Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ |Midieval Lust and Love| ❯ Chapter X ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Cough, if a TV was put on your head, what will they see? Mine would be like a porno on three channels, two cartoons, one drama, static, and a pin drop.

This is a (Yami/Yugi, Marik/Malik, Jou/Seto, Bakuru/Ryou)


YUGI: 15

YAMI: 16

THE REST (you do the math!)

Lemony goodness, all right, let us put it this way. Each time the story restarts; it will be another couple, going back to when it first started.

==|Changing everything, for the better|==

Jou ran though crowds as he heard the king asking Yugi if he had any last words. Yami ran ahead of him, pushing several nobles upon the ground as he ran up the stairs to the platform.

"YUGI!" Yami yelled, stopping his apprentice in his tracks.

The king looked at Yami, pointing at his guards. The guards pulled out their swords, holding them towards Yami's face. Seto was already there, his dagger slicing their arms as Jou took down some others.

Yami ignored the two thieves as he ran up to Yugi and sliced away the rope and pick Yugi up. Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's neck, crying softly in the notch.

"Seto!" Yami yelled, Seto looked up from a screaming guards face. "Jou!" He yelled again, Jou looked up, pushing his foot deeper in another guard's broken chest. "Lets get out of here!" He yelled, running out of the chaos in the crowds.

Jou took off after the two, staring back at the king who stood in shock.

"You all are a bunch of traitors!" The king yelled. His eyes turned a red focus as Anzu walked up to him from the crowds.

Jou stopped, staring back at the two. "Tell your whore of a granddaughter, we're proud of our love ones, even if they are the same sex, much better than what she is getting for sleepin' with all the town!" He watched as the princess turned red, the king stared up at her, and then did Jou continue his run.


Malik looked up as four people ran their way, he pulled out his sword, sitting up from his sleeping lover. He readied to aim it when the people's faces came into view.

"Jou! M'lord! Seto and Yami, hurry!" He yelled, running up to them. His looked at his prince, asleep in Yami's arms, his arms cut up, rope burns surrounded around his neck. "What happen?" Malik asked, hearing grunts coming from Marik as the boy woke up. Ryou ran out of an opening in the woods, a grin on his face.

"YUGI!" He yelled, stopping when he saw what had Malik stunned.

Yami nodded. "I am going to take him to bed, and catch up on my sleep." He yawned, walking towards a pile of leaves.

Malik sat on the floor. "Jou, what happen to m'lord?"

"He is not `m'lord'. He for now on, by everybody, is Yugi Motou." He laid into Seto. "Dragon, I dun feel well." He whispered, collapsing into Seto's arms. Seto picked him up and laid him next to Yami, walking back to Marik.

"The boy was almost executed, he is in a nerve shocker." Seto explained at Malik's widening eyes. "Jou is sick from killing, it surprises me he made it in any mans army, but his strength was nice." He sat back.

"Why was Yugi being executed!?" Ryou yelled.

"They caught him with Yami, after the marriage of him and Anzu." Seto explained. "You know what, I am tired to, I'm going to lie down. Bakuru, could you take the others, we're gonna need a house." Seto laid back against a tree.

Bakuru nodded, taking Ryou's hand and leading him out of the water, Marik and Malik followed him.

--~~--~~--~~--*1 year Later*--~~--~~--~~--

Yugi Moto stared down at his stew pot, Malik cursed as his burnt his finger on the chicken his was barbequing over an open fire. Ryou walked down stairs with a grin, blankets in his hands to give to Jou who was doing laundry. It was their one-year anniversary since joining with the thieves.

Jounouchi had changed the greatest, he went item searching, and helped figure the locations of good treasures with Seto. His clothes choice had turned to a dark ice blue, a trench coat he enjoyed from India, made out of pure silk. Seto had been nothing but nice around him, heartless around others.

Malik smiled up at the group, his eyes widening as he made chicken noises. A dark purple kilt from Egypt, chosen by his fiancé, covered his body. Earrings of pure gold, stolen from the one and only king of Hiroshima, were in his ears, his face pure as normal.

