Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Magics Return ❯ Mysteries and Duels ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Thank you to Setoluvr, Cerridwen, and Solo_Girl for reviewing. To answer Solo_Girl's question…

Question: Why did I put Marik in Slytherin?

Answer: I put Marik in Slytherin because, hey, he did try to kill the good guys and even his own minions! (SPOILER ALERT!!!) Plus, when Mai just lost the duel in the finals his dark side put her in an hourglass making her forget everything, even to breathe! I put him in because I was counting his dark side, I knew he was still in the depths of his mind!

Now to answer my own question you guys might want to know.

Question: Why am I updating so early?

Answer: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Okay, it's my birthday so I'm making extra long chapters for each fiction (I might not update The Pencil 2) I've been making today! So, besides me getting a GameBoy SP or a lovebird, we all get a treat!!! I love this day. If my piano recital didn't come before it…

On with the ficcy!!!

" Yes, if you think it is that important I will meet with you after the feast." Said Dumbledore calmly.

"No, professor, we need to see you now!" said Yami quickly. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and called Professor McGonagoll and told her to watch the feast.

"Follow me."

As they left Harry and his gang was having their own conversation, "Why are they acting so urgent?"

"I don't know, but did you notice that each of them have a unique item?" said Hermione as everyone groaned.

"Don't start again Mione!" said Ron, "It could just be some family heirlooms!"

"But they all have something!"

"There are a lot of families with heirlooms, Hermione!" said Harry as Neville cut in.

"Yeah, mine is the Remembrall!" Everyone rolled their eyes as Ron patted him on the back.

"I've heard the First Years say they heard that Yamiasa talking with Crystal about fairies or something. They say that Crystal is a death eater!" said Fred.

"How could someone that hot be a death eater?" asked Seamus.

Everyone around him shrugged. Then they started talking about practically all the gossip about the new students.

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Meanwhile, the YGO gang was wandering down the corridors until they came to a stone gargoyle.

"Pumpkin Pasties." Said Dumbledore, the gargoyle sprang aside as Yugi and Ryou were shocked. The others were used to magic seeing as their past lives and Crystal still did magic! They walked into the room and saw a bird fly onto Crystal's shoulder.

"That's a pheonix!" said Yami.

"Well, it seems to like Crystal."

"Now, what was it you wanted to tell me about?" asked Dumbledore calmly as ever.

"You see Dumbledore, we know why that guy's after our powers." Said Yugi, "Our power generates from the items we have."

"Well, this is very common to have magical items!" said Dumbledore with a smile, but he frowned when he saw they were not cheered up.

"Well, there was something that came with them. More like sealed into them." Said Crystal.

"Well, what is it?"

"Maybe we should show you…" said Yami as he transformed and so did the others. (A/N: This is the part you'll know what their past names are! Mainly, only Crystal will have changes in her appearance.)

Yami became a bit taller and another thing that changed was that he had his old marking on his wrist, symbolizing that he was a pharaoh. Bakura had a scar on his right wrist and his skin was now tan. Yugi became taller and he had tan skin also. Ryou became more outgoing and his hair was a little bit more spiked. Marik decided to walk out on last minute and everyone forgot about him.

Everyone turned around to look at Crystal, or her yami. She stepped out of the corner and revealed herself. She had blond streaks in her fiery red hair, her eyes were like Yami's but slightly different, and she walked more gracefully, like a high priest!

"Ah, I see… So you have different personalities in these items… And what would be the names of these personalities?" asked Dumbledore in awe.

"Mine is Yamakin." Said Yami's dark side.

"Mine is Bakur." Said Bakura's dark side.

"Mine is Yugami." (Okay, you should know who said that.)

"And mine is Ryoushin."

"And you?" everyone asked Crystal.

"My name is Yokia." Said Crystal; "We are the yamis, or dark sides."

"I have no problem with you being here. But when you say dark, that does not bode well here." Said Dumbledore with a sigh.

"If you're thinking dark meaning evil, no, we are not." Said Yugami.

"Except for Bakur, his other names are soul stealer, grave robber, cheater, backstabber-"

"You don't need to go into the rainbow section!" said Ryousha, "Besides, you did used to kill people or make them insane!"

