Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Beauty Contest Judge- Yugi?! ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 5 )
Beauty Contest Judge- Yugi?!
By: DJ Rodriguez
(Author's Notes: I want to thank each and every one of you reviewers for helping me out here. Your reviews were excellent, and I shall use them when the time is right.
Yugi: Also, to those that want to be in this story, do not worry. DJ will put you in, and make sure that you are presented rightly. Again, thanks to all who participated with this story!
Darien: That is what we like to see. DJ wants the readers/reviewers to interact with the story, for them to be a part of it. So, it's a surprise that Fanfiction.net would restrict this kind of thing. Good thing MediaMiner.org is generous to allow you readers/reviewers to participate.
DJ: There is a request I would like to make out to all, but it'll be at the end of the chapter here.
Now, on with the fanfic!)
Chapter 4
It was 7:45 a.m. and Yugi Moto was waking up from his slumber in his own room, a bit groggy from yesterday's events. He soon remembered on what had transpired, and made a mental note to thank Yami later on for what he did.
"Its good to know that Yami cut me some slack here.", he told himself as he hoisted himself out of bed.
He yawned, stretched some, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower. Ten minutes in the hot, soothing water calmed his nerves considerably. He turned the water off, wrapped a purple towel around his waist, and went back to his room to change.
'I think I'll talk with the other judges today. I want to hear their thoughts on this crazy event.', he thought as he changed into a more comfortable attire. He wore a dark-blue t-shirt, black jeans, and also his usual white sneakers.
He went downstairs to eat some breakfast, but found nothing awaiting him as always. He searched the kitchen, and found a little yellow piece of paper stuck to the refrigerator by a magnet. It read:
Dear Yugi,
I got an urgent call from some old colleagues of mine to do some important research in Kyoto. I will be back in two weeks. Until then, take care and also good luck with the beauty pageant.
Yugi sighed. It was going to be kinda lonely without his grandpa around, but he shook it off. To him, being alone wasn't so bad anymore. Besides, he had Yami and his friends to keep him company.
'Well, I wish you well on your trip, Grandpa.', he said to himself as he got out some cereal. He gulped down his Golden Grams in his bowl, put the dish in the sink, and headed out to meet the other celebrity judges.
"Oh, wait! I need to get a disguise so others won't see him!", he warned himself. Alas, it was too late. He had already was 15 feet away from the Game Shop, and nearly instantly, girls of ages 16- 30, stampeded towards the helpless lad.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!", Yugi screamed as he ran for his life. Blondes, brunettes, redheads, the whole works were hot on his heels. Some cute, some pretty, and some just drop-dead sexy were just itching to get a chance to 'talk' with the famous Duelist Champion.
"Why me?!", he exclaimed. Just as he was turning a corner, he saw the place where he was aiming to go for since he left. It was Plaza Domino, the most luxurious and expensive hotel in Domino City. It encompassed twice as the Mayan Princess hotel in Corpus Christi, TX.
"Sanctuary!", he yelled out loud at the top of his lungs. Two men in black, security agents for the two other celebrity judges, were patrolling the grounds when they heard the teenager's plea.
"Hey, that's Yugi Moto!", one of them exclaimed. Knowing the situation quickly, the rest formed a human barrier. They were urging Yugi to run faster, and he did so. Soon, he reached the barrier and passed through it. The Female Fanatics were now being held back by security, which was good news for Yugi.
"Thanks! I owe you guys.", he panted out while catching his breath.
One of the security officers just smirked and replied, "No problem, kid.".
Yugi, seeing that it was safe now, straightened himself out and entered the building. When he did enter it, what he saw took his breath away.
The lobby itself was large enough to hold the entire upstairs room of the Game Shop five times over! It was decorated in both Western and Oriental fashion, all of it in expensive and exquisite taste.
"It looks like the what Seto would decorate his bedroom in.", Yugi said in a light sarcastic manner. He made his way to the Front Desk, and asked the female receptionist on where Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen were staying.
"I can't tell you, young man. Its confidential.", she told him.
Yugi then took out his wallet and handed his I.D card to her. She took it, and gasped in surprise to see that the young man was Yugi Moto, one of the judges for the beauty pageant.
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Moto! I-I didn't realize that it was you!", she exclaimed as she handed him back his I.D.
