Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Ancient Magics Return ❯ The Year Begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I thought over my review thing and reconsidered it. I don't care if you guys want me to update or not (but according to the visits and the reviews you didn't want me to update). Anyway, I hope you guys at least review the first time you guys visit my story.

Yokia: Just review this chapter. Everyone please review so we can feel good! We're new so cut us some slack people! How would you feel if you had three fanfictions, eight chapters in all, and only about thirteen reviews?

The boy entered the room and looked at Yami strangely, "Why Potter, hanging out with porcupine heads and freaks again. One of them robbed me yesterday, but this one has my attention…" he walked over to Crystal and grinned, "One with as much talent as you would belong in Slytherin."

Crystal glowed and only Yami, Yugi, Ryou, and Bakura saw what happened to her.

~ Transformation Sequence~

Crystal's charm necklace that she was wearing gave off a light. Then flames whirled around her making her hair even more of a fiery red. A whirlwind came and caused her hair to become wavier. Jets of water wrapped around her arms and dark blue gloves were on her arms. Vines whipped her face and a beautiful Hibiscus (1) flower was placed behind her ear. Finally, lightning-bolts put blond streaks in her hair.

~ End Transformation Sequence~

Crystal glared at the boy fiercely. "Get out of your dream world Malfoy! Even if I did have the qualities of Slytherin I would kill myself before I reached my seat just because I was on the same table and eating the same food as you. So get out of my face, and make like a bee and buzz OFF!" Crystal seemed to be a totally different person and she gave demands as if she did it for years!

Malfoy seemed speechless and then he grinned, "How about we get better acquainted then?" He grabbed her arm but Marik ripped her out of his grip.

"Who said she has to? How about you get better acquainted with my fist?"

Yami and Yugi held Marik back as Malfoy gave an amused smirk. Then he quietly walked away. Yami finally let him go and looked at Marik with a smirk, "Why did you protect Crystal?"

" You know Marik, he'd do anything to impress a chick." Laughed Bakura as Marik blushed. Crystal stood up and when she saw Yami she paused.

" Yes Crystal?"

" Prepare to meet your match at school." Said Crystal as she grinned competitively. Now Yami knew what was going on, Crystal had a yami! So he had some more competition this year. There was a flash and Crystal was her normal sweet self.

"You're lucky Ron didn't stand to fight!" said Hermione, "Anyway, Crystal, why are you here?"

Crystal looked sad and replied, "I'm here to stop Voldemort. I was the strongest fairy and they sent me up here. It was pretty lucky I guess…"

Yami looked surprised, "Wait, Voldemort's back?"

"Last year he came back. He came back using the flesh of a servant, a bone from his father's grave, and blood from Harry. Anyway, after that he came to Mount Farienas and killed my mother and father. They were the ones who stopped his deal with the fairies which made him less deadly." Said Crystal as everyone listened in awe, "When that happened I also wanted my revenge… so here I am."

"We are now at Hogwarts! Crystal Iceron, Yami and Yugi Mutoh, and Ryou and Yami Bakura please follow Hagrid to the school to be sorted!" said the speaker as everyone boarded off the train.

The gang said bye to Harry and his friends and in no time they found Hagrid. Hagrid rowed with them across to the school and let them off there, "Make sure you look out for Peeves!"

Bakura wondered aloud, "If Peeves likes to cause mischief, he's going to be fine with me!"

" Same here!" said Marik as Crystal was talking to Yami about Mount Farienas and Yami seemed fascinated. Suddenly, everyone was pointing at the ceiling and eggs were being dropped onto the students.

" WEE! FIRSTIES!!!" said what seemed to be a blue man floating in the air. Then a woman burst in and held out a wand.

" Peeves! What are you doing with those eggs?" she said.

" Peeves wouldn't have taken the eggs if the house elves didn't put up a fight with the mustard and ketchup!" said Peeves still dropping eggs with still a dozen more left.


" Whatever will please Professor McGonagoll!" Peeves dropped every single egg, which unfortunately landed all on Yami!

" Ugh! I'm going to kill that little freak!" said Yami as every egg started to drop on him.

" WOW! Did Yamiasa (A/N: That's Yami's real name in this story. Except I don't own it, so thanks to the girl/boy who made this up!) just become a real chicken?" said Bakura tauntingly.

Yami glared at him fiercely, "I told you never to call me Yamiasa. You're lucky I don't have a knife right now Bakura!"

" Yami, just calm down! If they think they got to you with the Yamiasa thing they'll just keep doing it!" said Yugi as he attempted to hold Yami back by his robes.

" Yamiasa! Yamiasa! Yamiasa!" chanted Marik and Bakura in singsong voices.

" Yami, just don't worry!" said Crystal as she tried to get the gunk out of his hair. But she stopped as everyone arrived at a vast hall and the Professor McGonagoll started to speak.

"Hello all first years and new students. I'm Professor McGonagoll. When you step into this hall you will be sorted into one of four houses. Griffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Will the six new students step forth?"

Crystal, Marik, Bakura, Ryou, Yugi, and Yami followed her into a hall that was as grand as the first room! It seemed to have no ceiling but traces of there being a ceiling. There, in the middle of the room was a battered hat. After a surprising event, the professor started reading from a very long scroll starting with the gang!

" Bakura, Ryou."

Hmmm… ah, a very brave personality at times… But very sensitive, you would do anything to protect your friends though. You want to prove to everyone that you're not a pushover, GRIFFINDOR!

It took Ryou a while to realize that there was another voice in his mind besides his twin, Bakura. Then he just walked to the table that had Harry sitting there, seeing as to that he was in the house that was announced.

" Bakura, Yami."