Running up to behind Malik, Ryou jumped on his shoulder. His grin enlarged as he rubbed his thumb against the chicken, getting a swat. He wore the customary green of a thief in China, Bakuru's idea. When choosing the clothes, Bakuru made sure they were easy to remove, but that didn't help with Ryou getting free from his love grips at night, talking all the time, he finally threatened to seal his speech up again.

Looking up at Yugi laughed at the arguments, calling Ryou over to taste his stew. Black clothes, just like Yami's, were always covering the boy, his smile was always showing, and he was as proud as the sun. Never did he order, or get to bossy, and was always asked what some weak points at other nations. Nobody ever brought Anzu up to him, after his ex-wife was banished from the lands, he never told people who he once was, only that he was the love of Yami.

"They're coming!" Jou yelled, running up the hill. Malik looked up, cussing, Ryou ran in the house, gawking and screaming. Yugi took a deep though, then smiled at Jou.

"Keep `em busy!" He smiled. Jou nodded, running down the hill again.

Ryou peeped his head out the window. "I'm not finished cleaning, I can't get the white stains off the floor, and I don't think it is one of our releases." He whispered, Malik broke out laughing.

"No, it is marshmallow, Marik and I bought them from a merchant, were burning `em and they melted upon the floor, and we couldn't get it off."

"Thanks, I thought it was something else, and was going to ask who so they could clean it." Ryou turned and started back to his work.


Seto dug through his bag of stuff they stole from the emperor's chambers of the Chin Dynasty. He smiled at Bakuru who began groaning about `lose of sex'. Marik was pulling along with him a bag for Malik, going on and on about the interesting sex toys you could find. Yami was covering his ears, looking up and pointing when Jou came into view.

"Dragon!" Jou yelled, running down the hill, he pounced on Seto, kissing his lips. The stash fell upon the ground, Marik got on his hands and knees, picking it up quickly.

"Will you two get a room?" Bakuru asked, watching Jou roam his hands in Seto's tunic.

Seto grinned up at his white haired companion. "You're just jealous that my pup comes when he hears his master. He's such a good dog." Seto joked, petting Jou's blonde head.

Jou, for once, didn't fight back, his teeth dug into Seto's neck, making a moan escape his brunette lovers lips. Bakuru leaned back, glaring at the two, Yami bent down to help Marik clean there spoils.

"You two can fuck each other when we get back, hurry up. I'm horny, and Ryou has such a tight ass I need to break in again." Bakuru smiled, pushing his hips in the air, his lips moaning Ryou's name.

Yami looked up at Bakuru, staring again at Jou. "What did you children do?" He asked, rubbing his ear.

"What makes you think we did anything stupid?" Jou asked, standing up from Seto's lap.

"You come running down here like the house is on fire." Yami pointed out, watching Seto rub Jou's back.

Grinning up at him, Seto repeated. "He heard his master, and came to greet me. Where's you're lover?"

"Watch grunt." Marik smiled, walking on, listening to the yells of Seto as he tried walking, Jou pulled on his tunic, digging his feet in the grass.

Finally, Jou gave up and ran in front of the group. "Ya can't go on!" He yelled, pushing Yami back.

"Why the hell not!?" Yami yelled.

Jou thought quickly. "Malik's masturbating." He explained, Marik ran up, smiling.

"Then move out of the way! I wanna see this!" He yelled, only to be pushed back as well.

"Yug's watchin'." Jou smiled, watching as Yami gasped, pushing him against a tree.

"Why the hell is Yugi watching Malik pleasure himself?" He yelled.

Jou looked at him. "What is this, twenty questions?" He asked back, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe they were bored with ya? You guys don't do kinky sex." He chuckled. Seto pulled him closer to his chest, smiling.

Turning around, Yami walked on, ignoring the yells from Jou. He dropped his bag as he stared at a well set table, Bakuru's mouth, any wider, would have been on the floor by the cute maid outfit his Ryou was wearing. Marik ran in front hunting down Malik who stood in front of a cooked chicken, smiling at him.

"You said he was masturbating!" Marik yelled at Jou, who hid behind his eye blue eyed lover.

