Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Jounouchi Katsuya, Hanyou ❯ Vampiric Classmate Seto Kaiba ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Jou walked down the hall alone, telling Yugi he could manage to get to the cafeteria from the library on his own and was fairing quite well. His notebooks, a text book, and a novel for reading in his arms, he spotted the room and entered and then shrunk back, praying to become as small as possible. He made his way to the lunch line and then looked at the food, he reached into the fridges and pulled out a turkey sandwhich, with mayo, lettuce, swiss cheese and tomato, then an apple, a salad and a bottle of chocolate milk and made his way to the cash to pay. After doing so he somehow managed to balance the trayin one hand and tuck the books under one arm and looked for a palce to sit, he spotted a secluded spot and rushed over, praying that, that guy Kaiba wouldn't kick him out. He slowly sat down and opened his drink, then unwrapped the sandwhich, he removed the bookmark for his novel and settled in to reading his book and eating. "Hey!" He jumped, nearly choking on his food and glanced over, Yugi stood with a barrage of friends, "there you are, I've been looking for you all over, can we sit?" Jou shrugged and people sat down, one, the one from the morning grabbed a chair and spun it around and straddled it, his arms wound in the rungs, Yugi beamed his bright friendly smile, "lemme introduce everyone."

Jou sighed softly, wasn't he ever going to have some peace and quiet and time to himself, guess not. Yugi pointed at a boy stationed behind the chair straddler, Jou recognized him from yelling at him that morning, "that's Honda." He nodded, Yugi pointed at the chair guy, "this here's Otogi, he's a fellow gamer, loves to duel." He pointed to a taller, slightly older version of himself, except with red eyes, "this is Yami." A nod, pointing to a white haired duo, "the meeker one is Ryou, the one with attitude is Bakura." Ryou waved, Yugi pointed to a female, "that's Mai." She waved,

"hey hun." Yugi smiled,

"that's all of us, actually there's Malik, Marik and Isis, but they don't come here, so, what'cha readin'?" He hefted up the large book, "ooh heavy, War and Peace, any good?" Again came the steely cool voice,

"I doubt he's reading it Yugi, he's probably using it to attract girls or use it as a doorstop, hmm, aren't you, pup?" Jou let out a low growl, and Kaiba chuckled, "even growls like a dog, probably can't even understand what I'm saying." He spun around and Jou stood,

"you know Kaiba, with the social, economic, and business ethics you are so avidly said to whield, I seriously think you're paying the media to make you seem more of a compassionate and fair person than you actually are."

A perfect brown brow raised and the pale pink lips curved into a smirk, "touche." Jou himself was smirking, he moved to say something but was cut off by the theme to Legend of Zelda, he grabbed his bag and then pulled out a cell no bigger than his palm and emerald green in colour, he pushed the accept button and placed it the the side of his head, still pretending to be human and praying that he'd be able to hear the person on the phone, thankfully, Miroku knew this and spoke loud enough. "Hey Jou, things going well?" Jou grinned and then grabbed the milk and took a sip, then sighed,

"well enough, how's it going with you and Yasha all alone?" A soft chuckle,

"he's moody since he's human for now, but he's so hot with his black hair, oh, you missed it, he dressed up in bell bottoms and a tye dye shirt. Then he started boogying to 'It's Raining Men'." Jou burst out laughing, the image alone was funny,

"did'ja tape it?"

"Couldn't find it, sorry, oh, Kyami-san isn't picking you up, me and Yahsa are, s'ok right?"

"Mmm-hmm, 2:30 okay, don't forget."

"2:30, got it, we'll be waiting outside by the car, take care babe."


Jou struggled with his locker, it wouldn't open, he was one of the only people left in the hall other than the all empowering Kaiba. He punched the metal in anger and it dented slightly and he let out a slow breath, "for the love of Ra, open!" He moved to punch it when a pale hand grasped the latch and wiggled it in various directions, then with a sharp tug the locker opened, Jou turned around to face feline slitted ice blue eyes and squeaked, "the hell?!" A smirk appeared on the CEO's lips, his eyes changing back to human,

"hurry up, wolf demon?"

"No, dog." He gathered his things, "I thought I sensed something earlier, how do you hide your...

kittyness?" A soft chuckle,

"you sound like my brother, as soon as you said you were from that orphanage I knew you were a demon of some sort, and I'm not a Neko, I'm a vampire." Jou snorted,

"I see, and you're helping me why?"

