the field, Dark Magician Girl was summoned…but she looked a bit different.
"Where am I?" Rikku's eyes opened as she looked around, wasn't she in the farplane just a few minutes ago, let alone dealing with Bakura's darker half? She then looked down. Wasn't she just wearing Tea's clothes a few minutes ago, now she was wearing blue and pink outfit, save for a hat and a wand in her hand. Has she become the Dark Magician Girl?
Rikku looked up and she freaked! "AHH A GIANT YUGI!"
"Rikku calm down, and let me explain. Right now, I'm dueling for everyone's souls, including yours." Yugi explained.
"That's nice, but why am I on the field, let alone dressed as Dark Magician Girl?" Rikku asked.
"I'm not sure, but my guess is that your souls might have been placed into their soul cards."
"So you mean to tell me that the Dark Magician Girl's my soul card?"
Rikku moaned, "Aww…I wanted to be Cosmo Queen…"
"You have 2000 attack points, so you're pretty strong." Yugi informed. "And you have a special ability."
"Okay…and if you need my help Yugi, you got it!" Rikku winked at Yugi as she then saw Yami Bakura's facedown monster. "My first victim…" She grinned as she held up her wand.
"Rikku, wait!" Yugi warned. "You should be careful!"
"No big, Yuge! I got this!" Rikku assured as she began to attack.
"Too late, Yugi!" Yami Bakura smirked. "She's already declared her attack for you!"
"Dark Burning Attack!" Rikku thrust her wand forward as the beam fired onto the facedown card, which was revealed to be Slate Warrior [1900/400].
Yami Bakura smirked. "Nice going, Rikku… You just activated one of my Slate Warrior's special abilities!"
At this point Rikku's body went limp as she collapsed. "Why do I feel so weak…?"
"One of Slate Warrior special abilities is that any monster that destroys it loses 500 attack and defense points."
"Great…" The thief-turned-Dark-Magician-Girl sighed, now weaker than before. [1500/1200]
"I end my turn." Yugi stated as Yami Bakura drew a card.
"Now to inflict damage to your life points." He grinned. "I now summon Vampire Lord [2000/1500] in attack mode!"
"Where the hell am I?" Kaiba's eyes opened as he saw Rikku, dressed as the Dark Magician Girl. Then looked down and saw that his white trench coat and black clothes were gone. In his place was a gothic suit. "What is this!?"
"Kaiba?" Yugi examined the Vampire Lord summoned on Yami Bakura's side of the field.
"What an interesting turn of events, wouldn't you say Pharaoh?" The Yami smirked. "The same friends you're trying to rescue have now been turned against each other. But look on the bright side Pharaoh: If you manage to win, all of your friends will be restored. Even if they've already been sent to the graveyard…"
"You're sick…" Yugi sneared.
"Now my Vampire Lord, destroy Yugi's Dark Magician Girl!"
"Forget it, you meanie! Setty would never attack me...right?" Rikku looked around nervously. "Right!?"
"Sorry Rikku…" Kaiba smirked. "Nothing personal…it's just business!" Kaiba went for an attack as he released his bats.
"Nooo!" Rikku cried at the bats hit her. She felt herself shattering into pieces.
"NO! RIKKU!" Yugi shouted as his life points dropped, then glared at Kaiba. "Kaiba, how could you!"
Yugi: 7500
Y. Bakura: 8000
"Look Yugi! As much as I don't like the situation we're in, we have no choice but to play by the rules." Kaiba replied then smirked. "Perhaps next time you'll choose your moves more wisely if you want to protect everyone. Think of this as a challenge."
"The pathetic mortal's right." Yami Bakura smirked. "It's your move…"
"Fine…" Yugi drew a card, then placing a few more cards on the field. "I play two cards face down as I place a monster on the field in defense mode." He looked at Bakura. "I end my turn…"
"Very well…" Bakura drew a card. "I now summon Blazing Inpachi in Attack mode, then place a card faced down!" He announced as the burning wood creature appeared on the field. "Now Blazing Inpachi, attack Yugi's facedown monster!"
"Hold on, Tomb Robber!" Yugi interrupted as one of his faced-down cards appeared. "I activate Mirror Force, which will destroy every monster on the field in attack mode. That includes your Blazing Inpachi and Vampire Lord! Sorry Kaiba."