Malik's eyes widened. "Mas-" He couldn't complete his sentence, he instead ran up and kissed Marik's lips. "Welcome home, love." He licked Marik's cheek.

Running up, Ryou jumped into Bakuru's arms, screaming about how happy he was that Bakuru was all right. Bakuru returned his love.

"What is with the food, my little rabbit?" Bakuru asked.

Ryou smiled, rubbing Bakuru's jaw. "You've been gone for a month, it's your welcome home surprise."

"How did you guys know we were going to come home today?" Yami asked, looking around.

Yugi smiled up to him, tapping his love ones rear. "You have your sources, we have ours." He kissed Yami's lips, leading the master thieves towards the tables. Bakuru sat down first, pulling Ryou on his lap and kissing him.

Yami leaned back, taking in a deep breath, his eyes on Yugi as he slowly made the plates, talking to Seto when asked about the kingdom down stream from them. Yami rubbed around in his pocket.

<i>`A year by law was long for a `widower' to grieve, after that he can court another mate.'</i> Yami smiled, rubbing his pocket again. Bakuru noticed his movement and gave him a smile as he was hand feed by Ryou.

"Are you going to keep that outfit on all day, my little French Rabbit?" Bakuru asked, rubbing his hand up the short dress. He had `stolen' it from a noble in some fight in France, in all truths, they were going through and Bakuru HAD to buy it for Ryou.

Ryou smiled, licking his lover's chin. "Will, unless you remove it from me." He kissed Bakuru's lips.

Marik snickered, leaning over and whispering in Malik's ear. Malik's eyes widened. "REALLY!?" He asked, turning around and kissed the nodding Marik's lips.

"What's going on Malik?" Yugi asked his friend.

"We're going to Egypt for the wedding!!" Malik yelled, hugging Marik even tighter.

Bakuru took a sip of his red wine, customary gift from Honda, who had gone shopping. "Are we invited, blondie?" He insulted Marik, who tossed a roll at him, only to see the thing fall into Bakuru's lap, fluffy as ever. Bakuru faced the kids. "What the hell!? Normally the rolls we get are hard as rock!!"{1}

Jou smiled at them, splitting his roll in half and placing it in Seto's mouth, the licked his lips. When he sat up again he said, "Added some good yeast, enough water, and baked, supervised, over a small fire for a long day, turned out perfect! Mah moms recipe." He explained, then preceded at biting Seto's fingers, Seto smiled and put some chickened in the blonde lovers mouth.

Yami rubbed Yugi's back, kissing his lips. "The dinner is really good, little one." He smiled; Yugi gave his cheerful smile back at him.

Dinner took a good hour to finished, when Marik and Malik ran off talking about some dessert, Jou took Seto to help `bring' the laundry back. After a short while of cleaning up, Bakuru and Ryou had run off, talking about removing the maid outfit. Yami chucked to Yugi as the small boy began to sing some old songs, jumping around as he cleaned.

"I like it when you smile." Yami complimented the small boy.

Yugi stared back at him, blinking twice, and then looked down. "Being here is the happiest time in my life, especially here with you." He grinned at Yami as he sat by the fire, burning some sticks.

Sighing, Yami sat next to him, rubbing the small boys hand. "That time, a year ago, when you said the whole thing was my fault, w-were you serious?"

The small eyes lost their color as he tossed the stick in the fire. "No, like I said, you were the best thing that came my way." He silenced, then spoke again, "I had a bad habit, I thought about along the way to the square, about blaming my problems on other people. My mother's death was due to my father's carelessness. The people of our country brought my father's death. I just had started to think that all the problems that happened to me were because others did not like my happiness.

"So, when I turned thirteen, I closed myself up, completely. That was the time I met Ryou-chan. I felt connected to him, no family, sure, I had my grandfather, and loved him dearly, but he thought too much of me. Then I found out I was engaged, I locked myself even more, enraged that somebody could do this to me, more death." Yugi took a second. "Sorry."

"For what?" Yami stared at him, taking in some of the story.

"I just turned back to my complete side, didn't mean to speak in that monotone." He whispered.

