Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Bittersweet Goodbye's ❯ Yugi In Trouble ( Chapter 3 )
Bittersweet Goodbye's
By: Lady Jade
Warnings: I don't own Yugioh. Damn. Anyways, I'm not making any profit off this, and my hat is off to all the talented ppl who worked so hard to make Yugioh successful. If you sue me, all you'll get are my student loans. Have fun This is Yaoi boys and Girls. Boy boy interaction. Explicit stuff. NO kiddies of ppl with heart conditions. Swim at your own risk
Please review. Note: All flames will be used to line the cat box. Don't waste your breath Please review. I get five reviews, you get another chapter. Works good for me, helps me get some feedback as a writer. Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy. This is my first attempt at a Yugioh yaoi, so bear with me ^_^
- Wataris_Girl
Yugi leapt from bed, realizing with the sounding of his alarm that he had not done any homework. Bounding from bed, however, caused a nasty coughing fit that must have really resounded because Yugi could feel Yami's sleepy mind voice.
//Aibou, are you well?//
/Peachy, going to be late if I don't take a shower./
//What? You shouldn't be in school, you are not well yet!//
/I have a paper to write Yami, if I don't turn it in TODAY sensei will wad me up and use me for a rugby ball…not cool! Not cool!/
//Don't panic Aibou, there's no need to, you should be in bed//
Yugi grabbed his uniform off the floor, noting it was still soaked, made a high speed dash to throw it in the drier while he stripped out of his pajama's and hopped nearly naked down the hall, breezing into the bathroom, he turned the water on as hot as it would go and jumped in.
/Yami, I'm far from dying here, and I really cant miss class today, as nice as it would be to sleep./
Yugi paused to cough hard from the steam in the shower. His head felt better, but the cough seemed to be worse. His voice wasn't to bad, or at least, since he had yet to actually speak aloud this morning, he could guess so because his throat felt much better. He figured that should be on the mend anyways. But bless Joey and Tristan. That medicine worked really good.
"YUGI" A familiar old voice rasped up the stairs. "You will be late!"
" COMING GRANDPA!" Yep. My throat feels MUCH better. Yugi thought as he sprinted down the hall to get his uniform from the drier. Another dash back to the bathroom and he toweled off at lightning speed and yanked his hair up into its usual pattern of garishly colored insanity, with enough hair gel to encapsulate the dark magician. He was still struggling into his shirt while his other hand held his backpack in a stranglehold when he stumbled into the kitchen.
//You are already late, why don't you go back to bed.//
//DON'T YOU YAMI ME! If you die, I swear I will never speak to you again//
//You know what I meant!//
/Sure thing Yami./
"Yugi, at LEAST have some toast to eat" The elder Mutou chided.
"Yes grandpa."
Yugi proceeded to nearly choke on the toast that he shoved all of in his mouth, chewed once, and swallowed.
//THAT was horrifying.//
/Yami, one of these days…/
//*Laughter* Ok, ok Aibou, no need to be testy.//
"Yugi, how many times have I told you to CHEW your food."
"I'm sorry grandpa."
" YUGI! There goes your bus!"
"Run boy! Run!"
Yugi threw his grandfather a happy-go-lucky smile as he waved goodbye and burst out the door of the game shop, the little bell making a furious "ding." As Yugi's now much larger bulk hit the crash bar.
"The door boy, the door, mind you don't…"
"…Break it."
Yugi had never been more grateful for free period in his life. He was up to his furious fingertips in the last paragraph on his world history essay when Tristan and Joey snuck into the computer lab.
"Yugi man, what the hell you doing here, you should be in bed or something shouldn't you?"
There was a sudden flash and Yami was suddenly beside Yugi in the empty lab.
"Hey Yami!" The dark spirit acknowledged the boys with a nod.
"That's exactly what I said, but you know he never listens to me." Yami growled. Tristan was clutching his heart and hanging onto the back of one of the classrooms dilapidated chairs.
"Gods Yami, you gave me a damn fit!"
The darker spirit chuckled apologetically before leaning over Yugi's shoulder, taking the opportunity to feel his Aibou's forehead, checking for sign of further fever, as well as try to read the first line of text that marked Yugi's topic. ((A/N: Poor Yami, its not easy to learn how to read Japanese in a big hurry))
Joey took a moment to mutter something to Tristan that made him blush. Tristan eyed the pair in front of the computer and nodded.
Yugi had to gently pull Yami's curious fingers away from the computer screen as he attempted to find the print icon, and with a tap, had the makings of his paper on the way. Breathing a sigh of relaxation, Yugi spun to face his friends and left Yami to molest the most vexing game of all, getting a computer to do something interesting.