"Because you're attractive and kawaii when you're angry, plus, I have nothing against helping another, I suppose freak is a word that can be used, why is that hood up anyways?" Jou slowly lowered the hood and shook his head, a small nod, "I see." Jou pulled the hood back up as the bell to signal allowance to leave rang he hitched up his bag,

"I need to catch my ride."

Jou leaned against the tree blowing his bubble gum and glancing around for Miroku's silver Jaguar, late as always, "Jou!" He turned his head, rolling his concealed eyes, glad they were hidden behind the sunglasses as Yugi and company ran over, they halted and Otogi grinned,

"what's up?" Jou slid down the tree and sat down,

"the sky, I'm waiting for my ride, what about you?" Ryou sat down,

"we all walk."

"Jounouchi." Jou smirked at Kaiba,

"Kaiba, don't you have some big meeting to run off to?" The brunette was sitting on the hood of a black Lambrigini Diablo, suitably named, Jou also noted the added convertible feature, the stoic teen smiled cooly,

"no, I do not, I was just going to inquire if you play Duel Mosters?" Jou grinned at the mention of his vice, his passion and he nodded,

"who doesn't play?" Yugi grinned,

"you have your deck, I'd love a duel!" Jou frowned,

"no, sorry, I'll bring it tomorrow, I'd love a game, been a while since I played, what'cha smirkin' at Kaiba?"

"Nothing at all, care to duel me, as a warm up?" Before anyone could warn Jou the half-demon nodded,

"you got it, bring your deck." A small nod,

"I shall and my duel disks, we'll meet here at 7:15?"

"Sounds like a plan." There was a honk and Jou looked over to see Miroku and a human Inuyasha hop out of the car, he plastered on fake anger, "you're late!"

Miroku tossed a glance at his lover, "I told he'd make friends, he attracts people like a magnet." Now deep hazel-green eyes rolled and Inuyasha leaned against the car, with a soft sigh. Jou slowly, fluidly and gracefully made his way into a standing position,

"I suppose intros are needed, okay, uh, Miroku meet, Yugi, Yami, Honda, Otogi, Bakura, Ryou, and the guy against the car is Seto, but call him Kaiba, this is Miroku, and the guy pouting is Inuyasha." Seto faced Jou and raised a knowing brow that lifted above the band of his silver rimmed red tinted sunglasses, he smirked and Jou nodded, "yup, that's everyone." A groan came from Otogi and he shut his eyes and rubbed his temples,

"brace yourself for the awe inspiring annoyingness of Mazaki Anuz, she's headed this way." Bakura sighed,

"don't make eye contact it'll be the end of you!" A soft clacking of her heeled sandals slowed,

"hey guys, I guess you didn't see me, sorry I didn't pop by earlier, I had to go to dance, then I had a dentist appiontment, oohh, I've still got goosebumps." Yugi plastered a polite smile to his face,

"that's-" She noticed Jou,

"oh, who's your new friend, I'm Mazaki Anzu, head cheerleader and one of Yugi's best friend's who are you, it's so nice to meet you."

She thrust out her hand, and Yugi was frantically shaking his head no, Jou merely smiled, "hi, I'm-" She cut him off,

"aren't you hot, it's like boiling out, what's up with that hood, plus a big black sweat shirt, geez, whatever." Jou let out a low growl and clenched a fist, she turned to Miroku and he smiled,

"taken, sorry hun." She looked baffled and laughed,

"you're so funny, well I need to go, geez, take off that hood, it's annoying the hell out of me!" In one swift movement she lowered the hood and flounced off, leaving Jou scrambling to return the garment to it's proper place, but it was too late, Yugi hopped up,

"I knew it!" Jou squeaked and took a step back, then fled behind Miroku, who looked miffed,

"leave Katsuya alone, he's sensitive, that's why he ran away from his foster parents and never went to school, so just-" A golden hand slapped over Miroku's mouth, nails sharpening rapidly, Jou smirked,

"Miroku-kun, please be quiet." Jou slowly removed his hand and emerged from behind the teen, his hair slightly spiker and wild, his fangs longer and his claws long and extremely sharp, Yugi swallowed thickly and backed up, Jou smirked and let out a low growl, then took off running, Inuyasha's eyes widened,

"shit the girl!"

