Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Magics Return ❯ Why? ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Yeps! Two updates in one single day! Hope everyone likes! So, if you remember, Yami was suddenly caught in a thunderstorm with sudden pains in his chest. The book I got the idea from, I DON'T OWN IT! You guys should know that the first disclaimer I have lasts the whole fiction! On with it.

((Whatever)) Me saying things to annoy you guys a bit!

~Chapter Five: Why?~

Crystal rushed immediately to Yami's side and helped him up. Yami was wincing at her touch but she comforted him by whispering a song in his ear. Yami's features softened and he let Crystal help him up.

"So, you're still going to help me?" asked Yami with a forced smile.

"Don't expect it too often boy!"

He looked at her with a frown and turned away. Right after he turned away Crystal placed her hand over his chest. Yami looked back in surprise and watched as she removed her now glowing hand! As soon as she removed it the pain was gone.

"Hurry up, we have to get to Transfiguration with the Slytherins!" said Crystal softly.

ASAP they were at their class ten minutes early. Professor McGonagoll was no where to be seen… until a tabby cat walked in and the class looked at it as if it were the teacher. How right they were! It transformed to the missing Professor when it reached the desk.

"Hello, for the new students, I am Professor McGonagoll. Today we will be trying to make a beetle a teacup! I will be making pairs for the new students! Yamiasa and Crystal, Yugi and Ryou, Marik and Bakura." She said strictly.

Yami raised his hand, "Yes Yamiasa?"

"Please, please, don't call me that! Call me Yami."

The Professor smiled and started the class. She gave a beetle to each student (or to students considering the gang).

"The spell for this is Transformos Teacas!"

"Okay, so the spell is Transformos Teacas." Said Crystal slowly as if trying to memorize it.

"Transformos Teacas!" They heard an explosion and turned around to see Bakura in ashes.

"Transformos Teacas!" said Yami and Crystal at the same time. Almost as soon as they spoke, a porcelain teacup replaced the beetle.

"Very good, ten points to Griffindor!" said Professor McGonagoll gladly.

Yugi and Ryou tried it and their teacup had the wings of the beetle. Before Professor McGonagoll came, Yugi turned them into handles. ((Bad Yugi! He cheated in class!)) They earned ten points also.

"Now, for Mr. Bakura and Marik…"

She walked slowly like a lion getting ready to pounce. When she approached them, they panicked and Marik said the spell quickly. POOF! The beetle had teacup handles and kept trying to fly with its heavy new `wings'.

"Ah, a mistake… Five points from Slytherin and Griffindor." ((Now, why did I put Bakura in Griffindor???))

"Why do I have to get punished, woman?!?" blurted out Bakura. ((OOH! Bad boy, talking back to the teacher! OK, me hush up now…))

"Another five points for your outburst!"

Bakura opened his mouth but Marik shut it. "Don't talk before you lose all your points!"

They heard an annoying laugh and turned around when the teacher was gone. "How did you make it into Slytherin, little Marik? You're disgracing our whole house!"

"Oh, hush Malfoy! If I remember, your beetle became a piece of dung! Just like you." Said Crystal as Marik and Bakura laughed and cried, "Oh, Malfoy! Shut down by a girl!"

"EXCUSE ME?!?" yelled Hermione and Crystal as all the boys shrunk into the shadows. ((Lucky that the teacher to the little girl's room!))

After another hour of explosions, beetles, and teacups, they set off to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Salin appeared from behind a statue that looked like…

"There's no WAY!"

"Welcome class. For the whole school year we will be discussing and practicing the dark arts from Ancient Egypt."

"Oh yeah. They wrapped people up when they were dead! WOW! I never knew that was part of the dark arts!" said Malfoy sarcastically.

"Hush Malfoy! In Ancient Egypt they had a dark realm that people would risk their souls over a game! How about you visit Ancient Egypt and lose them!" said Yami annoyed.

"I see that a few of you are familiar with the antics of Egyptians. The games were dangerous, that's why this pharaoh," the professor laid her hand on the statue, "stopped them. His name was Yamakin."

Bakura, trying to steal the spotlight, said, "Didn't he have a enemy named Bakur who lost to him allowing him to seal the games?"

"Yes. That's why today instead of books, I'll be teaching you spells of the old."

"But, professor, isn't new magic stronger than old?" said Malfoy with a sneer from Marik.

"Not always Malfoy. Do you always have to be so naïve?" ((Wow! I don't know what naïve means and I'm using it!)) Said Hermione also annoyed.

"Silence. Now, here's a spell that many of you will like. Anubiac!" suddenly, what seemed like spirits of the dead came up from the ground screaming bloody murder! The students gasped as the spirits sunk back into the ground.

