Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ All In A Day's Work ❯ Yugi's Loneliness ( Chapter 9 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: tyler_1993 *At Yugi's house*
*Yugi is off today and is now talking to Yami*
Yugi: Yami, I'm lonely.
Yami: How, you have me by your side.
Yugi: I'm talking about lonely in my heart because of my friends. I need my friends back.
Yami: Yes, I know how you feel, Yugi.
Yugi: Yami, I have to get us back together again because I think we should be friends. We should forget our differences at the Pizzeria and become friends again.
Yami: Yes, you should, but how are you supposed to?
Yugi: I don't know, but... I know, I'll call them and invite them all to the Pizzeria this afternoon at 6:00 P.M. and talk all this over in order to get my friends back
Yami: Yes, Yugi, that's exactly what you should do in order to become friends with them again, so call them up and tell them the good news.
Yugi: Right!
*Yugi calls them up and they agree, but the only day they can meet up is on Sunday, so Yugi agrees and hangs up*
Yugi: Yami, they agreed, but the only day they meet is on Sunday, so that's when we meet them at the Pizzeria.
Yami: Excellent, so now what are you going to do, now?
Yugi: I'm going to bed, Yami, and I'll see you in the morning.
Yami: Ok! Goodnight, Yugi.
Yugi: Goodnight, Yami.
I hope you enjoyed that chapter, too, and you'll find out if Yugi and his friends become friends again on the next chapter.
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 08.11.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 190 | Visits: 212 | Status: Completed
Student Council Speech
My fellow classmates, if you were to elect me for student council
president, I would represent all students in 6th Grade. First,
my campaign manager and I would look in to decreasing the price of
frenchfries in the cafeteria. Next, my manager, Jason Smith and I would try
to put more trashcans around the campus. Over the last few months,
the school has been having problems in the bathrooms. Kids
have been opening the bathroom stalls, while someone was
in there. So,I've found a way to prevent that by putting locks on the stalls
so someone won't walk in on them.That should help the
school better than before.To make school a little more
interesting, we think there should be more after school
activities such as science clubs, chess clubs, 6th Grade
football teams, book clubs, and more. So, if you want a more
interesting school, vote for me, Tyler Worsham, for