Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ American Duelist ❯ Hellbitch Alarm Clock ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Ummm……… I don't own Yu-gi-oh! or Seto or Mokuba Kaiba (the Kaiba brothers r sooo cute………) I own Rfena and Jenna Davidson, and their American dueling cards. If any of the card names are actual cards, I don't know!!!

Summary: Rfena Davidson moves to Japan after defeating the best duelist in America to test her battle skills on Yugi and his gang. She brings her younger sister Jenna along. But the Davidson Sisters run into the nefarious Kaiba Brothers………

Rating: PG-13 because Rfena swears like a sailor………!


"HELLBITCH!!! SHUT UP, I'M AWAKE!!!!" Rfena yelled at her alarm clock as it went off for the umpteenth time. (Rfena is pronounced reh-fey-neh, eh' being pronounced like `Eh, I don't care, Harry Pothead!') Cursing, she stumbled out of bed, tripping over a pile of clothes. She reached over to her stereo and pushed play. The Oingo Boingo cd began to play. (That group may be old, but its songs pushed the limits before any rapper!!)

~Here's something to think about

Where would we be now without

Nasty Habits, nasty habits?

Makes me want to scream and shout

Life would be so dull without

Nasty Habits, nasty habits!

All those naughty little things

That we don't discuss publicly

Nasty Habits, nasty habits!~

"Yeah! Sing it Elfman!!" Rfena ran out of her bathroom, wearing a black halter-top that left her belly bare, and faded jeans with studs down the side of the legs. Her waist length blonde hair was put up in a ponytail. She wore mascara and purple lipstick, and her stormy blue eyes sparkled with excitment. She left her room, running down the hall, practically falling down the stairs into the kitchen.

Her sister Jenna sat at the counter, eating some cereal and wearing a white sleeveless top with two black stripes down the sides, and a short jean skirt. Her Light brown hair was braided and she wore the faintest hint of mascara and pink lipstick. Her green eyes eyed her sister skeptically.

"Fen, act your age! You're 18 for godssakes! I'm sixteen, I should be falling down the stairs, not you!" she told her sister.

"Jay, I pay for this house! I can raise hell in it if I want to!" Rfena replied, settling down with some fruit loops (A/N: Rfena is funny, ne?) "Any way, the flight leaves at 12:45. Its 9:30, and it only takes 15 minutes to get there! I have plenty of time to pack!" she said. "It's not like my time wizard is going to speed up time!"

"How are you ever going to beat this Muto kid if you can't even get up on time!!" Jenna said, then sighed. "But you beat Terry Kennan, so why am I worrying? Oh yeah, cause you nearly lost because YOU WERE LATE!" She said.

"Well, the Starlight Cards I won sorta make up for that………"

"Psh!" Jenna snorted, getting up with her now empty bowl. "Yeah, whatever."


At 4:30 the next day, Rfena and Jenna got off their plane. The trip from America to Japan had taken almost 14