Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Fishy Tale ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 4 )
A Fishy Tale
Chapter 4
Seto Kaiba was the big shot of the classroom, he owned his own Earth friendly business, and was the one that had worked hard to put other waste producing businesses out of business. He had donated the money for the public library, and was top of his class, there was only one problem, he never learned to swim. You see, between caring for his younger sibling, and doing everything else, he'd never found the time to learn how to swim, and Yugi felt very bad about him not knowing how to. To teach him to swim without the dangers that were associated with the ocean, Yugi would've had to get Yami's permission to let Seto in on the little secret. The class was to all take a swimming safety class, and Yugi had promised he'd find some way from keeping Kaiba from embarrassing himself in front of everyone. So, with a lot on his mind, Yugi returned home, and ran into the room that had the pool- like bath. "Yami! Yami!", Yugi dunked his head under water, "Yami?",
Yami's face slowly floated up to meet with Yugi's.... "There you are.", Yugi said, after pulling his face out, "I need to talk with you about something.",
So, Yugi explained Seto's situation the best he could possibly do. "Well, he doesn't seem so bad, and living where he is, it is vital to know how to swim properly, and this class is in how long?", Yami wanted to know.
"A couple months.", Yugi said.
"I think anyone who helps nature from harm deserves to have the same done for them.", Yami explained, "So, I'll let you tell him, and I'll help you to teach him how to swim as well.",
So, the next evening, Seto Kaiba came in following Yugi into the same room. "So, what's so special that you couldn't just tell me in class?", Kaiba asked Yugi.
"Just go ahead, and get in, he'll show himself soon enough, in the meantime, I have to go change, you could've waited till we got here but, oh well.", Yugi sighed.
So, Kaiba did as told, only going in waist deep, that is however, until something brushed his groin area, it felt pleasant to him, but it scared him at the same time, then, before he could react, Seto was pulled until he was on his back. "Hello, there.", a teenage boy asked, "It's much more relaxing to just lay on the water like you would a hill. Don't you agree?",
"Aaaaahhh....", Seto whined.
"Relax, I'll get you if you fall, the trick is, just let the water carry you, lay flat with your legs apart, and ears under, keep you butt tucked in, and there.", he said, "Now see, you're floating.",
"Bravo!", Yugi's voice said, "Kaiba, that's Yami.",
"Nice to meet you- you- you have a TAIL!", Seto panicked.
"I do, yes.", Yami answered chuckling.
"Wha- What is that- That thing?!", Seto exclaimed, pointing at Yami.
"One, don't call me a thing. Two I'm a merman that was a human to start with. And three I'm not going to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. So don't freak out about me, got it?", Yami replied.
Seto gave a rather nervous nodding of his head. "Good, now, like I was saying, you're floating, now, you need to learn the dead man's float, try to just roll over on your stomach, take a breath before though, and keep your face in the water, good.", Yami continued instructing Seto calmly, and encouragingly through it.
At the end of the day, Yami, and Yugi had gotten Seto at least to where he could do the doggy paddle, and float in a standing position by kicking his legs, and waving his arms back and forth across the surface of the water. As Seto was getting ready to leave, Yami surfaced from below the water. "Thanks for everything, both of you.", Seto said, quietly.
"You've made a lot of progress so far.", Yugi admitted.
"I won't tell anyone about you, either, Yami.", Seto promised.
"That is all I ask.", Yami admitted.
So, as Seto set off for home, the two others found a real comfort in the efforts of helping somebody else out. "So, this Seto Kaiba owns a company that helps to save wildlife and such through developing more ecologically safe products, huh?", Yami asked.
"Yes, that and a couple years ago, when an oil tanker sank into the ocean not far from here, he was the one to organize the whole clean- up process, and such. All the wildlife he had cleaned up of oil lived too.", Yugi explained.
"He's a good man, then.", Yami said, with meaning.
"Yes, he is.", Yugi added, "So? How do you feel about shrimp for dinner?", Yugi asked.
"That sounds delicious.", Yami stated, happy to hear the word dinner in the sentence.
End Chapter: Next Chapter, Seto's rival is a company that is polluting a nearby river, which leads to the ocean.
NOTICE: I will now be updating only every other Tuesday from now on, this is to better my Fanfiction both here and on www. fanfiction.net.