"That spell came from the god Anubis… the caretaker of the dead." Said Professor Salin with her legs crossed.

Harry and the gang came out of the class in excitement. "That was the best class yet!"

"Wow, you actually liked a class Ron?" asked Yugi with a smile.

"Well, it's time for lunch!" said Ryou, "And I'm starving!"

"Yeah, and have we got a surprise for you!"

They turned and saw Fred and George, "We saw how Bakura blocked those spells Yami threw at him-"

"Oops! You guys saw those?" asked Yami.

"- And how you and Crystal raced! Congrats! You guys made the team!"

"Well, what places are we in?" asked Crystal excitedly.

"You and Yami are Chasers, and Bakura's Keeper!" said George, "Oh, by the way! You guys better find dates for the dance soon! This morning half of all the house's girls were taken… even the boys!"

"Except I got Angelina!" said Fred.

"So! I got Tulip!"

They didn't notice that the gang had gone to lunch.


Yami was in the common room looking for a partner. Yugi had gotten a girl, not to mention the same size as him ((I couldn't help it!)), named Alice. Bakura had gotten Pansy. Ryou had gotten a shy girl named Camille, Ron was going with a girl named Alicia, and Harry even scored with Cho! He jumped out of his thoughts when he heard storming in the common room.

"What do you know! The almighty king of games has no partner!" said Bakura from one side.

"Come on Crystal! Yami isn't taken." (A/N: They are saying these at the same time.)

"Come on Yami! Crystal isn't taken!"

"I do not want to go with her! She acted so obnoxious today!"

"I do not want to go with him! He was such a sore loser!"

"Like you have a choice Yami!"

"Like you can choose Crystal!"

"FINE!" Crystal and Yami turned around, "Want to go to the dance with me? Sure! Goodnight!"

Everyone around was stunned or jealous of Yami, when they realized what just happened they had gigantic sweat drops on the back of their heads.

Crystal was awake late in the night and was so excited for the dance. She was watching the moon out of the window where Harry was first sitting so many years ago. Of course she knew that, fairies knew everything!

"Why are you so excited Crystal?"

"Yokia, you know you this excited when Yamakin asked you to your first ball!"

"Yes, but you know I told you not to go near him!"


Crystal wasn't sure, but was that tears on her yami's face? "Because, I don't want you to get hurt like I did Crystal."

"You always tell me that and I don't even know what happened!" protested Crystal as Yokia nodded.

"I'll tell you then. Yami and I were king and queen of Egypt. We were trying to stop these Shadow Games that were going around. The ruler of the Shadow Realm's name… was Voldmorte."

"Voldemort's ancestor?"

"Yes. You see, he hated us, he hated Yamakin the most. One day, he expressed his anger by putting us in a world of darkness. Yamakin told me to wait in our room, but before he left he gave me the necklace I am sealed today."

"That still doesn't answer my question, how did he hurt you?" said Crystal tears now streaming down her face.

"He promised he wouldn't leave me. I was afraid of his own well being so I followed him into the room where Voldmorte was. Voldmorte had him paralyzed. He whispered those deadly words, Avada Kadavra. I jumped in front of him but he had sealed his love for me in this necklace. My soul was trapped in here. That puzzle, I gave him that. As he wept over me Voldmorte seized his chance and sealed his soul in the puzzle, also erasing his memories. He sealed all the others into their items also and with my love for Egypt and Yami, I banished him from this land."

Then the necklace began to glow eerily. It turned over by itself and it had hieroglyphics on the back. Translated, it said, "Yokia, my love, let this necklace and my love guide you."

Yokia seemed to have disappeared to have a good cry in her soul realm (A/N: Sort of like soul rooms but better! You have a whole realm on your hands). Crystal frowned and whispered, "Carpe dium*, I'll get them together again."


Yami woke up and stretched, "What's the schedule today?" He looked at the schedule, "Potions with the Slytherins?!?"


Heehee… The reason this chapter is named Why is because Crystal learns why Yokia told her to play hard-to-get-and-you'll-never-catch with Yami. I think I went too much on the drama side on this thing. WHAT?!? My mom watches the Filipino Channel a.k.a. the drama channel all the time! So sue me! I didn't mean that literally!

Means seize the day in Latin.

I'm making a choice. I'm thinking of Seto appearing when the gang goes to Herbology with the Ravenclaws. Now they'll know where Seto goes in the summer! I'm feeling a bit down today, my best friend's mom died yesterday. Oh, and thanks to Solo_Girl for that birthday comment!