Yugi just waved the comment off and replied, "Its okay. I'm used to people not seeing me as an adult.".
The receptionist then told him the room numbers on where each celebrity was staying at, handed him some extra keys, and bid him farewell. He did the same and walked towards the elevators.
The ride was bit long, as Yugi rose to about 110 stories up! At long last, the bell dinged and the doors opened up. Yugi walked out, and realized that he was now in the Super-Deluxe suite area.
"Hmm. Room 25 is where Orlando is at, and 27 is where Viggo is at.", he said to himself. Weighing his options, he decided to go see Orlando instead.
As he went down the long hallway, Yugi finally came upon the doorway to the famous celebrity's room. He knocked on the door, and the person who answered it was none other then the mega-star himself!
"Hi, can I help you?", he asked. Yugi was a bit shocked, because in front of him was both Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl and Legalos from The Lord of the Rings trilogy!
He regained his voice and answered, "Yes. M-My name is Yugi, Yugi Moto.".
Orlando then smiled, and asked Yugi to come in. "Welcome to my room, Mr. Moto. You are really quite well known here in Domino City.", he told him as Yugi humbly entered his abode.
"Is that why you recognized me as one of the judges for the pageant?", the Duelist asked.
Orlando nodded and replied, "Yes. That, and also the mayor sent us your picture to show us on who you were.".
Another voice called from the living room, "Orlando, who's here?!". Yugi and the mega-star walked into the lush, expensive-looking living room. On the couch stood the all-too familiar face of Viggo Mortensen, also known to many as Aragorn.
"Hello, sir. It's just me, Yugi Moto.", the teenager stated meekly. He maybe a master Duelist, but the teenager just felt small when compared to the Hollywood stars.
Viggo just smiled warmly and stated, "Ah, so you are the King of Games that everyone is talking about.". He got up and shook the young man's hand.
Yugi just couldn't believe that he was now shaking hands with the Ranger! 'I'm never gonna forget this moment for as long as I live!', he promised himself.
Soon, the three were sitting around the large, polished-oak table. Viggo ordered up some breakfast, and Yugi was now hungry as ever when he got there. It seemed the run from the ladies drained him out. Yugi wanted to discuss with them the likely events that would take place before the actual pageant.
"Well, I have to say I feel kinda sorry for you, Yugi.", Orlando stated.
Yugi was puzzled and inquired, "Why is that, Mr. Bloom?". Orlando just waved his hand a bit dismissively, smiling in the process. He told Yugi to just call him Orlando, since Mr. Bloom made him feel kinda old.
"Because, Yugi. You have somewhat… of a disadvantage here.", Viggo put in.
Orlando continued, "Its true. While we have security and bodyguards to protect us here, you don't. That makes you a prime target for the ladies out there.".
Viggo finished, "That, and also being local to Domino City. Since you live in it, I'm willing to bet that the contestants for the contest are going to be knocking at your door for some time.".
Yugi was just in plain shock as he registered on what was just said. Now, he was forming a mental picture on what these guys had just told him. His face just paled completely when he visualized all of those crazy females at his door and asking for him.
"Ohhh, man.", he groaned as the vision was just too much for now.
The two just shook their heads, feeling pity for the poor boy. Because now, things were just going to be Hell for him until the actual pageant started.
~At Domino City Mall~
It was just pandemonium at the mall, about near the 9th level of Hell. Ladies from every part of the city just swarmed in like a plague of locusts, going to every possible store in order to see on what they could wear or do for the contest.
Two friends, teenage women by the names of Katiu and Jacquelyn, walked together as they headed towards a Sears market. They were carrying bags from previous shops, and were going inside to test out some more clothes.
"I really hope I do well in the pageant. I really want to win!", Katiu stated to her friend excitedly.
Jacquelyn replied, "So do I! But, I rather get that cute Yami's attention!".
They both squealed in delight at the mere thought of Yami being in the audience seeing them. Although the identities of Yami and Yugi were set clear to the public, there were still plenty of Yami and Yugi fangirls. They happened to be Yami fangirls.
"I know! I really hope he sees me in the pageant!", Katiu exclaimed. Both girls giggled as they went to the department store to buy more stuff.
Three others women were walking towards a Target department store, only one of them actually competing in the pageant. The other two were just there for support and guidance. The participants name was Laura, the other two were Brittany and one known only as Lady D.
