Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Altered Destinies ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )
This is my first attempt at a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfiction so please be kind in your reviews, if you review. I might not have many of the characters in character. On another note I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh and never will. I don't know whom it is that owns Yu-Gi-Oh and besides giving these unknown parties credit for making such a kickass manga/anime, I don't really care. Also, I don't have any money right now so, no one can benefit at all when it comes to suing me.
I came up with this idea when I read a couple of stories that I have read on fanfiction.net. One was recently taken off for some reason but it had been a good story. The other focused on the series if Yugi had been born a girl. I decided to take my shot at this kind of story but using Seto Kaiba. I will only mention this once so pay attention:
/Backslash/ - a conversation between a person and their spirit. i.e.: Yugi to Yami and vice versa.
//Double Backslash// - the person is thinking.
-Altered Destinies, Chapter 11-
Yugi's gang of friends have gathered around the dome of black energy. A few minutes ago, Honda, Jounouchi, and Anzu stared at each other in shock. "Did any of you feel that?" Anzu asked about the slight pain in her head.
"Yeah," Jou answered. "It felt like Yugi, but now the feeling is gone."
"I know what you mean," Honda said.
"Do you think Yugi is in trouble," Bakura asked before thinking. //It seems that these mortal fools have a strong bond with each other because of that puzzle. I better be careful with which of the two Sennen Items I take. Yugi won't be interested in taking the eye while Pegasus wants the Puzzle for whatever purpose, so Yugi better win this.// Bakura just watched as Anzu and the others tried to enter the dome, but fail.
"Man whatever this thing is," Honda commented. "It is obvious that Pegasus designed it to keep him an Yugi in and us out."
//Of course you incompetent moron.// Bakura thought sinisterly. //No one can enter the Shadow Realm without aid from certain items. I won't let you know about that right now.//
"Honda, Jounouchi, hold your right hands out," Anzu said as she held her right hand out.
"Huh," the blonde asked. "Why do you want us to do that?"
"Remember that circle of friendship we formed back at Death-T," Anzu asked. "If we ever find ourselves alone, all we have to do is think about this symbol and we won't be alone."
"Now I remember," Honda remembered placing his hand right beside the brunette's. "He said after the duel with Kaiba that we were right beside him and helped him draw the card needed for victory."
"That's right," Katsuya said as he placed his right hand beside the others. "We were quite a distance away and we all thought you were dead Honda. Kaiba couldn't break us apart then and neither will Pegasus, but how will this help?"
"Well you said it yourself that nothing will keep us apart," Anzu reminded Jou. "If Yugi or that other Yugi had us support him in his duel with Kaiba without us knowing it, then we can support him even if he isn't aware of it. Now just concentrate." Yugi's friends concentrated on their imaginary circle and while that was going on, Yugi was about to take his next turn. The current situation is that a full turn has passed since Normal Yugi had passed out and his other self took over and summoned Wall Guardian Dragon only to have that absorbed and Pegasus had just summoned a sphere like monster named Time Bomb. After Pegasus' next turn, it will exploded and destroy all monster on the field and do damage to their controller's equal to their attack strength. Since Sacrifice has zero attack points itself, the 3900 is borrowed from Yugi's monsters, it won't cost Pegasus and Yugi will take damage.
"I draw my next card," Yugi got a good look at his new card.
//It won't matter what card you play. I will read it and be able to counteract it.// Pegasus thought as he went to his favorite game of read my opponent's card, but is shocked by the images of four people. "WHHHHAAAAAATTTTT? I CAN'T READ THE CARD. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?"
"Yugi," the Changed Yugi noticed his partner in the arms of Anzu, Honda, and Jounouchi. "You guys were there for me again."
"Pegasus," the image of the blonde said. "This is Yugi's mind. Get the hell out, asshole!"
"How's this new twist, Pegasus," Yugi said. "Even though you have prevented me from switching minds, you still can't read my mind. I now play Magic Box of Death." A magician's box used in magic acts appeared around Yugi's black Magician and the Time Bomb. When the doors opened Yugi's Black Magician was where the Time Bomb was and vice versa.