Ah, a twin eh? Well, you used to be a thief, quite a bit of enemies. But you are still good hearted on the inside, very daring, brave, and to prove that you are worth a lot more than they bargain for. Exactly like your brother, GRIFFINDOR!

"Mutoh, Yamiasa." Yami grumbled at the name and walked forward.

Very determined, brave, and I see the enemy of the one before. Very confident, downright cocky if you ask me.

WATCH IT! Thought Yami.

You are very talented and cunning… a bit of hidden powers too, well you do a good job hiding it. GRIFFINDOR!!!

" Mutoh, Yugi."

Oh, very tricky set of twins here. Seem to be the exact opposite but very similar personalities when it comes to danger for your friends. Well, all of you are very obvious. GRIFFINDOR!

" Ishtar, Marik."

Before the hat even came within a foot of his head it cried, "SLYTHERIN!" Marik seemed angry because he muttered a stream of colorful words under his breath. Malfoy suddenly started to grab a fork and aiming it at Marik's head.

" Iceron, Crystal."

Before the hat touched her head it screamed, "GRIFFINDOR!" She walked to the table and smiled at everyone ignoring the fact that all the boys seemed to be drooling over her. Her eyes rested on Yami who raised an eyebrow at her then whispered to Harry, "When is the feast going to begin?"

" Soon Yamiasa. Oh, I'm Fred and this is George. We were wondering, how did you get to get your hair to stand like that?" said a boy who resembled Ron.

" Believe it or not, it's natural for all of us. Oh and another thing. Don't. Call. Me. Yamiasa. If. You. Favor. Your. Life." Said Yami softly as the professor finished the scroll.

" Now, Professor Dumbledore will like to say a few things."

The man Yugi and co. met earlier stood up, "Welcome to Hogwarts. First of all, everyone knows the Dark Forest is forbidden. Second, I'd like you to meet our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Salin!"

A woman with jet-black hair stood up and every girl clapped harder than the rest.

"Now, we all know that Voldemort has come back to try to bring our spirits down. So all the staff agreed that we should have a cheering Yule Ball! We'll have the ball next week Friday and then every month, we'll have a ball every second Friday! The girl you first bring will be your permanent partner for the rest of the year!"

Whispers went through the crowd and Yugi and co. seemed worried because they hardly knew anybody. The other boys though, seemed to already fighting over Crystal, when Dumbledore saw this he said quickly, " And the girls will ask the boys!"

All the boys started to look hopefully at Crystal but she shook her head with a smile. Yami smiled back and looked back at his plate and food sprouted up!

" Wow. Good service."

"Well of course, you didn't expect the house elves to forget about us did you?" said Ron before he bit into a drumstick.

"Okay, what exactly are these house elves you always talk about?" said Yugi as he put some mashed potatoes on his plate.

"House elves are magical creatures that are sort of magical maids. They can only be freed if it's owner gives it decent clothes." Said Harry. Hermione pouted, "What? You can't always explain everything, you know!"

"Something wrong with your steak Bakura?" asked Ryou when he saw his twin frown.

"Where do these house elves make the food?"

"Right under here, why?" said Hermione.

"HEY! HOUSE ELVES, I WANT MY STEAK RARE! DO YOU HEAR ME?! I WANT IT TO MOO WHEN I STICK MY FORK INTO IT!" yelled Bakura attracting strange looks from everybody.

"I don't think that's how it works Baku-" Harry stopped when a steak appeared on Bakura's plate, it seemed that only the flames licked it enough to make one cooked spot.

Bakura smiled and dug in, "That's disgusting Bakura!" said Crystal as she twirled her hair.


"This is how I get food." Crystal snapped her fingers and a delicious slice of pie appeared on her plate. As it appeared, a delicious aroma filled the air.

"What kind of pie is that Crystal?" asked Yami as he looked at it longingly.

"It's a very rare berry I used in this pie. It's called the Reship Berry. They call it that because it sort of reships energy. Want to have a taste?" Yami nodded and he took a fairly small piece and smiled.

"It's great! I see what you mean about the energy thing."

Yugi smiled and reached for the pastries, then he saw a head sitting in it and screamed. Everyone looked at the head and seemed speechless until Harry spoke, " Hello Nick."

" Hello Harry! Had a bad summer, someone made a nearly headless hunt but told me that my head was off! I am nearly headless, not headless!" said the ghost as he floated away.

Crystal asked the worst question ever, "How can you be nearly headless?"

"Like this." He shrugged and his head fell onto his shoulder only being held by an inch of skin! All the first years and the new students gagged at the disgusting sight. Nick put his head back on his neck and flew to some other ghosts.


Crystal and Yami were leaving early to go to bed. Yami seemed to be watching Crystal's every move. Finally, he grabbed her shoulders and turned around, "Crystal, I know you have a yami. Maybe we should tell the headmaster and get Yugi and the others."

"Yeah, we should. Do you want to know anything else?" she said softly.

"Yes, what was your yami in her past life?"

"That's none of your business Yami! Let's go."

Soon they were back at the Great Hall. They told Yugi, Marik, Bakura, then Ryou and rushed to Professor Dumbledore. "Professor Dumbledore, we need to speak with you."


Next chapter: Meet Our Dark Sides. All right, I know that I you guys didn't review as much as I expected but I forgive you guys. Anyway, I don't care if you guys review as much as I want. Apparently, just because I got on the Principal's List, got an A on writing, and am a new writer on here isn't enough to motivate you guys to review.

1: That's the state flower of Hawaii or Kauai… I forgot. ^^; Anyway, it's that flower that hula dancers always wear behind their ear. I think the boys should know about it. Example…

Boy 1: Whoa! Look at that girl dancing hula! * Gives a low whistle*

Boy 2: That flower makes her look hot…

Both: I want to go to Hawaii!

I rest my case. -_________________-UUUUUUUUU