Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ bitter sweet ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Chapter 5
I do not own yugioh!
We ran threw a thick forest, with the brown hair girl dragging me, and the tree leaves bashing my face and the rain drops blinding me, I couldn't do a thing! So many questions rattled my mind, who were these people? What happened to seto? Would we be safe? And so many more.
"Were here!" the brown hair girls screamed when we approached a large house in the middle of no were. "Where is here?" I asked sarcastically. "My house. You'll be safe here." She said like I was a scared little baby.
Instead of going threw the front door they brought me and mokuba threw the cellar.
"Now we need to talk. The boy said. He pushed me down on the sofa mokuba sat next to me. He was crying.
"Ok. I'm tea" the girl said, "and my blonde haired friend is Joey." Joey opened his mouth to say something, but then a tall blonde hair girl came down, took one look at me, then screamed at the top of her lungs, "oh my fucking god! Joey, Tea, what is a little demon brat doing here!!!"
"Mai, calm down. Kaiba was hiding this one and he was shot..." Joey's voice trailed off.
"and you brought her here?!!" Mai yelled, holding on to the railing as if I was going to jump on her. "We had no choice, Mai" tea explained. "Kaiba may be dead, mokuba has no place to go, and nori-" she looked at me," its `Nori' right?" I nodded. "….its the only right thing to do."
Mai began to cry, "I don't care of its right, and God knows she could kill us all in her sleep!"
"Mai!" both Joey and Tea gasped in shock. Mai ran up the stairs. "Don't worry about her." Joey said, as if I was offended, but I was used to it.
" I'll get nori some real clothes" tea said as she ran up the stairs to the main floor. I was glad I was going to get some real clothes because I was in a t-shirt and shorts when I was sleeping.
She bought me a yellow sweater, sweat pants, a green sports jacket, and a red scarf. "To cover the scars on your neck" she told me when I asked what the scarf was for.
Then the up stairs door burst open.