Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ a new life ❯ School sucks when your the new kid ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Me-Hello again mortals!MUHAHAHA!!! ok the last chapter ended with you falling asleep. So lets begin this chapter with you waking up!!!MUHAHAHAHA!!!
Shadow-oh shut up already and get on with the story, I'm bored!
Me- well too bad! you're going to have to wait bitch!
Shadow-don't you curse at me!
Me- why not?!
Shadow- because I said so!
Me- well too bad!You're just a voice in my head! I don't need to listen to you!
Me- hey where's Light?
Shadow- Oh I tied her up to a chair again!
Me- this is the 3rd time!!!!
Shadow-So what?
Me-*sigh*Untie her
Shadow-Ugh fine.*unties a sleepy Light*
Me-eh..on with the story! but before that...i do not in any way own Yu-Gi-Oh. If I did Tea would be dead and Tristan's hair wouldn't be pointy!
You hit the snooze button on your alarm clock.
"Damn thing give me five more minutes!" You yelled and covered your head with your pillow. 'It's sleepy time!'You thought as you tried to go back to sleep.
But Helen came in.
"Hey __ wake up!Your going to be late for school!"
"Five more minutes!"
"Five more seconds?"
"Ugh fine.1,! Wake up sleepy head!" She started to push you. Causing you to groan. You took away the pillow that was covering your face.
"Fine!Fine!" And you headed to the bathroom.
"Always worked on me, kiddo."
You took a shower, and put on your (instert color) robe. Hurrying to your room searching for your uniform. It was in your drawer. 'Ugh, I have to wear this? Guys are going to try to look at my ass!GRR!' You put on the uniform heading to the bathroom to look in the mirror. "Ugh! Do I really have to wear a bow? And this skirt is mega tiny! Not even a stripper would wear this!" You yelled, making it possible for your aunt to hear.
"What wouldn't a stripper wear?" She asked entering the bathroom.
"THIS! It's so short!"
"Well you're going to have to wear it, sorry."
"Wonderful."(A/N sarcasm)
"Come on eat some breakfast I'm making eggs."
"No thanks. I'm too nervous. I'll just take some toast."
"Suit yourself." She left, and you just stood there. Looking at yourself in disgust.
"I can't believe I have to wear this."
You hurried to the kitchen, getting your toast. And when you finished you brushed your teeth.
"I'm gonna go now bye!"
"Bye __ have a nice day!"
You shut the door behind you making your way towards the school.
'Ugh, great I'm going to be the new kid at school. People are going to make fun of me and all that crap. Good thing I learned Japanese. I won't be a total freak if they can at least understand what I'm saying. But english will come in handy in case I have to curse at someone. This day is going to suck ass.'kept thinking of the horrible things you might have to face. You had moved before, but this was only the second time you had to be a new kid. So you expecting bad things to happen. Finally you made it to school. 'Great, what joys await me? The joys of getting bullied.' You enetered the school. Heading to the main office to get your scheduel. Then you headed to your locker. People were staring at you. And you were starting to get really pissed.
"What you've never seen a new kid before?!" That wasn't a very smart thing to do, it only brought the attention of more students. 'Wonderful. I'm already known as the freak here. I'm not going to deal with this bull.'stuffed a couple of books in your locker. Leaving everything else in your school bag. But you held your journal in your hands. You took it everywhere with you. No matter what. Slamming the locker door you heade to your first class. Looking down t the floor trying to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at you. 'What do I have a second head? Is there a monkey coming out of my ass?! I don't think so, so why do these morons keep staring? Damn people, damn school, damn life.' You kept looking at the floor, not paying any attention to anything in front of you. BAM!!! You bumped into someone.
"Sorry! Sorry!" You yelled quickly taking your journal, and picking up his books.
"Here these are yours." You hand him his books, and he reaches out his hand. You grab it and he pulls you up.
"I'm sorry I should've have watched where I was going." You said looking down at the floor.
"It's ok." He said. Reaching out his hand again."I'm Ryou Bakura." He says, as you reach out to shake his hand.
"I'm __ __"You say, now looking up.'White hair?! Woah, how old is he exactly?'
"Is that your real hair color?"You blurt out. Realizing what you said you cover your mouth. Ryou blushes and looks down.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked! I'm so stupid."
"No it's ok." He says still looking down.
"So why are you looking down?"
His head shoots up and he was about to say something but the bell rang.
"I gotta go." You say as you run to your first class. You enter the class room and everyone is staring at you. You're about to go to an empty seat but the teacher rests her hand on your shoulder and you roll your eyes.
"Class this is __ __. She's from America. Why don't you tell us all a little about yourself?"
"Umm..ok..then just take a seat in the back."
You didn't answer, you just walked to an empty seat in the back. All eyes were on you, again. 'Ugh, not this crap again!' You sat in the seat, noticing a boy with weird hair in front of you. 'Did he loose a fight with a bottle of hair gel?!(A/N hehe that's a new one ^.^)Or scissors? Hehe.' He turned to face you.
"Hi I'm Yugi." Is all he says and smiles.
"Hi." And you give him a smile back, causing him to blush a little. Just then blond(A/N or blonde how every u like it) haired boy turned around and looked at you too.
"And I'm Joey."He smiled and gave you a wink. 'He's kinda cute...bad __ you don't even know him!!!!(A/N u will not end up with joey don't worry)'
"Hi." was all you said. And class went on. You didn't pay much attention. You didn't pay attention to any classes. EXCEPT FOR LUNCH.
Me- there another chapter complete!!! Now review I say! Or be doomed!
Light- What did I miss?
Shadow -nothing much.
Me-grr!!!You're not going to be in any more chapters!
Shadow-oh I'm so scared.
