Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ Nap Time ^^ ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shashomiru: After all this time, we're on this today... 

Hack: Yes. I am surprised.

Shashomiru: ^-^ YAH ME TOO!! Let's begin!!!!!


All the Chibi's… and Yami… Lay quietly in bed. 

Malik has a few giggles while he sleeps. "Eh heh heh heh heh heh…"

Yugi crawls to Yami and whispers, "Yami... Malik is dreaming about domination again..." 

"Go to sleep, you'll be alright."

"Otay…" Yugi crawls back next to Malik.

"Eh heh heh heh heh heh… Yugi's pointy head would make a great device for my plans..."


Joey mutters to himself, "Caaaaaandy. Candy….. food…… mmm…"

Ryou prods at his side. "You know what always happens when you dream about food stuffs, Wheeler..."

"I always knew it was so…" Seto whispers. "I always knew dere was a 5th Blue eyes card... and now it's mine hahaha..." 

Serenity sneezes.

Tèa suddenly blurts, "Does anybody have Ovaltine???"


Yugi crawls back to Yami. "Yami, Mawik said he wanted to use my head to dominate..."

"Go to sleep."

"Otaaay…." Yugi crawls back to his bed and lays next to Malik.

Malik chants, "When all are sleeping, and  

"O___________O;;;;;;;;;" Yugi squirms.

Seto rolls about and whispers, "Wyou, do you feel that...?" 

Ryou mutters, "--_-- O____O Erm…"

"Ah hah hah hah," Joey chuckles. 

Seto and Ryou both jump. "O.O" 

"Ovaltine.... Ovaltine.... there's gotta be some Ovaltine..." Tea turns in her sleep. 

"What dah heck is Ovaltine...?" Yugi questions.

"Yugi, honestly, go back to sleep," Yami tells him.

"Otay…" he crawls back next to Malik and lays down.

"Mighty pharaoh, oh so true… just wait'll you see what I have planned for you..."

Yami stares at the ceiling. "O_______________O;;;;"

Seto: Wyou… Wyou….. Wyyyyyyyyyouuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

"What.... is it?!" Ryou pips.

"Nuhhthin..." Seto tells him.

Ryou grumbles quietly.

Yugi crawls to Yami and asks, "Yami, can I--"

Yami grabs him. "Yes, you can stay with me. O____O;;;;"

"^-^ Otay!!" he sleeps.

Serenity grunts.

Seto whispers, "Wyou…. Wyouuuuuuuuuu…. WYOUUU."

"WHAT?!?!?" he asks.


Ryou tosses his pillow onto his face.

Seto somehow makes his pillow burst into a flurry of feathers.

"O___O I'm sowwy."

Seto smirks. "^-^ Dat's better."

Tèa mutters, "Ovaltine.... Ovaltine.....! OVALTINE AND KURIBO EVERYWHERE!!!!"

Everyone goes quiet. "O______O;;"

Tèa wakes up suddenly. "O___O o_o ^-^ Sowwy." She goes back to sleep.

Seto says, "-.-;; Oh gweat, can't wait `till Mawik's in R.E.M. sweep..."

Malik blurts, "Wait'll you see what I hid in the kitchen during snack time..."

Everyone, "O.O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"


Shashomiru: Ahh yep. Yepperooni~