Everyone faced the half demon turned human and he took a deep breath and summoning his strength took off after the angered blonde, Yugi faced Miroku, "was it my fault?" He shook his head,

"nah, Jou's extremely sensitive, see, his mother died giving birth to him, his real father was killed by his I suppose step father, the man his mother was married to, but, not his father, his so-called father freaked and left him in a shrine, he was adopted and abused because of his demon half, so he's jittery and hates people like, said annoying girl." Seto sipped a soda,

"he's only half-demon?" Miroku nodded,

"yep, like 'Yasha, except, unlike Inuyasha, he doesn't turn human on new moons, on the waxing moon, closest to full moon he turns. As well, Jou's flaring temper can get him in trouble, he has trouble controling his changes sometimes, this one time, a few months back, a new boy at the shrine, a fox demon, he made fun of him and pulled a nasty prank on him, Jou got so pissed, I've seen him get red-eyed a few times, but, it was scary."

Anzu wizzed by the group, quickly followed by a blur, that was followed by Inuyasha who collapsed into Miroku's waiting arms, he was panting, "I hate being human, this sucks." He straightened and cleared his throat, "DOWN BOY!" There was a startled yelp before Jou crashed to the ground and then stood, Miroku moved to yell, but Jou screamed,

"someone yell that again and no amouts of yelling that god damn subduing spell will stop me from ripping them apart, I'm fine!" He slowly walked over and rubbed he backside, "thanks though, but god!" The specially made sun glasses swung off one ear and he yanked them off and took a deep breath as his eyes flashed red and a single purple stripe appeared beneath each eye. "Must. Supress. Urge. To. Kill." He shut his eyes and slowly nodded, "been a while since that happened, hehe, uh, gomen about that, I guess Miroku filled yuz in?" Their heads nodded and Yugi faced the CEO who was sipping his soda and looking calm and cool,

"you're not shocked?" The teen smiled, and shook his head,

"nope botchan." Yugi made a fist,

"I swear to god, call me little again and, and, I'll hurt you." Jou chuckled,

"doubtful Yug, this guy here, more than he seems." He jutted a thumb at Kaiba, then popped the trunk and then after a moment, "I bet he hates mirrors."

Blue eyes narrowed, "you put a mirror in front of me, you will regret it, I will kill you if you do." Jou smiled,

"no worries, I don't have a mirror on me, nothin', 'cept for this." He raised a chain with a small cross on it and Seto backed away and let out a cat like hiss and his eyes flashed a warning black and Jou smiled,

"poor Seto, what's wrong, afriad of a little trinket?" Inuyasha frowned,

"Jou, don't taunt, humans around and you know how vamps get when they're pissed." Jou lowered the chain and with a snarl he was tackled and he hamspringed and straightened,

he stood in a battle stance,

"come on, been craving a fight, come on attack." Yugi moved to speak but Yami cut him off,

"no Hikari, let them spar, it's no harm." The boy faced the former pharoh and then nodded,

"okay." Seto was bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet, unsure to attack, Jou snorted,

"look, I won't kill ya, use your powers, I'll only go to half power to be fair, don't want to whop ya too easy." He smirked and the glasses and jacket came off, Seto let out a growl unlike a normal one, it shuddered and hummed, his fangs grew, his eyes went to a shade of black that would put onyx to shame. His fists which were clenched shot open and his nails grew and sharpened, Jou smirked and tugged off the sweat shirt to reveal his bare chest and he too let out a growl, his eyes glowed red, hair grew and the single stripes appeared, he gave a cocky smirk, "let's dance."

With that they launched at each other, Seto swiping and Jou ducked and moved to slash at the torso, but Seto dealt a swift kick to his stomach and leapt back, flipping and landing on a knee and gave a cocky smirk, Jou rolled forward and shoved him, he flew back, and slammed into a car that was still parked, setting off the alarm. Yugi faced his dark, there were still people in the vicinity, there was still light out, though looking at the rapidly setting sun, not for much longer. Seto swiped at Jou, catching his left arm, there was a sound of agony then a growl as the boy pounced, flying through the air, leg extended to kick at the head. Seto lashed out grabbing the leg and effortlessly tossing Jou into the tree close to the rest of the group, the blonde stood, keeping low to the ground, he unwound his tail and with a wail leapt through the air. He grabbed the brunette's arms, flipping him through the air with him, then slamming him to the ground and landing, a foot on either side of his hips, dodging a blow to the back of the knees he roll to the side and kicked the boy up and scratched him across the cheek, the wound healing as the blood dripped down the flesh. Once again in battle stance, Jou smirked, time to kick it up a notch, his ears became elvin and extra stripes appeared beneath the already evident purple scars below his eyes. He cocked his head to the side, panting from his energy extertion, it came out in soft snarls or growls, as did Kaiba's breath. He moved to lunge forward when a woman appeared between the two, Jou let out a started gasping squeak and tucked into a roll, then bowed him head, "Kyami-san." She faced him,

