Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ American Duelist ❯ Seto Eat your heart out/Jenna Meets Mokuba ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Ummm……… I don't own Yu-gi-oh! or Seto or Mokuba Kaiba (the Kaiba brothers r sooo cute………) I own Rfena and Jenna Davidson, and their American dueling cards. If any of the card names are actual cards, I don't know!!!

Summary: Rfena Davidson moves to Japan after defeating the best duelist in America to test her battle skills on Yugi and his gang. She brings her younger sister Jenna along. But the Davidson Sisters run into the nefarious Kaiba Brothers………

Rating: PG-13, for Miss Rfena's mouth and what she's plannin' for Seto………

Review Answers: dreamer: this chapter is hopefully longer, dreamer. And the Ages? Umm………I'm guessing from that maybe Seto was 18 in the show and Mokuba 14……… Seto is 21, Mokuba's 17, Rfena's 18 and Jenna's 16(but I told you that.) I won't tell u what happens unless you read the stories (duh!) but it has something to do with Mokuba and Jenna, mostly……… ;y

Ry-the Dark/Mystical Elf: I'm updated!!! And I'll read your story, Elfie!! I'll leave a nice review.

Toilet Seat girl, George Lass: Kewl. I'm glad Rfena's like someone sort of. But the cussing at the clock is what I do to my clock, cat, computer, TV and any other inanimate (well, my cats alive, dur!) object.

Anyone want to be my beta reader?? B?C my friend won't be mine………


Last chapter: "Oof!" Rfena ran into some one.

"Watch where you're going," the person growled at her.

"Oh shut up," Rfena said, opening her eyes to see whom it was she'd run into.

Jenna gasped behind her. "O my god! Rfena, that's Seto Kaiba!!" she squealed in English.


"Seto………Kaiba??" Rfena scrunched her nose up, peering at the man she'd bumped into. Brown hair, cold blue eyes, and that blue trench coat………

Seto Kaiba.

"Nice t' meet you, but I must be going," Rfena said, her voice dripping sarcasm. She had never much liked the stories about Kaiba.

"Whatever, kid," he said, walking past her quickly and disappearing around some corner.

"BITE ME!!" she called after him, "AND NOT IN THE GOOD WAY!!!!" Grumbling, she picked up her bags, which had been previously dropped, and walked to room 304. She unlocked the door, and walked inside, trailed by Jenna.

"WoW!" Jenna gasped. The room had two king sized beds, a door which seemed to lead into a large bath room, a large TV and fridge, and a dresser. Everything was a shiny white marble or beige color-ish. "This is a big place," she said,

"Yeah, I know," Rfena said, plopping down. "I'm paying for this room, jay!! I can raise hell here too!" she said, before sitting down on one of the beds, and opening her bags. She pulled out a large stack of cards; her duel cards. `I missed ya, Starlight Vixen, Female Ninja, DarkSister, Queen of D., Kimero," she smiled at the inanimate pieces of paper.

"Umm, Fen? They ain't talking back………" Jenna hazarded.

"I KOW THAT!! I TALK TO INANIMATE OBJECTS LIKE THE AUTHORESS DOES!!"(die, mouse! Stop being glitchy! Shut up TV, I don't care that the Governator is elected!!) She yelled at her sister.

Ok, Ok!" Jenna said, exasperated. "I'm going to check out the shops!" She began to leave.

"Jay!!" Jenna turned to see Rfena taking a black pocketknife from her back pocket, and then tossing it to her. "Keep it. In case of………well, ynow……… Jason and Naomi re-enactment," she finished quietly.

Jenna merely nodded and left quickly, grabbing her purse on the way.

"Run up my credit card," Rfena muttered. "Oh well. Let's figure how to give Kaiba run for his money."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~2 hours later~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Jenna left the clothing shop with two small bags. She wasn't much on spending, but had allowed her self a small escape. `Rfena usually goes out every month,' she giggled to herself, closing her eyes, unfortunately, she ran into someone (this is becoming notorious no? Maybe they should always do this!) And accidentally dropped her bags.

"Oh, I'm sorry………: A kind voice said.

"It's all right. I should have been watching………" It was then she realized she had nearly fallen and that the person was holding her. She opened her eyes to look into very deep (blue? violet? WHAT COLOR IS MOKUBA"S EYES??) eyes and a slightly startled face framed by long spiky black hair. `WOW he is hot," she thought to herself.

He let go of her and bent to pick up her bags. Jenna, now released, instinctively began to reach for them ads well. They reached for the same bag and their hands accidentally brushed. The blushed embarrassedly, and Jenna picked up the other bag. Both of them stood.

"Umm………here," he said, handing her bag.

"T-thanks," Jena said. `well, where are my manners?' "My name is Jenna," she said, sticking her hand out.

"Mokuba," he said with a small smile. After shaking her hand, he put his own back in his pockets. He wore a black, brown and white striped long sleeved shirt, a pair of beige jeans and black sneakers. `dresses nice too,' she thought.

"Mokuba, I must be going. I'll look for you, okay?" she asked, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Yeah, okay," Mokuba, said, and, with a small wave, he turned and left.

"Now thoroughly exited, Jenna ran back to their hotel, and burst into the room, where her sister sat painting her toenails a deep purple. Rfena looked up. "You look happy," she said.

"Let's just say I just bumped into someone," she said with a dreamy smile.

"O_K." Rfena said, looking back down at her nails, and whispered, "loo-oon-y," to herself.

"Hey, what are you wearing to the preliminaries tomorrow?"

"It's behind me on the bed."

*looks at clothes * "HOLY SHIT! Are you TRYING to blow Kaiba's eyes out??" Jenna yelled.

Rfena grinned to herself. She had picked out a white tank top, a black tight miniskirt, Black knee high boots and various bracelets and her `happy bunny' necklace. She was going to wear a bra with the tank top, so the straps would show.

"Maybe. I just ant to goggle his eyes out," she laughed.

"Godspeed, to any man who crosses your path."


Wellll………R+R! 4 or 5 get chap 3!

Happy Bunny's quote of the day:

Pink Bunny: you're ugly and that's sad. *sniffles and rubs her eye*