"Yugi…" Kaiba seethed as the effects from Blazing Inpachi's attack hits both him, and the monster itself, destroying them both.
"Another one of your friends destroyed…" Yami Bakura sighed in mock pity. "I now end my turn by placing three cards face down…"
"I now reveal my facedown monster: Cyber Jar!" Yugi announced as the machine jar appeared on the field then disappeared. "Now we each draw 5 new cards, if either of them is a monster card having 4 stars or less, it's immediately placed on the field."
"Now where am I…" Kaiba looked around as he saw several tombstones. "So…this is what it's like to be in the graveyard…" He said to himself as he began to walk around. "Yugi better win this duel or-" He was then bashed on the head with a wand-Hard! Kaiba slowly got back up on his feet as he turned around and saw a not-very-happy Dark Magician Girl!
"SEND ME TO THE GRAVEYARD WILL YOU!?" Rikku shouted as she then chased him through the graveyard.
"Get away from me you crazy harpy!" Kaiba shouted then slapped his hand on his forehead. "What am I doing…I have the same attack points as her!" Kaiba turned around and fired his bats at her.
"Oh you want to play that way, huh?" Rikku fired from her wand, destroying the bats. This fight continued until a faint look appeared on Rikku's face, as if she saw a ghost... "Uhh…"
"What now, Rikku…" Kaiba turned around and there he was. "The Reaper of the Cards!"
"I think now's a good time to run!" Rikku suggested in fear as she began to run with the Reaper following her. However, she soon tripped and fell down as the Reaper of the Cards floated over her.
"Can't we talk about this…?" She begged the fiend as she moved back, facing it. Just as he was about to hit her with his Scythe, the bats few at him which knocked him down. Rikku's eyes went wide. "Setty!"
"Don't call me 'Setty!'" The CEO-turned-Vampire Lord said.
"You saved me…" Rikku said in awe as she went for a hug, perhaps Kaiba did have a heart.
"Don't touch me…" Kaiba moved out of the way.
"Sorry…" Rikku smiles sheepishly, then her face expression turned to fear as the Reaper of the Cards was back.
"What now…" Kaiba turned around, "You got to be kidding me!"
Yugi and Yami Bakura began to draw 5 new cards. From Yugi's side, the cards he drew were: Blue Eyes Toon Dragon, Magician of Faith, Wingweaver, and Cyber Commander, and Marie the Fallen One. "Through Cyber Jar's special ability I summon Magician of Faith [300/400] and Cyber Commander [750/700] in attack mode…"
"Not again…" Tea muttered after she found herself once again in the Magician of Faith's clothes.
"He just had to do this again." Tristan said, holding his gun. "Well…at least he doesn't have any monsters on the field…"
"Yet…" Yugi corrected his friend. "I just activated Cyber Jar's special ability. Now it's the spirit's turn to draw 5 cards. If any of those cads are monster cards with four or less stars, they're automatically special summoned.
"That's not good…
Bakura also had five cards in his hand: Cyber Stein, Guardian Angel Joan, Nekogal #2, Harpy Lady Sisters, and Bright Castle. "Looks like your friends have made it onto the field, but they won't stay there for long. Through Cyber Jar's effect, I summon Cyber Stein [700/500] on the field!
The machine warrior appeared on the field as Bakura grinned. "And now, I'll activate Cyber Stein's Special ability. By paying 5000 life points, I can summon any fusion monster from my fusion deck, without the use of the specific material monsters and a Polymerization card. And I know which one to summon: Flame Swordsman [1800/1600]!
Yugi: 7500
Y. Bakura: 3000
"Oh no…" Yugi said. This was just like the last time they dueled in the Shadow Realm as their souls were placed in the cards. If Tristan and Tea were once again Cyber Commander and Magician of Faith…
"Where am I?" Joey wondered as he stood. He then looked down at his clothes. "Oh no, not again!" He looked as he then saw a giant (To him) Yugi, and Tristan and Tea in front of him. "Hey guys if yer there, dat must mean that I-Gahh!" From behind he saw the Giant-sized Yami Bakura.
"How tragic! Now your best friend is on my side!" The Yami smirked. "What to do what to do…Hmm…I'll play this spell card Ring of Magnetism! It'll weaken Wheeler by 500 points, but all of your attacks from now on will be directed to him."