"So what are you guys doing here?"
"Well, we heard from Tea who couldn't seem to get your attention in the hallways when she passed you that you were holed up in here working like a zombie, and that you looked sick."
Yugi chuckled.
"Poor Tea, I didn't mean to ignore her, I just had a distraction going on was all." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at his darker double, currently wrestling with something on Word.
"You escaped your study halls without any resistance?" Yugi looked intrigued.
"No sweat" Joey replied, "The discipline squad has given up on us, now their picking on the new freshman."
Yugi gave a big sigh of relief; he still didn't like it when Joey and Tristan got into trouble. He always felt responsible.
"Hey!" Tristan interjected, suddenly seeming very interested in what Yami was doing. "He discovered Wingdings!"
Everyone turned to look at a very perplexed looking Yami.
"Mou! I thought it was hieroglyphs…damn!"
There was a quiet bout of laughter, which was interrupted by a very cranky voice over the loudspeaker.
"Mutou, Yugi, Please report to the principals office at once. Mutou, Yugi, please report."
Yami startled, and Joey and Tristan went pale.
"What did you DO Yug'?" Joey whispered.
"I don't know, nothing that I know of."
"Man, people go in there and NEVER come back Yug', I can only imagine the horror."
"Well, IN that case, IF I AM going to DIE, could you turn this into my history sensei?" Yugi asked as he plopped his now finished and paper clipped *thanks to Yami* paper to Tristan.
"And I owe you guys a big thank you for taking care of me last night, apparently it's the last kindness I'll ever receive." Yugi gently motioned at Yami, who quickly disappeared back to his spirit room in a flash.
"Tell Bakura and Tea that I love them *melodramatic gasp* and know that you have all been the best and most loyal friends a guy can have and…"
"Get the hell outta here Yug' before they sick the discipline squad on you." Tristan cried.
Yugi flashed them a thumbs up as he bounced out the door, laughing so hard he made himself cough. And like a man walking the final mile, Yugi Mutou shuffled towards the door to the principals office, his show of bravado, just that. A show.
//Aibou, what did you DO?//
/I didn't do ANYTHING Yami./
//Are you sure?//
Yugi paused with his hand in mid air, about to knock on the solid red door that was marked in gleaming, metal letters "Principals office." When the door seemed to swing inward of its own accord.
"Mutou, come in please."
Some terrifying woman in a pair of orange stiletto heels, a tan business suit that's skirt was approximately six inches shorter than decent on a woman of her…caliber, and a hat that looked like it had some sort of small mammal nesting amongst pieces of fake plasticy fruits waved him to a chair just outside the actual "Inner sanctum" of the principals office.
"Have a seat dear, he'll be with you shortly… "
And then shut the door.
/Damn, there goes any chance of escape./
//I'm sure no one here will try to slaughter you.//
/Easy for you to say./ Yugi quipped as he attempted to sit still and not fiddle.
//I am quite protective of you Aibou, and I assure you I will not let anyone harm you.//
Yugi sent a mental sigh of relief to Yami, a sigh that said, if nothing else, he knew Yami was on his side.
Suddenly, the office door swung open and a tall man in a blue suit jacket breezed by Yugi with a sidelong glance, opening the principal's office door without so much as a knock, and then quickly shut it behind him.
/OH NO, Yami, that was the school counselor, I must be in REALLY deep shit now…oh god oh god/
//Breathe Aibou, there has to be a perfectly logical explanation for all this.//
Yugi shifted a little, he could hear voices, but not actual words, and he shifted in his chair. Then shifted again. And then fiddled with his tie. And then his buttons. Must…Not…Look Nervous…Nervous looks guilty…
He fiddled with his collar, tempted to undo the button, he was sweating with nerves. About the third time his hands made the circuit, tie, collar buttons…tie collar buttons, that the secretary, typing away at her desk with her neon orange acrylic nails no doubt typing out his doom…expulsion letter…detention slip…turned to look at him pityingly.
And then she went back to her work. And his heart bottomed out.
/Yami, I feel sick./
//Please don't Aibou. I'm about to join you in sympathy.//
/I didn't know you were a sympathy barfer Yami./
//With you, how can I NOT be? Your so uptight, I'M queasy.//
/Sorry Yami./
//It's ok.//
And then, slowly, like a horror movie. The door swung open.
"Mutou? Yugi?" A voice, gravely and slightly sinister grated out. "Please come in."
Yugi stood, trying not to wring his tie.
"Yes sir."
TBC: Review, I love to hear what ppl think. If your gonna flame however, remember what I said about the catbox.