Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jounouchi Katsuya, Hanyou ❯ The Boy Who Was Overcome ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey people, I apologize for the author's note on the previous page, but I do hope that you read it, it's very important and I posted it so that people wouldn't get confused. Again I will state that yes, people are OOC but this is an AU story, it's to be expected. This is a YAOI story, though it'll be a build up, yep, there's a plot to this one *sighs* sorry.

Okay, I don't own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh characters, or the InuYasha characters, I do however own Kyami, Chelle all of the teachers and this plot, the plot is mine! Please don't borrow my characters or plot without asking! Anyways, on with the story, see you at the bottom!


Jounouchi Katsuya sat on the hardwood floor of the orphanage/shrine, his knees folded beneath him, his dark forest green kimono pooled slightly at the bend in his knees and his bare feet were hardly noticable from the confines of said kimono and the black pants. His unruly blonde hair fell over his closed eyes as his head was bowed, making his ears more noticable from their perch on top of his head. His lips moved, but no sound was produced as he prayed, his fangs barely noticable, execpt from the faint light provided from the light bowls at the four coners of the room and the candles hanging from the wall or chandelier above him.

He paused after a prayer and smiled, "hello Miroku." There was a soft chuckle off to the side and to his right, "come to watch me pray?"

"Surely you must be finished by now, you've been in here for twenty minutes." Jou stood, brushing off stray bamboo from the mat, then bowed his head towards the front of the room and turned around to face his friend. The teen had a smirk on his pale face, his black hair framing it perfectly, his blue eyes had a bemused glint and his arms were crossed across his chest, the simple purple robe extended to his slim waist, making it seem more like a tunic, his black pants trailed down the long, toned legs to his sneaker clad feet.

He smiled, "well, what'cha prayin' for, money, girls?" Jou had to chuckle at his friend,

"you of all people should know I am not straight."

"Well, hot guys then?" The half-demon simply shook his head but couldn't help his grin,

"no, just praying for guidance since tomorrow will be my first time attending school outside of Himtia's in nearly six years, I asked my parents to bless me and watch over me." The boy nodded reaching up his right hand, clad in it's usual covering, and brushed a lock of hair back, smiling as he forgot the postioning of Jou's ears,

"habit." Jou grinned,

"mmm-hmm, I know, how's the hand, Wind Tunnel shrinking?" A small, firm and satisfied nod,

"yep, ever since Mrs. Himtia found that counter curse, it's been working like a...well, pardon the pun, like a charm." Jou smiled,

"that's great."

"Hmm, what's great?" Strong arms slid about Miroku's waist, the jet haired boy leaned back and smiled,

"mmm, hey 'Yasha, the fact my Wind Tunnel's shrinking, soon I'll be walking around with two bare hands." The half-demon cocked his head, then rested his chin on his koi's shoulder,

"I see, Kyami-san sent me down here to tell you two that dinner's ready, come on."

Jou padded towards the dining area, he slid the rice door open and then bowed his head in respect towards the woman clad in a pale blue kimono and deep blue pants, "Himtia-san." She chuckled,

"so polite Katsuya, please, I told you, call me Kyami." He gave a small grin,

"alright." Miroku walked in, hand clasped to Inuyahsa's, he smiled,

"what's for dinner?" She smiled,

"lemon chicken and steamed rice with vegetables." Jou walked over to the low table and sat down, crossing his legs lotus style he wordlessly prepared a bowl of food, when he had filled the bowl to the brink of spilling he carefully poured soya sauce over top, then poured a glass of water, picked up his chop sticks and began to eat quietly. With the shake of her head the owner of the orphanage sat down and faced the blonde, "nervous about tomorrow?" He shrugged and contined eating, the silence was tense and she lowered her bowl, "say something Jou." He lowered his bowl,

"I'm nervous about tomorrow, I've only been in public with someone here and usually had something covering up my ears. Tomorrow I'm going to be all alone, with humans, without coverage for my ears and in a strange place, may I have seconds?"


Jou lay on his bed, thinking about his life, he sighed and rolled over, onto his back and folded his arms under his head and shut his eyes, trying to block out the pained memories in his head was suddenly filled with. When he was little he was adopted, his parents had been cruel to him, he was no older than one or two, his adoptive father was harsh and discrimatory, when he found out about his son's 'condtion' as he so often put it he searched for a way to fix it. He had found a powerful witch who had preformed what was known as a subduing charm, a string of prayer beads hung around his neck to this day. Whenever someone yelled 'down boy' at him he instantly crashed to the floor, after experiencing hell for five years he ran away as fast as his legs could carry him, and was placed again in a orphange. He was teased about his appearance, like his canine ears, his fangs, his claws and his tail, all of which he had grown up with and thought were completely normal. So he isolated himself, buring himself in books and becoming distant, he tried to stay away from crowds and people he didn't know, then he was shoved into school. He was nervous, twitching and was teased, so he ran away and hid in a cabin in a forest. He was found by Miroku when he ten and they stayed together, running around, being constant companions, then when he was eleven they were found by Kyami and taken to the orphanage, they met other kids like them and were raised by a powerful seer, like they were her own children.