"Katsuya, what on earth do you think you're doing?!" Instantly before he could answer she placed her hands on her hips, "do I have to subdue you?" The second stripes vanished and his ears returned to normal, then his red eyes and the other stripes vanished, his fangs and claws deminished and she nodded, "that's better, what were you thinking?!" He scrambled to speak and Miroku cut him off,

"Kyami-san, Jou and Kaiba-san were simply roughhousing, Jou wanted to train, since 'Yasha was incapable, and Seto was a vampire, it was a no brainer." She faced the now normal looking CEO,

"is this true?" He bowed his head,

"yes ma'am." She began screaming at him,

"you put those scratches on my Jounouchi, you're lucky I'm not your parent mister or you'd be so dead, well, deader!" He smiled,

"I apologize, he did scratch me a few times, but I heal."

She smiled, then faced the boy, "Katsuya, who are your friends, humans, you're in big trouble mister!" She waggled a finger at him and he lowered his head, but she faced the group, smiling, "I'm Kyami, you are?" They were all introduced and she faced Yugi, then approaced him and bent on her knee and cupped the Puzzle, "a Sennen Item?" She faced him curiously, "hmmm, intresting, ah, Yami must be your dark." Said teen's arms encircled Yugi's form and he nodded curtly, she smiled, "so sweet, oh, Inuyasha-san, guess what?" Lips pursed,

"I'm becoming full demon?" She chuckled,

"No, but close." He thought, then his eyes lit up,

"you found my Niisan?!" She nodded and he jumped up and down, "really, where is he?" A voice cut him off,

"turn around." He whirled around, then squealed,

"Sess!" He threw his arms around the older teen and Kyami smiled,

"wish I had a camera." Sesshoumaru faced Miroku, a smirk on his lips,

"you must be the boy Kyami-san was telling me about, you hurt my brother, I'll kill you." He flexed his claws venom dripping down, "understand?"


Honda faced Jou, "so, you look like that once a month?" He pointed at the ningen being theatened by the still embraced youkai, Jou shrugged on his shirt,

"not quite, I lose the tail, the claws, fangs, ears, and my hair sorta looks like Bakura's its black and not white, thank god, it's only once a month." A nod and there was a cry,

"big brother!" Seto glanced down as arms flew around his waist, "there you are, did a sensei keep you?"

"No Mokuba, I was talking with some friends." Mokuba faced him curiously,

"you feeling okay, you getting enough blood in your diet?" Seto chuckled and ruffled up the black hair,

"I'm fine, I promise, I didn't mean to worry you, speaking of which, have some with you?" Mokuba rolled his eyes,

"yes, I do." He walked over ot the limo, then opened a door, and emerged with a thermos, he thrust it in the air, the elder Kaiba took it and opened it, then faced the humans as he sipped,

"what, I'm hungry."


Yay, another chappie! Fun fun, as you can tell, this was a mucho important chapter when this story was Seto/Jou, the fight evolved into a makeout session, which Kyami broke up. As well, Seto hitting on Jou, I tried to take it out, but, nothing fit, so, I kept it in. Awww, don't'cha love that kawaii Inu/Sess snuggles moment, I just had too put that in there, *glomps the still hugging two* Yes, Kyami knows about the Sennen Items, she's a Seer so, I figured why not, meh, also, the InuYasha dancing to 'Raining Men' thing was a joke me and my friends have. We have a good friend, her name is Alexia, she's Japanese, has blackish/greenish eyes and long, long, long black hair and looks like InuYasha when he's human, it's kinda freaky. So, on the few days of school we had dress up days, she went as InuYasha, I went as Shippo, another friend went as Sess and another as Miroku, so, what happened was, she was wearing her 'Fire Rat kimono' outfit but some jerk decided to splash paint on her, which was rude, considering she spent like, a week and a half just on the pants.

So, she ran down to the Drama dept. because she still had her costumes there and changed into the only one she could find, a pair of bell bottoms and a tye dye shirt, which cracked us all up because she still had the barefeet and her proped sword and was refusing to ditch them. So, after third we had a dance and went to it, after convincing her and Daniel, the guy dressed and Miroku, to dance the song came on. She loves to dance and can dance really well, but, it was the funniest damned thing to see, because she looks so much like ningen InuYasha, we were all laughing so hard we, or at least I, couldn't breathe.

So, that's my little shout out to her, love yas babe, but not as much as my Nikky! *glomps girlfriend*

Anyways, I should shut up and start working on the next chapter.


And as always, thanks a million