"What the-AHH!" Joey looked down as he then saw a neon green metal ring on his finger which was using his life force to direct any future attack towards him, [1300/1100].
"Hold on, Tomb Robber! It's still my turn!" Yugi reminded as he then played a card from his hand. "I now play Polymerization which I'll use to fuse two cards in my hand: Marie The Fallen One and The Forgiving Maiden, to form St. Joan [2800/2000]!"
The Forgiving Maiden and Marie The Fallen One appeared as they proceeded to merge together to form the warrior-like fairy. However, she looked a bit different…
"Hmm…how interesting…" Yami Bakura grinned he looked at Joey had a miserable look in his face.
"Great…dis game's just gettin' worse and worse…" He said…
"Huh?" Serenity looked around and saw Tea and Tristan. "Guys, why are you dressed as Duel Monsters?"
"Umm…Serenity?" Tea called.
"And Joey, why are you dressed as the Flame Swordsman, let alone-" She gasped at the sight of Yami Bakura. "He's…he's…"
"A giant? Yeah, we know…" Joey explained. "And so is Yugi. Right now, we're all experiencing a bit of Déjà vu right now. And we don't even know where Rikku, Yuna, or even Kaiba are."
Yugi sighed, "I don't know about Yuna, but Kaiba and Rikku are both…"
"No…Kaiba…Rikku…" Tea dropped down to her knees, as if someone just struck a knife through her stomach.
"You mean that they're both in the graveyard?" Joey exclaimed.
"It's the Pharaoh's fault that they're both in the graveyard…" Yami Bakura explained. "Actually Rikku was too cocky which her reward was to be weakened. Then I ordered Kaiba to destroy her! And afterwards…let's just say that the Yugi had some involvement. At least Kaiba will be back next turn…"
"Kaiba has taken the form of Vampire Lord." Yugi informed them. He now had to think of a way to save them. If he wins the duel, he'll save everyone's souls. But it also means that he'd have to destroy Kaiba and Joey if necessary. And he didn't even know what Yuna's Soul Card was, let alone if either he or Yami Bakura had it. At least there was one thing he could do. "I activate my face down card, Call of the Haunted, which I'll use to revive my Dark Magician Girl!"
Rikku and Kaiba continued to run, with the Reaper of the Cards fresh on their trail.
'Can't she move faster than that?' Kaiba thought, behind her. 'I wish Rikku would just move, disappear or something...'
As if on cue, Rikku suddenly vanished from right in front of him.
"What the-" Kaiba was in shock, but then smirked. "Yugi must've used a monster revival card…"
Rikku continued to run, not realizing that she was back on the board.
"Rikku, you could stop running now!" Tea called out.
"Huh?" Rikku looked around as she saw the field, as well as Tea, Tristan, Serenity, and Joey, as well as the Giant-sized Yugi and Yami Bakura. "Eheheh…" She smiled as she quickly rushed back to the board.
"Welcome back Rikku!" Tristan grinned.
"Thanks. Umm…why is Joey over…" Rikku gasped, "Don't tell me…"
"No, it's not that. Let's just say that in this game, the deck is like a box of chocolates: You don't know what you're going to get."
"I see…"
"Now Tomb Robber, its time for you to get your just desserts!" Yugi declared.
"Funny…that's exactly what I was going to say." Yami Bakura grinned as he revealed three facedown cards. All of them were Just Desserts."
"Oh how I hate irony…" Joey muttered.
"Oh great…" Tristan sighed.
"This is bad…" Tea said.
"What's wrong?" Rikku asked.
"Rikku, Just Deserts is a trap card that deals 500 life points worth of damage to the opponent for every monster he or she has on the field." Tristan explained.
"Let's see…" Rikku began to count. There's four of us…and three cards…That's 12. Multiply that by 500…" She panicked, once she reached the realization. "Yugi's gonna lose 6000 life points!"
Very perceptive…" The Tomb Robber grinned evilly as Yugi began to clutch his heart as his life points began to drop.
Yugi: 1500
Y. Bakura: 3000
"Are you okay Yugi?" Tristan, Tea, Rikku, Joey, and Serenity asked.