When he was fifteen he and Miroku started dating, they broke up six months later and Miroku bonded with a newcomer, Inuyasha, they'd been dating since. He rolled onto his side, he had just turned seventeen and was about to attend a local highschool, he was nervous, afraid of rejection and ridicule. He sighed, then curled up into a ball, he knew that his mother died giving birth to him and when his father found out that he wasn't his child he went insane and left him alone in a shrine. He wished he could've known his parents, there was a soft knock on his door, "hai?"

"Jounouchi-san, can I come in?" Jou smiled, it was a little neko demon, she was only five, her name was Chelle and she had been brought from Britian, she was like a sister to him, he smiled,

"come in." The door opened and a small amount of light filtered in, she walked in and shut the door,

"I can't sleep, I'm having bad dreams where the mean blokes are hurting me, can I sleep here?" Jou patted the bed and she hopped up, then curled up in a ball at his neck, he stroked her hair softly and she fell asleep almost instantly, purring softly, he kissed the top of her head then drifted off himself.

Jou grunted at a small tugging on his arm, then pulled the cover over his head and settled in once more, "Jou-san wake up, you need to go to school!" Jou cracked an eye open and looked at Chelle then shook his head and tried to sleep once more, she was growing impatient and started jumping on the bed, "wakeup,wakeup,wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup, come on, upupupupupupuupup!" She spotted his tail and batted at it lightly, Jou groaned,

"not now, too early."

"Wake up, come on, wakey-wakey!" She patted his face,

"nnnnnooooo!" Jou batted at the air, she let out a small mew and then with a small hiss sunk her tiny fangs into the delicate flesh of his tail, Jou let out a pained yelp and his eyes shot wide, she let out a laugh and took off running. Jou growled and followed, Miroku shook his head and rolled his eyes,

"she bit him again." Inuyasha nodded, then clutched at his own tail,

"it really hurts, a few more seconds until the baths, three, two, one." There was a faint splash and a soft giggle, then her chipper voice sang through the halls,

"good morning Jou-san!"

Jou pulled himself out of the baths and shook himself dry, then took a towel and stalked

out of the room, dripping wet, he tackled Chelle and began tickling her, she let out a happy shriek and squirmed. "You're all wet!" He stood, with a grin then walked into his room and shut the door to change, he emerged a moment later in a pair of jeans, altered of course and a baggy hooded sweat shirt. Kyami walked over,

"good morning, I see you've taken a bath already." He grumbled,

"no, Chelle woke me up again." She chuckled,

"now, I've got your books packed in a bag, here's money for lunch, come, breakfast is ready." Jou followed her and she continued talking, banging on some doors as they walked, "wrap your tail about your waist and say it's a belt, here are your sneakers." Jou slid them on and walked into the dining hall and sat down in a chair,

"what about my classes?"

"We'll talk about that in the car, now what kind of tea do you want, green, apple, berry or cinnamon?"

"Berry please, so, what grade am I going into?"

"Eleven, you'll be attending Domino Highschool, here you go."

She pulled up in the parking lot and Jou glanced around, nervously, he pulled his hood over his head and faced her, she smiled, "okay, go to the office and state your name, then you'll see Principal Jesao, he'll tell you all of your classes and get someone to help you get around, I'll meet you here at three okay?" He nodded,

"yeah, I got it, three, that's six hours, I can deal." He opened the car door and she took his arm, he ducked back in and she kissed his cheek,

"for luck, safety, guidance and love, take care and remember, you are Jounouchi Katsuya, you are special and no one, no matter what, can take that away from you." He smiled and nodded,

"I know, thank you Kyami-san." He shut the door then waved as the car pulled away and looked around nervously, people were everywhere, milling about, yelling, laughing, talking to their friends, catching up on lost times. He lowered his head and hefted up his bag, then began to walk slowly,

"hey kid!" He jumped and looked around, a brunette in jeans, a white t-shirt and leather jacket was facing him, a skateboard tucked under his arm, "watch where you're goin'." With a meek nod Jou entered the school and looked around.