"We also have very dark powers." Said Yokia.

"Would you please do a demonstration?"

"Gladly." Shadows filled the room and everything was shrouded in darkness, "Welcome to the Shadow Realm." Yokia drew a card from her pocket, "I summon Dark Magician Girl!"

The monster appeared and smiled. "This is a duel monster, in this realm we are able to summon others, they also used these realms for shadow games. Dark games that might've cost your soul."

"I've seen enough, please take me back." Said the professor as he overcame his surprise.

Yokia brought them back and once again Dumbledore asked a question. "Is there any chance you would return to your old and cruel ways?"

"Only if someone threatened our hosts, their friends, or ourselves." They all said at once.

"Fine, you may leave."

They returned to their light sides and sighed. Then they left and suddenly remembered something, "Where's Marik?!"

Then Marik came out from behind the corner and grinned, "Done with the introduction?"

"Marik, you need to tell him!" said Yugi.

"I don't think so, I got rid of him a while ago, don't worry about me."

"Fine, but if he comes out, you have to get killed first." Said Bakura as he pointed that last sentence at Yami.

"I'll let him out soon!" said Marik as Yami prepared to punch him.

"Boys are so immature."

"What did you just say Crystal?" said Ryou in surprise. But when he turned around he saw two copies of Crystal, except one had blonde streaks in her hair.

"Hello, Yokia." Said Yugi.

Yokia turned around, "I'm tired and we need to find Harry to get to the dorms, let's hurry!"

"Now, Yokia, do you have to be so bossy?" said Crystal as she turned around.

Yokia smiled and laughed, "Well, well, well, I'm being taught a lesson about being bossy from a leader of a cheerleading squad, champion of the fairies, and someone who volunteered to be a substitute teacher?"

"Get into the crystal before I beat you into smithereens!" At that Yokia was gone with one last giggle.

"Well, you heard the woman. Let's go!" said Marik. Not soon after that they met up with Harry and learned where the dorms where and the password (sphinx) and were soon asleep. Except for Yami…

Yami was in the common room clutching his chest in pain. He felt like it was on fire… `Why is this happening to me?' he thought, `This pain only started when I found this puzzle…' He never knew that Crystal had the answer.

~Crystal's dream~

A young boy was running through the thunderstorm… He was crying and trying to find shelter, he had been accidentally locked out of his home and everyone was asleep. He finally found shelter under a marble statue. He sat on its stand but suddenly a bolt of lightning hit the statue and the boy was thrown forward.

"Mom… Dad…" then the boy suddenly felt a pain in his chest, even though it was raining it felt as if it was burning. Then Crystal woke up with a start.

~End dream~


Then Yami's pain finally stopped and he went to bed and fell asleep as fast as the pain stopped.

That morning they woke up at six and went to change into their robes. There was only on class today, Flying Lessons! None of the gang had a broom except for Crystal, good thing was she had two more!

"So, what's Quidditch, Harry?" asked Bakura with a yawn.

"Well, it's this game played on broomsticks with four balls. (A/N: Harry had already explained the rules with the help of Crystal) Bad part is that we have a lot of spots open. Two chasers transferred, and the Keeper graduated." He said as they arrived at the Great Hall to eat their breakfast.

Yugi, Harry, Yami, Ryou, Marik, and Bakura all didn't get a lot of packages but today they each got a rather large package. They opened them eagerly and found the duel disk inside.

"What the heck are these?" asked Harry.

"We'll give you a demonstration later, Harry." Said Yugi, "Crystal, have you ever played the game?"

"Hello?" said Crystal as she pointed at her necklace. After a while, they finally made it to the Quidditch field, Harry and Ron sat down as Hermione read a book but put it down to watch.

"Hello, we're the new Quidditch captains." Said Fred and George as Ron screamed; "WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!"

"Now, hold your hand over the broom and say, `Up!'"

Yami's, Crystal's, and Bakura's broom jumped up immediately as Yugi and Ryou got hit in the face. After three tries they got it to follow their directions.

"Now, everyone, kick off and fly around a bit then come back down."

Crystal and Yami took off as Bakura tried to help Ryou out. Yami side glanced at Crystal then yelled, "Up for a race?"

