Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Blind ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Part 3

By Yami Kitsune

Bakura led Ryou down the sidewalk until they came to the buffet. There were a couple of steps in front and Ryou tripped a little, but Bakura caught him before he could fall.

"You ok?" Ryou nodded and Bakura led him into the buffet. He looked around to see if he could find any empty seats. He didn't see any, but he saw two people that he knew sitting at one of the tables. He guided Ryou over to the table.

"I thought you said you were never coming in here again after what happened last time." Bakura smirked. Marik looked at him.

"I said I wouldn't ever come in here with you again. You're the one that put the ice cream on my head." He glared. Malik looked at Bakura and Ryou and smiled.

"Why don't you eat with us?" He asked. Bakura nodded and helped Ryou sit down next to Malik and he took the seat next to his hikari. Ryou kept his head lowered so his hair covered his face. He really didn't want to be here with Malik and Marik.

"Ryou are you ok?" Malik asked. Ryou slowly lifted his head. Malik gasped when he saw his eyes.

"Ryou... your eyes... What happened?" Ryou didn't answer. He knew Bakura was right next to him and didn't know what he would do. Sure, he knew Bakura had said that he had changed, but deep down Ryou still thought it was a cruel trick or something. Marik saw Ryou's eyes and started glaring. He knew what happened. He grabbed Bakura's arm and dragged him off, saying that 'they needed to talk-- ALONE'.

Marik dragged Bakura to the bathroom and pushed him in, closing and locking the door behind them.

"What the hell did you do to him?!" Marik was pissed. Actually he was beyond pissed. He knew Bakura didn't like having a weak hikari and that he beat the shit out of him, but making him go blind was just too much.

"I guess I hit his head against the wall a little too hard last night." Bakura said, a little to coolly for Marik's liking.

"You know, I have stood back and watched you beat the shit out of your hikari, and I didn't interfere because I understood how awful it would be to have a hikari that could barley stick up for himself. But this--"

"Listen, Marik. I didn't mean to make him go blind, ok? I was just really pissed and needed to take it out on someone." There was a knock at the door. Bakura moved out of the way so Marik could open it. It was Malik.

"What?" Marik asked.

"I just wanted to know what was going on."

"Nothing. I will tell you later." Bakura looked out the door.

"Where's Ryou?" Malik pointed somewhere behind himself.

"He's still at the table." Bakura nodded and went back to the table while Marik and Malik talked. As he left the bathroom, he saw about five guys surrounding Ryou. One of them had him by the front of his shirt.

"Come on, why don't you fight back?" He taunted, slapping his victim. Ryou just kept his head down. The guy let go of him and pushed him back into the others, three of whom grabbed his arms. The other one grabbed him by his hair, yanking his head back. Ryou's mouth opened in a silent scream. He opened his eyes and they darted around, trying to see something, anything.

The guy stepped forwarded and looked into Ryou's eyes. "What the hell happened to you weakling?" Ryou didn't answer. Bakura had had enough of this. He stopped forward and punched one of the guys. They let Ryou go and pushed him to the floor. Bakura punched two more guys before he turned to the one that had been first holding Ryou and glared at him.

"I suggest you get out of here. And if you ever touch my hikari again I will not think twice about killing you." The guy nodded, scrambling to his feet and out the door. Bakura turned back to Ryou, who was still on the floor, his eyes still darting back and forth, trying to find out what was going on.

He jumped when he felt some one put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok, Ryou. Its me." Bakura helped him up. Ryou was shaking. 'Oh no. What is he going to do to me?' he thought as he felt Bakura put an arm around him. Bakura frowned when he felt Ryou start to shake more. 'He is still scared of me,' he thought, looking attentively at him.

Malik and Marik had come out of the bathroom to find out what all the commotion was about. They saw that Bakura and Ryou had become the center of attention. "What happened?" Marik asked.

"Some one was just picking on Ryou." He nodded.

"Why don't you two come back to the apartment with us? We can get something to eat there." Bakura looked at Ryou, then back at them, and nodded.

When they got to the apartment, Bakura and Marik went into Marik's room to try to find a spell that could bring back Ryou's eyesight. Malik went into the kitchen and put in two TV dinners and then went into the living room and sat on the couch with Ryou.

"Hey, you want to-- listen to the radio?" He was about to suggest watching TV but caught himself in time. Ryou shrugged.

"Sure." Malik got up and went over turning on the radio then went back over and sat back down. Ryou listened as the next song came on.

Black eyes, I don't need 'em

Blue tears, gimme freedom

Positively never goin' back

I won't live where things are so out of whack

No more rollin' with the punches

No more usin' or abusin'

I'd rather die standing

Then live on my knees

Begging please-no more

Black eyes-I don't kneed em'

Blue tears-gimme freedom

Black eyes-all behind me

Blue tears'll never find me now

Definitely found my self-esteem

Finally-I'm forever free to dream

No more cryin' in the corner

No excuses-no more bruises

I'd rather die standing

Then live on my knees

Begging please-no more

Black eyes-I don't kneed em'

Blue tears-gimme freedom

Black eyes-all behind me

Blue tears'll never find me now

I'd rather die standing

Then live on my knees, begging please

Black eyes-I don't kneed em'

Blue tears-gimme freedom

Black eyes-all behind me

Blue tears'll never find me now

It's all behind me, they'll never find now

Find your self-esteem and be forever free to dream.

Ryou sat there on the couch with tears streaming down his cheeks. That song, it reminded him so much of when Bakura beat him. He tried to stop his tears but it was no use, they would not go away. He wiped his eyes but more just came. He felt the couch shift and heard Malik leave. He guessed he was going to see if Bakura and Marik had had any luck yet.

Ok third chapter done ^_^ what did you think? And yes thank you again to cabright@shaw.ca for beta reading this for me ^_^ next chapter coming soon Ja ne!