'Good thing I didn't summon a monster after reviving Rikku or it would've cost me the duel…' Yugi thought as he looked towards the "Duel Monsters," "I'm okay…" Now Yugi had half the life points Yami Bakura had. One false move and he was finished. He could send Rikku and Serenity to take out Joey and Cyber Stein. 3800 - 2000 = 1800 lifepoints of damage. Then Yami Bakura would have 1200 life points left. Then with Tea and Tristan's follow up attack he would deal 1050 life points worth of damage to win the duel, but unfortunately they were playing Duelist Kingdom Rules, so he couldn't attack directly. That meant he'd have to attack Kaiba when he is revived the next turn, but who's to say that the Tomb Robber wouldn't summer a card which enough attack points to take out the rest of his lifepints by attacking Tea who is now the Magician of Faith, the weakest monster Yugi had on his side of the field. Yugi looked into his deck.
Yugi looked into his hand to see what he had in his hand, just incase there was another way: United We Stand, Hercules Beetle, Wingweaver, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon, Thousand Knives, Swords of Revealing Light, and Gamble. Wait a minute: United We Stand increases a monster's attack and defense points by 800 for each monster its controller had on the field, including itself. That would mean a 3200 life point increase to either Rikku or Serenity would give them more than enough life points to finish the duel. But then that would mean, thanks to the effect of Ring of Magnetism, Joey would have to be destroyed. Yami Bakura must have planned this from the get go! He knew that Yugi wouldn't be able to attack his longtime friend if it meant Joey being destroyed, as he must have saw through Bakura's mind during his duel with Kaiba on top of Pegasus' castle.
"Forgive me Joey…" Yugi sighed, not really having much of a choice, "Serenity, listen to me carefully! I am in a duel with the Spirit of the Millennium Ring for all of our souls. And you have taken the form of St. Joan."
Serenity looked down as she saw her self holding a sword and her clothes were different. "Okay…"
"And now…I know this is going to be tough for you, Serenity, but either you or Rikku are going have to attack Joey, thanks to the effect of Yami Bakura's Ring of Magnetism."
"What?" Serenity replied in shock, as well as Joey. But he sighed, knowing that it was for a good cause that he be the sacrificial lamb to slaughter. It would be better if one of them lost rather than everyone.
"In order to win this duel, we're going to have to take him out in one turn, with the help of the spell card, United We-"
"No!" Serenity responded harshly.
"Serenity we have no choice!" Yugi tried to explain.
"Come on, Sis…" Joey sighed. "It's the only way…"
Serenity closed her eyes as she shook her head. "NO! I won't do it, Big Brother!"
"Please Serenity, there's no other way..." Tea pleaded.
"I will not hurt Joey!"
"Serenity, listen to what Yugi's saying!" Tristan tried to explain, but Serenity would have none of it.
"I know what he's saying, and I'm not going to attack Joey!"
"Serenity, listen. In order to save our souls, we have to help Yugi no matter what."
"Not if it means we have to hurt Joey!" Serenity simply said.
"Okay, if you feel guilty about attacking Joey, I'll do it." Rikku offered, believing that there was no choice but to attack Joey.
"Come on, Reni! We have to! Joey would want it this way!" Rikku placed her plea.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Poor Serenity…now in order to save everyone souls, Yugi must attack with either Serenity as St. Joan or Rikku as Dark Magician Girl equipped with United We Stand that could win them the duel. That includes attacking Joey because of Yami Bakura's Ring of Magnetism. Will Serenity go through with it and help Yugi defeat Yami Bakura and rescue their souls, even if it means destroying her brother? I'm not exactly sure about the Rules for Duelist Kingdom tournaments. I know that they had 2000 life points, no tributes were necessary, and they couldn't attack directly, but I could be wrong…
Preview for Next Chapter:
"Fryd eh Spira ec dryd? (What in Spira is that?)" Brother asked, freaked out.
This somewhat appeared familiar to Mokuba. "It looks like…Shadow Realm magic."
The Al-Bhed boys turned to Mokuba.
Mokuba explained. "I've seen this before, and I can tell you that it's not good…"
"I don't care! My Yuna and Tea are in trouble!" Brother snapped as he proceeded to charge into to orb.
Chapter 13: Win and Lose, or Lose and Win?