Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Duel Hams: Duelists of the Clubhouse ❯ duel monsters moment 1 ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey readers, it's time for a new segment that I like to call, Duel Monsters Moment. Duel Monsters Moment is a short little segment where I talk about a specific Duel Monster (whether it be a monster, spell, or trap card), give its stats if it's a monster, describe what it does (or what it is, if it's a normal monster), and a few strategies on how to play it.
This Moment's Duel Monster is Hunter Dragon. Now as already mentioned, Hunter Dragon is a normal, three-star dragon at 1700/100. Hunter's a Dark element monster and it says the following about it: "This dragon has taken down countless prey with its sharp fangs. It strikes very quickly, because if it does not strike first, it is vunerable to a counter-attack." Hunter Dragon is entry #004 in the Tactical Evolution Set and is a rare card (and if you're lucky, an ultimate rare card). Hunter isn't the first high ATK low-level dragon, but it is the highest normal dragon at three stars and lower. Normally, people would have to use either Masked Dragon, or Twin-Headed Behemoth, both of which have average ATK points, but Hunter's power is high for a low-level. Since it has three stars, you don't have to worry about it being restrained by Gravity Bind and restrained and switched by Level Limit - Area B, unlike another stronger low-level dragon like Luster Dragon whose at four stars.
Hunter is a good card for any deck because its ATK points are solid for a level three and only a few other cards will drop it. You can also use Gravity Bind to protect the dragon. As Jam played against Tyrone, Hunter Dragon is the perfect equip for Cyberdark Horn, Edge and Keel, since their effects only work on dragons from one-three levels, making the two afformentioned dragons (Masked Dragon and Twin-Headed Behemoth), good choices for the other two Cyberdark monsters. Also, it adds more variety to those three machines without having to sacrifice power. There are good spells to use with this dragon: To those with three Hunter Dragons in their graveyard, Symbol of Heritage let's you bring back one of them without having to waste 800 life points using Premature Burial; another good spell is Phalanx Pike (from Tactical Evolution) which gives an extra 900 ATK for each Hunter Dragon in the Graveyard if you have one on the field. Which means you can get 1800 for the two in your Graveyard, plus 900 more for each Hunter Dragon in your opponent's Graveyard. And if your opponent is smart, they'll have one of these guys in their decks to use. But if you can get two of yours in the grave and at least one of theirs in their grave when you call out your third one, that's quite the boost-up for Hunter.
But what if you don't have extras to play, or don't have a Phalanx Pike, there's always the good and deadly Axe of Despair, giving its weilder 1000 ATK points. Now I don't know about you, but a low-level dragon at 2700 ATK points is a doombringer to me. Imagine how many asshats you can hand out by giving this dragon that Axe. Lastly, there's one more spell you can use with this guy. Since it's strong, you opponent will probably want to rid you of it with something like Lightning Vortex, or Hammer Shot (why use your only Smashing Ground on a dragon with 100 DEF?). That's where Dust Barrier can help out. Dust Barrier protects normal monsters (which Hunter Dragon is, of course) from the effects of spells for a few turns. Normal monster protection is a lovely thing.
And that wraps up this Duel Monsters Moment, see you next time.