"You still have my Time Bomb wiping out your Wall Guardian Dragon and doing 1400 life points of damage," Pegasus said.
"I won't have worry about that as I haven't finished my turn," Yugi said as he played another magic card. "Mind Control, this will allow me to take control of your Sacrifice for one turn."
"My Time Bomb is still about to detonate soon," Pegasus said. "And what do you have left, your face down card. You have no idea what it is so it is useless to you."
"Which is why I will play that card in honor of the sacrifice he made to play this card," Yugi said. "I believe that his last act of bravery before you snuffed him out." Yugi flipped the card and Pegasus could only gasp.
"It's the Chaos Black Magic Ritual," the white-haired man said when he realized something in which he didn't need his Sennen Item for it. //He plans to sacrifice my Time Bomb and Wall Guardian Dragon.// True to Pegasus's thoughts Yugi sacrificed the two monsters he had thought about and an vortex of energy surrounded the Black Magician. After all was said and done, a tall figure dressed in black leather stepped out with its staff (8/2800/2600.) "Not him."
"Yes Pegasus," Yugi said. "The Magician of Black Chaos. The strongest of the Magic-User class right now, and with this final act of courage on aibou's part, I will defeat you. I set this card face down and Play Koribo in defense."
"I've regained control of Sacrifice and I play Wicked God of a Thousand Eyes," Pegasus said an idol appeared. "I also play my fusion card and combine the two into my strongest monster, Thousand Eyes Sacrifice." The two monsters fused and formed a monster similar in appearance to his previous monster (1/0/0.) "I do think that Black Chaos Mage will win this duel, but for me. Open your eyes my beast." His monster did as ordered and a green aura surrounded Yugi's two monsters.
"No," Yugi called out. "What have you done Pegasus?"
"As you can obviously see here," Pegasus went on, "when this monster opens his peepers and keeps them open a permanent Sealing Swords of Light affect all monster in its gaze."
//That mean's that only his Thousand Eyes Sacrifice can attack.//
"Now I will have my monster absorb both of yours," the cartoon-loving adult said. "Absorb his monsters with absorption force."
"Thank you," the tri-hair color man said flipping his face down card. "That was what I wanted you to do and now it is too late to call it back. Multiply." The brown furry creature started turning into many.
//Those disgusting little fuzzball are increasing in number.// Pegasus thought. "What is the meaning of this?"
"Why don't you see for yourself," Yugi motioned to the fact that only Koribo is being absorbed. "Since you had your monster cast it Absorption Force magic spell on both monsters, I figured that the weaker monster would be the first to go. Do you think that your monster can handle all of them and my magician?"
"Nooooooooo," Pegasus said as he witnessed his monster absorbing the furry critters. As Koribo kept multiplying and being absorbed, one eye was covered. Soon, the absorption stopped as Pegasus's monster couldn't handle anymore and all of its eyes were covered.
"It gets much worse Pegasus," Yugi commented. "My Koribos attack by self detonating themselves when in contact with the enemy. I will lose life points for it, but I say it is worth it." Every Koribo exploded and the arena was covered in smoke. When the smoke cleared, Yugi was down 300 more life points (Y: 100 P: 800,) and all of Thousand Eyes Sacrifice's eyes were damaged.
"No my monster has gone blind. That means-," Pegasus came to the realization of this new twist.
"That's right," Yugi interrupted. "My Magician of Black Chaos is free to attack and with zero attack points, your life points are in great danger. Attack with Chaos Black Magic Attack." After twirling his staff around, Yugi's magician sent a large ball of energy straight for the wounded monster, destroying it (Y: 100 P: 0.)
"Hey look," Big 3 said to the rest of the Big 5 that was watching the duel up to the point where Pegasus initiated the Game of Darkness. "That weird dome is disappearing."
"It about time that Pegasus won the duel," Big 1 said with a grin.
"A toast to our new prosperity," Big 2 said.
"No, it can't be," everyone turned to Big 5.
"What's the matter Big 5," Big 4 asked. "We've won. Kaiba Seto no longer owns KaibaCorp and we no longer have to worry about the embarrassment Yugi caused us."