"Bring it on King of Games!"

"Did she just call Yami King of Games?" asked Harry.

Yugi said, "Just a title, long story."

"Tell us sometime…" said Ron as Crystal and Yami and Bakura (who caught up) finished the race. Yami and Crystal tied and Bakura came second.

"Meet the Queen of Games." Said Crystal with a cocky smirk.

"I think I can do that…" said Yugi, and just for a little fun, Bakura pushed him into the air. Yugi tried to keep control but the broom went crazy, causing Yugi to break his wrist.

"Yugi!" Hermione ran over, then she escorted him to the Hospital Wing.

"Well they're occupied, let's duel!" said Yami as he whipped out his disk from under his robes, "You might be could at Quidditch, but this is my territory!"

Crystal whipped out her's and once again smirked, "Duel!" Malfoy, who had just walked by stopped by to watch as everyone else did. The pair walked apart just far enough for the system to work.

When they were done spacing they whipped around and smirked at each other.

"For my first move, I play the Celtic Guardian, in attack mode!" said Yami when they were ready. All the girls gasped when the warrior appeared. "Let's make this short and quick Crystal."

"Don't worry, I will. I play Red Archery Girl in attack mode."

"That's still the same amount of attack points…"

"Not when I add Umi and Cyber Shield! Attack my monster!" The boys whistled when the mermaid appeared, "Too bad it's only a hologram…" said most of them.

"Good job so far, Crystal. But look out, I have one card in my deck that could wipe the floor with you. I play one card face down in defense mode and my Beaver Warrior!" said Yami with a short laugh.

"I sacrifice my Red Archery Girl for my Dark Magician Girl… But I won't attack."

"Good choice. I play my Big Shield Gardna in defense and Swords of Revealing Light!" said Yami as he looked at Crystal with a frown, `She's a very skilled player without her yami, I have to be careful.'

"I power up my Magician with Book of Secret Arts, put her in defense mode, and end my turn." Said Crystal with an uneasy look.

It seemed that the demonstration was doing well for Harry because he was already getting it. Hermione and Yugi, who had returned, were watching intently.

"Crystal, look out!" screamed Bakura.

"Now I sacrifice all my monsters to summon the God of Osiris!" said Yami as the skies darkened and thunder surrounded Yami. Then the colossal dragon appeared with his second mouth clamped shut but his first let out a mighty roar. All the girls screamed and the boys were stunned.

"Since you have four cards in your hand, he has 4000 points, correct?" said Crystal as the wind whipped her hair around her face.

"Yes, and I attack your Magician!" Crystal braced herself and when she opened her eyes, her card was gone.

"I play two magic cards, Execution and Cross Sacrifice (A/N: I made these cards up). Execution destroys your Swords of Revealing Light and Cross Sacrifice allows me to offer four cards from my hand then summon a monster and draw five new cards…" Crystal did as she said then grinned, "I summon Isis, God of Truth!"

Another woman appeared, she had inky black hair and was wearing ancient robes. When she was summoned the dark skies opened with a heavenly light, with her appearing. Isis looked at Crystal and smiled.

"There are more than three god cards, Yami."

"WHAT?!" asked Yami a bit more loud than he was supposed to say.

"Yes, there are five. And I have the last two, Horus and Isis. Isis' ability is that all of the cards in my deck is her power. I used ten, so her points are thirty-thousand points."

"Oh no…"

"You're territory, I don't think so! Attack Isis!"

Yami, who was usually able to withstand attacks, was thrown back in the blast like everyone else. Yami smiled afterwards and shook Crystal's hand.

"I will get you next time."

"I doubt it Yami. You will never defeat me."

Yami frowned and walked away.

"Like you never finished your life with me…" whispered Crystal as a tear slid down her cheek. When saw Yami suddenly fall clutching his chest she wiped it away and rushed towards him.


How do you guys like? Oh well, I think it's good. I know I said this chapter was going to be named Meet my Dark Side but it didn't really fit this chapter. April 27… my birthday and most important day of my life. * grabs calendar* Only three more years to go before I can be on http://www.fanfiction.net ! Well, I have to work on The Dark Chibi now! See ya'!