Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ All In A Day's Work ❯ Friends Again? ( Chapter 10 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: tyler_1993 * On Sunday at Yugi's house*
Yugi: Yami, today's the big day!
Yami: I know it is, Yugi.
Yugi: I can't wait, until we become friends again.
Yami: Yugi, are you sure that they won't be mad at each still? You might have to pursuade them to be nice and break up fights.
Yugi: Don't worry, everything will be ok.
Yami: I don't know.
Yugi: I'll figure everything out, but for now, get dressed and let's go meet them.
Yami: Very well, Yugi.
*At the Pizzeria*
Yugi: Well, they're here, Yami.
Yami: Yes, indeed, they are.
Yugi: Let's go talk to them.
*At the table*
Yugi: Hey, ya, I knew ya would show up. Let's order something to eat.
Tristan: Whatever!
* Waiter comes to their table*
Waiter: So, what do ya want.
Yugi: We'll take everything on the menu that talks about pizza.
Joey: WHAT, Yugi, who's going to pay for it?
Yugi: I am. *sad*
Joey: What's the matter, Yug?
Yugi: I'm just tired of all this fighting that ya do. *yelling*
Ya need to toughen up and be friends again, besides fighting all the time, now shape up.
Joey: You heard Yugi, friends?
Tea: Ok, friends.
Tristan: Friends
Marik: Friends
Bakura: Friends, indeed.
Yugi: Thanks, ya. Even though we hardly get to see each other doesn't mean we don't mean we don't have to be friends anymore, because we all are in each others' hearts and we are always there for each other, so how do you feel about that, ya?
Joey: I feel pretty good, so now what?
*Waiter comes back with food*
Waiter: Here's ya's food.
Yugi: Eat up!
So, they became friends again and had the happiest days of their lives.
tyler_1993: I hope you enjoyed my final chapter and my first fic, but keep on the look out for my second fic!
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 08.11.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 190 | Visits: 194 | Status: Completed
Student Council Speech
My fellow classmates, if you were to elect me for student council
president, I would represent all students in 6th Grade. First,
my campaign manager and I would look in to decreasing the price of
frenchfries in the cafeteria. Next, my manager, Jason Smith and I would try
to put more trashcans around the campus. Over the last few months,
the school has been having problems in the bathrooms. Kids
have been opening the bathroom stalls, while someone was
in there. So,I've found a way to prevent that by putting locks on the stalls
so someone won't walk in on them.That should help the
school better than before.To make school a little more
interesting, we think there should be more after school
activities such as science clubs, chess clubs, 6th Grade
football teams, book clubs, and more. So, if you want a more
interesting school, vote for me, Tyler Worsham, for