"If that is the case," Big 5 pointed at the screen before continuing, "then why would the life point count suggest that Yugi has won the duel." Everyone saw the monitor and saw that Yugi had indeed been declared the winner.
"That no-good incompetent," Big 1 said in anger. "I guess that he wasn't the leader that we had hoped him to be. Let's get out of here."
"Yeah," Big 2 said. "Besides Kaiba will never get up from that coma. We can still take control for ourselves if we can get that key."
Meanwhile, in a dungeon cell similar to the one Honda found Mokuba in, a certain girl CEO was stirring awake at the sound of a cell door opening. "Must find Mokuba," Kaiba said as she felt the slight pressure from the shackles on her ankles fade away. "Where am I?" Certain images of a duel flashed across her mind. Images of Toon World, Blue Eyes Toon Dragon, and her own deck malfunctioning because of her own virus card. "That's right, Pegasus. Where is that-, huh." A hand reached down in front of the brunette's face offering her help to her feet. Taking the hand, Seto said in appreciation, "Thaaaaannnnnkkkkk, you!?" Seto got a good look at the other side of the hand to see a young boy-like figure in a white button shirt, and khaki pants smiling at her. //That's me when I was ten years old. What is going on here?// Kaiba watched the young kid walk away and motioned for her to follow her. "You want me follow you." The kid Kaiba nodded a yes and went into the darkness of the hall and disappeared. //I must be losing it. No one is here but me.// The billionaire went down the hall and found daylight and a helicopter with her companies logo and a pilot.
The big five have approached a helicopter in the castle courtyard, where a guy in a pilot's outfit was waiting outside. "Well congratulations si-," the pilot was about to say before being interrupted.
"Oh shut up," Big 1 said in disgust, smacking the pilot. "Yugi defeated Pegasus so we have no deal. We need to come up with a new plan to take over KaibaCorp."
"I-, I-, Impossible sirs," the pilot said in shock in of the news. "Pegasus created Magic and Wizards. He knows the game inside and out even better than Kaiba does. There is no-."
"Well he did lose," Big 5 interrupted. "And made me look like a fool in saying that this whole plan was guaranteed to succeed. We better get out of here now. We don't want ourselves associated with such a loser." The pilot nodded before he saw a familiar looking figure behind his bosses.
Before he said anything, the figure spoke in a feminine, yet slightly familiar voice, "You guys are sure quick to change your loyalties." The voice then changed into a menacing, all too familiar masculine voice that they've known for the past year. "Especially since you wind up getting paid more for staying loyal in business." The Big 5 turned to see a pissed off female in a trenchcoat.
"Ms. Kaiba," Big 2 said. "So good to see that you're fi-."
"Save it Krump," Seto said. "Did you honestly think that because I lost a duel and wound up in a coma that I would not have found out about your plan? It's a good thing that Sarawatari was dumb enough to ask one of my maids about the only key to the safe that has all of my patents because of a meeting "I" had scheduled with Pegasus." The aforementioned bodyguard charged Kaiba to help his bosses. The blue-eyed girl turned quickly and with a spin kick, knocked the guard out. "As you can obviously see, I am no less vicious now then when everyone thought I was a guy. Every KaibaCorp Security member that I have found on this island, and the pilot here are fired. As for you five, Gansley, Krump, Johnson, Nezbit, and Lector, I expect a letter of resignation first thing in the morning on my desk."
"Sorry to disappoint you Ms. Kaiba," Johnson said. "But you are in no position to threaten us. Our contracts are ironclad so we can leave on our terms and not yours thanks to that technicality."
"Oh really," Kaiba took out videocassette. "This tape has proof of your betrayal and I think the triad of Judges would side with me. Those contracts say that I can't fire you without proof of your betrayal. Too bad for you guys."
"We have finished your big project," Nezbit said.
"Yeah," Lector said. "Your big virtual reality project."