"I hope Yugi will like me when I go out to perform.", Laura said shyly while blushing immensely. Like many others, she had a crush on the small teenager.
Brittany smiled and patted her on the back. She replied, "Don't worry, L! You gonna do fine!".
Lady D smirked and gave her friend a playful noogie. "Yeah! I mean, Yugi is gonna notice you like nothing else! So don't worry.".
~At a Macy department store~
Mai Valentine was sorting thoroughly throughout the entire store. 'If I want to win the pageant, and Yugi's heart, I gotta play it smart… and sexy!', she told herself.
Soon, she came upon something to wear for the "Evening" category. She pulled from a stand a slinky, silky, mid-length black dress. It had a slit on its left side to show off some leg. Mai just grinned evilly, knowing full well she could pull something like this off.
"Its expensive, but it'll be worth it!", she said as she took the dress to the counter to pay for it.
Téa Gardner was also roaming about the expensive department store, using her entire allowance and some of her bank savings to buy something.
'I need something new, something fresh for the "Evening wear" part.', she told herself. After much time searching, and fighting off other ladies when a good set of clothes was for the taking, she finally found something that appealed to her.
On a rack was a neon green, velvet dress. It was ankle-length long, long sleeved, and also just perfect for her! Plus, the price was just right for the brunette beauty.
"Wow! Yugi is going to go red as a rose when he sees me in this!", she told herself as she went to the counter to purchase the items.
~At a Sax Fifth Ave. store~
Ishizu was going through some items in the store, looking for both evening and swimsuit wear. Since she was head of the Domino Museum, she had access to a lot of money.
'Now, what to wear so I can catch Yugi's eye?', she asked herself.
Soon, she came to a dress that suited her well. It was a white, silky dress that resembled what noble ladies wore in medieval England. It wasn't too flashy, but had a subtleness all of its own.
"Hmmm. It is good, just my size, and also just within the right price range.", she said. Making her mind up, she took the dress and started to look for some swimwear. Walking past the bikinis and thongs, she soon came to a modest, yet revealing enough white two-piece bikini with gold fringes.
"Another good one. I'll take it.", she said. Taking the swimsuit off the rack, she walked over to the counter to pay for her newly acquired clothes.
~At a Foley's department store~
Serenity was with her big brother, going through some clothes for both categories. Joey seemed obsessed now, like his new goal in life was to make sure Serenity would win.
'I really appreciate the help, brother. But, I want to do this on my own.', she mentally told her crazy brother.
As she drifted from his eyes and browed around, she came to very pretty and stunning piece of work. It was a sleeveless, light-cotton pink dress that reached to her ankles and having buttons at the bottom.
"Wow! Its so pretty, and also within my price range.", she said as she stared at the dress. She assumed that Yugi would be surprised to see her wearing that. She took the garment under her arm and continued to browse.
Ten minutes after finding the dress, she came across a very unique swimsuit. It was a black one-piece with an oval-shaped hold to show off her mid-section.
"It'll do just fine.", she said as she took the swimsuit. Calling Joey over, the two discussed the clothes and soon her brother agreed that the clothes were just perfect. So, they bought and left the shop.
With the upcoming Miss Domino City Beauty Pageant less then four weeks away, things were really going to get hectic for our hero! Much chaos in the human world, imagine the chaos in the Shadow Realm!
(Author's Notes: Again, thank you to all who participated! If not for the help from Lady D 10290, DemonandGoddess, Jacquelyn, and Isis-san, this chapter would not have been possible!
Yugi: To those that filled in the talent section, do not worry! They will be coming up soon! Now, for the request DJ was about to tell you.
Darien: I shall do it in his stead. Now, DJ really appreciated the info you all gave him. But, he still wants to see what he has been dying to see. And that is… fan art!!
DJ: Yeah, it's true. I want to have a visual on what the contestants would look like, to have a more accurate detail when the big finale comes up. So, if any one of you has the ability to send and post fan art, please do so. Send them via e-mail, and I'll take a good look at them.
Yugi: And if you can't, but have friends that have the ability to do that, ask for their help. DJ really wants to see on what the Duel Monsters and also the four human ladies would wear!
R&R, no flames, enjoy, and leave long reviews.)