<i>`In the complete talk he grew up with'</i> Yami translated. "Is there anymore to the story, such as why you were such a brat to me when we rescued you from there?"

"I was afraid I would bring death your way, pain of the people." Yugi stared at him.

Yami pulled his little lover closer to him, rubbing a spike. "You're not a pain, only a pain in the ass at times, but you are a trainable pain in the ass." Yami joked as Yugi smiled up at him. "Oh, before I forget Aibou." He smiled.

"Yes, Yami?"

Yami dug in his pocket, pulling on a dirty piece of paper concealing something. "See, I've thought about this long and hard. You struck my heart when I first saw you, how you stood up for your friends. I always thought you nobles were snot nosed, and only cared for yourselves. Slowly, you started to open, and I found out how sweet you were. You were nice to my friends, except me for obvious reasons."

"You treated my like a field rat, I still hold bruises from when you pulled me along with you. Have I ever thanked you for saving our lives in that storm?" Yugi smiled up at him.

"Too far back, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast. Did I have breakfast?" He thought on that. "Anyway. I started to like you, and when you got mad at me at Honda's Bakery, I started to think about pulling you down and just rapping you to get my way, and show you who's boss. Then, I saw you pushed to the ground, that guy was on you and you were screaming, I froze.

"Sure, most would run right away and help, but I had no clue if I wanted to help. I had to think on that one, believe it or not, you wouldn't be my problem anymore, but…one mans steal is his treasure, like it or not. So I saved you." Yami explained, his grip tightening on the item in his hands.

Yugi looked up at him. "You seemed mad at me, when it happened, like you thought I was going to give him my purity…" He looked into Yami's eyes.

"I was angry, not at you, but that somebody, before myself, could have had the chance as somebody as beautiful as you, virginity." Yami sat back, pulling more thoughts towards himself. "Then, there was Anzu…" He glanced over as Yugi froze. They had both thrown the ring, the minute they got freedom, over his shoulder, not even caring who got it next. "I was going to stop the wedding, if I hadn't stood in that hallway in fear of getting caught, I could have saved you from all that…" Yami pulled the ring out of the paper. "So, I am going to make sure nobody ever takes you away from me, ever again."

Yugi's eyes widened as Yami held the ring towards him.

"My aibou, make me a lucky guy and be not only my lover, and partner, but my holder." He smiled.

A grin formed Yugi's lips as he leaned over and captured Yami's lips. "I would love to Yami." He smiled, hugging his lover.

"I love you too, my sweet aibou." Yami whispered, pulling him close.

--~~--~~--~~--~~--~~ **Somewhere east of nowadays Yokohoma, Japan*

Anzu ran up to a man walking down the streets, pulling his arm. He stared at her with deep brown eyes, his face of a beard bristle, on his blonde hair was a cloth covering his hair.

"What?" He snarled, pushing her off his arm.

"If you pay, I'll sleep with you." She smiled.

The guy snarled, walking away. "Lady, prostitute or not, I don't date the uglies." He chuckled walking towards a store.

Anzu fell to her knees. "I had my chance with a nice boy, but noo, I had to think he was to short." She stood up and walked down the street, hungrier than ever.


{1} = How could I resist? We had Chicken Shoestrings for lunch (that is the only reason anybody went to lunch, they are so damn good) and they had these rolls that tasted so good, they made right, they weren't hard enough that I could beat it against my tray and it wouldn't even crack *has happened before*

Araki: the end made y'all happy, I just know it…

Yami: lil' girl, go back to bed.

Araki: I don't sleep, I am perfectly okay!!

Yugi: Yeah, And Seto was pharaoh…

Yami: …right… look, you're the only person I know, first got sick with a non-stop head ache, with a sore throat. Then the next day it was the headache, sore throat, and a bad cough, now it is a headache, sore throat, a bad cough, and the sneezes. GO AWAY!

Araki: you ain't my mother, I've been perfectly okay, I got the music I wanted, thanks Slypher for telling me the title, that song is good, found the MP3, but it go "shesheshe" every few minutes, when I find somebody with KAZAA I will get the full one!!