Me-GRR!!!*takes out a mallet*DIE BITCH
Shadow-O.o*runs away*
Me-come back here!!!!
Light-uhh..until next time by people. ^.^
Shadow-oh shut up already and get on with the story, I'm bored!
Me- well too bad! you're going to have to wait bitch!
Shadow-don't you curse at me!
Me- why not?!
Shadow- because I said so!
Me- well too bad!You're just a voice in my head! I don't need to listen to you!
Me- hey where's Light?
Shadow- Oh I tied her up to a chair again!
Me- this is the 3rd time!!!!
Shadow-So what?
Me-*sigh*Untie her
Shadow-Ugh fine.*unties a sleepy Light*
Me-eh..on with the story! but before that...i do not in any way own Yu-Gi-Oh. If I did Tea would be dead and Tristan's hair wouldn't be pointy!
You hit the snooze button on your alarm clock.
"Damn thing give me five more minutes!" You yelled and covered your head with your pillow. 'It's sleepy time!'You thought as you tried to go back to sleep.
But Helen came in.
"Hey __ wake up!Your going to be late for school!"
"Five more minutes!"
"Five more seconds?"
"Ugh fine.1,! Wake up sleepy head!" She started to push you. Causing you to groan. You took away the pillow that was covering your face.
"Fine!Fine!" And you headed to the bathroom.
"Always worked on me, kiddo."
You took a shower, and put on your (instert color) robe. Hurrying to your room searching for your uniform. It was in your drawer. 'Ugh, I have to wear this? Guys are going to try to look at my ass!GRR!' You put on the uniform heading to the bathroom to look in the mirror. "Ugh! Do I really have to wear a bow? And this skirt is mega tiny! Not even a stripper would wear this!" You yelled, making it possible for your aunt to hear.
"What wouldn't a stripper wear?" She asked entering the bathroom.
"THIS! It's so short!"
"Well you're going to have to wear it, sorry."
"Wonderful."(A/N sarcasm)
"Come on eat some breakfast I'm making eggs."
"No thanks. I'm too nervous. I'll just take some toast."
"Suit yourself." She left, and you just stood there. Looking at yourself in disgust.
"I can't believe I have to wear this."
You hurried to the kitchen, getting your toast. And when you finished you brushed your teeth.
"I'm gonna go now bye!"
"Bye __ have a nice day!"
You shut the door behind you making your way towards the school.
'Ugh, great I'm going to be the new kid at school. People are going to make fun of me and all that crap. Good thing I learned Japanese. I won't be a total freak if they can at least understand what I'm saying. But english will come in handy in case I have to curse at someone. This day is going to suck ass.'kept thinking of the horrible things you might have to face. You had moved before, but this was only the second time you had to be a new kid. So you expecting bad things to happen. Finally you made it to school. 'Great, what joys await me? The joys of getting bullied.' You enetered the school. Heading to the main office to get your scheduel. Then you headed to your locker. People were staring at you. And you were starting to get really pissed.
"What you've never seen a new kid before?!" That wasn't a very smart thing to do, it only brought the attention of more students. 'Wonderful. I'm already known as the freak here. I'm not going to deal with this bull.'stuffed a couple of books in your locker. Leaving everything else in your school bag. But you held your journal in your hands. You took it everywhere with you. No matter what. Slamming the locker door you heade to your first class. Looking down t the floor trying to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at you. 'What do I have a second head? Is there a monkey coming out of my ass?! I don't think so, so why do these morons keep staring? Damn people, damn school, damn life.' You kept looking at the floor, not paying any attention to anything in front of you. BAM!!! You bumped into someone.
"Sorry! Sorry!" You yelled quickly taking your journal, and picking up his books.
"Here these are yours." You hand him his books, and he reaches out his hand. You grab it and he pulls you up.
"I'm sorry I should've have watched where I was going." You said looking down at the floor.
"It's ok." He said. Reaching out his hand again."I'm Ryou Bakura." He says, as you reach out to shake his hand.
"I'm __ __"You say, now looking up.'White hair?! Woah, how old is he exactly?'
"Is that your real hair color?"You blurt out. Realizing what you said you cover your mouth. Ryou blushes and looks down.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked! I'm so stupid."
"No it's ok." He says still looking down.
"So why are you looking down?"
His head shoots up and he was about to say something but the bell rang.
"I gotta go." You say as you run to your first class. You enter the class room and everyone is staring at you. You're about to go to an empty seat but the teacher rests her hand on your shoulder and you roll your eyes.
"Class this is __ __. She's from America. Why don't you tell us all a little about yourself?"
"Umm..ok..then just take a seat in the back."
You didn't answer, you just walked to an empty seat in the back. All eyes were on you, again. 'Ugh, not this crap again!' You sat in the seat, noticing a boy with weird hair in front of you. 'Did he loose a fight with a bottle of hair gel?!(A/N hehe that's a new one ^.^)Or scissors? Hehe.' He turned to face you.
"Hi I'm Yugi." Is all he says and smiles.
"Hi." And you give him a smile back, causing him to blush a little. Just then blond(A/N or blonde how every u like it) haired boy turned around and looked at you too.
"And I'm Joey."He smiled and gave you a wink. 'He's kinda cute...bad __ you don't even know him!!!!(A/N u will not end up with joey don't worry)'
"Hi." was all you said. And class went on. You didn't pay much attention. You didn't pay attention to any classes. EXCEPT FOR LUNCH.
Me- there another chapter complete!!! Now review I say! Or be doomed!
Light- What did I miss?
Shadow -nothing much.
Me-grr!!!You're not going to be in any more chapters!
Shadow-oh I'm so scared.
Me-GRR!!!*takes out a mallet*DIE BITCH
Shadow-O.o*runs away*
Me-come back here!!!!
Light-uhh..until next time by people. ^.^