Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Anime Fanfic Inc. ❯ AFI Application ( One-Shot )
First of all I would like to thank you for being interesting in joining this corporation. I realize that in order to write good stories that people will want to read, I need to know what people want and make sure there is plenty of verity. So I have decided to open this corporation to anyone willing to join. Those who join will be asked to make characters for up coming fanfics and asked to review. Now of course there are plenty of benefits to joining. The AFI will review members' fanfics every update and give a fair review and for those who wish, we will also advertise their fanfics on our stories and other story reviews. I find that the best way to have lots of readers is to make sure the story is widely know. So if you're still interested in joining, simply send an e-mail to zack271@hotmail.com. You may ask any questions you wish about the AFI. Well thank you for your time and I hope we can have fun.