Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Adrenaline ❯ Desire ( Chapter 11 )
LusciousDragon: OK, since everyone's been so nice, and not been mean to me, I decided to do more Yaoi, with Marik/Ryou, since I really like them, and also kazuki asked for it. So onto the next chapter… (I don't own yugioh)
WARNING: OK, seriously doubt I need to do this, considering it's the 3rd scene, but I will anyway. This chapter has YAOI!!!! Which is boy x boy sex. Pairing is Marik/Ryou. Don't like this kinda stuff, then don't read it. You HAVE been WARNED!!!!
It had been five days since Joey left, Ryou had been heartbroken. Marik had moved him to another cabin, which was not a cell, it had a large bed, but the door was locked. Marik had told Ryou that having no need for the blond, he had asked him if he wanted to stay, or be left at the port. Marik said he had jumped at the chance to leave, and had left without asking questions. Ryou had shown no emotion when he was told this, but had cried as soon as Marik was out of earshot. He had stopped crying two days earlier, and was no trying to get over the loss.
Marik knocked on the door, and Ryou said, "Come in."
Marik entered and locked the door behind him. Then he had sat on the bed next to Ryou, and grabbed the boy's head in his hands, turned it so that it faced him, and kissed the boy roughly. Ryou had stiffened at first, but as the initial shock wore off, he leaned into the kiss. Marik, encouraged, slipped his tongue into the other boy's mouth, exploring the vast cavern behind the boy's lips with his tongue. Next he stripped the boy of his clothes, noticing the fact that Ryou's pale white skin looked beautifully next to his own bronze skin. It was easy to discern the lust that clouded the Egyptian boy's eyes, as they traveled down the white-haired boy's body, admiring his slim figure which sat beside him. Marik took off his own clothes, and pushed Ryou back onto the bed, and began to kiss him passionately, and not without a little force. His lips smashed against the others, as they lay in a passionate embrace. Marik leaned down and began to suckle one of Ryou's nipples, while playing with the other. Next Marik turned his attention to Ryou's member. Taking it in his hands, he gently caressed it, while Ryou put his head into the other boy's chest, and moaned for more. Burying his face in the soft silver tresses, Marik noted that they smelled like strawberries…yum... Ryou took Marik's member and began to do the same with it. Then Ryou gently took it in his mouth, and began to suck it, making Marik thrust wildly. The heat, the pressure, the vacuum that was Ryou's mouth, it was too much…Marik started to moan loudly, and came, screaming "God Ryou, RYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!" Marik's seed filled Ryou's mouth, as he swallowed it. Marik got up, and fetched a bottle he had brought with him. Marik got some lubricant in his hands, and taking Ryou's member in his hands, began to coat it with the lubricant, making Ryou gasp in surprise. Leaning into Ryou he murmured, "It's your turn." His voice heavy with lust. Ryou nodded, looking uncertain of what he was supposed to do. Realizing that he had never lead before, Marik told him what to do. "Insert one finger into me, then another, then another. Then it will be large enough for you to fit through. I don't think you need anymore help than that." Ryou did as he was told, slowly and carefully he slid one hand into Marik, when he was able to, he inserted a second. After that he added a third. Then, satisfied that he would be able to fit, he pulled his fingers out. Aiming for Marik's entrance, he slowly pushed himself into the Egyptian boy's body, slowly and cautiously, stopping whenever Marik gasped in pain. Then once he was fully in, Ryou could almost feel Marik's pain dissolve, to be replaced by pleasure. However, it was nothing on the pleasure that Ryou felt, he for once was in charge, and he was totally immersed in pleasure, pleasure such as he had never known. Ryou began to thrust faster and Marik received, both transported by the intensity of their pleasure. Ryou felt it was coming, he couldn't hold it in anymore. His hands gripped Marik's back, his nails bit into the Egyptian boy's skin. Neither noticed. He came screaming, "MARIK!!!!!!!!!!" His seed bursting from him. Both boy's collapsed, their skin soaked in sweat, they were totally and utterly exhausted. Ryou whispered in Marik's ear the three words which Marik had longed to hear, but never actually thought Ryou would say, "I love you." His arms wrapped around the white-haired boy's waist, they both fell asleep.
LusciousDragon: That was hard, so please review…