Jou entered the office and approached the front desk, "excuse me, I'm Jounouchi Katsuya, I'm to see the principal." The woman looked at her computer, then nodded,

"ahh yes, that door right there, just knock and take a seat." Jou did so and the man behind the desk smiled,

"nervous?" Jou nodded, biting a nail, "here, have a gum, nasty habit." Jou took the offered sweet and smiled, not everyone was bad, there was a soft knock at the door and a boy walked in, dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt and he had a chain around his neck with an upside down pyramid, his hair was unnatuarally spiked and his purple eyes were shining,

"you wanted to see me sir?" A nod,

"yes Yugi, please come in, this is Katsuya, he's from Himtia's near the outskirts?" A small nod,

"mmm-hmm, would you like me to show him around sir, I don't mind."

"Excellent, Jounouchi Katsuya, this is Motou Yugi, he's in your grade and homeroom, he'll be a hall buddy and show you where your classes are so you don't get lost, here's you schedule, don't lose it, that's very important, your first class is history, did you study that?"

"Yeah, I did, may I go sir?" A smile,

"yes you may, Yugi, he's never attended school so, please be patient." Yugi gave a bright smile and a nod, then faced Jou, opened the door and the two walked out.

Jou walked down the hall, following closely behind Yugi who was chatting, "the school's a

big circle, so just keep walking and you'll find your class. All 200 numbered classes are on the second floor and everything else is on the main floor, got that?" Jou nodded and a boy ran up to Yugi,

"Yugi, Yugi!" He paused and then grinned,

"Hey Otogi!" The boy slowed and shot a look at Jou,

"new kid?" Yugi smiled,

"this is Katsuya, I'm just showing him around before homeroom, who do ya have for homeroom?"

"Pedia, you?"

"Loskim." A nod and then a wince,

"ooh, Kaiba's in that class." Yugi shrugged,

"he'll probably be so wrapped up in his own work he won't even notice me." Jou hefted up his bag and Yugi faced him, "we'd better get going, see you later!" He faced Jou, the smile still on his face, "come on, this way."

Jou walked into the class and tried to hold back a wince at the amount of people and noise, kids were yelling at each other from across the room, hugging, shrieking, some were throwing paper back and forth or playing keep-away with another kid's stuff. He searched for a quiet spot to sit and reflect and meditate before the day started and spotted a seat in the back and headed for it, he slid in and dropped his bag on the floor, then kicked it under his desk and took a deep calming breath and let it out slowly, pushing away all the energy, noise and distractions. His golden eyes fell shut and soon the yelling became a murmur and he tried to calm himself, thinking of nice things, food, the orphanage, his mother and father, a beach, a sunset. It was broken with a steely and cool voice, "you're in my seat." Jou's eyes flew wide and he stood, stammering,

"s-sorry." A smirk from the boy,

"a new-comer, welcome to Domino Highschool, my name's Kaiba Seto, it's wise to stay out of my way." Jou grabbed his bag and snorted, then plopped down in the seat in front of the one he formerly inhabited, then pulled out a book and crossed his legs and began to read.

The teacher entered, clapping her hands loudly, "okay, okay, settle down, settle down!" Everyone rushed to their seats and she nodded, "excellent, for those who don't know me I am Loskim Higie, and I'll be your history teacher, you may refer to me as Higie, Mrs. Loskim or Mrs. L, whichever you prefer. I'm happy to see so many familiar faces and new faces, welcome all." She looked at her papers, "it appears we have a new student with us, a new student to Domino High, Jounouchi Katsuya, could you raise your hand?" Jou slowly raised his hand and she gave a warm smile, "ahh, there you are, would you care to say a few words about yourself, you don't have to come up here, you can stay where you are." Jou shrugged,

"my name's Katsuya, but I prefer Jou, uhh, I just turned 17, I'm in residence at Himtia Orphanage just outside the city." A soft murmur ran through the room and Jou lowered his head,

"okay, thank you for sharing, we'll be doing a new type of study, jumping eras and events as a trial class, today and for the next few weeks we'll be studying WWII, please take out your notebooks and something to write with." Jou dug through his bag, pulling out a spiral ring notebook and a fresh gel tipped, black ink pen and glanced up at the board as the teacher began to write. Hoping all teachers were like this, hoping not many people were like Kaiba and praying that lunch would come soon, he hadn't had a big breakfast.


Phew, so how'd you like the first chapter? Jou's very OOC, ne? Oh well, this is my first attempt at a non Seto/Jou story, so, they'll probably be hints of that, can't help it.

Incase you're wondering about the students reaction to Himtia's Orphanage, it's because there's a lot of rumors flying around that it's for demons, which, incedentally, is true. But, people fear them, ect, ect, so, that's why there were murmurs.

R&R people, let me know what you think, ideas are welcome, but the stories almost finished, I just have to re-edit parts, but, I'm sure I can fit stuff in.

See ya later
