Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A kiss means koi ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, I own "Truth of the Insane" but nothing else.
This came up while thinking of Truth of the Insane, but it has nothing to do with the story. It's an AU, and cute. Seto is smart, but he is childish innocence as a kid.
More info:
Contains said child abuse. Rape, lies, insults, and anzu bashing, hope you enjoy!
A Kiss means Koi
By: Araki
The sun was at high noon as the small family filled up a small baby pool, staring at the kids that laid under the cherry oak, staring at one another as they talked about `forever'. The boy's had a crush on each other, and showed it with all they could. They went everywhere together, stayed at each other's houses all the time.
"Seto-kun," The blonde stared down at the brunette that lied on his lap.
"Hai, Katsuya?" Seto looked up with innocent cerulean eyes that would, according to his parents, and hopefully, never lose their innocence.
"Do you think-Do you think we'll be together when we're all growed up and have jobs?" He asked, staring at him, his honey eyes smiled.
Seto winked. "Always, you're my boyfriend, `k?" He smiled.
"Sure." Katsuya nodded, then his eyes widened. "Wait, what do boyfriends do?" He asked.
Seto rubbed his cheek, staring around. "Well, they kiss-but once they kiss they are married."
"I'm okay with that!" Katsuya laughed.
Sitting up, Seto leaned up, pecking his lips against Katsuya's cheek. "There, now we're married." He smiled, leaning back.
Katsuya smiled back, yawning as they faced the sky. "Oh! I bought us something, not sure what they say, but used all my birthday money on `em." He dug through his pockets, showing the brunette the friendship necklaces.
Seto looked over them, smiling at the letters on them. "Good choice, love." He pointed to them. "They have a K on one side, as for Katsuya, and an S on the other, for Seto." He took the S on, putting it on Katsuya. "Wear this, forever and ever, to show you're mine."
Reaching down, Katsuya placed the K one on Seto. "You the same, you're mine, nobody elses." He grinned.
The two hugged once more as a bellow broke them apart to stare at Katsuya's father. The blonde didn't live uptown, but he lived in the center with all the apartment complexes.
"Brat, time to go home!" He yelled, Katsuya looked up, nodding.
"I love you, Seto." He ran off.
Seto smiled up at his parents as they got ready to leave, the baby sitter stood behind them, holding Mokuba's hand. Katsuya was next to him, on a sleepover with the brunette.
"You two be good, and remember bed time is seven." His mother kissed her son's cheek as the two boy's nodded and ran off.
"We'll be home by eight, after the kids are in bed, help yourself to anything." She explained.
The teenager nodded, a smile on her face (a/n; that means when the kids are in bed, she's going to cause one damn big phone bill).
When the two were off, Seto stood in his window, full in sky blue pajamas, his `koi' was in red fire ones that consisted of his own sweats and his dad's tee-shirt.
"So what do you want to do?" Seto asked, sitting next to the blonde, who was playing with the necklace from a few days before.
"I don't know, what do married couple do?" Katsuya asked.
Thinking, Seto looked back up. "Mom and dad sit and talked, what do yours do?"
"Throw things at each other…" Katsuya blushed.
"Throwing things seems more fun then talking." Seto picked up a stuff animal, tossing it at Katsuya's head, the blonde returned fire with another stuff animal.
When the two had grown weary and hour later, they laid in bed together, Seto held Jou close, just as he had seen his father do so many times with his mother. He kissed the boy's cheek again, hugging him before both fell asleep.
The car went by so quick, the car accident happen so quickly.
Seto moaned awake as he heard spoken words from the lower rooms, he got out of bed, making sure not to wake up Katsuya.
"Mommy?" He asked walking down the stairs. "Daddy?" He stared around at the strange men that were in the living room.
"Are you the oldest of the kids?" The captain asked, bending down to Seto, who nodded. "Do you know what happens when people sleep forever?" He asked, making it as calm as possible.
"You mean die?" Seto asked.
"Yes, we're sorry young lad, but your parents died in a wreck earlier this evening." He whispered, Seto's eyes widened.
"But, then whole come home and take care of me? What about Mokuba?" He asked staring up.
"You guys are going to live with your uncle, alright?" The police officer asked, Seto nodded.
Up the stairs, Katsuya stared down upon the group, eyes widening as Seto cried. Slowly grabbing his things, he walked down, pulling his `koi' close to him.
"Seto, do you want me to leave…or….?" He stared at him, Seto didn't stop crying as the police officers walked back down the stairs with Mokuba at hand.
"Come on Seto, pack your things, we're going to your uncles, alright?"
Nodding, Seto started with them, kissing Katsuya on the check once more. "Bye koi. I love you." He whispered.
"You'll come back for me?"
"As long as you where that necklace." Seto took the blonde's hand and lead him outside.
Prologue Complete
Next chapter is when I feel like it. Please tell me what you think. Remember it's AU, and I don't know much about the characters past.