"I still expect you gone and you further proved your betrayal," Kaiba said. "That project was top secret from everyone in the company. Only I knew about that project and only I was to work on it. Now get lost." Kaiba turned to walk away and find her brother. //I'll have to undo every bit of damage those idiots did to that game. That could take me a few years now instead of the original time of finish around my birthday.// The brunette reached the front doors to see them open.
"Wow," Anzu said as the doors opened to reveal the outside world. "It is a nice day out. Why couldn't the dueling happen out here?"
"It's not as nice as you think as you think Anzu," Jounouchi pointed to a figure wearing a dark blue trenchcoat. "Looks like a storm is brewing." Anzu nudged Jou with her elbow.
"Neesan," Mokuba ran up to his sister and wrapped his arms around her waist. "It so good to see you back. Sooooo, whendidyougetupfromyourcoma? Whatwasitlikeinthatcoma? HeyyourwearingthesameoutfityouwearwhenIforceyoutogoouttoclubseventhoughitis withafakeidentity." Everyone could only laugh at Mokuba's answers and Seto was doing everything within her power to not laugh herself. Looking at Yugi helped her keep that straight face.
"I appreciate you saving Mokuba and all," Kaiba showed her appreciation. "But if you think that the battle between that other you and me is over, then think again. That last duel doesn't count because how it went and I didn't want to duel here. It will be when I think it's the right time and I'll win then. Come Mokuba."
Seto and Mokuba left the castle for the helicopter that Seto arrived at Duelist Kingdom in. Mokuba looked at the group, then at his sister before asking, "Neesan, can Yugi and his friends ride with us as thanks? I mean that there is probably no other way for them to get back home."
//Should I really do that?// Seto thought about Mokuba's question. She'd much rather avoid Yugi-tachi, but seeing that hopeful look in her brother. "All right."
"Hey guys," Mokuba yelled out to Yugi and friends. "We're giving you a ride home." Yugi-tachi followed the two siblings with Bakura close behind with a wicked smirk about something.
"All right you guys," the tall brunette warned. "Behave yourselves our I'll throw you out into the ocean." The helicopter lifted off the ground.
Just as it was about to carry the pilot and its passenger's home, a female voice called out. "Hey guys."
Jounouchi looked out the door and saw a familiar blonde hair girl. "It's Mai guys," the blonde said.
"I was wondering if I could come with you guys as there is no more boats leaving this island," Mai asked.
"Sure thing Mai," Jou said kicking out a rope ladder from the aircraft to Mai. "Wh- wh- whoaaaaaaa." The blonde boy lost his balance and was soon gonna find himself in the ground and in pain if it weren't for Yugi, Honda, and Bakura catching him.
//We're not even moving yet and he almost falls out.// The business girl thought. //He keeps setting the bar higher for being an idiot.//
-To Be Continued-
Well finally, I have finished the Duelist Kingdom Saga. Like I said before, I have no idea what was said so I played it by ear throughout this saga but I tried to follow the Manga storyline. Next chapter has interviews (maybe,) games, news about a fire, and a strange duelist challenges Kaiba. I know that I haven't done a featured card for the past two chapter (I forgot the last chapter's.) To make up this I will be doing three cards for this one. Two cards in a way because one is a retrained version of one of the cards.
Thousand Eyes Sacrifice
Fusion Effect Monster
Main-Type: Dark
Sub-Type: Magic-User
Att: 0
Def: 0
Components: Sacrifice + Wicked God of a Thousand Eyes
Effects: As long as this card is face up, no other card may attack or change modes. It can equip one monster, taking on the absorbed monster's attack and defense.
Magician of Black Chaos
Ritual Monster
Main-Type: Dark
Sub-Type: Magic-User
Att: 2800
Def: 2600
Notes: Summon with Ritual of Black Chaos Magic. The next monster uses different wording but is the same attack and defense wise, but has been retrained with three effects and doesn't need the ritual.
Black Magician of Chaos
Effect Monster
Main-Type: Dark
Sub-Type: Magic-User
Att: 2800
Def: 2600
Effects: When summon, reverse summoned, or special summoned, take one magic card in the graveyard and add it to your hand. When it destroys a monster as a result of battle, remove that monster from the game. If it leaves the field for almost any reason, remove it from the game.