Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Poet's Journal ❯ A Poem for Yuugi ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Poet's Journal
By: Jaye-R
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!
I am the light of the light,
The one chosen to help the Pharaoh,
He who is trapped within the puzzles barriers,
I was a kid, just a small kid,
I was always picked on,
I never had any real friends,
But then I found this puzzle,
One supposedly unsolvable,
Only if I knew the times ahead of me…
My memory was slipping in and out,
Was this the curse of the puzzle?
Games became war,
Lives were at stake,
Nothing was at peace,
I found my destiny,
I am the one meant to find his memories,
To help him reach the afterlife,
I feel suppressed by the evil and the danger of the game,
My innocence was all I had,
Then I had nothing…
I worry what is to come,
When will the world stop needing a hero?
Never, that's all I know,
As long as it continues to rotate it'll always need one,
For now I am him,
Though I wish I wasn't,
Round and round the world turns,
Just like history,
History goes `round and `round,
Like the carousel of the mystics,
`Round and `round it goes,
Again and forever always,
Forever and always………
Yuugi Moto
So how was it? I think I could've done better… please tell me what you think. Sorry about the wait.