Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Part 2

By Yami Kitsune

Yami, Yugi and Bakura brought Ryou to the hospital. One of the nurses took him from them, while another one asked what happened. "He hit his head really hard, and we think he has a concussion," Bakura said, leaving out the part that he was the one that he was the one who had pounded Ryou's head into the wall. She nodded. "Ok, we will tell you when you can see him." With that she walked off. Yugi sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Yami was still glaring at Bakura. "Ok Bakura, what really happened?" he finally asked. Bakura just ignored him. He was too wrapped up in his own thoughts to even hear him.
He was remembering when he had first met Ryou.

~*~*~Flash Back~*~*~

, I brought you back something," Ryou's father said as he opened his bag. His father had been in Egypt for the past month. He pulled out a golden ring from his bag and handed it to Ryou. "Wow! Is this really for me?!" Ryou asked, eyes going wide when he saw it. "Yes." His father smiled and handed it to him. Ryou immediately put it on. He gave his father a big hug and ran up to his room. He took the ring off and set it on his desk and just stared at it. Ryou had heard legends of the millennium items, and he was fascinated with the legend of the tomb robber who had gotten trapped in one of them.

An hour passed and he just stared at the ring like it was supposed to do something. He let out a huge yawn, and looked at his clock. "Wow
, 10:00PM! I didn't know it had gotten so late." He yawned again and got up to get ready for bed.

Ryou was fast asleep when the ring on his desk started glowing. A shadow
y figure stood over Ryou's sleeping form. "So you're the one who freed me." He smiled evilly. Ryou rolled over and opened his eyes a little. "Dad?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes. When he opened his eyes and looked up at the figure staring at him. "W-who are you?" Ryou asked. "I'm Bakura." Bakura didn't know what to make of the boy in front of him. Ryou gasped. "Bakura?! The tomb robber that was locked in one of the seven millennium items?!" Ryou was beyond surprised. He had always wished he could meet the tomb robber, but he never thought it would actually happen. Bakura just glared at him, then slapped him. Ryou fell onto the floor and just stared at him in shock. "Never call me Bakura, slave. And another thing. Never look me straight in the eyes!" he yelled and slapped Ryou again.

~*~*~End Flash Back~*~*~

That was how it all started. At first Bakura was just blowing off steam, but then he was beating Ryou to toughen him up, because Bakura thought he was too weak. And Bakura was worried that something bad might happen to him. And now here he was in the hospital because something did happen to him. But it was Bakura's fault and no one else's.

"Are you going to answer me, Bakura?!" Yami had his arms crossed over his chest and was still glaring at Bakura. Bur Bakura still didn't listen to him. He remembered back to earlier that morning when he had first realized that Ryou was blind.

~*~*~Flash Back, Bakura POV~*~*~

I was in my so
ul room when I heard that my hikari was awake. I came out of the ring, I turned around when I heard a small noise coming from him. He was crying again! I couldn't believe it.

"Stop your whining, you weakling!" I yelled at him. I stepped closer so I could hit him. I hate whining. Why does he have to do this when he knows I hate it? Ryou looked up at me. I gasped. His eyes... what had happened? Suddenly it hit me. He was-

"Ryou, your--"

"Blind," he finished for me. Normally I would hit him for it, but-- I couldn't. 'Did I do this? I wanted to toughen him up, not make him go blind!' I thought as my hand dropped to my side.

"Ryou." I reached out for him and gently touched his shoulder, only to have him scoot away from me. I noticed he started shaking.

"Pleas don't hit me." He pleaded. How could I have done this? He looked so helpless.

"I-- I wont hit you." Why the hell do I care?! If he had just listened to me in the first place this wouldn't have happened! I stepped closer to him and knelt down in front of him.

, I swear I won't hit you." I moved next to him and put an arm around his shoulder, and felt him stiffen under my touch. After a while he started to relax and he leaned against me. I opened our link to say something and I heard his thoughts. {So this is what it feels like to have a nice yami.} I closed the link.

~*~*~End Flash Back and POV~*~*~

Yami was starting to get impatient with the tomb robber.

"Answer me Bakura!" Yami yelled getting the attention of everyone who was in the waiting room.

"Yami, don't yell in the hospital!" Yugi berated. Yami just kept glaring at Bakura.

"Fine! You want to know what happened?!" Bakura yelled and sat down in one of the chairs and looked up at Yami. Yami sat down next to him. Every one in the waiting room had gotten back to what they were doing by now.

"I'm waiting. What did you do to him?" Yami asked again.

Bakura sighed, and told him every thing that happened. Half an hour latter the nurse came out. Bakura, Yami and Yugi stood up.

"How is Ryou doing?" Yugi asked anxiously. She smiled at him.

"He is doing fine." She looked at Bakura. "Are you his brother?"

He nodded. "Will he be alright?"

"Yes, he does have a mild concussion. You will be able to take him home tonight. But you will have to wake him up once every 1 to 2 hours." He nodded.

"What about his eyes?" Yami asked. She looked at the chart that she was carrying.

"Let me see. He hit his head hard enough to damage his eyesight. But is shouldn't be permanent. He will get his eyesight back sooner or later. That is if he doesn't have any more head injuries." Just then another nurse came out with Ryou, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

"Hear you are, sweetie." She said as she helped Ryou out of the wheelchair.

"Thank you," he said. Bakura walked over to him and took his hand.

"Bakura?" Ryou asked turning his face to him, and even though he didn't know he was doing it, he had locked eyes with Bakura. 'How can he do that?' Bakura thought to him self.

"Let's go home," Bakura said as he started toward the door. "Remember what I told you," the nurse said. Bakura nodded and left. Yami and Yugi followed him.


Back at the house, Bakura sat Ryou on the couch. Yugi looked at Yami.

"I think we should get home so grandpa doesn't worry." Yami nodded.

"We will be back in the morning, tomb robber." Yami glared at him and they left. Bakura sighed.

"Why the hell does he keep calling me 'tomb robber'? I have a name." Ryou chuckled a little at this.

{Talk about the pot calling the kettle black} Bakura glared at him even thou Ryou couldn't see.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, you never call him Yami, you always call him Pharaoh." Ryou smiled. Bakura just shrugged it off.

"What time is it?" Ryou asked. Bakura looked at the clock.

"Its almost 5."

"We were at the hospital that long?" Bakura walked over and sat next to Ryou.

"Want to got out for dinner?"

"I guess," Ryou said lowering his head.

"Something wrong?"

"Will ever be able to see again?" Bakura was expecting that question sooner or later.

"They said that it wasn't permanent." Bakura wrapped an arm around Ryou's shoulder.



"Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?" Ryou asked looking up at him, locking eyes again. Bakura looked away, he couldn't bear to look in to those sightless eyes, knowing that he was the one who had caused Ryou's blindness.

"Because I am. Unless you want me to beat the shit out of you…?" Bakura said, looking back at him. Ryou smiled and shook his head.

"It's just funny. You have been beating the shit out of me for years then as soon as something bad happens you do a 'U' turn." Bakura thought about this, and Ryou was right he did do a 'U' turn, and he couldn't explain why.

"Well, are we going to go out to eat or not?" Bakura changed the subject, and Ryou knew he did it on purpose, but he just ignored it.

"Yeah." Ryou stood up and felt his way over to the hallway. Bakura stood and followed him.


Ok chapter three ^_^ I hoped you liked it and thanks to my beta reader cabright@shaw.ca ^_^ Well next chapter coming soon ja ne!