Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ blind ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Disclaimer: I do not own Yugioh…although it would be fun ne?

Blind part 1
By Yami Girl

Ryou was walking home as slow as he could; he knew as soon as he got home Bakura would give him one of his 'lessons'. He had gone to Yugi's after school, and was there for almost three hours.

He sighed and went into his house. It was dark but he didn't bother turning on the lights. He went up to his room and dropped his book bag on the floor, and went to change. Just then the ring started glowing, and then Bakura was standing in front of him, his back facing the other.

Bakura walked over and closed the shades of the window. Ryou backed up to the wall as Bakura turned and started walking toward him. Bakura punched him hard in the face, making him fall to the floor. He then picked the boy up and threw him across the room. Ryou's head smashed into the window so hard it made the window crack a little.

"How many times to I have to say stay away from Yugi and his yami?!" Bakura picked the other boy up by the hair.

"I was bored so I went over to the game shop." Ryou whimpered as Bakura smiled at him.

"You were bored? Well let me end your boredom." Ryou's eyes widened as he saw Bakura take out a pocketknife.

"No!" Ryou screamed in pain as Bakura dug the knife into Ryou's skin, but that didn't make Bakura stop. It just made him push the knife further into Ryou's skin.

"Are you bored now, slave?" Bakura asked throwing Ryou into the wall again. Bakura walked over and slammed Ryou's head into the wall so hard and so many times when he was done there was a hole in the wall. Bakura dropped him to the floor, but Ryou was still sitting up, so he kicked him as hard as he could in the stomach. Ryou fell to the floor and curled up in a tight ball, passing out from the pain in his head.

"Weakling," Bakura said before he went back into the ring.


When Ryou woke up the next day he was still on the floor and lying in a pool of his own blood. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. His head was still hurting from when it hit the wall. He opened his eyes a little. 'It can't still be night, can it?' Ryou thought as he opened his eyes a little more. His eye shot wide open, and he tried to look around his room. He could hear bird singing out side his window, so he knew it was morning.

"No." Ryou whispered as he covered his face with his hands, and he cried softly. Hearing Ryou was awake, Bakura came out of the ring. He turned and saw Ryou crying.

"Stop your whining you weakling!" Bakura yelled at him, stepping closer and raised his hand to hit him. Bakura gasped when Ryou looked up at him. His eyes, usually sparkling and full of life, were now dull, and it was as if he was trying to find something to look at. The pupils had faded until they were almost white.

"Ryou your--"

"Blind." Ryou finished for his darker half. 'Did I do this? I-I wanted to toughen him up not make him blind!' Bakura thought as his had dropped to his side.

"Ryou." Bakura reached a hand out and gently touched his shoulder; his light scooted away from the touch, and started shaking.

"Please don't hit me." He said softly. He knew Bakura was really going to hit him now. His yami never liked weaklings or people that begged.

"I-I won't hit you." Bakura said stepping closer and kneeling down in front of him. Ryou thought it had to be a trick. He knew Bakura was going to hit him any second but he couldn't see to block it. 'He looks even more helpless now, then he did when I first met him.'

"Ryou I swear I won't hit you." He sat next to Ryou and put a hand around his shoulder. Ryou stiffened when he felt Bakura wrap an arm around him, but there was something different about the way his darker half was holding him. It felt almost gentle and safe. Ryou relaxed a little and leaned on his yami.

{So this is what it feels like to have a nice yami.} Ryou thought. But he didn't know that Bakura had been listening. Just then Ryou's stomach made itself known.

"Come on, let's go get you something to eat." Bakura helped Ryou stand, and guided him down the stairs to the kitchen.

While Ryou was eating, Bakura went to the bathroom and got the first aid kit for Ryou's arm. Bakura set the kit on the table. Just then to doorbell rang. Bakura looked at Ryou, then went to see who was at the door. It was Yugi.

"Hey Ryou, I thought we could walk to school together." Yugi smiled thinking that Bakura was Ryou.

"I'm not going to school." Bakura growled.

"Bakura!" Yugi stepped back. Just then the puzzle started to glow and then Yami was standing next to Yugi.

"Tomb robber. How did you escape the shadow realm?!" Yami yelled at him stepping in front if Yugi.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Bakura smiled at him. Bakura turned around when he heard some thing fall off the table behind him.

"Ryou! I told you to stay in the kitchen!" Bakura scolded.

"Sorry. I heard yelling and wanted to know what was happening."

"Its nothing." Bakura said, turning Ryou back to the kitchen. Ryou protested a little but finally listened and went back into the kitchen. Yami noticed the cut on Ryou's arm.

"What did you do to him?!" Yami asked angrily. Bakura turned back to face him.

"It's none of you concern." Bakura growled and walked over to close the door in Yami's and Yugi's face. But Yami held up his hand to stop the door.

"It is my concern! He's my friend and Yugi's!" Yami yelled at him.

"Fine! You want to know what's wrong with him!?" Bakura yelled back. "He can't _see_!" Yami and Yugi were in shock for a moment.

"He was fine yesterday!" Yami was getting madder by the second.

In the kitchen Ryou was listening to Yami and Bakura fight. He was scared that Yami would end up sending Bakura back to the Shadow Realm. Ryou didn't want that. Sure Bakura had been beating him up again. But after he came back from the Shadow Realm he had tried not to beat up on Ryou all that much. And last night he had just gone to far. And now Ryou felt like Bakura would do any thing for him. He covered his ears, as the yelling got louder. He was starting to get a headache from it. And his head still hurt from last night, witch wasn't helping at all. Yugi had snuck by Bakura and Yami; because they were so wrapped up in fighting with each other they didn't notice him.

"Ryou?" Yugi walked over to where he was sitting.

"Who's there?" Ryou asked.

"It's Yugi." He sat down next to Ryou. "What happened?" he asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it." Ryou covered his ears again when Bakura started screaming at Yami.

"You alright?" Yugi asked putting a hand on Ryou's arm.

"Yeah, I just got a headache." Yugi grabbed the first aid that was sitting on the table.

"Here, let me patch up your arm." Yugi looked at it. "You might need stitches for it." Ryou shook his head.

"It will be fine. I've had worse." Just then they heard the door slam shut, and Bakura came into the kitchen, followed by Yami. And nether one looked too happy.


[What!?] He snapped back mentally. Ryou sank in his char a little.

{Nothing…}Bakura walked over to Yugi and took the first aid from him and set to work patching up Ryou's arm. Yami stood by the doorway and watched him.

/Yami? What' wrong?/

//Nothings wrong aibou. I'm just worried about Ryou.//

/I am too./ Yugi looked back at Ryou. /That cut on his arm is pretty deep./ Bakura finished patching up Ryou's cut. He noticed that Ryou was looking a little pale.

[Ryou, are you feeling all right?] Ryou shook his head, and winced at the pain the movement caused.

"What's wrong?" Bakura put a hand on his shoulder.

"I just have a heada--" Before Ryou could finish his sentence he fainted. Bakura caught him before he could hit the floor.

"Ryou! Ryou wake up!" Bakura shook him.

"We should get him to the hospital. He might have a concussion " Yami said from in the doorway. Bakura growled but knew that the pharaoh was right. He picked Ryou up in his arms and headed out the door.


Well what do you think about the first chapter? What should I have happen next? I had to make it shorter then I wanted to cues I have writers block!! And it really sucks! So don't expect the next chapter any time soon. -_-'. Well if you have any ideas let me know! Ja!